Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 389: Heavenly Monument Battle Platform

"The fifteenth floor?" At this time, there was silence inside and outside Tianbei Mountain. All eyes fell on the young man.

He stepped on a place that no one had ever stepped on before, and everyone was paying attention.

"Haha, Ji Wufeng, do you think it's funny now? The fourteenth floor is also divided into high and low levels. It's a pity that Chu Yan's end point is not on the fourteenth floor at all. He has gone further than you." Li Xiaoyao laughed proudly.

Ji Wufeng and Su Bei's faces were stiff. Even they couldn't step on the fifteenth floor.

As for the Han family, they were all frozen at this time. Han Xin's face was as pale as paper, and his soul was absent.

On the stone platform of the fifteenth floor, a strong light was added, and Chu Yan's luck behind him became more dazzling.

"Humph, even if he stepped on the fifteenth floor, what does it matter? After all, he is a seventh-level Venerable. After entering Tianbei, his luck is mine." Ji Wufeng snorted coldly.

On the distant Yunlou, the overlords of all parties looked at Chu Yan and were also full of shock. Has anyone really stepped on that place?

Ji Huangji suddenly said to Gu Lao: "Have you found out the origin of this person?"

"Replying to the Emperor, he is now the King of the World. It is said that he has inherited the legacy of Lord Zhentian and is the chosen one." Gu Lao said truthfully. With the power of the Emperor Sect, it would be easy to investigate Chu Yan.

"Lord Zhentian is really haunting." Ji Huangji snorted coldly, and then he looked at Chu Yan again, but did not speak.

After all, he is the Emperor of the Region and the Great Lord. He will never embarrass Chu Yan in front of everyone. In his opinion, even if Chu Yan is really the chosen one, he is too weak now and is not worth his attention. If he has good talent, he will find an opportunity to kill him in the future.

"Keep an eye on him!" Ji Huangji said, and then stopped talking.

"Another person has stepped onto the fifteenth floor!" But at this moment, someone suddenly said in surprise. The originally unique fifteenth floor was suddenly stepped onto by a young man in red.

"Four Directions God, Lin Daoyan!" Everyone was shocked.

"Daoyan!" Qingyin stood up excitedly in the Cloud Tower of the Four Gods.

Including some elders, they were all shocked at this time.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"It is said that he is from the Four Gods, so strong."

Chu Yan looked at Lin Daoyan, but he was not so shocked. When he was in the mortal world, Lin Daoyan was extremely outstanding and talented. Now he has entered the Eastern Altar. Once he encounters wind and clouds, he will turn into a dragon. It is not surprising that he can comprehend fifteen heavenly tablets.

"This should not be your limit, right?" Lin Daoyan looked at Chu Yan and said lightly.

Chu Yan smiled without saying anything, and Lin Daoyan suddenly realized: "I have comprehended fifteen, and the remaining one is Buddhism, which is not suitable for me. I gave up. Don't die so early in the battle for the heavenly tablet. My opponent is only you!"

"Okay!" Chu Yan agreed readily.

Li Hong, Cao Yu, Hu Qiong, Duanhen, Jiang Fan, Shi Canglong, Mu Aotian. The seven heavenly tablet holders of the previous session are now standing on the sixteenth floor.

"I didn't expect you to be able to reach the 15th floor. But even so, you are still not as good as me!" Li Hong said contemptuously.

"How am I not as good as you?" Chu Yan looked at Li Hong.

"Because, I am standing on the 16th floor."

"Which floor did you stand on when you participated in the last Tianbei competition?" Chu Yan asked, which made Li Hong's eyes cold and speechless.

In the last Tianbei competition, Li Hong participated in the Tianbei for the first time, and he only stood on the 13th floor. This year, he was able to stand on the 16th floor only because he comprehended the Tianbei and brought 16 fortunes.

"And how do you know that I can't go to the 16th floor?"

Li Hong's eyes condensed: "It's impossible. If you are not a Tianbei person who participates in the Tianbei for the first time, you will never be able to step on the 16th floor. Here, only Tianbei people can stand!"

"I didn't know it before, but now, if you can stand there, I can!" Chu Yan's white clothes fluttered, he moved, raised his feet, and stood up again, heading towards the 16th floor.

Everyone's eyes froze, staring at Chu Yan: "What is Chu Yan going to do?"

"He's going to the sixteenth floor...!"

"Oh my goodness..." Li Xiaoyao stood up at the fourteenth floor, his eyes shining. He had long guessed that Chu Yan might have comprehended the fifteen Heavenly Steles, but he dared not think about the sixteenth floor.

Because the sixteenth floor is just as Li Hong said, only the contemporary Heavenly Stele masters can go up there. Unless you comprehend the Heavenly Stele, how can you enter it?

Everyone stared at Chu Yan intently, and some people even secretly expected that the light curtain would attack and kill Chu Yan, but it didn't.

The red sun light of the sixteenth floor suddenly spread out a sacred door when Chu Yan took a step forward. Chu Yan stepped lightly and easily stepped into the sixteenth floor.

The sixteenth floor!

Chu Yan did it. He participated in the battle for the Heavenly Stele for the first time, but he stood in the same place as the contemporary Heavenly Stele masters.

He said to Li Hong: If you can stand there, I can!

At this moment, even the dominant forces couldn't help but stand up. Mi'er was below, showing a brilliant smile: "Brother Chu, you did it."

"Break the record again." Zi Yan said happily from the inside out.

"He is still so dazzling, it was when he was in the mortal world, and it is still the same now in the six-domain galaxy." Mu Bai smiled bitterly.

On Tianbei Mountain, everyone was thrilling. It was only the first item, the battle of sixteen lucks, and it was so exciting this year.

Chu Yan stepped into the sixteenth floor and stood at the highest place, but few people knew him. He was not arrogant and found a place to stand and wait for the next test.

"This year is really exciting. Li family, that little kid, is he the one who went to your family a while ago?" An old man from the Jiang family suddenly laughed and said, "This kid is extraordinary."

Li Hongwei smiled bitterly. Chu Yan had been on good terms with his Li family, but now, he didn't know.

An hour later, the level distribution was clear. Millions of people came here to participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument, but more than 90% were directly eliminated, leaving only a few hundred thousand people.

But even so, the number is still very large, so the next one will be more cruel and difficult.

All participants will face a battle of luck. At this time, sixteen stone platforms suddenly rose into the sky and eventually turned into a huge decisive battle platform. There was a huge holy gate in the direction opposite the battle platform.

The holy gate was facing the Heavenly Monument Mountain, and sixteen phantom heavenly monuments appeared faintly, which was extremely sacred.

"The second item is to open the Heavenly Stele and seize the Heavenly Luck. When the Heavenly Luck reaches a height of 100 feet, you can enter the Heavenly Stele Mountain, look for the Heavenly Stele, comprehend the Dao, and be recognized by the Heavenly Stele to be the one who seals the Heavenly Stele!" Ji Huangji said calmly.

"It is indeed a chaotic battle!" Chu Yan was ashamed. The battle for the Heavenly Stele was really violent.

At this time, Chu Yan raised his head. Behind him, there was a 16-foot-high Heavenly Luck rising into the air. Hu Qiong, Jiang Fan, Duan Hen and others were also 16 feet high. Lin Daoyan was 15 feet high. In other words, a Heavenly Luck is considered 10 feet high. If you want to reach 100 feet, you need to plunder it.

"Chu Yan!" This is what Li Xiaoyao shouted suddenly.

Chu Yan suddenly felt a strong chill, which made him frown and retreat suddenly.

"Chu Yan, you asked for this. Since you can reach the 16th floor, I want your Heavenly Luck!" Jiang Fan was closest to Chu Yan. He took a step forward and turned his hand into a palm, pressing towards Chu Yan's chest.

Facing Jiang Fan, Chu Yan was not panicked. He used his magical steps to distance himself from Jiang Fan and took out an ordinary sword.

"You destroyed my Jiang family. Today is the day you die!" Jiang Fan chased him relentlessly. If it was just Jiang Fan, Chu Yan would not be afraid. He had fought with Li Hong, and Li Hong's ranking was much higher than Jiang Fan, but there were more than just Jiang Fan around.

The seven Tianbei people, except Duanhen, revealed their murderous intentions towards him.

"Six Tianbei people are going to attack Chu Yan at the same time!" In the audience, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chu Yan glanced at Li Hong, Hu Qiong, Cao Yu, Shi Canglong, Mu Aotian, and they were all approaching him.

"Brother Chu!" After the stone platform was merged, there was no level limit, and the fat man turned into a huge black bloody mouth to swallow.

"Chu Yan!" Ye Xun, Wang Feng, Li Xiaoyao and others also rushed over, forming a small team, and kept moving towards Chu.

On the stage, two teams formed at once, one for Chu Yan and the other for the Heavenly Monument. The two teams directly occupied the most eye-catching place on the stage, and the others did not dare to approach.

"It was so intense at the beginning." Someone in the audience said, "It seems that six of the seven Heavenly Monument players want Chu Yan dead."

"Of course, Chu Yan killed Hu Qiong and Li Hong's younger brother. It is said that he also destroyed Jiang Fan's family in the Ancient Demon Star Domain. People from the Shi and Mu families also died at Chu Yan's hands. Now that they meet in the Heavenly Monument, how could they let Chu Yan go?" said an insider.

"Then Chu Yan is in danger. If six Heavenly Monuments kill him, he will have a hard time." Someone said with regret. Chu Yan's performance today was too outstanding, surpassing everyone before. He was the only person who stepped onto the sixteenth floor and took the Heavenly Monument for the first time. Could it be that he was going to die like this?

"I said, I will kill you sooner or later!" Hu Qiong said with red eyes.

Chu Yan glanced at Hu Qiong and did not respond. Instead, he looked around at everyone around him: "Now the second item of the battle for the Heavenly Monument is here. The Heavenly Monument is imminent. Seizing the Qi and Luck is the top priority. Are you sure you want to start a war here?"

"Killing you is also seizing Qi and Luck." Jiang Fan growled and took another step forward. In terms of hatred, his hatred with Chu Yan is definitely the deepest, the hatred of exterminating the clan, so he did not hesitate, swung the long sword in his hand, and immediately slashed at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and at this moment he no longer hesitated, holding the sword and meeting it.

"Bang!" Chu Yan and Jiang Fan collided immediately, and afterimages flew out from under his feet. Each afterimage turned into a sword edge. The sword followed his heart, and the sword fell when his heart moved.

Jiang Fan was also very strong. His swordsmanship was like a ghost. The sky was full of afterimages, forming a storm of sword blades in front of his chest, and the whistling sound was extremely harsh.

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