Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 372 Collision with the Heavenly Monument

Chu Yan said, I don’t even bother to bully you...

This sentence seems familiar. How many geniuses have said this to Chu Yan? However, when those geniuses said this, they were all in a higher realm than Chu Yan, but it was different today. Chu Yan, the seventh-level master, said he would not fight against the seventh-level master, just because, in his opinion, fighting with the same level , is bullying.

Shi Canglong's expression froze. He is Shi Cangsong's younger brother and has always been known as the pride of the family. Although he has not reached the ninth level of the Venerable, he is destined to miss the Tianbei this year. But even so, his talent But no one dares to deny that ordinary people with an eighth level of Venerable are no match for him. Even with a ninth level of Venerable, he has had a battle, but he failed to win, but he still has the power to escape.

But now, Chu Yan actually said to him that he didn't even bother to bully him?


"act recklessly!"

The disciples of the other major overlords also shouted vigorously. Although they are not as famous as Shi Canglong, they are still overlords of the six regions.

In their view, Chu Yan was a despicable person that they could kill with just a raise of their hands, but now Chu Yan actually challenged their dignity.

"Haha, he is really a boastful guy. I am afraid that he is in a humble place. He has defeated several eighth-level lords and is so arrogant. Little does he know how terrifying the fighting power of the overlord Tianjiao is!"

"Eighth level, Venerable? Haha, you have no chance. I am enough to kill you!" Shi Canglong stepped forward. At this moment, the spear in his hand turned into a petrified dragon, and the banquet was immediately hit by a huge wave. of oppression.

"The Shi family cultivates the boulder bloodline. The second level of Shi Canglong's bloodline is petrification. It can petrify the enemy and make the opponent freeze for a while. It is an extremely powerful force. Be careful." Li Xiaoyao said at the side.

The next moment, the long dragon had not yet arrived, and the wine table, wine glasses, and the bamboo forest in front of Chu Yan were all turned into stone.

But at this moment, Chu Yan raised his palm, and suddenly there was a sword chant, as if the world was a sword, the wine glass was a sword, the wine table was a sword, the bamboo forest behind him flew upside down, all turned into swords, thousands of sword energy formed a hurricane, directly Shrouded Shi Canglong.

"Poof!" Shi Canglong was shocked. The sword energy was so strong that it swallowed him directly, causing him to spurt blood continuously. Shi Long was decapitated on the spot and fell to the ground with a thud.

The ridicule just now was still in my ears, but it stopped abruptly at this moment. I saw that Chu Yan's moves were not over yet. He seemed to have never moved. He was sitting at the wine table, still holding the wine glass in his hand, but around him But it formed an extremely terrifying storm of sword energy, which seemed to be able to cut off the sun, moon and stars, and pressed down on the disciples of the other major overlord forces.

"Boom!" Mu Jun was shocked on the side. He hurriedly retreated, but he was too late. The sword energy was like a dragon-slaying sword, crushing it mercilessly. He tried his best to block it, but any move that touched the sword energy would be shattered immediately.

"Boom!" The disciple of Meteor Star Pavilion was the worst. He was suppressed by the sword energy and knelt down. In fear, he sacrificed his life soul. But the next moment there was a click, and his life soul was broken? Before it was over, the sword energy continued, killing him in the dust.

The expressions of the elders of the three overlords froze. Everything happened in an instant. A disciple of the Meteor Star Pavilion fell. The elders didn't even have a chance to save him. Did he not dare to fight?

"Bang!" The wine glass in Chu Yan's hand was slowly put down, and it was extremely clear at this moment. Then he raised his head and glanced at the audience with a cold gaze: "Is this what you call the strength of a genius? Everything that has not been fought before is... Humiliation, it seems that Chu is like a piece of grass. You can kill him at will, but you didn't expect that he would be so unbearable after the fight. It's really ridiculous. I said that I didn't bother to bully you, but you brought it upon yourself. I can only help you. "

After saying that, Chu Yan looked in the direction of the Meteor Star Pavilion again: "The death of a disciple of the Meteor Star Pavilion is entirely his own fault. Everyone present can see that they were the ones who wanted to challenge Chu before. Chu didn't bother to bully them. Now he died in the battle unfortunately. Meteor Star Pavilion shouldn’t do that kind of thing to retaliate behind your back, right?”

The corners of the Meteor Star Pavilion Emperor's mouth twitched, but he had nothing to say. This place was the Emperor's Sect, and there were overlords from all sides watching. As the Emperor, it was impossible for him to take action.

The faces of several major overlords were all ugly. Just now Chu Yan said that today’s battle would not involve fighting against the seventh-level Venerable. Everyone thought that Chu Yan was showing off his madness and wanted to humiliate him. But in the blink of an eye, Chu Yan used strong methods to Fight back, slap in the face with strength.

More importantly, Chu Yan's combat power is indeed terrifying. Many people can't figure out how he achieved the seventh level of the Venerable?

"Do you still want to fight? I'll let you level one and eight-level Venerable people come and fight." Chu Yan said coldly. Now that he has taken action, he will solve the problem at once.

The elders of several major overlords don’t look good. Do they still want to fight? How to fight? Is it really true that the Venerable is sent to the eighth level?

However, can we win if we send them out? Even if they win, it will be disgraceful for them, but among the seventh-level Venerables, Shi Canglong was defeated. Who among the same level can defeat Chu Yan?

You must know that this battle is not an ordinary defeat, but a crushing one. Chu Yan only used one move and did not use his full strength. In other words, Chu Yan and Shi Canglong were not on the same level at all.

"Little friend Chu is very strong. Today's battle has opened my eyes. I have offended a lot of things in the past, so please don't take it to heart." Gu Gu said with a smile, his tone was obviously polite.

Chu Yan sneered in his heart and said: "Senior, you are too polite. I thought today's banquet would be mainly about talking. After all, I am a junior and am just a spectator. However, the great overlord is interested, so I can just add to the fun."

Several overlord forces almost vomited blood, and just to add to the fun, they tortured all their seventh-level geniuses?

But after this battle, several forces began to pay more attention to Chu Yan. Although Chu Yan became famous in the previous battle in Xumi Peak, more people paid attention to the two monarchs. Now after the battle, everyone gradually realized that this young man was extraordinary.

Chu Yan's performance today was invincible in the same realm, and he killed all around. He already had the demeanor and style of a true Tianbei person. How could the major overlords not take it seriously?

"Old Master, thank you for the banquet today. I have made great progress in the past seven days. Today, I will not bother you anymore." Chu Yan bowed, and the banquet was over.

Li Xiaoyao also stood up and said with a smile: "Old Master, goodbye!"

"In the battle of Tianbei, I look forward to the demeanor of the two of you!" Old Master nodded, then looked at the backs of the two people, and also showed a mysterious smile. Then he took out a list and wrote two names on it: Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao.

Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao left and headed straight for the inn contracted by the Li family. However, in the Tianhuang Sect, as soon as the two left, three figures immediately broke through the air and chased them, which surprised the people at the banquet.

"Hu Qiong! Cao Yu! Mu Aotian?" Everyone was surprised that the three contemporary Tianbei masters flew away at the same time. What were they doing?

Chu Yan and the others soon found that someone was following them and stopped in the air. When they turned around and saw Hu Qiong and the other two, Li Xiaoyao's expression was slightly condensed, and he smiled bitterly: "It seems that there is a big trouble."

"Yeah." Chu Yan nodded seriously. The three contemporary Tianbei masters, who were all ranked at the top, were stronger than Chu Yan and the others in terms of number and realm.

Hu Qiong's eyes were full of murderous light, and he looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, you killed my brother in the ancient demon star field. In the Tianhuang Sect, I can't kill you, but if you leave, today is your death."

After saying that, a black sky tiger immediately appeared behind Hu Qiong, and the tiger roared to shake the mountains and forests, and ruthlessly suppressed Chu Yan.

"So strong!" With just a roar, Li Xiaoyao was shocked back a step. Now he is a level 8 Venerable, even if he faces an ordinary level 9 Venerable, he still has the strength to fight, but in front of Hu Qiong, he feels a very terrible threat.

"Let's go!" Li Xiaoyao said to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed slightly, then nodded, turned around and fled into the distant void, with a residual shadow flying out with every step, and left quickly.

Five figures flew in the Tianhuang star field very quickly, one after another, and there was a strong movement for a while.

"Can you run away?" Cao Yu sneered at the side, and used the Meteoric Step to chase directly. The stars fell, and he grasped Chu Yan's empty space with his bare hands. Immediately, a strong intention descended, making Chu Yan's body full of stars and trapped in place.

"Bang!" Chu Yan slammed into a starlight, and Li Xiaoyao's face was extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth, turned around and greeted him, with a long spear in his hand, and fought Cao Yu.

"The eighth level of the Venerable is not enough." Cao Yu glanced at Li Xiaoyao, so arrogant, and then when he raised his hand, a terrible starlight was swayed out, with an unpredictable shape, hitting Li Xiaoyao's chest with a bang.

"You can't save him today!" Mu Aotian also chased up at this time. The naked man suddenly turned into a body of blood and energy. His body expanded several times at this moment. He rushed into the stars and punched Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's heart sank. The pressure from Mu Aotian was so great that it was like an unreachable mountain. It made his chest heavy and his body sluggish.

"It was Mu Aotian, and the two great Heavenly Monuments. Oh my god, the three Heavenly Monuments attacked at the same time." Everyone exclaimed, and then looked at Chu Yan with a bit of pity.

"Chu Yan's fighting power is indeed good, but it's a pity that he is only at the seventh level of the Venerable. He is dead!"

"Switch!" Facing Mu Aotian, Chu Yan's mind moved, his breath changed, and he directly used his second true self. The breath in his body changed greatly, and he became a giant ten feet tall. He clenched his golden fist and greeted Mu Aotian.

After seeing Chu Yan's actions, the group of people were more surprised.

"He actually wants to fight Mu Aotian head-on?"

"Mu Aotian cultivates the blood power of the Mu family. His blood can be used to create a giant of 100 meters. He is born with divine power. Mu Aotian has not been crowned an emperor for three years. Now the power of this punch must be at least 10,000 pounds. Is he crazy?" Everyone was shocked.

Li Xiaoyao's mouth twitched when he saw this: "This madman!"

Chu Yan didn't waste words. Mu Aotian gave him a great sense of oppression, so he didn't dare to be careless. The four bloods of the second true self and the three life souls were all sacrificed in succession, all gathered in this punch.

"Bang!" The two fists collided, and Mu Aotian descended with a crushing posture. At the place of contact, the ground directly cracked into a bottomless chasm.

"Puff!" The next moment Chu Yan vomited blood violently, and his body retreated more than ten steps, but he finally stabilized his body. Mu Aotian's face was not good either. He looked at Chu Yan with a very cold look. His punch was enough to kill all the ninth-level Venerables, but Chu Yan actually blocked it?

"You can block my punch, which is good, but it's still not good enough!" Mu Aotian shouted coldly.

Chu Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Mu Aotian arrogantly: "The contemporary Tianbei of the Mu family is just like this. If you and I were in the same realm, you would have died with that punch just now!"

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