Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 363 Battle with Ji Dong

After Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the restaurant. He seemed to have absolute confidence in Chu Yan, as if even his Li family was no better than Chu Yan.

Ji Dong also frowned. Don't tell the Emperor of Heaven Sect, otherwise he can't afford the price? This made him look at Chu Yan seriously again. The seventh level of the Venerable was nothing special. Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven was the best in the Six Domains of the Galaxy. Who could he not afford?

Zhao Linger and Tian Qi were even more stunned. Could Chu Yan's background be stronger than Ji Dong's?

Like Li Xiaoyao, is he a direct descendant of a certain hegemonic force?

"Who are you?" Ji Dong asked with some fear. Although he was a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven Sect with the surname Ji, he was not a direct descendant, but a collateral branch. If Chu Yan was a direct disciple of a certain hegemon, he would also be in trouble.

"Who is it and what does it have to do with you? If you want to fight, then fight. If you don't dare, then don't talk nonsense." Chu Yan was not friendly. Zi Yan was like his own sister, but she was humiliated today. If the other party kept holding on, he didn't mind fighting. Although Ji Dong was strong, he was not much different from Mu Feng. He believed that if he dealt with it with all his strength, he could win.

Besides, what Li Xiaoyao said was right. Now he has Qin Zixuan and Tiandao Patriarch behind him. He really doesn't need to be afraid of the other party. Even the Tianhuang Sect can't send any emperor.

Ji Dong's eyes turned cold. As a disciple of the Tianhuang Sect, he was always the focus of attention. Today, he was provoked in public. How could he be willing?

"Humph. I didn't want to make a big deal, but since you are so arrogant, even if you have a hegemonic force behind you, I will teach you a lesson today." Ji Dong shouted, and the cold air in his body roared, turning into an extremely strong golden light and rising into the sky. At that moment, he seemed to be possessed by a golden dragon, full of royal power.

"The Ji family practices political tactics and has seized the blood of the Golden Dragon. If all of it is released, it can produce a strong suppression on the blood. The golden light around the body will have a faint dragon power, which will shock people's minds." Li Xiaoyao said on the side.

Zi Yan became anxious on the side. She also knew that the Tianhuang Sect was the first dominant force in the Six Domains Galaxy, and looked at Chu Yan worriedly.

"Sister, wait for me here." Chu Yan smiled brightly when he saw this, and rubbed Zi Yan's cheek with his big hand. Then he stood up and walked out. Suddenly, a wild breath also permeated. The whole person stood upright, like an unyielding sword, and stepped towards Ji Dong.

"Don't worry, sister, this waste can't hurt Brother Chu." The fat man smiled on the side. Although Chu Yan's current strength cannot be said to be invincible, he is not afraid of ordinary Venerable Nine. Mu Feng's combat power among Venerable Nine is definitely medium, but he was still killed by Chu Yan.

"Seventh level of Venerable, this sword intent is the second level of the sword bloodline, there is some strength, but these alone are not enough." Ji Dong saw through Chu Yan's bloodline level at a glance and sneered.

Ji Dong also moved, and a golden scepter seemed to appear above his head, representing the supreme imperial power.

As soon as the scepter appeared, the restaurant seemed to be centered around him, he was the emperor, and everyone couldn't help but have an impulse to kneel down. Zhao Linger sneered on the side: "Don't overestimate your own abilities. The first souls of the Ji family will all forge a fifth-grade royal scepter, which can suppress blood. Even if his sword bloodline is the second level, it will be useless in front of power."

Tian Qi's eyes also became vicious on the side. Just now, he was seriously injured by Chu Yan's thought, and he hated Chu Yan very much.

"For the sake of the Li family, I will give you one last chance. If you apologize now, I can forgive you." Ji Dong suppressed with power, looking down at Chu Yan like the emperor.

As a member of the Tianhuang Sect, Ji Dong has enough confidence. In the Six Domains Galaxy, the Tianhuang Sect is a milestone and an existence that everyone needs to look up to. For ten thousand consecutive years, the first person to reach the Tianbei is from their Tianhuang Sect. Even in the last session, the first person to reach the Tianbei was from the Tianhuang Sect.

Even if Chu Yan has a huge strength behind him, it is still not enough under the absolute imperial power.

"Go out and fight." Chu Yan said lightly, without any intention of retreating. Ji Dong then showed a hint of contempt and ridicule: "For many years, no one has challenged the majesty of my Tianhuang Sect. Today, you are one."

"I will fulfill you!" Ji Dong said, flew out of the restaurant, stood in the clear sky, with a golden light behind him, which was particularly dazzling.

"Swoosh!" Chu Yan did not waste words, and performed the Divine Ghost Step, turning into several afterimages and disappearing from the original place. The rest of the people in the restaurant also quickly chased out, not wanting to miss this wonderful battle.

Zhao Linger, Tian Qi and others were all like this, with a strong sense of mockery on their faces. Zhao Linger looked at Chu Yan and humiliated him: "You humble person dared to challenge the authority of the Tianhuang Sect. You don't know whether you live or die."

"Bitch!" The little wolf made a childish voice, and then he shook his hair vigorously, as if he felt dirty because he was hugged by Zhao Linger.

"You evil beast!" Zhao Linger's phoenix eyes condensed, and she looked at the little wolf fiercely. The little wolf was not afraid at all, and raised his head and looked at Zhao Linger: "Want to fight? This wolf will accompany you!"

"Roar!" The little wolf let out a low roar, and suddenly turned into a ten-meter demon wolf, roaring at Zhao Linger, making Zhao Linger pale and frightened. She took a step back.

The fat man shook his head ridiculously, and then the group flew out of the window.

In the void, Chu Yan himself was like a sword, with evil energy rising, giving people a feeling of both evil and good. He had no sword in his hand, but just standing there gave people a terrifying sword intent. It was not difficult to see that Chu Yan was an extremely strong sword cultivator.

"It is the royal scepter of the Ji family. Who dares to challenge the majesty of the Tianhuang Sect?"

"Ji Dong of the Ji family is a contestant in this year's Heavenly Monument Competition. His strength is not weak. Although he cannot stand out in the Ji family, he is definitely a strong man in the dominant forces. Even if he cannot win the Heavenly Monument this year, he will definitely be in the top 100." Many people on the avenue were attracted by the battle here, and they all came forward and looked up at the battle.

"Who is that person? He is a level 7 Venerable. How dare he challenge Ji Dong? He is crazy."

"But this person's sword intent is so terrible, full of evil spirit. There is no sword in his hand, but the sword intent is self-generated, as if he is the sword of the world and can cut through the sky." Everyone kept talking.

Ji Dong smiled in the void, very proud. The Emperor Sect gave him enough confidence. Not to mention that Chu Yan is not from the Li family, even if he is, how can he be afraid of the Emperor Sect?

"Bang!" Ji Dong clenched his palm, and the Soul Scepter blossomed, turning into a repressive force that crushed Chu Yan, directly forming a thousand-meter palace. Once the palace appeared, Ji Dong had an absolute advantage in it. The golden light turned into a dragon robe, representing a powerful person.

When the light of the scepter descended, Chu Yan frowned slightly. He could feel that the blood in his body was affected a little, but in just a moment, the golden blood in his body burned, allowing him to return to normal.

"This imperial soul is indeed powerful. With the golden dragon bloodline, it suppresses the bloodline."

"Everyone can open four bloodline powers, three of which are excavated after birth, but everyone is born with a generation of bloodline. This bloodline is often inherited and has some innate advantages. It seems that Ji Huangji has cultivated this bloodline for ten thousand years to be very terrifying."

Chu Yan sighed secretly. There are innate bloodlines, such as the golden bloodline in his body, the Zhentianjun bloodline in the fat man's body, the Qingyi bloodline, and the monster bloodline mentioned by Senior Hua Yao. They are all innate bloodlines. These bloodlines are often the most terrifying, just like special bloodlines.

"But it seems that the Ji family's bloodline is still not as good as the bloodline in my body. My parents were the masters of the Divine Palace back then. The bloodline in my body is simply terrifying." Chu Yan was a little excited again. If he could control this bloodline, how strong would his power be?

But Chu Yan knew that it was still far away from him. Qin Ruoming gave him the Tianxing Juechen Dian to tell him not to be greedy for success, so he understood that in the path of cultivation, one must take one step at a time. Inheritance is important, but acquired efforts are the key.

Facing the golden scepter, Chu Yan did not waste words. He stretched out his big hand, and his five fingers were like swords. He chopped the air and turned into sword lights all over the sky, slashing at the golden scepter.

"Hmph, in my imperial palace, all attacks are ineffective against me." Ji Dong said contemptuously.

"Your palace?" Chu Yan sneered, and a soul flashed above his head. Suddenly, purple light filled the sky, as if it was a huge mirror. Ji Dong's face changed, and the world in front of him was distorted, as if he was dragged into another world.

"You also understand the art of imperial power?"

"The art of imperial power? Haha, imperial power is man-made after all. There will be dynasties changing, and one day it will fall. But my world is the way of heaven. This is my world, and I am the king." Chu Yan said disdainfully. The mirror image has been opened, who will compete?

Chu Yan turned into a sword light. When the sword came out, it was like the sword of heaven and earth, which could split everything. Ji Dong's face froze. He jumped up, grabbed the scepter, and used his soul to block in front of him to resist the sword.

"Boom!" However, the sword was too powerful. Chu Yan used the sword of two souls. How could Ji Dong block it? Ji Dong gritted his teeth, let out a low roar, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, which made the scepter shine more intensely, but even so, he was still seriously injured and retreated.

"Puff!" Ji Dong was hit and seriously injured. Of course, Chu Yan's face was not good either. This attack consumed him greatly, and this was the first time he opened the mirror world to a distance of one thousand meters, which hurt his soul.

But Chu Yan did not show it. He looked at Ji Dong and sneered: "Venerable level nine, is your strength so strong?"

Ji Dong's face was stiff, and Zhao Linger and Tian Qi and others below were shocked. Chu Yan actually won? And won so easily? Overstepped two levels and defeated Ji Dong?

The people on the street were also ashamed, and they were curious about who this Chu Yan was.

"I'm afraid he has the qualifications to fight for the Heavenly Monument?"

"He is only Venerable level seven. If he is stronger... how terrible will it be?" Everyone discussed, but many people also broke a cold sweat for Chu Yan at the same time. Chu Yan's move broke the majesty of the Emperor Sect.

Ji Dong's eyes were ferocious, and at this moment, a hint of cold killing intent suddenly appeared. The next moment, two souls appeared above his head, both of which were of the fifth grade. The three fifth-grade souls merged with each other and formed a golden mad dragon.

At that moment, Ji Dong's eyes revealed killing intent!

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