Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 388 No one has ever set foot on this place [Three more chapters]

"You admit it?" Chu Yan suddenly paused with interest, looking at Han Xu with a hint of sarcasm.

"Aren't you doing all this to prove yourself and make me admit you?" Han Xu was stunned. He always thought that when Tianshan was first opened, it was his words that stimulated Chu Yan, and everything Chu Yan did was to vent his anger on him.

"You think too highly of yourself." Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. This time, his target was the Tianbei people, and his opponents were Hu Qiong, Li Hong, Cao Yu and others. As for Han Xu, he never took him seriously from beginning to end, because in his opinion, Han Xu was not even worthy of being his opponent.

After speaking, Chu Yan took a step forward. The twelve-layer light curtain did not emit murderous intent, but suddenly dispersed, forming a door that attracted everyone's attention. Chu Yan walked through it like this.

Everyone was stunned. He walked up to the twelfth stone platform. Not only him, but also the people around him stepped over.

"Ignorance, the eleventh floor is your limit, but you don't know that it is just the beginning for others. Who is the lowly person?"

Hua Zhixu sneered and stepped into the twelfth stone platform, leaving Han Xu alone with a stiff face. The pride of stepping into the eleventh floor was gone, and it was like being slapped in the face.

Han Xu blushed, he was still unconvinced, looking coldly at Chu Yan and his group, he wanted to see how far Chu Yan could go.

After passing through the twelfth floor, the group still did not stop, and continued to step into the thirteenth floor at the same time, even Liu Qingcheng, the woman who she mocked for being somewhat beautiful, but born in a humble place, and with ridiculous talents, was better than herself.

Han Xin was outside the Tianbei Mountain, watching this scene with a gloomy face. She did not participate in the Tianbei battle, but outside, she could clearly see that the person she called lowly surpassed Luan Zhiyi and Han Xu.

Zi Yan was standing by, her heart also beating, she was very excited, this is the Emperor Star Region, the most dazzling place in the Six Regions Galaxy, even though she had guessed that Chu Yan would be good, but this scene was too shocking.

"He has reached another high platform, the thirteenth floor." Zi Yan smiled brilliantly, looking at Han Xin: "You once said that there are geniuses in that position, as long as you go there, you will be a dragon among men, now Han Xu has not arrived, but my junior brother, he has arrived!"

Han Xin's face flushed and she couldn't speak, after a long time, she snorted coldly: "So what?"

"So what? Haha, you laugh at my junior brother for being lucky and consolidating the overlord power, but didn't you see it? Now on the thirteenth floor, Jiang Tianwen and the others have stopped, but my junior brother hasn't, he is still walking towards a higher place, the lowly person you mentioned is now walking towards the legendary place you long for." Zi Yan sneered, very happy.

Outside Tianbei Mountain, the hegemonic forces of all parties also became serious at this time. The first ten levels were not worth their attention, but after the tenth level, they were demon disciples. Generally, the disciples of the hegemonic forces would be after the tenth level.

The thirteenth level was another watershed. Every level above was extremely eye-catching.

"The thirteenth level, in previous years, there were only three or five people at this position. This year, it seems a little unexpected that there are still more than a dozen people left?" Outside Tianshan, the people of the hegemonic forces exclaimed: "The first time to seize the Tianbei, it has reached the thirteenth level, which is a very good result."

"Indeed, it seems that this year's Tianbei competition will be more exciting than before." An old man from the Jiang family smiled and looked at Jiang Tianwen, quite satisfied.

At this time, on the Tianbei stone platform, the thirteenth level, those who can stand here prove that they have comprehended the residual power of thirteen pieces of Tianbei. They stand out from millions of people and will definitely be eye-catching people.

"If you go up, I can't accompany you, but I will be here, watching you all the time!" Liu Qingcheng said with a bitter smile. The thirteenth floor was her limit. She could only stay here and could not go up any further.

"Sister Qingcheng, I will accompany you. Brother Chu, I will also keep watching you. You have to work hard." Mi'er also smiled. The thirteenth floor was also her limit.

Chu Yan smiled and nodded, kissed Liu Qingcheng on the forehead, and then he looked around. The people left on the thirteenth floor were almost all familiar faces.

Li Xiaoyao, Jiang Tianwen, Lin Daoyan, Hua Zhixu, Liu Qingcheng, Mi'er, Fatty, Ye Xun, Wangfeng, Ji Wufeng, and one more person from the Shi family, and a sword cultivator, who should be Su Bei from the Tianhuang Sect, and a woman, who Chu Yan had seen at the Tianhuang Sect's banquet, Su Tong from the Xuannv Sect.

There were still more than a dozen people left on the thirteenth floor, and as for those who could go one step further, there were very few.

Lin Daoyan was also there. In the Four Directions Temple, there were three people on this level this year. Ye Xun, Wang Feng, and Lin Daoyan surprised many forces.

"Can we continue?" Lin Daoyan looked at Chu Yan, who smiled casually and stepped into the fourteenth level.

Lin Daoyan was not polite and stepped into the fourteenth level. However, the fourteenth level was a watershed after all, blocking too many people. Not many people entered, only seven people: Chu Yan, Fatty, Ye Xun, Li Xiaoyao, Lin Daoyan, Su Bei, and Ji Wufeng.

These seven people finally entered the fourteenth level. This level was the limit, and many people finally stopped, but even so, they were still dazzling, even not inferior to the several Tianbei people on the sixteenth level.

Because they reached this level by relying on their own understanding, but surprisingly, there were two people on the fourteenth level who did not belong to the overlord force, which had never happened in previous years.

"That fat man is really interesting. He is not very advanced, but he actually reached the fourteenth floor." Someone laughed outside.

"Well, the same goes for Chu Yan, a seventh-level venerable who has actually stepped onto the fourteenth level. This has never happened before."

At this time, many people from the overlord forces looked ugly. On the fourteenth floor, many overlord forces were gone. The Mu family, Li family, Tianyao Peak, Yaoshanmen, Meteorite Pavilion, and the two female sects , now no one is standing there.

Li Hongwei laughed loudly and said: "Xiaoyao may not be as good as Su Bei or Wufeng Xianye, but at least we have stepped onto the fourteenth floor. On the contrary, the Mu family has no one on the thirteenth floor, which makes me laugh!"

The old man of the Mu family had a gloomy face, very livid, and he was also extremely angry.

Of course, the Mu family is not to blame. Even in previous years, there were only one or two people standing on the fourteenth floor, most of them from the Emperor Sect, but this year, there were actually seven people standing on the fourteenth floor.

"Four Gods, you have produced a very remarkable person this year, congratulations." The Shi family said with a smile. Originally, the Four Gods were ranked at the bottom among the overlord forces, and almost no one took them seriously. Even in the battle for the Heavenly Monument, there were two sessions without anyone. To seize a heavenly monument, this year, three people entered the thirteenth floor and two entered the fourteenth floor.

In the Sifang Temple, an elder at the altar was very proud: "Haha, you're welcome, good luck!"

"When you have time, you can bring that little friend to my Shi family as a guest." The Shi family smiled and lowered their posture a little. The talent of a force's offspring is the future of this force. Now the gods of the four directions cannot In contempt.

"Emperor, Wu Feng and Su Bei have not disappointed everyone's expectations and have reached the fourteenth floor." Gu Gu said with a smile.

It was also the first time for Ji Wufeng and Su Bei to participate in the Sky Monument. Stepping onto the fourteenth level showed their high talents.

"It's over, it's over!" After reaching the fourteenth floor, Li Xiaoyao reached his limit and showed a proud smile. Because he stood so high, looking down, he had the feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance, which made him very excited. Longing.

The fat man sat down on the stone platform. The brilliance of this place was nearly ten feet high, showing purple-red luck, which was very extraordinary. Then he looked in the direction of Younu Palace, showing a very unsatisfied look, as if to say, There's no shame in being fat, right?

Qiu Meng stood in the crowd, smiling brightly, with a few tears shining, and she was very proud.

Ye Xun also reached his limit. On the fourteenth floor, he looked at Chu Yan and smiled happily. He didn't know how long he had worked hard for this day. A young man with no talent and no background changed his destiny against the will of heaven and stood on the sixth floor. The glory of the domain is only because of the promise made by the young man that year.

Both Su Bei and Ji Wufeng reached their limits. Ji Wufeng raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, as did Su Bei. Chu Yan was practicing Candle Burning Heart in the Emperor Sect, which disturbed him. He sent people to expel him, but he was unexpectedly killed. Chu Yan was seriously injured.

"I didn't expect you to reach this point. It's interesting. But even if we are on the fourteenth floor, there are high and low. You rejected me in the eternal jungle. In the sky monument, I will let you know that you missed it. What?" Ji Wufeng said proudly.

"If you hurt my people, you will also have to pay the price." Su Bei said coldly.

Chu Yan looked at the two of them strangely, feeling ridiculous. Then he ignored them and looked at Li Xiaoyao and others: "Then you can stay."

"Huh?" As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled. Li Xiaoyao was also stunned for a while. Chu Yan asked them to stay. Could it be that he really understood the fifteen paths of luck? Can we continue to go up?

The fifteenth high platform?

No one has ever set foot on that level, unless they are the Heavenly Monuments Masters of the past generations.

Chu Yan didn't say much. He looked at Ji Wufeng and sneered: "You are right. On the fourteenth floor, there are also high and low. However, the fourteenth floor is your limit, but it is not mine. "

After saying that, Chu Yan held his head high and walked up. His figure stepped directly towards the fifteenth floor. The light curtain on the fifteenth floor was like holy light, full of endless divine power, but just when Chu Yan reached the extreme , the holy light dissipated and turned into a sacred door. Fifteen heavenly monument marks bloomed together in the sky above Chu Yan, and he stepped directly in.

That ray of holy light shot out dazzlingly, reflecting the nine heavens. For a time, the entire Tianbei Mountain was so quiet. On the fifteenth floor, a place that no one had ever set foot on, a young man stood there, enjoying the attention of everyone. , became the focus of everyone.

"He actually went up? The fifteenth floor of the Sky Monument?" Li Xiaoyao laughed, full of excitement.

Su Bei and Ji Wufeng's faces suddenly froze at this moment. They just said that Chu Yan could also set foot on the fourteenth floor, which was already very good, but there were also differences between high and low. But now, Chu Yan One person stepped onto the fifteenth floor.

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