Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 390 The Terrifying Stone Pine

The Tianbei battle arena attracted everyone's attention. An area in the center seemed to be separated, and others dared not enter it.

Chu Yan and Jiang Fan continued to strike with swords, and each strike seemed to be earth-shattering, making the people in the audience hold their breath.

At first, no one was optimistic about Chu Yan. Even though Chu Yan had extraordinary comprehension and entered the sixteenth level, so dazzling, his realm was still a little low. How could he compare with the first generation of Tianbei people?

But at this time, Chu Yan did it. He collided head-on with Jiang Fan and actually balanced a Tianbei person. After nearly a hundred moves, Jiang Fan still did not break Chu Yan.

"How did you become so strong?" Jiang Fan was shocked. It seemed that it was only a year since Chu Yan left the Ancient Demon Star Domain? At the beginning, he could kill Chu Yan with one palm, but now, he found that he could not do anything to Chu Yan.

"Jiang family, you are the last one!" Chu Yan said coldly, and his palm shook violently, and the sword storm was shattered and penetrated straight through. He held a sword and kept approaching Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's eyes flashed coldly. He wanted to take a step back, but at this moment, he found that he couldn't do it at all. Chu Yan strode towards him, and the whole person was like a giant sword, which made him not even have the courage to raise the sword.

"When I first went to the ancient demon, you were the one of the Heavenly Monument, high above, looking down on all living beings, as if everyone was an ant in your eyes, but today I know that you are so weak." Chu Yan sneered. He had fought with Li Hong. With his current strength, although he was sure to win, it would never be easy. But Jiang Fan was different. The last place in the last Heavenly Monument was simply ridiculous.

"You lost!" Chu Yan's sword fell, turned into a cold light, and stabbed Jiang Fan's chest fiercely.

"No!" Several elders from the Heavenly Demon Peak were angry and stood up, but there was nothing they could do. The emperor could not step on the battle stage at all.

"No!" Jiang Fan was also terrified. He watched the sword light expand in his eyes. He didn't even have the strength to resist. It suddenly penetrated his body, leaving a huge bloody hole in his chest.

Jiang Fan, fallen?

The battle for the Heavenly Monument had just begun, and he had not yet entered the Heavenly Monument Realm. But a Heavenly Monument person died just like that?

Everyone's eyes were fixed. The young man who was not the dominant force of any side, although he climbed the 16th stone platform, was still not favored by others, just because his realm was too low, but now, he showed terrible power.

"Beautiful!" Li Xiaoyao said excitedly on the side. Although he knew Chu Yan was very powerful, he still didn't dare to think about killing the Heavenly Monument.

After killing Jiang Fan, Chu Yan fell from the sky. The sword in his hand was still stained with blood. He looked at the other five Tianbei people: "Jiang Fan is dead. If you still want to fight, I will accompany you today. But at that time, I will definitely use a killing move. Even if you are Tianbei people, I am afraid you will consume a lot of energy. After entering the Tianbei realm, how confident are you in seizing the Tianbei?"

Everyone was silent and looked at Chu Yan coldly. No one expected that Chu Yan would be so strong and kill Jiang Fan directly.

Looking at the side, Li Xiaoyao, Ye Xun, Hua Zhixu and others also wanted to accompany him to the end, which made Hu Qiong and others look even colder.

If they want to fight, Hu Qiong and others have the confidence to defeat Chu Yan. They are all Tianbei people. Even if the opponent has more people, it will still be fine. But as Chu Yan said, in that case, they will consume a lot of energy. After entering the Tianbei realm, it will be difficult to comprehend the Tianbei.

Don't forget, it's not just them who are seizing the Tianbei. There are more than 100,000 people participating. It is inevitable that there will be some dark horses among them.

"Hmph, you're lucky. When I take the Heavenly Stele, it will be your death!" Hu Qiong snorted coldly, and finally turned and left, killing the other side of the crowd.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. It was not easy for him to fight with Jiang Fan. Although he won with thunderous means, he was also very exhausted. If he fought with other Heavenly Steles, it would be really dangerous. After all, the strength of the others was above Jiang Fan.

"Let's go too! Seize the luck and enter the Heavenly Stele!" Chu Yan said, and everyone nodded.

After the confrontation on this side was over, the real confrontation on the battlefield began. Hu Qiong and others returned to their respective forces and began to gather people. Those who could come to seize the Heavenly Stele were all strong men at the level of Venerable **. Even if the Heavenly Stele was strong, it would be very troublesome if they were besieged by everyone.

So Hu Qiong quickly returned to the Demon Mountain Gate, Li Hong returned to the Li family, and Mu Aotian returned to the Mu family.

Once the overlord forces gather, they will sweep everything like plunderers, leaving a mess wherever they pass. On the towering battle platform, the luck keeps rising, and in a blink of an eye, someone's luck exceeds fifty feet high, which is very eye-catching.

This battle platform is very large, and there is miasma inside, so the crowd is very scattered.

Chu Yan killed Jiang Fan, and his luck directly reached thirty-two feet. He and Liu Qingcheng walked in it, and he plundered anyone he met, but he did not kill them. After all, it was just a fight for the Heavenly Monument, and there was no need to take on a deadly feud. He would stop at the right time and let the other party admit defeat.

Shi Cangsong did not gather with the Shi family. He was always alone, walking in the miasma. At this time, a group of one hundred people suddenly met Shi Cangsong from the front. This one hundred people was a temporary team, including many evil disciples of the overlord forces.

"Give us all your luck!" Shi Cangsong stopped and looked up. He looked at the one hundred opponents. Alone, a strong fighting spirit appeared in his eyes?

"Is it Shi Cangsong?" The leader suddenly spoke.

"Shi Cangsong, even if you are the overlord, we have more than a hundred people, and everyone is a ninth-level Venerable. If we fight in turns, we can kill you by consumption. Why don't you get out of the way? We are not against each other?" A demon disciple of the Jiang family said in a deep voice.

"Since you have seized the destiny, how can we not seize it when we see it?" Shi Cangsong said calmly, which made more than a hundred disciples look depressed.

"Hmph! Arrogant, can you beat a hundred of us?" Everyone here is a genius, who is willing to be despised?

At this time, Ji Huangji looked at an old man of the Shi family in the audience and smiled: "Nephew Cangsong seems to be in trouble. A hundred people are besieging one person. Even if there is a gap in combat power, there is no advantage at all."

However, the Shi family laughed without worry: "Haha, whose trouble is it? It's too early now."

More people looked in the direction of Shi Cangsong. One fight against a hundred, this is a limit, right? Even if it is invincible at the same level, it is extremely difficult to gain an advantage with such a large number of people.

"Fight!" The hundred men suddenly roared, and suddenly someone took action, offering their souls, like a deep-sea beast, ruthlessly suppressing Shi Cangsong.

Shi Cangsong stood there, not moving at all, until the beast came, he raised his hand, suddenly clenched his palm, and the beast was suddenly caught by a blue dragon force? Strangling the throat, exerting force violently, the beast exploded.

"Ah!" The disciple screamed, his soul was broken, and he was also useless.

"Really weak." Shi Cangsong said contemptuously, now Ji Longyu is crowned emperor, he is the second in the last Tianbei, in this Tianbei competition, he is the first.

In a moment, one person was killed in seconds? The team of one hundred people was a little guilty, and no one took action for a while.

But they did not move, but Shi Cangsong moved. He took a step and rushed directly into the crowd, like a killing machine, slaughtering as much as he wanted, one move, no matter who it was, could not block Shi Cangsong's move.

Shi Cangsong rushed into the sheepfold like a wolf, and the 100 people were killed instantly, turning into a pile of corpses, which was shocking.

"So strong!" Everyone showed an amazed look.

"After three years of humiliation, Shi Cangsong is heading for the first place in the Heavenly Tablet this year!" Someone said with certainty.

After Ji Longyu, Shi Cangsong should have been the first. Now he has shown his strong strength again, defeating a team of 100 people alone, stunning the audience.

Chu Yan was also watching from the side, his eyes slightly condensed: "His strength is so strong, whether it is blood, soul, body, or vitality, they have all reached the limit of the Venerable. As long as he takes one more step, he will be an Emperor."

"I have fought with Mu Aotian before. He ranks fifth in the Heavenly Tablet, but his strength is definitely not as good as Shi Cangsong. It seems that there is a huge gap between the top one in the Heavenly Tablet competition."

In the path of cultivation, the realm is the foundation, and then it branches out, and the blessing of the body, soul, blood, skills, martial arts, etc.

All powers complement each other and are restricted by each other. For example, the soul can only be forged when a major realm is broken through, so it is impossible to create a fourth soul without entering the emperor. The same is true for blood. The second realm is the limit of the Venerable.

Obviously, Shi Cangsong's strength has reached the limit of the Venerable. It is no exaggeration to say that he is invincible among the Venerables, unless someone's soul and bloodline are stronger than him. As for the realm, no one can be stronger than him.

"Shi Cangsong, a hundred feet of luck! He can already enter the Tianbei realm."

After killing a hundred people, Shi Cangsong's luck skyrocketed, breaking through the clouds, and shining with the Holy Gate.

Shi Cangsong, once again took off in a strong posture, stepped into the Tianbei Holy Gate, and became the first person to enter the Tianbei realm this year.

"Hu Qiong's luck is enough!" After Shi Cangsong, Hu Qiong also stepped into the Tianbei realm, followed by Cao Yu, Mu Aotian, Duanhen, and Li Hong, all accumulated enough luck of a hundred feet and entered the Tianbei realm.

The next one is Lin Daoyan, the seventh person to enter the gate of the Heavenly Monument after becoming the Heavenly Monument.

"Someone once said that the order of entering the Heavenly Monument represents the ranking of this Heavenly Monument."

"From this point of view, it seems to be true."

"Then Chu Yan seems to be a little slow."

"No, look at Chu Yan carefully!" Everyone stared, and saw that Chu Yan's luck was already very high, and he also plundered a lot of luck, but he did not step into the Heavenly Monument for a long time, but instead continuously transformed his luck and shared it with Liu Qingcheng, which surprised everyone.

"I'm sorry for delaying you! If I had known, I would not have come to participate." Liu Qingcheng blamed herself. The realm of the people here is the ninth level of the Venerable, and she is the seventh level. Although her combat power is not as good as Chu Yan, it is difficult to seize the luck, so Chu Yan shared his luck with Liu Qingcheng.

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