Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 371: The Seventh Level of the Unfighting Venerable

Chu Yan practiced for seven days, and his flames caused some alarm.

In the distance, suddenly there were figures flying towards each other. When they saw Chu Yan's appearance, they couldn't help but laugh. One of them shook his head and said: "The fire here is so bright that I thought it was some fire cultivator. When I got closer, I realized that the flames were simply It’s ridiculous, it has no warmth, and it doesn’t even have any lethality. I’m afraid it’s hard to kill even a mortal, right?”

"It's really ridiculous. This kind of flame can't even boil water even for cooking." A tall woman looked at Chu Yan and whispered in a sarcastic tone.

"It seems that he is an ordinary flame monk. He is practicing here, but he has disturbed Senior Brother Su Bei. It is ridiculous." A young man next to him sneered and shook his head.

Hearing Su Bei's name, the woman beside her felt admiration in her eyes. He is a member of the Northern Subei Emperor Sect with a foreign surname, but is extremely talented. This year he will attend the Sky Monument Competition with Ji Wufeng.

Now when Su Bei was in his final retreat, there was a sudden fire in the sky, which disturbed his retreat, so he sent a message to them and asked them to come and have a look.

Chu Yan stopped practicing and returned to his heart. He just opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. But at this time, he was quite happy because of the candle burning his heart. He smiled cleanly, which gave people an evil feeling. of beauty.

"She's quite beautiful, but it's a pity that she's just a good-looking person, but in reality, she's empty. You can go, this is not a place for you to practice." The woman snorted coldly, thinking in her heart, someone like Senior Brother Su Bei is both handsome and talented. There are probably very few good people.

Chu Yan looked at the woman strangely and said calmly: "The Emperor's Sect is holding a banquet. Anyone can practice here for these seven days. Why can't I?"

"You dare to talk back?" The woman looked unhappy. As the little princess of the Emperor's Sect, when was she not aloof and respected by thousands of people? Her words are destiny. Who dares to disobey within the six realms?

"You are just here to practice, but you use such humble flames to influence our ears and eyes, which is simply ridiculous. Although our Emperor Sect is generous and gives everyone the opportunity to practice, it is not something that a waste like you can practice."

"Humble Flame?" Chu Yan was stunned and immediately understood what was going on. He shook his head helplessly: "It's not that Flame is humble, it's just that you don't understand Flame."

"I don't understand?" the woman shouted coldly. She is also a flame practitioner. She has mastered the fire of all beasts and can burn thousands of miles of mountains and forests with just one thought. But now, Chu Yan actually says that he doesn't understand flames?

Chu Yan also didn’t explain. Now that he has achieved great success in cultivating himself with a burning heart, there is no need to stay here!

"Stop!" But suddenly, the woman shouted and waved her hand, and saw a huge fire coming from the sky, turning into a huge fire lion in the air and trying to devour Chu Yan.

Chu Yan frowned, a strong sword intent rose behind his back, he raised his hand to cut off the fire lion with his sword, and looked at the woman coldly: "In the Emperor's Sect, you suddenly attacked me, but do you represent the Emperor's Sect? "

"Huh, no need to represent. I just want to tell you how humble your flame is. My fire of all beasts can devour it at will." The woman said disdainfully.

Chu Yan snorted coldly, turned around and left, leaving the woman alone as if she was very proud. But at this moment, her beautiful eyes shrank, and she felt a strong flame burning from her heart, as if she could kill her in an instant. , which shocked her.

"Does what you hold in your hand deserve to be called a flame?" After a long time, an echo came from the air, and the woman gradually returned to normal, but only for a moment, she was already sweating profusely.

In just that moment, she could feel that if Chu Yan wanted to kill her, all it would take was one thought, and the flame that she laughed at and couldn't even boil water went straight to her heart, causing all her beast fire to emit. Hibernating roar.

"How, how is it possible..." The woman was stunned. Even if she experienced it personally, she still couldn't believe it was true.

Chu Yan finally left without hurting the woman's internal organs. After all, this was the Emperor's Sect. He didn't want to become enemies with the Emperor's Sect too early. However, after being humiliated several times, Ni Bodhisattva still had some anger, let alone him, Chu Yan. Woolen cloth.

Seven days have passed, and the Emperor's Sect's banquet is about to end. Today, the overlords from all sides gathered here again.

In the direction of the Mu family, Mu Jun looked at Li Xiaoyao and sneered: "Li Xiaoyao, where is your friend? Why didn't he show up for the banquet today?"

"Chu Yan is busy practicing, shouldn't he still report to you?" Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Mu Jun.

"You're a waste and still practicing? It's really ridiculous. I think you were scared last time and didn't dare to come again, right?" Shi Canglong said contemptuously.

Li Xiaoyao said ridiculously: "I said, if you want to challenge me, you can challenge me. If you don't dare, don't talk nonsense here."

"You, Li Xiaoyao, are the leader of this generation of the Li family. How can we, the Seventh-level Venerable, challenge you? As for your friend, I don't see how long he can avoid fighting. He is nothing but a coward!" A Seventh-level Venerable from the Falling Star Pavilion. The top disciple said.

"The Mu family, the Shi family, and the Meteoric Pavilion, the three overlords are really outstanding." At this moment, a sneer sounded, and Chu Yan, dressed in white, strolled over.

Seeing Chu Yan, everyone in the three parties frowned slightly. Shi Canglong said unkindly: "Chu Yan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? The three overlords think they are extraordinary, but they talk about others behind their backs. Of course I have to admire their demeanor." Chu Yan snorted coldly and walked to Li Xiaoyao's side.

"Why should I speak behind my back? Even if you are here, it will still be the same. Chu Yan, you didn't dare to challenge me last time. Now I challenge you again in front of everyone. Do you dare to give me a fair fight?" Shi Canglong stood up and said loudly.

Chu Yan glanced at Shi Canglong and said calmly: "Idiot!"

Shi Canglong's face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were filled with cold light: "Chu Yan, you are so presumptuous, I challenge you, you don't dare to fight, and now you actually humiliate me, then even if this is the Emperor Sect, I will definitely You have to pay some price."

"Gu Gu, this person insulted me with words. I can only offend him. I hope Gu Gu is not to blame." Shi Canglong looked at Gu Gu again.

Gu Gu frowned, looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "Little friend Chu, you have indeed gone too far. Nephew Canglong is just belligerent for a moment and wants to challenge you. You just don't want to fight and refuse. Why should you verbally humiliate me? In this way, here today After all, it’s the Emperor’s Sect. Why don’t you apologize to the wise nephew Canglong, and the Shi family will give me a slap in the face, and let’s just let this matter go?”

"Since Gu Gu has spoken, it's no problem, but he must sincerely apologize to me." Shi Canglong looked at Chu Yan with a sneer.

Chu Yan couldn't help but frown and raised his head to look at Gu Gu: "Senior Gu, I dare to ask, is your decision fair?"

"Huh?" Gu Gu frowned slightly, and Chu Yan asked him if his decision was fair?

"It's ridiculous. If Senior Gu hadn't spoken, you would have lost your life long ago. What's the injustice?" Shi Canglong said arrogantly, as if he killed Chu Yan with just one thought.

"Chu is here for a banquet hosted by your Emperor's Sect. I'm here, so I'm the same guest as the Shi family, but the Shi family has provoked me again and again. Have your Emperor's Sect ever done anything for me? A meeting? Just now, before I came here, the Shi family, the Mu family, and the Yue Xing Pavilion all insulted me. Did you say a fair word? Now I just retorted and asked me to apologize. But Chu is easy to bully?" Chu Yan said displeased. He came to the Emperor Sect not wanting to cause trouble, but the three overlords refused to give in. Now that the Emperor Sect is taking sides, how can he endure it?

"Crazy man, how dare you question Gu Gu? Gu Gu came out with good intentions to protect you. If it hadn't been for Gu Gu, I would have taken action and killed you." Mu Jun shouted coldly.

Gu Gu frowned slightly and said unceremoniously: "Little friend Chu may have misunderstood, and I also have good intentions. Since little friend doesn't appreciate it, I will take back what I just said and think it's because I'm being troublesome."

"Gu, this son is arrogant and will not listen to advice. In this case, I suggest that the Emperor Sect stop protecting him and let us directly take action and teach him a lesson. We also let him understand what an overlord is and how powerful a real overlord is. ." Mu Jun said.

"Why do we need to let him understand? He keeps talking arrogantly and is still in his ears. Just kill him." said the disciple of the Falling Star Pavilion.

Gu Gu looked at Chu Yan with a slightly embarrassed look: "Little friend Chu, although this is our Emperor's Sect, you don't need to make the decision for me about your personal grudges, so our Emperor's Sect has no choice but to stay out of the matter."

"Why be so hypocritical?"

Chu Yan sneered, and then he raised his head and glanced at everyone, his eyes like swords, scanning the many disciples of the Mu family, the Shi family, and the Yue Xing Pavilion: "Since the banquet seven days ago, the overlords from all sides have been provoking me constantly, using their words. Humiliation, in the final analysis, is it because I, Chu Yan, have no power behind me? Xiaoyao challenges all of you, but no one dares to fight. Do you think that I, Chu, am easy to bully? In that case, why not fight? Let me fight with you."

Shi Canglong showed a hint of ferociousness: "Okay, I guess you have some backbone. In that case, let's have a little while at the Emperor Sect today, just to entertain all the seniors!"

"The Sky Monument is just around the corner. How can we be the first to witness the elegance of this junior?" Gu Gu said with a calm smile.

Shi Canglong nodded and took the first step. He held an iron spear and pointed the spear at Chu Yan: "Get out."

However, at this moment, Chu Yan was still sitting at the wine table, unmoved. He didn't even look at Shi Canglong: "I said I wanted to fight, but the opponent is not you. Today, Chu Yan won't fight the Venerable Seven." Level person.”

"Huh?" After Chu Yan finished speaking, the banquet became quiet, and you could hear the drop of a pin.

Shi Canglong suddenly laughed: "It's really ridiculous. I couldn't stop raving just now. Now I come out to fight, but you avoid fighting and say you won't challenge the Venerable Seventh Level. Do you, the Venerable Seventh Level, want my three clans to send Venerables? A fight with you at the sixth level? But a despicable person like you is only worthy of a fight with someone at the sixth level."

Gu Jiu also frowned and said calmly: "Little friend Chu, since we are challenging, let's fight at the same level. Although we are the overlord force, we sent the Venerable Level 6 to fight with you. I'm afraid it will have a negative impact on your martial arts heart." Influence, besides, you can’t win without force.”

"It doesn't matter. Since he wants to fight, as long as he doesn't use magic weapons and is a Level 6 Venerable, we, the Meteor Star Pavilion, are also willing to fight with him." A Level 6 Venerable disciple of the Meteor Star Pavilion took a step forward, eager to show off.

"You guys don't seem to understand what I said. Then Chu will say it again. Today, I won't fight with the Venerable below the seventh level. I don't bother to bully you." Chu Yan said lightly. Li Xiaoyao laughed and cried beside him. How terrifying is Chu Yan's fighting power? Li Xiaoyao thought that even he might not be able to win. Now, people from the three families actually want the Venerable to fight Chu Yan at the sixth level?

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