Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 373: The Emperor Comes to the City

"Hmph, arrogant words!" Mu Aotian snorted coldly and stepped out again.

At this time, Hu Qiong and Cao Yu also pursued. On the side, Li Xiaoyao was extremely anxious, but the Sky Monument Master was too strong, and he did not even have the ability to hold Cao Yu back. At this time, he was trapped among the stars.

"Chu Yan, how do you want to die?" Cao Yu said with an evil smile.

Facing the three sky monuments, Chu Yan's face was also very gloomy. At this time, he had no way to retreat. It could be said that he was in a desperate situation, so his eyes also flashed with murderous intent. In this situation, he would never show mercy. Otherwise, you are asking for death.

"I wanted to compete with you in the battle for the Heavenly Monument. Since you forced me to be two realms higher than mine, and the three of us teamed up to deal with me, you really deserve the name of the Heavenly Monument. In that case, let's give it a try . "Chu Yan immediately took a step back, his palm turned into a sword, and there was a vague sword energy. As soon as the sword energy came out, half of the sky suddenly turned dark.

Hu Qiong's eyes shrank when he saw this, and he showed a hint of panic. He had seen Chu Yan's fairy sword in the Ancient Demon Star Domain. That sword could kill the Emperor of Heaven. He said coldly: "Which move are you going to use? "

Chu Yan did not respond, but just took a step, gathering his immortal power, he glanced at Hu Qiong coldly: "Hu Qiong, do you want to die?"

Cao Yu and Mu Aotian both frowned. They didn't know if they wanted to kill the immortal, but they could feel that the sword in Chu Yan's hand was vaguely threatening.

"With this sword, you will definitely not be able to withstand the backlash and will die." Hu Qiong gritted his teeth, but did not dare to get even half a step closer to Chu Yan.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. How can you let me go if I don't need it? Since I'm going to die, it's worth it to have you three monument bearers buried with you!" Chu Yan also gambled again. The last time he used One Thought to Kill the Immortal, he fell into a coma for half a year, and his body Everything was shattered, but only one thought remained. Although his bloodline was awakened now, he still didn't know if he could survive if this sword was struck, but he had no choice, he had to do this.

However, at this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Chu Yan, dressed in elegant green clothes, as if dancing in the air, holding a thin sword in his hand.

"Qing Yi? Back off!" Chu Yan worriedly asked. Although Qing Yi said that she could be invincible under the emperor, he was still worried about the three Heavenly Monuments Masters after all, so he decided to kill the three immortals with one thought. people.

"I can defeat the three of them, you don't have to worry." Qing Yi said crisply, opening his arms to block Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was stunned and helpless. He just dispersed the fairy sword, but his face was already very pale.

"Arrogant!" After hearing Qing Yi's words, Cao Yu shouted coldly. He strolled out and slashed directly at Qing Yi with the sword in his hand.

At this moment, Qing Yi also moved. She turned into a ray of light and approached, directly facing Cao Yu. Then she slashed out the thin sword in her hand, which immediately caused a huge sensation. Cao Yu's eyes were startled, and Qing Yi's sword hit him. Slashed out from the stars, causing him to quickly take a few steps back.

"How is it possible, Venerable Level 8, why do you have such power?" Cao Yu looked at Qing Yi in shock.

"You go away, I won't kill you, otherwise I will be angry." Qing Yi said innocently, which made Cao Yu's mouth twitch. At this time, Hu Qiong looked at Chu Yan coldly and said lightly: "Chu Yan, you'd better not participate in the battle for the Sky Monument, otherwise, it will become your burial place!"

After saying that, Hu Qiong turned around and left, causing Cao Yu and Mu Aotian to frown slightly, but they both looked at Chu Yan: "The dispute over the sky monument."

"The battle for the Sky Monument." Chu Yan responded, covering his chest with murderous intent in his eyes.

Today, he has formed a deadly feud with Hu Qiong, Cao Yu, and Mu Aotian. Of course, in fact, this feud has been forged for a long time, since he was in the mortal world, but it has been sublimated again today.

This battle for the Sky Monument is bound to be a tough battle.

"Are you okay?" Li Xiaoyao stepped forward and asked.

Chu Yan shook his head. Qing Yi also turned around and came to Chu Yan at this time. After hesitation, she suddenly said: "I can help you kill them."

Chu Yan gave a bitter smile and stretched out his hand to rub Qing Yi's head, but Qing Yi suddenly dodged away. Chu Yan was stunned and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. I still have to avenge myself."

"Okay." Qing Yi clicked forward and backward, and then took another step out of the way, as if he had never appeared before.

Looking at the departing Qianying, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, thinking in his heart, he didn't know how long Qingyi would rely on him like this. This little girl must be very lonely in her heart, right?

"Xiaoyao, let's go back!" Chu Yan said to Li Xiaoyao. Li Xiaoyao nodded and helped Chu Yan back to his residence.

As soon as he returned to his residence, Chu Yan immediately began to retreat. Today was his first official encounter with the Heavenly Monument Master, which made him truly feel the power of the Heavenly Monument Master, and also let him know that the so-called Mu Feng Heavenly Monument Ten How false are the names of the Seven.

"We are both at the ninth level of Venerables, but the strength of Hu Qiong and the others is much stronger than that of Mu Feng. Whether it is blood, life soul, or vitality, they are far beyond that. They are not on the same level at all. Now with my strength, He might be able to fight against an ordinary ninth-level venerable, but he is still far behind against the Heavenly Monument One." After a long time, Chu Yan opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

The Heavenly Monument Masters are by no means unworthy of their fame. Especially Hu Qiong and others have been studying the Heavenly Monument for three years. With their talents, they may have been able to become emperors long ago, and all the resources are well prepared. The reason why they have been If you don't make a breakthrough, it's just for this battle of heavenly monuments.

Another three years have passed, and you can imagine what a terrifying power they have achieved.

"The realm is still not enough." Chu Yan shook his head and continued to retreat.

The news about Chu Yan being encircled and suppressed by the Tiger Qiong Three-Day Monument spread immediately in the Emperor's Star Territory. Chu Yan's reputation became even better, for the same reason, because he blocked Mu Aotian's punch.

Fatty and Hua Zhixu also knew one after another. They were both angry, but there was nothing they could do. Even the current Hua Zhixu was not as good as the three of them, let alone them.

Therefore, both of them announced to retreat and fell into a breakthrough, especially Li Xiaoyao.

With Chu Yan's Realm-Breaking Pill, Li Xiaoyao can break through to the ninth level of the Venerable at any time, but taking the Realm-Breaking Pill is ultimately a road against heaven. He still needs to make some preparations and prepare more resources.


The end of the year is getting closer, and the Emperor's Star Territory is even more lively. Countless geniuses gather together, hoping to become famous in one battle.

On this day, there was an extremely beautiful figure on a lively street in the Emperor's Star Territory. She was like a fairy, traveling in the dust, with a strong sense of expectation shining in her phoenix eyes.

Every time she thought that after three years, she could finally see the person she cared about, she couldn't help but smile brightly.

The woman is none other than Liu Qingcheng. She came to the Emperor's Star Territory and came for Chu Yan.

It has been three years since Chu Yan left this world. She misses him day and night. It can be said that she is looking forward to seeing him again every day.

Finally, at the end of the year, Yao Lao couldn't bear Liu Qingcheng's request and agreed to Liu Qingcheng to take her away. After leaving the mortal world, Liu Qingcheng retraced Chu Yan's footsteps. She had been to the Ancient Demon Star Territory and the Martial King Star Territory, and she also knew about Chu Yan's killing of Hutong. She was filled with emotion.

Liu Qingcheng's talent has always been good. After Chu Yan left, she was trained by Emperor Ren and Emperor Xu of the ancient dynasty. Now she has the strength of the seventh level of the Venerable. Even in the Emperor's Star Territory, she is not weak. , coupled with her alluring looks, she is destined to be the center of attention wherever she goes.

"What a beautiful woman." Someone praised her.

"Yeah, it's really rare."

"Dare I ask the girl's name?" From time to time, people come up to chat with her. Now Liu Qingcheng also knows that the Six Realms Galaxy is vast and has countless super powerful forces. Like the ten thousand sects in the world, they are not popular here at all, and the emperor's power is only considered intermediate. She has power, so she always smiles politely, not offending or responding.

"I wonder where the girl is from?" But there were always some reluctant people who stopped Liu Qingcheng from asking.

"Come from a small place far away." Liu Qingcheng responded helplessly, and then wanted to bypass this person, but the disciple's eyes lit up: "Isn't the girl from the two major female sects of the Yunhai Star Territory?"

At first, the disciple was worried that Liu Qingcheng came from Younu Palace or Xuannv Sect. In that case, he was afraid that there would be no hope. But knowing that Liu Qingcheng came from a humble place, he would not give up.

"No." Liu Qingcheng frowned, feeling a little unhappy.

"In this case, the girl is helpless in the Emperor's Star Territory, why not accompany me? I am Lin Wu of the Lin family in the Emperor's Star Territory. Although my Lin family is not the overlord, it is also a powerful force. The girl can also follow me. Go and stay at Lin’s house temporarily.”

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need. I'm here to find my people." Liu Qingcheng responded patiently.

At this moment, a sweet laughter suddenly came from the side, and a woman stepped forward and took Lin Wu's arm: "Brother Lin Wu, so you are here."

The woman then saw Liu Qingcheng and hesitated slightly. She, a woman, was actually moved by Liu Qingcheng's beauty. She couldn't help but feel jealous: "What a beautiful sister...Brother Lin Wu, she is..."

"This girl is new to the Emperor's Star Territory, and I don't know her name yet." Lin Wu said, and the woman smiled sweetly and said: "Little sister, my name is Xu Wan'er, how should I call you?"

"Liu Qingcheng."

"What a good name. It will captivate the country. Hehe, such a beautiful sister. If I were a man, I would definitely pursue you. No wonder Brother Lin Wu couldn't walk when he saw you. I wonder if my little sister has a partner? If so. If not, I can help you introduce them." Xu Waner smiled sweetly. Maybe it was because they were both women, but Liu Qingcheng felt a little fond of them. She nodded with a smile: "No, I have someone I like."

"Oh? Then I'm curious, what kind of person can win the heart of sister Qingcheng."

"He is naturally very good." Thinking of Chu Yan, Liu Qingcheng's frowning eyebrows relaxed a little and said with a bright smile. However, when Lin Wu captured this scene, there was a hint of displeasure.

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