Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 361: Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

A group of four people walked to the second floor of the restaurant and immediately attracted a lot of attention. The most eye-catching one was the arrogant young man and Zi Yan in a purple dress.

After Chu Yan left the world, the overall situation of the world was determined. The wilderness became the king. Tiandao Sect, Baicaotang, and ASEAN were all merged into one, becoming several schools in the wilderness. However, the world is a low-level star after all. The war ten thousand years ago made the rivers and lakes of the world sunset and the resources barren. After reaching the emperor, it is difficult to break through.

So in the past two years, in order to better cultivate the children of the wilderness, Emperor Ren and the old demon would send a group of disciples to leave the world every six months to develop in the outer star domain. Zi Yan was the first group.

After Zi Yan left the world, she traveled in the six domains. She first went to the Qinggu star domain for a year. There, her horizons broadened and she knew how vast the universe was, how big the world was, and how small the world was.

Zi Yan went to Qinggu Star Region with Mu Bai, but they came from a lowly star. Although they had good talents, they were not brilliant. They encountered many setbacks in Qinggu Star Region. In addition, Zi Yan was extremely beautiful, which put them in danger many times. Fortunately, Mu Bai was later accepted as a disciple by a small sect in Qinggu, which allowed them to protect themselves.

This time, the six regions came to pay tribute to the Tianbei, and the two of them were fortunate to come to visit, hoping to take this opportunity to join the dominant force. The two women beside Zi Yan were her two senior sisters. The young man in front was someone she had just met in the Tianhuang Star Region, so they went together. The young man valued the beauty of the three people, and Zi Yan's two senior sisters coveted the young man's background.

The young man was also from Qinggu Star Region, a branch of the Meteorite Pavilion. Today, he promised to introduce the three people to see if they could join the Meteorite Pavilion.

Zi Yan didn't want to come, after all, Mu Bai was still in the inn nearby, but her senior sister asked her to accompany him, so she sat quietly by the side. But what surprised Zi Yan was that she didn't expect to meet Chu Yan in this restaurant. Fatty was also there, so familiar. In the past three years, the temperament of the young man has changed again. She still remembers how Chu Yan Wandao Tianzun looked when he brought Chu Yan back to Tiandao Sect. In front of the purple bamboo forest formation, he contradicted her without humility. Now, that young man has grown up again. In three years, he has transformed again.

The reunion after a long absence, the beauty of meeting an old friend in a foreign land, made several people smile brightly.

Fatty also found Zi Yan, and his little eyes lit up. He had pursued Zi Yan, but now seeing each other again, there was no embarrassment, only a slow warmth.

"Shui Han, you are here." The young man suddenly stood up, and at this time, another young man came up at the stairs. He was wearing a white gown and his steps were light. It can be seen that he was the meteorite step of the meteorite pavilion.

The young man's voice woke Zi Yan up, and she made a hush gesture to Chu Yan. Now she didn't know how Chu Yan was, but she knew from her own experience how difficult it was to walk out of the world and make a living in the outside world, so she didn't want to cause trouble for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan also glanced at the stairs, and unexpectedly saw an old acquaintance, Yi Shuihan of the Meteorite Pavilion, the first person Chu Yan met in the Eternal Forest.

There was still some hatred between him and Yi Shuihan that had not been resolved, but he didn't care about what happened that year. Since Zi Yan didn't want to be exposed, he would cooperate. Anyway, with him around, no one could hurt Zi Yan. He continued to drink by the window without saying a word.

Yi Shuihan was walking with a young man. The young man was wearing a golden dragon robe, holding his head high, and was very imposing, as if he was still enough to be proud of the world in the Tianhuang Sect where the overlords were everywhere today.

With him, Yi Shuihan seemed a little inferior, but he was also from the overlord force, and his aura was very strong. Yi Shuihan's face was not good at this time, as if he had something on his mind, which made him at a loss.

Tian Qi and Zhao Linger had been watching from the side. When they saw the young man in dragon robe, their eyes lit up, and even glowed with brilliance, because they knew that the young man's surname was Ji.

In the six domains of the galaxy, there is only one family with the surname Ji, which is also a representative, that is the Tianhuang Sect!

Tianhuang Sect is the first overlord of the six domains. Although it is not said that it is the unified party, it is well-deserved to be the first. There are four overlords among the fifteen overlords, and they are qualified to be proud of the heroes. Now that the overlords have gathered in the Tianhuang Star Domain, Tianhuang Sect should also do its best to be a host and entertain the overlords from all sides. Yi Shuihan and this young man met at the banquet.

The young man's name is Ji Dong, a member of the Tianhuang Sect's side branch. He broke through the ninth level of the Venerable three months ago and is a quasi-heavenly monument. But he is not even a genius in the Tianhuang Sect, and he is very helpless.

But for the other hegemonic forces, he is already a top force, and he enjoys the feeling of being looked up to, so he came together with Yi Shuihan. It was Yi Shuihan who called him here today.

However, compared with Ji Dong, Yi Shuihan is not as good as him. After the incident in the Eternal Hundred Forests, his talent was mediocre, and now he is only at the fifth level of the Venerable. This time, he did not even have the qualification to enter the Heavenly Monument Competition, so he was very unhappy. The most important thing is that because he was not outstanding, Feng Ting also left him and chose a senior brother with the qualification of the quasi-Heavenly Monument, which made him full of anger.

Today, his people said that there were several beauties for him to come here, so he thought that he could take this opportunity to have some fun, vent, and take this opportunity to climb up to Ji Dong. Even if he could not participate in the Heavenly Monument Competition, as long as he could be used by the Emperor Sect, he still had unlimited prospects.

"Young Master Ji!" Zhao Linger stood up and went straight to meet him at this time, showing a flattering smile to Ji Dong.

Tian Qi was also on the side, stepping forward to propose a toast. Although the Emperor Starfield belonged to the Emperor Sect, it was not easy to meet a real disciple with the surname Ji. If he saw him today, he would have to curry favor with him.

"It turns out it's Miss Zhao and Mr. Tian." Ji Dong was also quite polite to the two of them and smiled politely: "We see each other today, why don't we sit down and have a few drinks together?"

"Since Mr. Ji has invited us, we have to be respectful rather than obey." Zhao Ling'er smiled sweetly, then deliberately raised her voice a few decibels and said calmly: "People like Mr. Ji are the truly talented ones who are qualified to seize the Heavenly Monument. It’s not like some people who pretend to be noble but actually have no ability.”

The implication of Zhao Ling'er's words was naturally that she was pointing at Chu Yan and the others.

Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao had their backs to Yi Shuihan and the others. Fatty and Hua Zhixu were facing each other. Hearing this, they shook their heads in a funny way: "Yes, some people are indeed like that. Just now they were How proud and self-proclaimed he is, and now he licks his face when he sees someone else, it really opens my eyes to the fat man."

Zhao Ling'er's jade eyes turned cold, revealing a hint of displeasure, but neither of them pointed it out, and since Ji Dong was present, she didn't want to appear too domineering, so she endured it, but sneered in her heart: "Huh, a bunch of despicable people. People like you don’t know that there is something outside the world. In front of Mr. Ji, you are like a toad. It’s really ridiculous.”

"Shui Han, these are the beauties I told you before. They are also from the Qinggu Star Territory and are members of the Tianxing Sect. They all want to join the Meteor Star Pavilion. Do you think there is any way to help?" Yi Shuihan The tribesman stood up and smiled, winking several times in succession. How could Yi Shuihan not know that, and glanced at Zi Yan and the others with a sneer in his heart.

Yi Shuihan swept away the three of them. Among the three women, he directly ignored the one in front and looked at the other two. Zi Yan's senior sister Tan Yu was also pretty, mainly because she was dressed boldly and exposed her upper body. As long as you lower your head slightly, you can see the soft place on your chest, which is a bit sexy and wanton.

But after a moment, Yi Shuihan moved his eyes away. When he looked at Zi Yan, he was shocked. Zi Yan is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Feng Ting. Although she is not as exposed as Tan Yu, she gives people a beauty like a water lotus, which is even more exciting.

"Would it be unpleasant if such a woman could have a romantic affair overnight?" Yi Shuihan's heart was filled with fire, and his eyes were filled with evil light.

Ji Dong sneered at the side, naturally seeing what Yi Shuihan was thinking, and smiled calmly: "Brother Shuihan is the genius of the Meteor Star Pavilion. If he wants to join the Meteor Star Pavilion, is it not a matter of just a word from him? It's just, Why does he want to help you?"

Yi Shuihan sat down, took a sip of wine, and smiled without saying a word.

After Tan Yu hesitated, she said: "I have some treasures on my body. As long as the young master can introduce me to the Falling Star Pavilion, I am willing to give them all."

"Brother Shui Han is the genius of the Meteor Pavilion. If there are no treasures in the world, what's the use of your treasures?" Ji Dong smiled playfully at the side and continued to look at Tan Yu playfully. That Tan Yu was also a man of Fengchen. At this point, How could she not understand this? She glanced at Yi Shuihan again. If the other party really allowed her to enter the Falling Star Pavilion, it would be nice to be his woman.

"As long as I can join the Meteor Star Pavilion, I will be yours." Tan Yu bit her lip and said shyly, but then Ji Dong turned her eyes and looked at Zi Yan. His intention was not in her at all, which made her face darken. .

"What about you?" Ji Dong asked.

Zhao Ling'er also smiled sweetly and said: "Girl, this kind of opportunity is rare. The Tianxing Sect you are in is too unbearable. Now you need to look up to me, but the Meteor Star Pavilion is different. As long as you are willing, you will immediately become the overlord of the party. Power, at that time, I will look up to you."

"Sorry, my talent is mediocre and I am not qualified to join the Falling Star Pavilion." Zi Yan frowned. She did not expect that what happened today would turn out like this. She and Mu Bai had already been in love for life, and she was asked to go against her conscience and join the Falling Star Pavilion. ? She can't do it.

"It's okay, talent is a trivial matter. As long as you are willing to make a little sacrifice, how about I let you become a disciple of the Meteor Star Pavilion." Yi Shuihan said lightly, his eyes no longer reserved, but scanning Zi Yan's body unscrupulously. He got up, then looked at Tan Yu and said: "Of course, as your sisters, they will all join the Meteor Star Pavilion because of your choice."

Tan Yu's phoenix eyes lit up. Meteor Star Pavilion, the overlord force, was superior to them. She couldn't help but look at Zi Yan with emotion: "Zi Yan, this is a rare opportunity, don't miss it."

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