Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 362 Ignore that rubbish

"Senior sister!" Zi Yan looked at Tan Yu in surprise. Yi Shuihan just said it. Tan Yu was her senior sister and Mu Bai's senior sister. She knew her situation.

"Zi Yan, senior sister is doing this for your own good. Although Mu Bai's talent is good, it is not comparable to the overlord's power. If you are with him, he will not give you happiness. But Mr. Yi is different. Only if you are with him can you fly. Go up the branch." Tan Yu said calmly, as if he was talking about something very ordinary.

"Besides, Mr. Yi just asked you to accompany him for one night. If we don't talk about this, who will know? In the future, Mu Bai will be proud of you if you join the Falling Star Pavilion."

"Mu Bai? So it turns out that Miss Zi already has a sweetheart? I wonder which overlord force this Mu Bai comes from?"

"We are from the same sect and come from a despicable star." Tan Yu was the first to sneer.

"No wonder." Tian Qi said with a smile: "Miss Zi, you'd better seize this opportunity. There is no one here today who is not an overlord or a genius. Like me, Tian Qi, in Brother Yi and I feel a little shorter in front of Mr. Ji, not to mention your humble star man. It's too unbearable, so it's better not to miss it for the rest of your life."

Zi Yan glanced at Tan Yu fiercely. Tan Yu's words undoubtedly directed public anger towards Mu Bai, which made her feel sad. How could there be such a person in the world? For personal gain, there is no shame.

"Sorry, I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you!" Zi Yan refused again and wanted to get up, but she didn't dare to look at Chu Yan, for fear of causing Chu Yan trouble. After all, there were two big people present. There is also a person named Ji among the overlord forces.

So Zi Yan wanted to leave the restaurant directly and leave with Mu Bai. She also understood that after this incident, she might not even be qualified to stay in the Emperor's Star Territory, unless she did not care about Mu Bai's safety.

Ji Dong frowned slightly, and when he saw Zi Yan standing up, he said very domineeringly: "Girl, it's better to sit down."

"Zi Yan, sit down!" Tan Yu said hurriedly from the side. Their Tianxing Sect is just a low-level force. Now everyone present is strong, including Tian Qi and Zhao Ling'er. They cannot offend them at all.

What's more, Tan Yu also wants to use Zi Yan to enter the Falling Star Pavilion.

Zi Yan was shocked and was not allowed to leave? However, just when she was at a loss, Chu Yan stood up, smiled at her, and motioned for her to come over. Zi Yan also smiled and subconsciously raised her legs to walk towards Chu Yan.

"How dare you take a step and try!" Yi Shuihan was immediately angry. He was already in a bad mood, but he was dumped by Feng Ting. Now, a lowly woman with no background dares to reject him?

"Sister, don't pay attention to that trash, come here." Chu Yan smiled brightly, and then he stood up and walked towards Zi Yan. Hearing Chu Yan's words, Zi Yan also smiled. She knew Chu Yan too well, and Chu Yan was not that Such an impulsive person, but now he dares to directly say that Yi Shuihan is a waste, obviously he is not afraid of Yi Shuihan. Looking at Fatty and Hua Zhixu again, they are both smiling brightly, looking like they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. So she walked towards Chu Yan without hesitation.

A few people had been watching from the side just now. There were times when the fat man wanted to rush forward, but Hua Zhixu held him down.

Chu Yan's words immediately silenced the restaurant, and you could hear a needle drop. Yi Shuihan's face was extremely gloomy, "trash"... Before he came to the restaurant, he had just been scolded by one of his senior brothers, the person who took Feng Ting away, "he is also a trash", which immediately made him furious.

"Bitch, come back and sit down, otherwise I will make you become my plaything, and Mu Bai will die too!" Yi Shuihan said with a hint of command without turning his head.

The restaurant became quiet again, and there was a thick chill in Chu Yan's eyes.

Yi Shuihan's words were beyond the mark, full of filth and abuse.

But Ji Dong looked on with a smile, but Zhao Ling'er and Tian Qi were the first to speak. Zhao Ling'er sneered: "You are really everywhere. Why, you come from the same humble place as her. Do you want to fight against injustice?"

"Boy, I advise you to be smarter. The people sitting here, whether it's Brother Yi or Mr. Ji, are the overlords. They are geniuses. They are at a level you will never reach in your life."

Chu Yan looked at Zhao Ling'er and Tian Qi sadly, shook his head ridiculously, and said lightly: "My sister, you don't need to join the Meteor Star Pavilion, she is still someone you two need to look up to. Today, you two are not qualified to participate, go away and watch. Let’s go.”

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Ling'er's face turned cold. She had long been unhappy with Chu Yan, and today she was disturbed by Chu Yan. How could she be happy? So she immediately stood up and said to the two Heavenly Lords beside her: "Go, stop it." their hands."

"You still need to look up at the Meteoric Pavilion, so I advise you not to move." Li Xiaoyao also stood up and stood next to Chu Yan, keeping calm, but giving people a good impression, which made Zhao Ling'er feel unsure. , the other party knows about the Meteor Star Pavilion, but still dares to do this, does it really have something to rely on?

"Is it you?" Yi Shuihan also put down his wine glass at this time and turned around. When he saw Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao, his eyes suddenly froze there.

Yi Shuihan was not familiar with Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao, and could only be regarded as a one-time acquaintance. However, in the eternal jungle, the two of them were the most outstanding, while he was unknown and even unbearable.

Not long ago, when Yi Shuihan heard the name of Chu Yan again, he didn't want to believe it, but after some inquiries, he found out that Chu Yan, who fought on Xumi Peak, was the Lord of the Eternal Evergreen Tree, so he had no choice but to believe it. , and the most important thing is that this Chu Yan later killed Mu Feng in a rage!

"Bang!" Chu Yan looked at Yi Shuihan with contempt, shook his head ridiculously, and took a step forward. Suddenly, a tearing force rushed towards Yi Shuihan, shocking Yi Shuihan. His throat seemed to be stuck tightly, and he almost vomited blood.

"If you dare to humiliate my sister again, I will let you go out lying down today." Chu Yan's tone was cold, and then he ignored Yi Shuihan directly, and looked at Zhao Linger and Tianqi again: "You are so humble that you still need to be polite in front of a waste in the Meteor Pavilion. Are you worthy of comparing with my sister? She is the one you should look up to, get out!"

The next moment, Chu Yan clenched his palm and turned into an invisible force to blast out. Tian Qi was shocked. He was also a Venerable Level 8, but under Chu Yan's roar, he took a step back and almost fainted.

Tian Qi looked at Chu Yan in horror, and remembered the way he humiliated the other party before. His face suddenly turned red and he couldn't say a word.

"Sister, you've lost weight." When Chu Yan looked at Zi Yan, he immediately regained his sunny smile, as if nothing had happened just now. Then he stepped forward and hugged Zi Yan.

"Smelly boy, you've grown up." Zi Yan also smiled happily. Chu Yan has really transformed now. He is no longer that young eagle, but an eagle that can conquer the sky with his wings spread.

"Sister Zi Yan, I want a hug too!" The fat man walked forward with a smile and opened his arms.

"Fatty, get out of the way." Zi Yan rolled her eyes at the fat man, making the fat man curl his lips in grievance: "Sister, you are partial!"

"What's wrong with partiality? Aren't you afraid that Mu Bai will beat you?"

"Don't worry, he can't beat me. Fatty is also a genius now." The fat man smiled, but there was no contempt in his words. It was a sincere joke.

"Zi Yan!" Hua Zhixu also stepped forward with a smile, and his aura was still terrible. Zi Yan looked at the three people who had become stronger, and she was also sincerely happy in her heart. Who could have expected that after two years of separation, the three young men would have stood at the top of the six domains.

"You three, will you all participate in the battle for the Heavenly Monument this time? Get a good ranking." Zi Yan said with a smile.

"Sister, let's go sit over there." Chu Yan said with a smile, holding Zi Yan's hand and about to leave, but at this moment, Ji Dong, who had never spoken, suddenly put down his wine glass and said lightly: "Wait!"

Ji Dong had been watching from the side. Chu Yan and his group had a good aura. Although their realm was not high, their combat power was definitely not low, especially Li Xiaoyao, who dared to challenge the Meteorite Pavilion. He should be from a dominant force. As for Chu Yan and the other two, he couldn't tell. Chu Yan was even more impulsive, but he was a level 7 Venerable, and he could repel Tian Qi with a breath, so he should be strong.

But he didn't care. This was the Emperor Star Domain, the territory of the Emperor Sect. No matter who it was, he had enough pride.

Besides, today's incident had nothing to do with him, but he and Yi Shuihan came together after all. Chu Yan slapped Yi Shuihan's face, which was naturally a slap in his face.

"No matter who you are, come over and apologize to my brother. I will pretend that what happened today never happened. Otherwise, none of you can leave." Ji Dong slowly put down the wine glass.

As soon as Ji Dong opened his mouth, Zhao Linger and the others immediately became excited. Even if the other party had the power of a hegemon, it was impossible for them to be stronger than Ji Dong.

"You humiliated yourself!" Tian Qi sneered.

Chu Yan also looked at Ji Dong at this time. He glanced at him and saw that he was a ninth-level Venerable. His combat power should be comparable to Mu Feng, but thinking that he had just come to the Emperor Star Region and didn't want to cause trouble, he shook his head and said to Zi Yan: "Sister, let's go."

"Stop!" Ji Dong was immediately angry, and the wine glass in his hand suddenly exploded. The wine in it turned into a water dragon and roared out, and immediately pounced on Chu Yan and others in the distance.

"Ji Dong, he should be from the side branch of the Emperor Sect." Li Xiaoyao directly revealed Ji Dong's identity.

Ji Dong looked at Li Xiaoyao, who recognized him at a glance, and also knew the factional division of the Emperor Sect, so he couldn't help asking: "Who are you?"

"Li family, Li Xiaoyao." Li Xiaoyao didn't hide it, and directly revealed his name.

Ji Dong, Tian Qi, and Zhao Linger all frowned slightly. They had naturally heard of Li Xiaoyao, a disciple that the Li family had focused on cultivating in recent years. More importantly, he was Qian Mengyu's son, with extraordinary talent.

"Is he also from the Li family?" Ji Dong raised his hand and pointed at Chu Yan.

"No! He is my brother." Li Xiaoyao said indifferently, and he was telling the truth.

"It turned out to be Li Xiaoyao, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant." Zhao Linger and Tian Qi suddenly realized, but then looked at Chu Yan coldly. Li Xiaoyao was good, but that person seemed to have the surname Chu, and he must have nothing to do with the Li family. If you provoke Ji Dong, you will have to pay the price.

"Since he is not from the Li family, Li Xiaoyao, you'd better not get involved. I will settle the matter with him alone, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you the face of the Li family." Ji Dong stood up and said to Chu Yan: "Although you are not from the Li family, for Xiaoyao's sake, come over and apologize. I can spare your life. Otherwise, I will definitely take action today." However, Li Xiaoyao laughed at his words. He looked at Ji Dong: "Don't give me face. If you want to take action, do it quickly. But Ji Dong, don't blame me for not reminding you that you'd better not inform the Tianhuang Sect about what happened today, otherwise, I'm afraid you can't bear the consequences!"

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