Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 393: Against Shi Cangsong

The disciple of the Mu family fell, and Chu Yan did not even make a move, but just took a few steps.

For a moment, the people who surrounded Chu Yan frowned and hesitated.

"We have many people, why should we be afraid of him? Could he be like Shi Cangsong, one against a hundred!" The disciple of the Emperor of Heaven roared.

However, at this time, Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked at the disciple, and the sword in his hand slashed directly. The disciple was immediately panicked and turned around to escape, but the sword energy did not give him a chance at all, and killed him from the air.

"Instigating others, but so vulnerable." Chu Yan shook his head and looked around: "Although I entered the Heavenly Monument, I don't know the entrance, and I haven't practiced inheritance. I advise you that if you want the Heavenly Monument, you might as well use your time to find it, and don't make wedding clothes for others. If you are trying to catch Chu's attention, the two of them will be the consequences."

After Chu Yan finished speaking, he turned and left. Everyone looked at Chu Yan's back and felt hesitant, but in the end no one attacked Chu Yan.

Because what Chu Yan said was right. Even if Chu Yan really got the Heavenly Stele, how would they divide it if they took it away by 100 people? Who could hold it firmly?

If he had that time, he might as well go to find the entrance to the Heavenly Stele. Comprehending the Heavenly Stele is the right way.

After Chu Yan left, he flew in the land of the Heavenly Stele to find Liu Qingcheng. He was not worried about the others. Mi'er was guarded by the 36 messengers of the Ghost Girl Palace. Li Xiaoyao's own strength was not weak. He was also a member of the Li family, so he would not be troubled by finding someone.

Although Fatty and Hua Zhixu had no power to protect them, they had good combat power. Ordinary ninth-level Venerables could not do anything to them. Even if they could not beat them, they could still run away. But Liu Qingcheng was different. She was here, and only he was.

Chu Yan flew quickly. When he met someone, he asked about it, but he had not heard any news about Liu Qingcheng, which made him even more anxious.

Just then, Chu Yan's face sank, and he stopped. A very terrifying breath came from in front of him.

"Shi Cangsong!" Chu Yan stared at the person in front of him and said in a deep voice.

Shi Cangsong came from the front and showed a hint of coldness when he saw Chu Yan: "I have no grudge against you, but in the past in the Tianhuang Sect, my brother was beaten by you, so you should cut off one of your arms."

"It's ridiculous. Your brother is not as skilled as others, but he wants to challenge me. The Tianhuang Sect is a witness. Now you want to retaliate privately?" Chu Yan said jokingly.

"In that case, I challenge you." Shi Cangsong took a step forward, and suddenly a piece of void dissipated, causing Chu Yan's body to sink suddenly, and he felt a very strong pressure.

Shi Cangsong is much stronger than Jiang Fan. Chu Yan even suspects that Shi Cangsong may have explored the emperor's power and stepped into the emperor realm half a step.

Chu Yan believes that with his current strength, he should be able to win a battle with Li Hong, but Shi Cangsong, he is definitely not an opponent. Thinking of this, he quickly retreated, performing the ghost step, and turned into a series of afterimages.

"Can you run away?" Shi Cangsong chased after him, his whole body petrified, like a stone monster.

"It's Shi Cangsong! He's fighting that Chu Yan!" The people around him exclaimed, and they all chased after him curiously.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed. The Shi family practiced the power of petrification. He had experienced it in the battle with Shi Canglong, but compared with Shi Cangsong, it was far worse.

Shi Cangsong could petrify himself and turn into a huge stone monster, indestructible and invincible.

The two of them passed through the Tianbei Realm very quickly, one in front and one behind. Chu Yan's divine ghost steps turned into countless afterimages, flashing in all directions, dazzling people. Shi Cangsong was not slow either, crushing all the way, and every step he took left a deep ditch on the ground, showing how powerful he was.

"Can you only run?" Shi Cangsong roared from behind.

Chu Yan turned around and took a look, and sneered: "You are a ninth-level venerable. I can still run away when you chase me. If you and I are at the same level, I want to kill you, and you won't even have a chance to run away."

"What a joke!" Shi Cangsong snorted coldly. At this time, the people around him also sneered and shook their heads at Chu Yan.

"That Chu Yan is ridiculous. He thought he was a genius, but in the end, he was just a stray dog." Someone else said.

But at this time, Chu Yan suddenly stopped near a cliff. A cold light flashed in his eyes. The next moment, he raised his palm, and his mental power surged out of his body, turning into a series of fierce fire dragons.

Chu Yan kept dancing with the sword under the cliff. In a blink of an eye, the three-foot green sword carved a superb fire-bathed dragon on the cliff. When this dragon appeared, it made a roar, which surprised many people.

Level 6, Fire Dragon Pattern Array!

Chu Yan had used a fire dragon array to kill the guardian of the Binghe Sect. Now, he is a sixth-level fire pattern master and has finally mastered the fire dragon array. He stared at Shi Cangsong as he fell down the cliff: "The fire dragon array can kill the Heavenly Lord. Shi Cangsong, do you want to die?"

Shi Cangsong chased here and stared at the fire dragon and frowned: "You are actually a fire pattern master?"

"Aren't you very arrogant? Go forward and try!" Chu Yan looked at Shi Cangsong ridiculously.

"The art of fire patterns is just an underhanded way. In the battle for the Heavenly Monument, you didn't dare to fight me with your strength, but now you are using fire patterns. Are you qualified to fight for the Heavenly Monument?"

"It's ridiculous. When you, Shi Cangsong, seized the Heavenly Monument, I, Chu Yan, was only 20 years old. Now you are a ninth-level venerable and I am a seventh-level venerable, but you dare not step forward. What are you proud of?" Chu Yan sneered, and the Fire Dragon Pattern Array was still whistling. If Shi Cangsong dared to step forward, he would not hesitate to blast with all his strength and kill Shi Cangsong.

Shi Cangsong also became heavy. He believed that the fire dragon pattern array could not kill him. After all, his realm could be the king among the gods, but he did not dare to take risks. If he was really seriously injured, he would not be able to kill him when he met Hu Qiong and others. , he is in danger.

"Chu Yan, if I don't kill you, how can I be willing to do so!" Shi Cangsong let out a low roar, and after hesitating again and again, he actually pressed down on the fire dragon pattern array.

"Hmph!" Chu Yan was not polite and activated the fire dragon pattern formation, which immediately transformed into a Nine Heavens Fire Dragon. Every pattern was so clear and it continued to suppress Shi Cangsong.

"Boom!" There was a violent collision, and the blood in Chu Yan's body boiled, causing him to quickly retreat and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Shi Cangsong's face didn't look good either. His petrified stones were burned and fell off piece by piece, which was shocking.

"What a strong collision!" Everyone exclaimed.

"You can't kill me. If you come forward again, I will use all my strength to activate the fire dragon pattern formation, and we will be destroyed!" Chu Yan said coldly, and bright red blood flowed out from under the stone seam of Shi Cangsong's left arm, making him even more manic: "Chu Yan, after the Heavenly Monument, I will make sure you die without a burial place!"

After saying that, Shi Cangsong turned around and left. Seeing this scene, everyone was secretly surprised. Shi Cangsong couldn't do anything to Chu Yan? Instead, he was seriously injured?

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and secretly sighed that Shi Cangsong was strong, but he still couldn't defeat him with his strength. It seemed that he needed to make a breakthrough quickly.

Chu Yan continued to look for Liu Qingcheng, but this time he spread his aura and deliberately avoided some strong opponents, such as Hu Qiong.

"Are you Chu Yan?" At this moment, a voice came from below.

Chu Yan looked down and saw a young man standing there. He was actually the disciple who introduced the rules of the Tianbei Mountain to him when he entered the Tianbei Mountain.

"Are you looking for your wife?" the disciple asked.

"Yeah!" Chu Yan said without concealing it, and the disciple laughed bitterly: "Then you have to hurry up, Li Hong, we found her."

"Whoa!" Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a deep chill: "In which direction?"

The disciple stretched out his hand, and Chu Yan nodded, cupped his hands in thanks, and then leaped away very quickly, but his heart was filled with anxiety. Li Hong and him were definitely enemies of life and death. If Qingcheng met him, Li Hong would never let him go. .


At this time, in a cliff in the Tianbei Realm, Liu Qingcheng was here, Mi'er was also there, Qiu Meng, Xuan Qing and other guardians all had beautiful eyes with solemn eyes, holding weapons and staring at Li Hong in the void.

"Younv Palace, today's matter has nothing to do with you, get out of here quickly, otherwise, I will kill them all!" Li Hong let out a low roar, holding a nine-foot long sword, and beside him, there were several Li A disciple of the family.

"Sister Qingcheng, don't be afraid, Brother Chu will find us soon." Mi'er held Liu Qingcheng's hand, and Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly.

"Li Hong, how can you say that you are also the last Sky Monument Master, don't you feel ashamed to attack a woman?" Xuan Qing, as a senior sister, snorted coldly.

"Chu Yan killed my brother. Today I will use this woman's life to get some interest back. Since the people from Younu Palace will not retreat, I think you will be buried with her." Li Hong shouted coldly, Then he ordered: "As long as Xuannv and Chu Yan's women are not killed, none of the others will be spared. I will strip these two women naked and make Chu Yan regret and know the price of provoking me."

Xuan Qing's pretty face turned cold, and she looked at Li Hong coldly: "Li Hong, if you dare to hurt my Palace Lady, You Lady Palace will definitely fight you to the death!"

"Hmph! In the Heavenly Monument, life and death are determined by destiny, so what if it is the Xuannv of Younu Palace?" Li Hong said bluntly, he came down with a knife, and then forced himself directly into the crowd.

At this time, the beautiful faces of the ladies in Younu Palace were cold and cold. As guardians, they were not weak in strength. However, it was a pity that the previous Sky Monument Masters in Younu Palace had already been crowned emperors. After all, they were the descendants. How could they Can you resist Li Hong's cruelty?

"I'll fight him!" Mi'er bit her silver teeth lightly and suddenly walked out. Then a cool chill rose in her body. The second level of ice bloodline, the sky was freezing and the ground was freezing.

"You don't overestimate your own capabilities!" Li Hong said coldly. He kept cutting off the ice with his blade, and gradually pressed in front of Mi'er. Mi'er couldn't help but let out a scream and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

Liu Qingcheng strolled out, but unfortunately she was too weak at the seventh level of the Venerable and could not shake Li Hong at all. Li Hong raised his hand and slapped Liu Qingcheng's delicate body, knocking Liu Qingcheng away.

"Xuan Nu! Miss Qingcheng!" Xuan Qing and others were extremely angry, but there was nothing they could do.

At this moment, a figure came violently from a distance. He was like a murderous god with icy eyes. He fell from the sky and caught Liu Qingcheng.

Come, Chu Yan.

When Xuan Qing and others saw him, they all breathed a deep sigh of relief: "Have you caught up?"

Looking at Chu Yan, Li Hong's smile became even more ferocious: "You came here to die. Unfortunately, you were not allowed to see your wife and the scene of Xuan Nu being humiliated. But it doesn't matter, in front of you, I guess, Will it make you angrier?"

"You really deserve to die."

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