Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 391 Above the Galaxy [3rd update]

"Silly girl, mine is yours." Chu Yan smiled and didn't care. So the battle for the Heavenly Stele depends on who can comprehend the Heavenly Stele, not who enters the Heavenly Stele world first.

Chu Yan plundered the Heavenly Stele all the way. At this time, Han Xu and Luan Zhiyi were also together. An elder of the Han family said with satisfaction: "Han Xu's combat power is not bad. His Heavenly Luck has reached more than seventy. It seems that he has the opportunity to get closer to the Heavenly Stele this year."

"Congratulations to the Han family, there is another Tianjiao." Many families in the Qinggu Star Region congratulated.

The head of the Han family also nodded proudly, but at this moment, his eyes condensed, and so did Han Xin next to him.

"Not good, Han Xu, it seems that he will run into that guy!" The Han family members were shocked. They saw Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng passing by on the other side of Han Xu. Anyone who met him had their Heavenly Luck taken away.

"Chu Yan!" Han Xu saw Chu Yan, his eyes flashed coldly. Before the Heavenly Monument, he always looked down on Chu Yan, but later he was crushed by Chu Yan all the way. Now that Chu Yan appeared in front of him, he immediately raised the desire to fight.

Of course, this was only because Han Xu was far away from the central area on the battlefield just now, and did not see Chu Yan and Jiang Fan fighting, otherwise he would not dare.

"Now, Li Xiaoyao is gone, right?" Han Xu's expression became more ferocious, revealing a hint of evil.

"Hand over Tianyun, get out by yourself, and I will spare the lives of the two of you." Chu Yan said calmly.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities!" Han Xu took a step forward, and then he crossed his hands, and a frost spear suddenly appeared on his chest, meeting Chu Yan's sword.

But at this moment, Chu Yan was also very calm. He held the ordinary sword and continued to move forward, as if he did not see Han Xu's attack, which made Han Xu smile even more proudly. He danced with his spear, forming a crazy demon halberd method.

However, at this time, Chu Yan also moved. He raised his hand, and the power of his soul radiated the ultimate brilliance, like an iron tower, crushing down mercilessly.

"Bang!" The flesh palm fell, and the frost spear broke instantly. Han Xu's eyes froze, and then he felt a terrible gravity in front of him, like a wave, surging down, and slammed on his forehead, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and fly backwards.

The next moment, Han Xu's luck turned into a ray of light and flew towards Chu Yan.

"So you are so weak." Chu Yan shook his head sadly, and then he glanced at Luan Zhiyi, too lazy to even make a move, holding Liu Qingcheng, and flew towards the Holy Gate of the Tianbei Realm.

Han Xu froze there alone, and Chu Yan's words kept echoing in his mind, so you are so weak.

"Puff!" Han Xu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and finally had no chance to participate in this Tianbei battle.

At this time, the battle of the Heavenly Monument has been more than halfway through. According to the rules of the Heavenly Monument in previous years, a total of 360 quasi-Heavenly Monuments will be produced on the Heavenly Monument Battle Stage. Now, more than 200 people have entered the Heavenly Monument Realm. The luck of the outside world is getting less and less, so the remaining people are working harder.

In front of the Holy Gate, Chu Yan stopped: "Once we enter the Heavenly Monument Realm, we will be teleported to different places. Be careful when the time comes. I will find you."

"Yes!" Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly.

"I'll watch you enter first." Chu Yan said, Liu Qingcheng stepped in first, and then he followed.

After entering the Holy Gate, Chu Yan only felt that the 100-foot Heavenly Movement behind him transformed into a stream of air to protect him, and then the space around him twisted, like a tunnel, and was teleported to an unknown place.

Chu Yan was shocked: "So the luck of the sky is a teleportation force?"

After a long time, the surrounding space was stable. Chu Yan looked around. This was a very dark space with no doors or windows. Candles were lit on the walls, and there was a huge mural in the center.

The painting showed a huge monster with a pair of bat wings on its back, covering the sky and the sun, and horns on its head, like a fierce demon.

"Is this the Demonic Heavenly Monument?" Chu Yan was stunned, and then a huge and magnificent voice suddenly came from the space, deafening, like the roar of an ancient demon: "Seventh level Venerable? Why, you are so weak, but you can enter my Demonic Heavenly Monument?"

"Who are you?" Chu Yan was stunned, and looked up, only to see that a gray-robed old man suddenly flew out of the mural, and the old man exuded a strong demonic aura: "A member of the Ancient Sect of the Demonic Path."

"Ancient Sect of the Demonic Path? Are you not from the Six Realms Galaxy?" Chu Yan was stunned, he had never heard of the existence of demon cultivators in the Six Realms Galaxy.

"Six Realms Galaxy? Of course not, it is interesting that a demon cultivator can appear in such a humble place like an ant." The old man laughed.

"Boy, since you have been chosen by my Demon Dao Heavenly Monument, are you willing to join my Demon Dao Ancient Sect? If you join, I will give you the Demon Dao Heavenly Monument and appoint you as an outer disciple of the Demon Dao Ancient Sect." The old man continued.

Chu Yan was speechless. Didn't he come to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument? How come it inexplicably became a disciple?

"Where does the Demon Dao Ancient Sect come from?" Chu Yan asked cautiously. Although he couldn't see through the cultivation of the old man in front of him, he was sure that the other party's strength must be strong, at least an emperor.

"Tongtian Star Sea." The old man explained: "The six-domain galaxy you mentioned is just a galaxy that connects the world. Tongtian Star Sea controls hundreds of galaxies, but the sea contains hundreds of rivers, and eventually they will return to the galaxy."

Chu Yan was shocked. Although he had long known that there were more terrifying existences in the six-domain galaxies, he didn't expect that a sea of ​​​​stars actually controlled hundreds of galaxies? The six-domain galaxy is just one of them?

"The sky and the sea of ​​stars all belong to Tianbei Mountain. Tianbei Mountain is the king of the sky and the sea of ​​stars. You keep your promise. Your so-called fight for the sky monument is just Tianbei Mountain recruiting disciples. If you can become a generation of sky monument masters, you will Those who are qualified to become an outer disciple of Tianbei Mountain and practice in Tianbei Mountain, of course, are only qualified to become an entry-level disciple." The old man said.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that he had known for a long time that the Sky Monument was not a thing from the Six Realms Galaxy, but why it suddenly came here? It turned out that a larger force was recruiting disciples.

It only shocked Chu Yan that it took the Six Domains Galaxy three years to produce sixteen Heavenly Monuments. Which Heavenly Monumentary was not a genius and unparalleled in the world?

But even so, in the eyes of Tianbei Mountain, is he only qualified to get started? Isn't this too harsh?

Chu Yan was speechless for a while, but he looked at the old man again: "What is the Ancient Demonic Sect?"

"There are sixteen channels under the Tianbei Mountain. Each channel controls a sky tablet and is placed among hundreds of galaxies to recruit disciples. It's a pity that there has not been a demon cultivator in your six-region galaxy for a hundred years. You are the only one. "

"I'm not a demon cultivator!" Chu Yan suddenly realized, then he shook his head again.

"Huh?" The old man frowned, then he probed Chu Yan, and his face became strange: "It's strange, there is no demon blood, demon soul, are you really not a demon cultivator? But it is impossible, the fate-gazing sky monument is absolutely impossible You made the wrong choice. If you are not a demon cultivator, you must be a demon cultivator. Why don't you abandon your cultivation and follow me to cultivate demons again. "

"..." Chu Yan felt ashamed for a while. This demonic cultivator is really overbearing. He is not a demonic cultivator, so he wants to abandon his cultivation and follow him to cultivate demonic cultivation again?

"Junior, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." Chu Yan cupped his hands and turned to leave.

"How dare you!" The old man's eyes flashed with displeasure, and then a force of intimidation suddenly came down, like a huge magic mountain crushing down, causing Chu Yan to fall to the ground, unable to move a single step.

Chu Yan cursed secretly in his heart, this old man is really unreasonable.

"I'm really lucky that I didn't become a disciple!" Chu Yan said while enduring the severe pain.

"Why?" The old man couldn't help but look at Chu Yan curiously.

"You want to accept me as your disciple, I should have the right to choose, right? If I don't become a disciple, you will try to insult me. With your character, if I become your disciple, I'm afraid I will go astray!"

"Hey, you little brat, how dare you say that I have insulted you?" The old man was so angry that he suddenly withdrew his intimidation and looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, please think clearly, in a low-level galaxy like yours, I shouldn't have It's all up to you to understand what comes forward, but because of your good talent, I am willing to teach you personally. As long as you agree, this Heavenly Monument will be yours immediately, and you will be able to understand the magic way of the Heavenly Monument. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You Thinking about it?”

"If I refuse, will the senior embarrass the junior?" Chu Yanhui stood up suddenly.

"No, if you don't bow, I will leave immediately, but you have to think clearly, without me, you will not be able to understand this demonic heavenly monument, and the other heavenly monuments may not be suitable for you. This is an opportunity that many people dream of. ." The old man narrowed his eyes and looked threatening.

"No!" Chu Yan said decisively. The old man's smiling face suddenly stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You...you..." The old man was so angry that he actually turned around and disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the place where the old man disappeared, Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew that the old man just had a spiritual thought, but even so, it was definitely not something he could deal with now. He was really worried that after he refused, the old man would be in trouble. Own.

But the next second, the space in front of Chu Yan rippled, and the old man appeared out of thin air again. He stared at Chu Yan and asked: "It's okay if you don't become a disciple. You participated in the battle for the sky monument. If you have a better future and join a dominant force, why would you refuse if I give you the opportunity?"

"Senior may have misunderstood. This junior has never known about the Heavenly Monument and the worship of the mountain gate. I participated in the battle for the Heavenly Monument just to become famous through this battle. Moreover, the Heavenly Monument will come here and attract people from all over the world to come here. Enlightenment, enlightenment depends on personal ability, but there is no compulsion to accept disciples, right?" Chu Yan said calmly: "And I don't think that without seniors, I would not be able to comprehend the heavenly monument. As the seniors said, people of all generations I came here to gain understanding through my own efforts. Although I dare not say that I have superior talents, I never underestimate myself. If others can do it, why can't I? "

"You...you...forget it!" The old man turned around and left again, disappearing out of thin air. But Chu Yan didn't know that even though the old man's spiritual thoughts were dissipated, his senses still remained, descending on Chu Yan. With Yan's current cultivation level, he should be unable to detect it.

"Hmph, let me see, without me, how can you comprehend the Heavenly Monument!"

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