Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 357: Grand Lord Qin Zixuan

"So strong!" Everyone in Xumi Peak was shocked. That giant hammer from outer space actually killed a Heavenly Emperor? What kind of terrible power does this require?

The giant hammer that suddenly fell from outer space hit the first peak of Xumi Peak, a thousand meters high, like a huge mountain. The people of the Four Overlords frowned in vain. The power of the giant hammer was too strong, and it was filled with terrible royal power.

"Who is it?" An emperor of the Mu family said coldly. The person who just died was an emperor of their Mu family.

Chu Yan was very familiar with the giant hammer. This eternal divine hammer was made by Qin Zixuan, the female emperor of the world.

Qin Zixuan had no news since she left the world. Chu Yan had also inquired about it. Later, he learned from Li Xiaoyao that Qin Zixuan had once killed the Four God Stars alone and restrained the entire Four Gods with her own strength.

But the Six Realms are too big after all. When he was in the mortal world, Chu Yan could hear news about the empress at any time, but when he came to the Six Realms Galaxy, each star field was thousands of miles away, with millions of stars, and there was a galaxy blocking him.

So after going to the Ancient Demon Star Region, Chu Yan had no news of Qin Zixuan, but today, she appeared, still arrogant, and directly smashed a Mu family emperor to death with a giant hammer.

Qin Zixuan descended like a fairy from the sky, wearing a purple dragon-patterned skirt and a phoenix crown on her head, like an empress. She was still in high spirits and looked at Chu Yan: "Not bad, in two years, you are about to be crowned as an emperor. You didn't disappoint me!"

"Sister..." Chu Yan smiled bitterly, but his sister's word immediately caused a sensation in Xumi Peak, and everyone looked at Chu Yan in astonishment.

Qin Zixuan is still so young, and she has the strength of a monarch? And such a person is Chu Yan's sister?

Qin Zixuan, in two years, became a monarch. Chu Yan was not surprised by Qin Zixuan's breakthrough. When she was in the mortal world, she had already broken through the emperor's posture. With her talent, it was normal for her to enter the monarch in two years.

Moreover, Chu Yan had always been curious about Qin Zixuan's life experience. Chu Yan only knew that Qin Zixuan was not from the mortal world, but was Qin Ruoming's goddaughter, but her real background was unknown.

Li Hongwei was in the Li family, and his eyes were also shocked when he saw the woman. The woman should be much younger than him, right? But she had already reached the monarch?

"Xiaoyao, who is Chu Yan?" Li Hongwei couldn't help asking.

Li Xiaoyao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know, but in a place called Chenjian, he is the king. In the past, all the major overlords of the Six Domains Galaxy suffered losses there, and many strong men fell. This woman seemed to have killed her way to the Four Directions Star Domain and suppressed the entire Four Directions God Force with her own strength."

"Chenjian?" Li Hongwei's eyes condensed, as if he remembered something, and then he looked at Chu Yan with a serious look: "His surname is Chu? Could it be that he is related to the man named Chu Hanfeng?"

Chu Hanfeng, I'm afraid only some of the top talents in the Six Domains Galaxy know, but this name is unintentionally a taboo in the Six Domains Galaxy. In a battle ten thousand years ago, one person suppressed Ji Huangji, and the one who took action to seal Chenjian was the man named Chu Hanfeng.

The four overlord forces also looked at Qin Zixuan at this time. They were all very unfamiliar with Qin Zixuan. There were only so many monarchs in the Six Domains Galaxy. There were fifteen great monarchs back then, one or two from the major overlord forces, and a few casual cultivators, and no one else.

It can be said that all the monarchs are very famous in the six domains and the emperors of the major overlords will also know it, so as not to bump into a monarch outside, the price is something they can't afford.

But today, there is another monarch, and it is such a young woman.

"Xiao Yanyan, I am here today, all the emperors dare not move, whoever you want to kill, kill at will, whoever dares to do it, I will help you kill." Qin Zixuan suddenly smiled, making everyone's mouth twitch.

The people of the four overlords looked even uglier. Whoever you want to kill, kill at will? They are the four major overlords.

"Senior, we are the four major overlords, you are too much." An old man from the Mu family suddenly stepped out. He was in his seventies, but he called Qin Zixuan senior. This is normal. In the world of martial arts, strength is respected.

"Did I let you speak?" Qin Zixuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, looking at the old man, in a moment, the killing intention was born, and the old man was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. One person spoke, and a broken emperor of the Mu family dared not speak?

Who just said that Chu Yan had no background? Now behind him stood a great lord, who was stronger than the four hegemons.

Chu Yan also laughed. This world is really realistic. Just now, he was alone here, and there were countless people who wanted to kill him, but now that Qin Zixuan came, more than forty emperors dared not even speak.

This is strength.

Chu Yan didn't waste words. He raised his head and looked at Mu Ao: "Mu Ao, I have no grudge against you. You love Qingyi and take your anger out on me, but you teamed up with Mu Feng to hurt Zhixu, so today, you will die."

"No!" Mu Ao seemed to feel the threat of Chu Yan, let out a scream, and hurriedly retreated: "Uncle, save me!"

The emperors of the Mu family looked gloomy. They thought that Qin Zixuan's words were just talk, but they didn't expect that Chu Yan was also a madman and really wanted to kill people?

"Sir, you've gone too far. If you really do this, my Mu family will never let it go!" An emperor from the Mu family gritted his teeth and said.

"You, the Mu family, are not qualified yet, Xiao Yanyan, kill him, let's see who dares to do it!" Qin Zixuan said coldly, she had endured it for two years, two full years, not because of anything else, just because in these two years , Chu Yan went to the Ancient Demon Star Territory, where there was a monarch. She was only the Po Emperor at that time, so she couldn't help. She once prayed to the forces behind her to take action for Chu Yan, but those people refused.

Then she went to break through. After the four gods said goodbye, Qin Zixuan went into seclusion for two years and finally became a king. Now that she has the ability to protect Chu Yan in the Six Realms Galaxy, no one can hurt him.

"Mu Ao, die!" Chu Yan took an unceremonious step and walked away with his sword. A Mu family emperor in the distance was furious, let out a low roar, and directly released his imperial power.

"Boom!" But the next moment, the empress took action. Qin Zixuan's slender jade hand reached out, grabbed the throat of the Mu family emperor, and blasted out with a palm. The emperor fell on the spot.

"Bang!" There was another loud noise, Chu Yan stepped on Mu Ao, his eyes were so cold, all the emperors of the Mu family had cold eyes: "How dare you kill him!"

"Mu family, overlord? It's ridiculous. Are disciples like you worthy of competing for the Heavenly Monument? If it were placed outside Xumi Peak, I would have killed him hundreds of times." Chu Yan said contemptuously, then he held his palm and He thrust out the long sword and pierced Mu Ao's heart directly.

Mu Ao, dead! Everyone thought that Chu Yan would die, but the situation was reversed, which subverted everyone's cognition.

At this time, Qin Zixuan looked around with cold eyes, looking at the so-called four overlords. She said lightly: "Mu family, Shi family, Meteor Star Pavilion, Younu Palace, do you want to destroy the family when you attack him? "

"Today, all the overlord forces are here. I give you a warning. From today on, Chu Yan will travel across the six realms with my protection. At the end of the year, I will personally accompany him to the Emperor's Star Territory and send him to heaven. monument!"

"During this period, during the Battle of Heavenly Monument, or the contemporaries of your so-called overlord forces, they can take action against him, even if it means killing him. I, Qin Zixuan, will never pursue him, but if you let me know, which overlord dares to make secret moves? , sent the emperor, I, Qin Zixuan, swear in the name of the emperor that I will destroy him at all costs. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard what the empress said. She actually said that the next generation could take action against Chu Yan, even as a murderer. Chu Yan would also participate in the battle for the sky monument. Is this confidence in Chu Yan?

"Now, you should get lost!" Qin Zixuan shouted again. The emperors of the four overlords all sank, but there was nothing they could do. Qin Zixuan was too strong.

"Farewell!" The emperors of the Meteor Star Pavilion handed over their hands and finally withdrew from Xumi Peak. This time, the losses of the Meteor Star Pavilion were definitely not small. They lost a Quasi-Heaven Monument Master, and now they were intimidated by Qin Zixuan and retreated. It was considered a loss. Save face.

The most important thing is that Qin Zixuan took action, but no one among the four overlords stepped forward. Did they not notice it? This is absolutely impossible. You must know that for the monarch, they do not say that they can observe the entire six domains, but they have transcendent insight. With a single thought, they will understand everything happening here, but there is no monarch in the four directions. Come on, that only represents one problem, that is, none of the overlords in the four directions seems to want to provoke Qin Zixuan.

"Farewell!" The people from Younu Palace had no choice but to retreat, followed by the Shi family.

The Mu family clenched their fists, and at this moment, a Mu family emperor who was very close to Chu Yan suddenly changed his eyes, and suddenly turned into a beam of imperial power and penetrated towards Chu Yan.

Everyone was shocked, no one expected that an emperor would launch a sneak attack on Chu Yan.

"Unruly! Die!" But at this moment, there was another sound of imperial power from outside the sky, and an old man appeared behind Chu Yan like a ghost. He shook his withered hand, and the imperial power was shattered, directly killing the shepherd. The emperor of the family will be crushed to death.

"No! I am a shepherd." The emperor was frightened, but the old man was not afraid at all and killed him on the spot.

The person who took action was the Patriarch of Heavenly Dao. There is a vibration in Mount Sumeru. Is it the king again? Two monarchs actually appeared next to Chu Yan?

What is this concept? How many kings can a hegemonic force have? But today, two monarchs suddenly appeared next to Chu Yan? Now, who dares to say that Chu Yan has no power?

After today, everyone will know that there are two monarchs standing behind Chu Yan. These two monarchs alone are enough to make the four overlords consider whether they can pursue Chu Yan. Have you withstood the revenge of these two princes?

Many people are even thinking that maybe in the near future, there will be another overlord force in the six-domain galaxy, right? Will Chu Yan also go to the battle for the Sky Monument? At that time, what kind of style will he have?

Li Xiaoyao smiled brightly: "This beast is so cruel! I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect it to be even crazier than me!"

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