Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 306 Invincible Posture

Chu Yan's voice was like thunder, resounding in the sky. Everyone was slightly startled after hearing it. Chu Yan alone wanted to challenge all the masters of the four families? Is this possible? Even if Chu Yan broke through to the master level now, it would be impossible to do it, right?

"Everyone, this boy is cunning, don't fall for his tricks, he is doomed today, we will just take action and kill him." The ancestor of the Liu family snorted coldly. In the past, Chu Yan was an eighth-level emperor, which caused a great earthquake in the east. Now he is challenging all the masters of the four families. How can people not be afraid?

"Evil plot? How ridiculous. This execution platform was built by you, and there is a formation on it to suppress the soul. I am just a first-level Venerable who has just entered the Venerable level. Today I know that I will die. I challenge all the Venerables of your four families. In your eyes, it is a evil plot?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously: "You have countless Heavenly Venerables and Emperors here. How can a junior like me use evil plots in front of you?"

Everyone was silent immediately. Chu Yan was right. He was just a first-level Venerable. There were countless Heavenly Venerables and several Emperors present. What could Chu Yan do even if he used evil plots?

"What? Don't you dare? Or is it that the four families of Jiang, Liu, Luo, and Du claim to be the four great families in the eastern part of the ancient monsters, and the disciples in the family are all geniuses, but in the end they are just in name only? I, Chu Yan, am a level one venerable, and I let you two levels, but today you don't even have the courage to fight? If so, it's really a joke. The people of the eastern part of the ancient monsters are here to witness that the so-called four families are nothing but a bunch of drunkards!" Chu Yan spoke coldly and looked around the audience. At this time, the rhythm of the execution platform had been mastered by Chu Yan.

Chu Yan did not escape, but challenged the four families. Now the four families can be said to be riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. They can refuse to respond and directly send Tianzun and Emperor to kill Chu Yan, but where will the reputation of their four families be in the future? Where is their face?

Everyone also looked at the four families jokingly. If the four families did not dare to fight today, there are some things that no one would say, but they would have all kinds of opinions about the four families in their hearts. As Chu Yan said, the four families are in name only.

"Hmph! Ancestor, I am willing to fight!" A disciple from the Luo family walked out, a second-level Venerable.

"Master, I am also willing to fight for you and kill this arrogant guy!" Another disciple from the Jiang family stood up, a third-level Venerable, Jiang Dong.

At this time, Liu Feng suddenly took a step forward, sacrificed the Soul Blood Knife, and looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Chu Yan, you escaped from the Ten Thousand Miles Monster Forest in the past, today I must kill you myself."

Chu Yan looked around at the three people and sneered: "It's ridiculous, your cultivation and age are all above me, but in your opinion, killing me is a great honor, but it doesn't matter, you three, come together."

"Arrogant!" Liu Feng snorted coldly, the three of them were all top disciples of the three families, and they would be trained as elite disciples, but now Chu Yan was so arrogant, a first-level Venerable, let the three of them come together

But for the sake of face, the three of them naturally wouldn't go together. Liu Feng snorted coldly and said to the two people beside him: "You two, this boy is arrogant, I will take action alone and capture him directly!"

Liu Feng's idea is correct. Although the purpose today is to execute Chen Nishang and lure out Chu Yan, there are people from Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen, which is also an opportunity for them to show their talents. Only by showing extraordinary talents will they be reused by the two major monarch forces in the future.

"Okay!" Jiang Dong hesitated, he didn't fight. Jiang Fan was the Tianbei of Tianyao Peak, so his Jiang family didn't need to fight. As for the Luo family disciples, they were a little annoyed, but they nodded helplessly.

"Thank you for your help!" Liu Feng smiled proudly, then he turned into a figure and shot out, the blood in his hand rose to the sky, and the surroundings were suddenly filled with endless blood and energy, and greeted Chu Yan. The blood seemed to be able to identify the direction. No matter how Chu Yan fled, the blood would immediately chase him.

Chu Yan was not in a hurry. He had been circling around, looking for an opportunity. At this moment, his eyes condensed, and the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand rose up, forming a sword net in front of him. It broke with a crackling sound, and the blood was cut off immediately.

Finding the right time, Chu Yan took a step into the air after making a move, and the light of inheritance flashed in his other hand. Suddenly, a strong killing intent formed on the Sun-Destroying Sword. These killing intentions were not illusory, but real. They turned into killing lights that spread across the sky, no more, no less, exactly seven.

Seven Killing Swordsmanship, one of the nine inheritances of Zhentian Jun in the past, one sword and one killing intent, seven swords descended, and they must be killed. It can be said to be a killing technique.

"Huh?" Liu Feng's eyes were startled. He felt the strong killing intent shrouding him, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

"Want to run? Can you run away?" Chu Yan smiled contemptuously and walked out. Then seven killing thoughts descended and devoured Liu Feng mercilessly. Finally, the seven killing thoughts merged into one and stabbed out with a sword, which was as shocking as a ray of light.

"No! How can you be so strong?" Liu Feng was shocked. He saw the light expanding in front of him. He was terrified and felt a strong sense of death.

"I didn't expect you to be so weak!" Chu Yan sneered. When he was still an emperor in the monster forest, Venerable Liu Feng suppressed him. But now, he was also a Venerable, but he found that Liu Feng was so vulnerable. He moved his mind and his feet turned into a step forward. Countless sword intentions rose from his back and ruthlessly enveloped Liu Feng.

"Hua Zhixu! Where is he!" Chu Yan roared. His voice was mixed with the sound of swords. Every word made Liu Feng feel so painful that his facial features twitched and he vomited blood.

"I'll ask you again, where is Hua Zhixu! Otherwise, I will kill you!" Chu Yan took another step forward, and he looked at Liu Feng with great contempt.

"I, I don't know! Someone rescued him!" Liu Feng was terrified, and the blood knife soul in his hand was shattered. Everyone was shocked to see this scene. Liu Feng, a second-level Venerable, didn't even have the strength to fight back in front of Chu Yan?

Is Chu Yan too strong, or Liu Feng too weak?

"Kill!" Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Liu Feng's words. Although he knew Hua Zhixu was not dead, he had no news. Today, Liu Feng said that someone had rescued him, so he should not be an enemy, so the next moment, he no longer hesitated, and seven murderous intentions gathered on the Sun-Destroying Sword, and ruthlessly slashed towards Liu Feng's chest.

"Boy, you dare!" The ancestor of the Liu family was immediately angry. The might of the Heavenly Venerable stepped out with a thud, and then turned into a giant hand to grab Chu Yan in the void. With a palm strike, Chu Yan's face changed slightly. Feeling the strong pressure, he quickly retreated, and the sword killing light was shattered.

"The Liu family is really good. If the younger one can't beat them, will they send the old one? Just now, you said that I was cunning and used a trick. Now the world has witnessed that Liu Feng of the Liu family, a generation of Tianzun, is vulnerable. You, the Heavenly Venerable, took action. Is this my trick? Today, I have seen it." Chu Yan steadied the cold snort behind him, and everyone booed.

This battle was a fair duel. Chu Yan did not use any tricks, but directly crushed Liu Feng with his powerful strength.

The Liu family members all looked unhappy. They thought that even if Liu Feng couldn't kill Chu Yan in one second, he would definitely win within ten moves. After all, Liu Feng had been a Venerable for a year and was one level higher than Chu Yan. But unexpectedly, Chu Yan won, and won very easily. Liu Feng had been suppressed since the beginning of the battle.

"You two, come together." The next moment, Chu Yan turned the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand and pointed it at the Venerables of the Jiang and Luo families. The corners of their mouths twitched. The fight between Chu Yan and Liu Feng was very short. It was not an exaggeration to say that he killed him in one move. Even if Jiang Dong was a Venerable at the third level, he didn't dare to say that he could kill Liu Feng in one move, but Chu Yan did it.

At this time, Xiahou Guyu, who was hiding in the dark, was also very shocked. He followed from Mu Xingchen. He witnessed everything Chu Yan did, from sending letters to the four families to opening up the mirror to break through the Venerable. He saw it all.

Chu Yan's fighting power is very terrifying. Two sixth-grade souls and an unknown seventh soul. This combination is simply subverting the cognition of ordinary people.

In Mu Xingchen, Chu Yan was at the peak of the emperor and could kill Chen Zun with one sword. Now that he has entered the venerable, he will definitely soar like a roc, rising with the wind, and his fighting power will directly soar, reaching a qualitative change. In addition, Chu Yan's bloodline comprehension is also very high. The three bloodlines are all above the second level. Such a first-level venerable has a rival among human venerables.

"No wonder the lady is willing to offend Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen to gamble. How terrible will such a person be once he grows up?" Xiahou Guyu murmured aside.

"Don't hesitate. If you two don't join forces, you won't even have a chance to attack." Chu Yan sneered, not taking Jiang Dong and Luo's disciples into consideration at all.

The two looked at each other and finally stopped hesitating. They decided to attack together. Although this was very embarrassing, after seeing Chu Yan and Liu Feng's strong battle, they really didn't dare to fight Chu Yan alone.

"Get started!" Jiang Dong shouted coldly, and three gold souls turned into arm armor, leg armor, and combat boots, rushing out like a flying cannonball. His soul is extremely rare, a set of combined souls. Although the level is not high, the degree of integration is extremely high. After playing well, it has endless combat power.

Chu Yan walked forward, holding the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand, and the soul of the Heaven-Slashing Soul was fused. The sound of the sword whistled from all directions. The next moment, he chopped the sky with a sword, and then he chopped it with another sword. Every time he chopped the sword, there were countless phantoms. The sword came out and chopped the sky.

The Luo family disciple went around at this time, holding a huge axe, and chopped it in the air with a deafening sound of a gust of wind. Then there was a flash of lightning in his body, all of which penetrated into the huge axe. It was a thunder attribute bloodline, and the lightning was like a dragon.

"Bang!" Chu Yan turned around and grabbed the Thunder Dragon Axe with his bare hands. Everyone was stunned. To block the full-strength attack of the Luo family disciple with bare hands? Crazy?

"Boom!" But the next moment, everyone's eyes flashed with horror. They saw that Chu Yan's hand turned into a golden arm when it collided with the Thunder Dragon Giant Axe. The Vajra Dharma is one of the nine inheritances of Zhen Tianjun.

"Luo family's pride is vulnerable!" Chu Yan said arrogantly and coldly. The next moment, he exerted force with his palm and crushed the giant hand with his bare hands.

The giant axe turned into powder, Chu Yan's fist turned into a flesh palm, and a golden light burst out from his body. Then he rushed towards the Luo family disciple in the void. The Luo family disciple was immediately panicked. He only felt that this palm was like a mountain, crushing him mercilessly.

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