Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 359 Six Regions Gathered

Chu Yan and others returned to the Li family first. Regarding this battle for the Heavenly Monument, the Li family also sent people to go, so Chu Yan mixed in with them.

In the Li family for half a month, this half a month was surprisingly quiet. The news that Chu Yan became famous in the battle in Xumi Peak also spread. In this half a month, people from all sides in the western part of the Wuwang Star Region came to visit, but surprisingly, they did not come to visit the Li family, but all begged to see Chu Yan, including the Yu family and the Beiming Sword Sect, and even the emperor came in person.

"Haha, the forces that mocked you at the beginning are now sending people to make friends. These are their apologies to you." Li Xiaoyao waved his hand, and countless treasures piled up in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled casually. The reason why these forces came to apologize was undoubtedly because of the appearance of Qin Zixuan and Tiandao Patriarch. Now there were two great monarchs standing behind him. Even the overlord forces had to consider whether they could withstand such anger, not to mention the several major forces affiliated with the Li family.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and the incident on Xumi Peak gradually subsided.

Chu Yan was a young man after all. Even if he had good talent, he was still too weak for the real strong. The overlord forces of all parties did not pay much attention to him. After all, it takes time for a genius to grow. Now the overlords in the six domains have a history of thousands of years and contain great monarchs, so the real top people will not pay attention to Chu Yan at all.

Qin Zixuan and Tiandao Patriarch caused some alarm.

On this day, a major event happened in the Wuwang Star Domain. Above the ninety thousand miles of clouds, the stars here were few and dim.

Qin Zixuan was wearing purple clothes, as if she was sitting in the clouds. She frowned slightly and suddenly opened her phoenix eyes: "Since you are here, are you going to hide like this forever?"

"Swoosh!" Qin Zixuan said, and the void in all directions dissipated. Several strong men came out from it. If someone was here, they would be shocked, because the people who came here were all broken emperors, and even monarchs.

"You two, the Six Domains Galaxy has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and the Emperor of Heaven has ruled. Now you suddenly appear, do you want to break the rules of my Six Domains?" The leader suddenly said.

"You don't have to be nervous. I am not interested in the Six Domains Galaxy, and I will not create a force in the Six Domains Galaxy, but I also give you a piece of advice. If you don't follow the rules, if any party dares to send an emperor to attack my brother, I don't mind destroying the overlord of that party and replacing him. In the Six Domains Galaxy, I will re-create a new overlord force." Qin Zixuan said lightly, very calmly.

"I hope you can abide by the rules. In this case, we will say goodbye." Everyone nodded and left one after another.

Everything was still calm, as if nothing had happened, and it seemed to imply that a shocking event was about to happen in the Six Domains Galaxy.

Another day, a demon beast from the Li family let out a long roar, and the leader was a big demon dragon.

The strong men of the Li family gathered in the training square. The crowd was huge, and Li Hongwei personally came out to preside over it. These people were going to compete for the Heavenly Monument.

Chu Yan glanced at it. Among the huge crowd, there were hundreds of Venerables at the ninth level alone, and thousands of Venerables at the eighth level.

A family that is also a hegemonic force, with so many children, and countless people in any realm. Of course, most of these thousands of people are just cannon fodder, not elite disciples. With their combat power, they are not enough to compete for the Heavenly Monument.

"There are so many people in the Li family alone. How many people will all the hegemons in the six domains add up?" The fat man said guiltily.

"Why, Fatty, you are not confident?" Hua Zhixu laughed, "Didn't you even tell Qiu Meng about your crazy words?"

"Who said I am not confident? Fatty, I am a genius!" Fatty was not convinced, and there was another round of laughter.

"Let's go!" Li Xiaoyao laughed, he and Chu Yan and others took a monster carriage, flew into the air, and headed towards the eye-catching place.

Li Hongwei stood aside, looking at the huge crowd, showing a satisfied smile. At the end of the year, they will all enter the holy land and participate in this battle for the Heavenly Monument. Regardless of whether they can seize the Heavenly Monument, they will be baptized and become a strong man, the pride of the Li family.

On the side of the Northwest Marquis' Mansion, the Marquis looked up, and Lin Jia also fought on behalf of the Li family in the huge crowd, becoming the pride of the Northwest Marquis' Mansion, but the former pride Lin Mengyun, will never miss the battle for the Heavenly Monument. Just because she offended Chu Yan.


The Emperor Star Region is the center of the six regions and the richest place. The biggest hegemonic power in the six domains is here, the Emperor Sect.

The six domains, the Ancient Demon Star Domain and the King of Martial Arts Star Domain all have three hegemons, the Qinggu Star Domain and the Yunhai Star Domain each have two hegemons, the Four Gods Star Domain and the Emperor of Martial Arts Star Domain each have one hegemon, a total of twelve hegemonic powers.

They are the Ancient Demon: the three demon mountains, the Heavenly Demon Peak, and the Demon Mountain Gate. The King of Martial Arts Star Domain: the Li family, the Shi family, and the Jiang family. Qinggu: the Meteorite Pavilion and the Mu family. Yunhai: the Ghost Girl Palace and the Xuannv Sect. The Four Gods, the Emperor of Martial Arts Sect.

Among them, the Emperor of Martial Arts Sect is the strongest and the most powerful. Some countries and affiliated forces under the control of the Emperor of Martial Arts Sect are all powerful. When the ** Lord and the Zhentian Lord fell, eleven of them created their own hegemons, and the other four were all in the Emperor of Martial Arts Sect.

However, the Emperor of Martial Arts Star Domain is now even more prosperous, with all the hegemonic powers from all directions gathered here.

In a corner of the Emperor Star Region, overlord forces began to arrive one after another. People in the cities below became excited and raised their heads to look upwards.

"It's been three years again. People are starting to come. At the end of the year, it will be another feast."

At this moment, a huge stone tower flew sideways in the void in the distance. Above it was a cleanly dressed young man with a large stone character embroidered on his chest, as if he was very proud.

"They are people from the Shi family in King Wu Star Region. They are here. It is rumored that the Shi family is good at refining weapons, but I heard that not long ago, they lost a seventh-level magic weapon in the battle at Xumi Peak."

"That battle was quite fierce, but after all, there were still no top people involved. It was a bit lower than the level of the Sky Monument Battle in previous years." Everyone was talking about it with relish.

In the city, there are also groups of three and five, it is very lively, many people gather here.

At this moment, another person raised his head and looked at a wooden boat, only to see countless human figures there. Although they were human figures, their demonic aura was so high that many people below laughed and said: "The people from the ancient demon are here too, hehe, hehe, Still so domineering.”

"Look, that's Hu Qiong. His aura is stronger than it was three years ago. Back then, he roared across the mountains and forests, but it caused a stir. I heard that he deliberately suppressed his realm and didn't break through, just for this time. Winning the first sky monument will make you famous in the six regions."

"That's not what I heard. I heard that his brother was killed by someone, and that person would also participate in the battle for the Sky Monument. It was in order to kill that person that he never broke through."

"The other two Heavenly Monuments of the Ancient Demon are also here, Jiang Fan of the Heavenly Demon Peak, and the Broken Traces of the Three Demonic Mountains."

"Who is the woman in blue? She is so beautiful. Why have I never heard of her? The women around her are also so beautiful, no more, no less, thirty-six of them, all like fairies."

"She is the new generation of Xuannv from the Xuannv Sect. She is low-key, but she is very famous in the Yunhai Star Territory. It is said that not many people have seen her true appearance, and she has already decided to be the next sect leader. Those thirty-six They are all her guardians, and they are all present this time, apparently to help her win the monument!"

The six star regions seem to be all gathered here at this moment. In the Emperor's Star Region today, there is just a small city the size of a palm, and there may be a talented disciple of the overlord force hiding there.

The end of the year is approaching, and the topic naturally revolves around this battle for the Sky Monument, with countless powerful people from all sides gathered.

On this day, the powerful men from the Falling Star Pavilion also came. The leader was a handsome young man. He stood with his hands behind his back, and stars fell with every step he took. His arrogance immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"It's the Heavenly Monument Master from the Meteor Star Pavilion: Cao Yu! The last Heavenly Monument Master ranked fourth!"

Cao Yu is a genuine contemporary sky monumenter in the Meteor Star Pavilion. He also uses a sword and walks with a sword. He is cleanly dressed and gives people the power to fly into the clouds.

At this moment, a person suddenly flew towards me. This person was in great contrast to Cao Yu. He was tall and tall, and without any magical powers, he was two meters tall. His upper body was naked, and he looked a little scary. When he saw Cao Yu, he stopped. The lower body smiled and said: "Are you here?"

Cao Yu also stopped, glanced at the burly man and said, "It seems like you haven't been crowned emperor either?"

"There are countless secrets in the Sky Monument. It's not a pity to break through. What's more, the ranking last time was not ideal. This time, I plan to take a step forward." The big man laughed wildly, and a murderous intention flashed in his eyes: "In addition, we have to kill one person. "

"It seems we have the same goal." Cao Yu smiled mysteriously. The burly man was the bearer of the Mu family's heavenly monument: Mu Aotian!

The Heavenly Monuments, those mysterious beings in the past, are now all gathered in the Emperor's Star Territory.

On this day, another powerful party appeared here. A group of young people wearing the costumes of four mythical beasts came here. The leader of them was quite handsome. He always acted indifferently, but no one dared to look down on him. He alone , actually represents the entire Sifangshenxingyu.

Finally he landed on a piece of land in the Emperor's Star Territory, and then he showed a mysterious smile, looked up, and said with a smile: "He should also come to the Battle of the Sky Monument, right? I really have some expectations."

"Lin Daoyan, are you talking about that Chu Yan?" There was a woman in green next to the young man. She was quite cold. Then she sneered: "You must have taken a liking to him. Now this is the most beautiful place in the six regions of the galaxy. The Emperor's Star Territory is not the mortal world. He is just a humble person. Even if he has a chance to get involved in the battle for the Heavenly Monument in the past few years, how can he get involved?"

If Chu Yan were here, he would definitely recognize this woman as none other than the princess of the Eastern Shrine: Qingyin.

That year, she was the emperor of the Tianshan Sect. She was high up above, overlooking all living beings, as if everything in the world were ants. Later, Chu Yan became famous in a battle, and Chu Hanfeng even destroyed the Bafang Emperor, which severely damaged her proud heart. , but today, she is at the seventh level, and she is already at the same level as Chu Yan.

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