Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 358 Xumi Peak Closed

The battle at Xumi Peak shocked the six regions.

This battle can be said to be tragic. The four overlords sent countless emperors to kill one of the descendants, but were unexpectedly blocked by the two kings. The Mu family even lost three emperors, and it can be said that they returned in vain.

Chu Yan has also become famous. If Qin Zixuan says a word, she will send Chu Yan to the heavenly monument. If there is any dissatisfaction, her peers can take action against Chu Yan. Even if it is a murderer, she will not care. But if the emperor dares to participate, Chu Yan Must die.

The four overlords finally retreated. The herders were unwilling to give in, but they had no choice but to leave.

Old Man Xumi had been watching from the side, shaking his head with a wry smile. The flower demon glanced at Chu Yan and said lightly: "The timing seems to be a little early."

"It's too early, and now he is not strong enough to control the unified side. There are countless strong men in the six regions, and Ji Huangji will not come out for ten thousand years. His current strength is probably very terrifying. Qin Zixuan alone cannot stop him. live."

"Where is the power behind her?"

"That group of people will never interfere in the affairs of the galaxy. Do you think they are so relaxed? Who is Qin Zixuan and why did she grow up in a small galaxy? If things get bigger, it will not be good for Chu Yan." Old Man Xumi Sighing, he looked up at the sky again: "Qin Zixuan's time in the Six Realms Galaxy is running out. Her people will take her away."

"When the time comes, everything will depend on Chu Yan himself. He still needs to grow up." Old Man Xumi said, stroking his beard. Then he turned around, looked at the disciples who were still on Xumi Peak and said lightly: "Everything has come to an end today. This is over. You can leave Xumi Peak within three days. Xumi Peak will be closed to the public and the next opening time will not be determined for the time being. "

After speaking, Old Man Xumi turned around and left.

"Is Mount Xumi going to be closed?" Everyone couldn't help but said with regret.

Putting aside the grudges, Xumi Peak is indeed a treasured place for cultivation. There are eighty-one mountains here, and each mountain has magical powers left by the ancestors, such as the halberd technique of the Heavenly Halberd, the sword manual under the cliff, the Tianhe The body tempering techniques under the waterfall, these are the treasures and wealth in the six realms of the galaxy.

The journey of cultivation is eternal and has no end. Today's martial arts world was created by the immortals who explored the path one by one.

"Chu Yan, see you in the Emperor's Star Territory. When the time comes, we will find a chance to fight." Jiang Tianwen said with a cheerful smile.

"Okay! I'll definitely accompany you!" Chu Yan also smiled politely.

"Mi'er, let's go too." The disciples of Xuannv Sect came and were about to leave. Mi'er's beautiful eyes looked at Chu Yan with reluctance: "Brother Chu..."

"Go back, we will meet again soon." Chu Yan smiled and hugged Mi'er again.

At this moment, there was a sad figure. She was alone and seemed a bit lonely.

Qiu Meng was expelled from Younv Palace. She and Fatty were together and they were lovers, but now she has nowhere to go.

"Qiu Meng, are you willing to join the Xuannv Sect and be my protector?" Mi'er suddenly smiled and invited Qiu Meng.

"Go, when I become stronger, I will go to Xuannv Sect to pick you up." The fat man said with a silly smile. Chu Yan couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw this scene. This fat man, after staying up for so long, spring has finally come, but He was also genuinely happy for Fatty.

"Emperor's Star Territory, will you go?" Qiu Meng looked at the fat man and asked.

"Yes!" The fat man nodded and said confidently: "When the time comes, I will also win you a piece of heavenly monument to play with!"

"Damn fat man, just go ahead!" Li Xiaoyao also strolled over at this time and mocked: "Do you think it's so easy to seize the Heavenly Monument? Chu Yan and Zhixu and I will definitely be fine together. You, it's nothing. hope!"

"Fat man refuses to accept it!" The fat man rolled his eyes. The fat man now is no longer the tail-end of the crane back then. Six years ago, he came from a small escort agency in Tianyong City. He had no bloodline, no talent, and no background. However, he is now competing with the geniuses of the overlords of the six regions. How difficult will it be along the way? But Fatty never complained to anyone, he just worked hard silently.

The fat man didn't have any goals. He only had one belief, which was to help Chu Yan. He didn't want to have to watch or be a burden every time Chu Yan was in trouble. For this reason, he practiced hard. The bitterness is self-evident.

Chu Yan smiled cleanly: "Fat man, you work really hard."

All the forces finally left, and they agreed with each other that they would meet again in the Emperor's Star Territory at the end of the year. By then, there may be another bloody storm. Every three years, there will be a battle for luck, to win a heavenly monument, and to achieve the sixteenth heavenly monument, there will be a battle for glory.

Within three years, only sixteen of the billions of sentient beings in the six realms would be selected, which shows how valuable this heavenly monument is.

"Xiao Yanyan, come here, let sister take a look." When everyone left, the majestic Qin Zixuan suddenly smiled sweetly, without any of the previous momentum, strolled to Chu Yan's side, stretched out her hand and touched Chu Yan's head. , said with a satisfied smile: "Yes, I have grown taller again."

"Sister." Chu Yan's nose felt sour. He really didn't have to travel far, and he didn't know the pain of lovesickness. Once in the mortal world, he never felt a sense of distance even if he hadn't seen her for several years, but this time he was a little excited to see Qin Zixuan at Xumi Peak.

"Okay, if you're being pretentious with me, tell me, have you met a good girl recently? Have you accepted her?" Qin Zixuan looked at Qing Yi with a smile: "That girl is pretty good, have you accepted her? No, sister, help you!"

"..." Chu Yan broke into sweat: "Sister, that's enough for you. You are so serious and unexpected."

Surprisingly, Qing Yi blushed. She glanced at Qin Zixuan shyly, her phoenix eyes flashed with curiosity, and then she suddenly said: "With her here, you don't need my protection, I'm leaving."

"Whoosh!" After Qing Yi said this, he got up and disappeared. Miao Miao let out a meow and caught up with Qing Yi.

"I'm sorry Qingyi." Xiaolang said in his childish voice, which immediately caused everyone to laugh.

Li Hongwei has been standing high in the sky. He has watched the whole process. He can't help but be shocked. Qin Zixuan is so young and has the strength of a monarch. What kind of talent is this? Isn't it too scary?

Chu Yan exchanged a few words with Qin Zixuan. Although they were not biological siblings, they were better than biological siblings. So without saying anything, Qin Zixuan left with a giant hammer, but Chu Yan knew that Qin Zixuan did not go far, but kept going. Protect him in secret.

This is right. After all, growing up in a greenhouse will not be good for Chu Yan. He needs experience. Just as the Haotian Sect once said, the Jiuxian and the Sword Immortal once said that life is uncertain, and the most feared thing is whether people are warm or cold. I know that Chu Yan's road requires these setbacks.

Chu Yan and others were not in a hurry to leave Mount Xumi. Anyway, there were only three days left, so they thought of using the last three days to gain some enlightenment.

The Dou Tian Halberd has broken through the petrified seal and is stuck diagonally on the ground. It is thousands of feet high and has a golden dragon pattern. It is extremely powerful.

The next day, Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu came to the Doutian Halberd together. Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the Doutian Halberd and said lightly: "Thank you!"

"Zhixu, although I am crazy about this halberd, it is not suitable for me. I don't have the blood of the halberd and cannot exert my full strength. If you have the chance, you can try to conquer it." Chu Yan said.

Hua Zhixu shook his head: "It's too difficult. I can't conquer this halberd now. Even if I could, it would be of no benefit to me. I would definitely become dependent on it, causing me to misunderstand my own strength."

"Indeed, it is not a good thing to rely too much on magic weapons in your cultivation. Then let this halberd guard this place. You can come here to pull it out in the future." Chu Yan nodded. In the world of martial arts, magic weapons are not important to the overlord forces. It's not precious, just like this time the Shi family came up with a seventh-level magic weapon. But once you become dependent on the magic weapon, it will be difficult for you to practice yourself.

Moreover, the use of magic weapons is not allowed in the battle for the sky monument. Otherwise, if an overlord force has eight-level magic weapons, how can the battle for that monument be played?

The next day, Chu Yan went to the Evil Sword Forest again. In the past, thousands of swords rose up for him, but now only the Evil Sword and one giant sword stood here.

Chu Yan looked at the evil sword and began to meditate on the sword's meaning again. This time he felt it for a full ten hours.

During these ten hours, he and the evil sword actually resonated. The evil sword roared and struck at him in three sword shadows. Chu Yan was not polite and used his sword sound bloodline to fight against the three sword shadows. This battle was so intense that it caused the earth to crack open and form ravines. When everything returned to calm, Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and his sword bloodline broke through again.

The bloodline of the sword is extremely perfect.

"Back off!" Xie Jian said lightly. Chu Yan also smiled bitterly. He didn't try to pull up Xie Jian at all. He was too humble now. Xie Jian didn't bother to follow him. He was willing to give him a little advice. He was already of creation.

"Thank you, senior!" But Chu Yan still bowed his hand respectfully, and the evil sword made an annoying hum.

"Senior has refused to rise here for tens of thousands of years, just because no one has the will and heart of the sword to hold you. Then one day, I will come here with a strong heart and will take you away, and let the power of your predecessor be restored again. Domain." Chu Yan said seriously, turned and left.

Three days later, Xumi Peak was closed, and it was unknown when it would be reopened. This incident also became a great regret for the Six Realms Galaxy. No one could enter and comprehend the eighty-one inheritance places.

"It's time for us to set off. There are only a few months left before the end of the year. It is estimated that the Emperor's Star Territory is already overcrowded." Li Xiaoyao said with a smile, with a faint expectation in his heart. The Sky Monument will compete every three years. In the Emperor's Star Region, Star Territory, where the geniuses from the six realms gather, will definitely be very lively.

"It's time to set off." Chu Yan nodded, with a sense of urgency rising in his heart. Although he had grown a lot in the past year and defeated Mu Feng, he was not arrogant enough to think that he would definitely win. A celestial monument.

The so-called Heavenly Monument is a place where tens of thousands of geniuses compete, but those like Mu Feng are only on the surface, not to mention that there are still real Sixteen Heavenly Monuments masters. Except for those who have been crowned emperors, those who have not been crowned emperors among the Sixteen Heaven Monuments will still participate in this competition. At that time, it will be the real peak showdown under the emperor.

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