Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 305: Destroy the Lord with One Finger

In the past, Chu Yan was in the eastern part of the ancient demons, showing his talent in the competition, and his extraordinary fire pattern strength killed Luo Tianya in anger. Hua Zhixu became famous in the Yuanqi battle stage, and was invincible under the realm of Zun, but both of them were within the rules.

Even if Chu Yan later killed Chen Tong, it was also within the rules. The funny thing is that the people of the three families and Tian Yao Peak couldn't afford to lose, so they did such a despicable thing and arrested Chen Nishang and the other two to force Chu Yan to take action.

"Today, I will execute the execution. Who can stop me?" Jiang Wuyi didn't waste words. He shouted coldly, and then the imperial power was released, and a strong killing intent immediately enveloped everyone.

Chen Jingtian's old eyes were cloudy, and he was desperate. At this time, Chen Nishang suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Jingtian. Her eyes were red, but then she suddenly smiled: "Grandpa, don't blame me, but Nishang can't accompany you anymore in the future."

"Nishang..." Chen Jingtian gritted his teeth, he was angry, how could he, an old man in his seventies, watch his only granddaughter being executed?

"Nishang, grandpa will save you even if he risks his life today!" Chen Jingtian swore in his heart, and then he looked around, looking for an opportunity, but at this moment, a violent explosion suddenly rose in the distance, which startled everyone.

"Don't be impulsive, old Chen, Chu Yan is here, leave it to me next, Nishang will be fine." But at this moment, a voice suddenly came into Chen Jingtian's ears, which made Chen Jingtian's old eyes condense, and then he looked around, but he couldn't see anyone for a long time.

But knowing that Chu Yan was here, Chen Jingtian was still moved a little, but then he felt a little powerless, what could Chu Yan do? He is just an emperor, how can he change the hopeless situation today?

Time flies, and it is noon in a blink of an eye. At this time, Jiang Wuyi showed a cold look: "The time has come, prepare for execution!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed, staring at the execution platform, everything was about to happen, the people of the four families flew to the execution platform together, is it true that no one can change the result today?

"Jiang family old dog, don't you want to force me to show up? Let me go now, otherwise, I will never show up, until one day, when I appear again, it will be the day of your Jiang family's demise!" At this time, a thunder suddenly sounded, causing everyone's eyes to condense and look up at the sky.

"Is this voice Chu Yan? He, he is really here?"

"No, since he is here, where is he?" Everyone was shocked and kept looking around, but still couldn't find anyone. You know, there are many emperors here. Chu Yan has been hiding here, and no one has found him?

The Jiang family ancestor's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the sky coldly: "Chu Yan, you are here! In this case, why don't you show up?"

"Buzz!" At this time, the sky suddenly changed. Above the clouds, it seemed that a stone door from another world opened. Chu Yan walked out slowly, standing three thousand meters high in the void, overlooking everything on the earth.

"Chu Yan!" Chen Nishang's eyes turned red. She was a little happy that Chu Yan came here, but more of it was heartache. She knew that she would die today, so she didn't want Chu Yan to come and die.

"Why did you come!"

"You are my friend. You are in trouble now. How can I not come?" Chu Yan stood in the void, looking at the miserable appearance of Chen Nishang and the other two. He was extremely heartbroken and had a strong murderous intention. Then he turned to look in the direction of Chen Jingtian. Suddenly, he bowed deeply: "Old Chen, Nishang! Chu Yan, I'm sorry for you..."

"What does it have to do with you to accuse me? You shouldn't come to die..." Chen Nishang laughed and cried, and she shook her head.

"Silly boy!" Chen Jingtian also sighed. He liked Chu Yan very much. He really liked him. The talent Chu Yan showed in the past, whether it was fire patterns or cultivation, was extremely amazing. It was rare to see it in a hundred years. But it was because of this that he brought disaster upon himself. He was not wrong. He was wrong because the world was unfair, the heaven was unkind, and the way of heaven was unjust.

"Bang!" At this moment, Chen Jingtian suddenly took a step forward, and a smile appeared on his old face. Seeing this scene, the elders of Lihuo Academy and many others frowned slightly: "Chen Jingtian, what are you going to do?"

"Grandpa..." Chen Nishang was also panicked. She knew that she would die, and this was not the situation she wanted to see.

"Nishang, remember, you must be worthy of your conscience and worthy of heaven. Today, Chu Yan came alone for you, and he can still do this. How can I, an old man, retreat and not fight? Today, whoever dares to hurt my granddaughter, I will die, and I will fight with him!"

"Old Chen, don't forget that you represent Lihuo Academy!" At this time, the elder of Lihuo Academy said in a deep voice.

"I have devoted countless efforts to Lihuo Academy throughout my life, but my granddaughter has suffered such a disaster today, and you are with the Jiang family. I will quit this Lihuo Academy! But remember, as long as I, Chen Jingtian, am alive, I will kill one person from the Jiang family, the Liu family, the Luo family, and the Du family, and I will be your enemy forever!" Chen Jingtian suddenly raised his hand, and saw an ancient golden token, which was crushed by him.

At this moment, everyone was silent. The token was owned by the person who had made the most contributions to Lihuo Academy, but now it was crushed by Chen Jingtian.

The faces of the four families also sank. Chen Jingtian, today, let it go, and forever, they will be enemies with his four families.

"Humph, you old bones who don't know your own strength, today, no one can change this ending." Jiang Wuyi shouted coldly, and then he raised his head and looked at Chu Yan: "I really didn't expect you to dare to come, but since you are here, die today."

"I have appeared, let me go!" Chu Yan said coldly.

"Let him go? You are too naive. All of you will die today, including this old man Chen Jingtian!" Jiang Wuyi sneered, and then he waved his hand and turned into a giant palm and grabbed Chu Yan in the air.

"Jiang Wuyi, I say it again, let him go, otherwise, the emperor of your Jiang family will die today!" Chu Yan roared, and Jiang Wuyi smiled even more contemptuously: "With you? Let the emperor of my Jiang family die? What about the Great Demon Emperor? Look, can you still summon it?"

Chu Yan had long discovered that there was a huge soul formation that shocked the surroundings. Moreover, even without this formation, Jiuyou was still sleeping and he could not wake it up. But then, he raised his palm and turned into a Divine thoughts.

"Lihuo Academy, since you are unkind, you are not worthy of the Fire Pattern Mirror! Return to your place!" Chu Yan said lightly. Suddenly there was a tremor in the distance, and the Fire Pattern Mirror turned into a streak of fire and flew out, standing on the high platform. above.

"You dare, thief!" Lihuo Academy was immediately angry. The Fire Pattern Mirror is the most precious treasure of Lihuo Academy, and today it was summoned away by Chu Yan again!

"Everyone, this thief stole the valuable treasure of our Lihuo Academy. Today, our Lihuo Academy will also participate in the battle." At this time, several elders from Lihuo Academy strolled out.

"Stealing? If this fire pattern mirror belongs to you, why can't you summon it? But today, I can, you guys, get out!" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and then the fire pattern mirror turned into a thousand and one fire patterns, A huge formation was formed, directly blocking the execution platform, and all the venerables could not get closer.

"Boom!" At this moment, Jiang Wuyi's giant palm was also knocked back by Chu Yan's sacrifice of the Haotian Tower. His eyes were cold and his murderous intent was even stronger. Chu Yan could actually control countless divine objects. If this kind of power could Control, what a terrifying power that would be?

Jiang Wuyi became greedy. At this moment, Hu Qiong's eyes flickered. He was always feeling the surroundings and asked an old man next to him: "Senior, are you breathing?"

The old man couldn't help but shake his head: "There are indeed a lot of hidden auras around, but they are not strong. At most, they are Tianzun and there is no ancestor of Tiandao."

Hu Qiong fell into silence again. He had always thought that Patriarch Tiandao might appear again due to the Chu Yan disaster today, but listening to what the old man said, it seemed that Patriarch Tiandao had no intention of appearing.

Everyone was shocked. No one expected that today would turn out like this. Chu Yan really appeared. As soon as he appeared, he summoned several divine objects, so that the venerable did not dare to come forward.

"Chu Yan, you can't change this outcome today, so die." At this time, several elders of the Du family also flew into the sky.

"It's the venerable of the Du family, and the leader is a strong man of the second level of venerable. Now the fire pattern mirror is restrained by the Liuluo family in the distance, and the iron tower is also suppressed by Emperor Jiang alone. Now there is another If Your Majesty takes action, Chu Yan may be in danger."

"No matter how strong the emperor is, he can't defeat the venerable one." Another person said with a sigh.

"Du family, Du Meiling is also a member of your Du family, but your Du family did not hesitate to sell it out for development. It is really sad. A family like yours should be destroyed!" After Chu Yan finished speaking, his eyes were cold and contemptuous. , then he stretched out his palm, and it turned into a finger of light and fell in the air.

"Bang!" Then everyone was shocked. Chu Yan pointed his finger and directly penetrated a second-level venerable. The Du family were shocked. One of them looked at Chu Yan in horror: "You have broken through?"

"Venerable Level 2, I didn't expect to be so unbearable." Chu Yan sneered. When he was an emperor, he fought against Chen Zun, but at that time he still felt a lot of pressure, but now he has become an emperor. , a qualitative change occurred, and then I discovered that the strength and weakness between the venerables was so exaggerated.

Although everyone in the Du family is also a Venerable, and there are some Level 2 Venerables, their bloodline is weak and their souls are of low quality, so they cannot stop the power of Cai Chuyan's single finger.

Everyone was extremely shocked when Chu Yan became a monk. It had only been a few months, right? Chu Yan broke through from the eighth level of the Emperor to the Human Being? What kind of cultivation speed is this? More importantly, even if he breaks through the Venerable, is it impossible to defeat the powerful master of the Venerable Level 2? This fighting power is too terrifying, it can be said to be a monster of a generation.

Gu Mu's eyes were pleasantly surprised in the distance. He had long been optimistic about Chu Yan, but he didn't expect that Chu Yan would bring him such a big surprise.

However, after a moment, he couldn't help but feel sad. He originally wanted to accept Chu Yan into the Monster Mountain Gate. With Chu Yan's strength, he could definitely train him as a candidate for the Sky Monument. But unfortunately, this idea is absolutely impossible now. The Monster Mountain Gate, and The hatred between Chu Yan cannot be resolved at all.

"The Jiang family, the Liu family, the Luo family, and the Du family, you call yourself the four families, but you use despicable means to force me to show up. Today I show up, don't you want to kill me? I am here alone to challenge you and the four families. Venerables below level three, including level three, do you dare to fight with me?" Chu Yan sneered, and everyone was startled. Chu Yan alone challenged all the Venerables below level three from the four families? Is he crazy?

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