Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 392: The Devil Descends

After confirming that the old man really left, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He was very nervous just now. The other party was at least an emperor. If he was really angry with him, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

"So this heavenly monument comes from above the galaxy? Could that be where my mother is?" Chu Yan looked at the demonic heavenly monument and couldn't help but wonder.

He already knew that the world was vast and hopeless. When Qin Ruomeng left, he only told her that she had gone to the brightest star in the sky, but he had no idea where that star was.

Chu Hanfeng once said that that place is the most dazzling place above the galaxy. Now that Chu Yan is getting closer, he can't help but feel a little excited.

"Let's understand the Heavenly Monument first!" Chu Yan is not a person who aims too high. The top priority right now is to understand the Heavenly Monument. Only by mastering the Heavenly Monument can he be able to seal the Heavenly Monument.

This Demonic Sky Monument is a closed place. Chu Yan walked to the mural and sat down. He sat there for several days.

During this period, he realized that the Heavenly Monument seemed to be integrated with the Heavenly Monument. His spiritual thoughts appeared in an extremely magical place, where there was an endless ocean. As far as the eye could see, there was no land.

Chu Yan was like a small boat, drifting aimlessly on the vast ocean. He didn't know where he came from and where he was going. It seemed that after many years, he saw so many things on this small boat.

The heaven and earth changed, the wilderness was opened up, and stars appeared one after another. After the birth of the stars, there were living beings, including humans and demons. At that time, people were kind and demons were docile, and they coexisted with each other.

Until one day, humans and monsters coexisted and created a huge heavenly palace. They began to practice. The talented people became kings, while the weak people could only stay at the lowest level. However, when there was differentiation, there was jealousy.

Chu Yan saw with his own eyes that in this huge heavenly palace, a disciple had evil thoughts. He asked the sect leader: Why are you the king, and why can't the king be me.

The sect leader is not happy either: because I am stronger.

The disciple suddenly laughed wildly, took out a halberd from his waist, and fought against the sect leader in the world. He wanted to prove that he was stronger.

The two of them fought for seven days. After seven days, the outcome was still undecided. However, the disciple was accused of being a traitor and was hunted by the Heavenly Palace. He escaped from the Heavenly Palace and was called a devil by the world.

Since then, there has been a theory of demonic cultivators in the world. Everyone in the world has heard that demonic cultivators are the greatest evil in the world and have killed countless people. The people in the Heavenly Palace have used this as an excuse to pursue and kill the disciple for hundreds of thousands of years.

There were even some cultivators who robbed and killed demon cultivators in the name of punishing rape and eradicating evil. Seeing that scene, Chu Yan was shocked. He saw with his own eyes that a family member of a demon cultivator who was far away was massacred. He returned to The family queen knelt down and cried bitterly while looking at the scene of a river of blood, vowing to kill countless people in the world.

The demonic cultivator was driven even crazier and killed countless human cultivators. Some of the human cultivators also died in vain. Children who were only a few years old lost their families. Those scenes shocked Chu Yan.

"What is the devil? Who is the devil!" Suddenly, an ancient voice penetrated Chu Yan's mind.

Chu Yan's tiger body was stunned for a while, and he was speechless. If it were the original situation, he would definitely be able to respond, but after seeing such a scene with his own eyes, he didn't know what a demon was.

"Is the devil evil? Does the devil deserve to die? What's wrong with the devil? Why should he be despised by the world?" The ancient voice seemed to be filled with strong resentment and roared in pain.

In this ethereal world, Chu Yan is extremely depressed. There are killings and plundering everywhere. How many people are really righteous? There are hypocrites in people, and there are good demons in demons.

In this vast sea, he saw a demon nun and an abandoned human cultivator under a huge boulder in the ruins. She had a kind heart and raised human cultivator. However, one day, she was discovered by the demon cultivator and the woman died in vain. , died in the massacre of countless trolls.

The man Xiu fled back to the human world, and he asked the human world to take him in. The funny thing is that no one in the human world believed him, saying he was a demon, and shot him to death with random arrows.

The moment Renxiu died, the energy and blood in Chu Yan's body were churning. He tried his best to roar, to break out of the barrier and stop everyone, but he couldn't do it and could only drift in the boat.

"Are you a human or a demon?" the ancient voice asked again.

Chu Yan was in so much pain that he didn't know whether he was a human or a demon. If he were a human, would he want to kill all the demon cultivators like other cultivators? If he were a demon, would he want to kill everyone in the world?

Chu Yan held his head. At this moment, the blood in his body boiled even more. After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes. The golden fire burned in his body, causing him to get up and stand on the boat. He suddenly felt calm. down.

At this moment, a warm wind suddenly blew gently around him. He looked straight ahead, no longer affected by the killings around him, and smiled lightly: "I understand!"

"You are so brazen. You say you understand, but you are also a human and a demon?"

"How can there be any humans and demons in this world?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "What are humans and demons? They are all living beings. All living beings in the world are born in the world. There is no distinction between humans and demons at all in this world."

"People are demons, demons are humans, people are in the heart, and demons are born from the heart." Chu Yan raised his head, and the golden blood in his body became clearer, flowing throughout his body, giving him a boost of strength. A kind of sublimation.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, a flash flood and a tsunami.

Everything around him suddenly collapsed, and the ocean disappeared. Everything seemed to be calm, and Chu Yan once again appeared in front of the Demonic Sky Monument.

"Has it been cracked? It turns out that this heavenly monument is here just to let people know what the devil is. Everything just now was an illusion. If the mind is not strong, it will be affected by it and produce inner demons. If it is really a devil, what will happen to it? I’m afraid this Heavenly Monument is no longer available.”

Chu Yan was thinking, and suddenly a mark of the Demonic Sky Monument appeared on his forehead.

"Buzz!" At this time, the audience on Tianbei Mountain were all surprised: "A sky tablet lit up. Could it be that someone has understood the sky tablet!"

"So fast...?" No one in the Sky Monument Realm could see it anymore, so they could only wait outside. Now a Sky Monument lit up, and many people began to guess who it was.

Some people speculated that it was Shi Cangsong. After all, he was too strong this year. One person could defeat hundreds of people, and he was invincible in the same situation.

Some people also guessed that it was Ji Huangji. In the past, the Emperor Sect was the first person to understand the Heavenly Monument.

In the realm of the Heavenly Monument, Chu Yan understood the Demonic Heavenly Monument, and a line of ancient text appeared in his mind. The text turned golden, like an ancient demon king, standing proudly and respected by all demons.

"Evil comes to the world!" Chu Yan was startled. This method is extremely powerful. As long as you practice it, all the vitality in the body will be converted into demonic energy. It can increase a person's power tenfold, turn into an evil demon, and be invincible in the world. But once he becomes a demon, he will be a demon forever. , and Chu Yan was slightly shocked that he could no longer become a human being.

"What a domineering technique! As long as you practice it, you can increase your power ten times, turn into an evil demon and come to the world, and become invincible?" Chu Yan couldn't help but be moved, how terrifying would it be with ten times the power? But after hesitating for a long time, Chu Yan finally sighed and stopped practicing.

He doesn't want to be a demon. Although he also said that there are no demons in the world, people are demons, and demons are humans, but the method of cultivation is different after all. Once he becomes a demon, he will practice demonism in his life and will eventually be alienated from his relatives around him. , endure loneliness.

He still has concerns, so he can't be possessed by the devil.

He shook his head sadly, but the skill remained. Perhaps he could give it to someone who was willing to practice it in the future.

After comprehending this demonic path, Chu Yan walked out of the sky monument and saw that here was a huge mountain reaching the sky, with flames burning all around, reaching up to the sky and down to the earth. It seemed that this was not a mountain, but more like a tree supporting the heaven and earth. The sky-holding stone monument is extremely spectacular.

"Where does this sky monument lead to? Is it the end of the sky?" Chu Yan guessed.

"Are you coming out of the sky monument?" Suddenly a voice came, and a figure from a distance came flying towards him.

Chu Yan looked at this man. He was wearing a pastoral gown and was a disciple of the pastoral family.

"Didn't you come out of the sky monument?" Chu Yan asked.

"Humph, of course not. The Heavenly Monument Realm is infinitely vast. It can reach the sky from above and enter the earth below. What is the Heavenly Monument? It means entering the Heavenly Monument Realm, looking for the entrance to the Heavenly Monument, and understanding the Heavenly Monument. It seems that you are lucky and have found a heavenly tablet. In that case, just hand it over!" The Mu family disciple sneered and approached Chu Yan.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that not everyone would be transferred to the Sky Monument. He was just lucky enough to be selected by the Demonic Sky Monument, while the rest were directly transported to the world of the Sky Monument.

"You are no match for me, get lost." Chu Yan said calmly. The disciple of the Mu family is at the ninth level, but his bloodline is only at the second level of perfection, not yet at the extreme level, and is far inferior to Jiang Fan.

"I know you defeated Jiang Fan, so no one will be your enemy." The Mu family disciple said with an evil smile, and then his voice suddenly became louder: "Someone walked out of the sky tablet and held a sky tablet."

As soon as the disciple said this, countless people immediately targeted Chu Yan, revealing a strong murderous intention.

"Did you seize the Heavenly Monument?" A disciple of the Emperor Sect flew over and looked down at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold, and the Mu family disciple said proudly: "Chu Yan, although your strength is extraordinary, you are only one person after all. There are nearly a hundred people here now. I advise you to hand over your understanding of the heavenly tablet, otherwise you will die!"

"You are really looking for death." Chu Yan didn't want to cause trouble. After all, he was worried about Liu Qingcheng, but this Mu family disciple attracted nearly a hundred people for him with just one word.

"Whoa!" Chu Yan suddenly turned around and met the Mu family disciple. As soon as he stepped forward, a sword blade suddenly condensed in the void. After taking seven consecutive steps, there were seven swords. Any one of them could be seen. It was extremely sharp and sent out sword chants one after another.

"Kill!" After Chu Yan finished speaking, seven swords were shot out. The Mu family disciple's eyes suddenly froze. The next moment, his throat felt slightly cold. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It was full of blood, which frightened him. He wanted to say Roar, but there is no chance at all.

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