Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 304: Execution Day

The eastern part of the ancient demon fell into a strange atmosphere. As the day of execution approached, the sky seemed to be covered with a thick layer of black clouds, making the entire star become extremely oppressive.

The Jiang family threatened that unless Chu Yan showed up in ten days, Chen Nichang would be executed in public, but Chu Yan also returned. He sent a letter to the four families, saying that he would come to the execution platform on the day of execution and kill Jiang Wuyi.

This news immediately caused a sensation in the eastern part of the ancient demon. People from all sides were spreading rumors that Chu Yan wanted to kill Jiang Wuyi? How can he do it?

During these ten days, the four families still issued orders to search the eastern part of the ancient demon to find Chu Yan, but they found nothing. Chu Yan seemed to disappear out of thin air and never appeared again.

In a mirror world, Chu Yan is hiding here. In the past few days, he has been attacking the realm of respect. In the world of martial arts, there is the realm of three dusts. Among the three dusts, understanding the life body is a talent. However, once you reach the king, you must be in the realm of stars and cast the soul of life in order to become a king. From now on, every realm must be based on a life soul, and the life soul is the foundation of martial arts.

Now Chu Yan has entered the realm of respect, so this is also the third life soul he forged. Every thought he makes is ten thousand meters of creativity. In the Mirror Secret Mansion, everything follows his mind.

After the experience in the Secret Mansion, his creativity was astonishing. During this period, he cast his life soul several times, from the fourth to the fifth, and then to the sixth, and was shattered by him several times. Finally, at this moment, the sky above his head flashed. The golden light of flame entwined with dragons and phoenixes is the seventh-grade holy soul.

"The soul of life has been formed, now it's time to choose the direction." Chu Yan sighed. Several times of casting the soul of life made him extremely weak, but he did not give up. The day of execution was getting closer. He must be there before the execution. A few days ago, I broke through the venerable.

"In the past, my parents were the kings of heaven and earth, and they killed the whole world to surrender. But now I am trapped in a small galaxy. It is really embarrassing." Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and continued to explore the direction of his life soul.

The direction of the soul of life is ever-changing, and it may change with every thought. Finally, on this day, his eyes narrowed, and the soul of life began to change. It turned into a huge stone plate with various patterns on it. Chu Yan's spiritual thoughts moved again, and the lines suddenly burned with blazing flames. Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he showed a hint of joy: "This stone plate's life soul can actually communicate with fire patterns? Will I be able to carve fire patterns at any time?"

"Fire patterns are my strength. If I choose Fire Pattern Life Soul, it would be a good direction." Chu Yan nodded, and then decided to cast the fire pattern stone plate, and saw that the fire patterns on the stone plate were even more... Strong, it actually contains a strong holy meaning.


The day of execution is getting closer, and in the blink of an eye there is only one day left.

The four families of the Jiang family in the east of the ancient demon gathered here today. Then they saw a young man strolling in. It was Jiang Fan. Although he was a junior, his status was extremely noble and he was highly valued in the Jiang family.

As soon as Jiang Fan entered the hall, the four family members immediately became polite: "Jiang Fan's wise nephew."

"You don't have to be polite. Tomorrow is the day of execution. I will return to the Jiang family just to personally deal with the former madman Chu Yan on the day of execution tomorrow." Jiang Fan said calmly.

"Nephew Jiang Fan has come forward in person. This time, Chu Yan will definitely have no chance of escaping." The four family members said flatteringly.

"It's natural. Chu Yan was arrogant and killed countless people from my four families. He also angered the Yaoshanmen and my Tianyao Peak. Tomorrow, I will make sure his bones are buried here." Jiang Fan smiled.

"Jiang Fan, these are the descendants of the four families. Take a look and see if there are any who can be brought into Tianyao Peak. Please help me." Jiang Wuyi said from the side, and then pointed at the Jiang family, the Liu family, and the Luo family. Descendants of the Jia family, the Du family, and Liu Feng of the Liu family are among them. These people are all around thirty years old and have just entered the sect. Although they are not peerless monsters, they are also rare monsters.

"These people are very talented. After the execution tomorrow, they can follow me into the Heavenly Demon Peak. But whether they can enter the Seven Peaks still depends on their own strength?" Jiang Fan glanced at everyone.

The four families were overjoyed. Tianyao Peak was one of the fifteen overlords of the Six Realms Galaxy after the Great Lord. Once he joined Tianyao Peak, it would be a kind of transformation. If he could become a disciple of the demon in Tianyao Peak, it would be even better. Such an honor.

Just like Jiang Fan, the Jiang family was once the same as the five families. Just because of Jiang Fan, the Jiang family's status soared and became the head of the five major families.

"Liu Feng, please thank nephew Jiang Fan quickly!" The ancestor of the Liu family winked at Liu Feng from the side.

Liu Feng immediately understood and smiled and said: "Thank you, Brother Jiang Fan. From now on, we will take care of each other in Tianyao Peak."

"Yeah." Jiang Fan nodded calmly, without too much confusion.

Ten days passed quickly, and everything was not so peaceful. The execution day of the ancient demon in the east finally came.

The execution place is located at the high platform where Lihuo Academy used to test, and it is also the central place in the east of the ancient demon.

A huge high platform was built here. Chen Nichang, Du Meiling, and Liu Xi had already been pressed here. The three of them were covered in blood. Chen Nichang's face was pale, his hands and feet were chained, and he was kneeling on the high platform.

Early in the morning, countless people came here to watch. Seeing the miserable appearance of the three people, everyone could not bear it. On this day, Gu Mu also attended. He attended with people from Lihuo Academy. of.

"It's really tragic. Chen Nichang used to be the most beautiful woman in my eastern region, but I didn't expect that she would end up like this."

"Yeah, it's Chu Yan's fault. He was too arrogant at the beginning. If he hadn't done it to the extreme, he could have had a good development. And he has good talent. It is said that the Demon Mountain Gate and the Heavenly Demon Peak all invited him that day, but he rejected them all. I don't know if he will come!"

"Of course, haven't you heard that he sent a letter of challenge to the four major families a few days ago, saying that he would kill the ancestor of the Jiang family on the spot today."

"The emperor killed the emperor? Are you kidding?"

"Not necessarily, don't forget that Chu Yan had an emperor demon by his side at the beginning, but even if there was an emperor demon, it would be difficult. I heard that the execution platform today has set up a formation to suppress the soul, and the demon may not be able to exert its strength." Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"The Jiang family is here!" At this time, a group of people came from a distance. They were the Jiang family, with Jiang Wuyi as the leader and Jiang Fan in the second position. It can be seen that Jiang Fan's status in the Jiang family is now important.

"Jiang Fan is indeed a Heavenly Monument Master. It is said that he has already touched the threshold of the Emperor. Once he is crowned as an Emperor, the Jiang family will have two Emperors, and one of them is a young Emperor. By then, the Jiang family may become the first family in the East." Someone else said.

At this time, the Liu family, the Luo family, and the Du family also came. They were just appendages of the Jiang family and sat aside.

"Hu Qiong is here too!" At this time, several people flew over from the distant Tianshan Mountain. Hu Qiong stood up in one step, and then he landed not far from the execution platform and sat down calmly. He didn't say anything, but people couldn't ignore his existence.

"Chu Yan's order has been accepted by my Jiang family. Do you want to intervene?" Jiang Fan looked at Hu Qiong.

"Don't worry, I'm only representing myself today. Chu Yan is yours. I just need to make sure he's dead." Hu Qiong said with his arms folded. In the past, he chased here, but he couldn't do anything to Chu Yan. Later, he appeared in the Ten Thousand Miles Demon Forest and was threatened by the Tiandao Patriarch, which made him very unhappy, but it also made him realize a problem. Killing Chu Yan is not an easy thing, so today the Jiang family is willing to be the first to come forward, and he will naturally not stop it.

"It's better to do so." Jiang Fan nodded. Chu Yan has countless secrets. Tian Yao Peak has issued a death order to take Chu Yan's body back to Tian Yao Peak.

At this time, someone else came. It was Lihuo Academy. Chen Jingtian was also among them. Just a few months made him seem to have aged by a dozen years, and his hair was white. Now he is no longer the dean of Lihuo Academy, but has become a prisoner, like a lonely old man. He looked at Chen Nishang on the execution platform, and his heart was bleeding.

"Nichang..." Chen Jingtian clenched his fists. Gu Mu accompanied Chen Jingtian and sighed: "Old Chen, don't worry, things may turn around."

"Today's events are very clear to everyone. The former madman Chu Yan killed countless people from our four families here and committed a great murder. He is an evil person. These three are his friends and his accomplices. Today, my Jiang family is here to enforce justice. We must personally execute these three people, force Chu Yan out, and kill him personally to eliminate the harm for my ancient demon eastern region." The ancestor of the Jiang family stood up calmly at this time, and then he glanced at the sky: "The execution time is set at noon. If Chu Yan does not appear at noon, I will strip these two women and kill them on the spot."

After the ancestor of the Jiang family finished speaking, the audience was boiling again. Stripping and showing them to the public, killing them on the spot, this is a complete humiliation. Today, the Jiang family forced Chu Yan to appear, it can be said that they spared no cost.

"Despicable!" At this time, Chen Jingtian's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but want to take a step forward, but at this moment, several forces immediately descended and suppressed Chen Jingtian.

"Old Chen, don't struggle. Chen Nishang colluded with the madman Chu Yan. This is what she deserves. The Jiang family did nothing wrong." At this time, several elders from Lihuo Academy sneered.

"Lihuo Academy has been very kind to you, why do you do this!" Chen Jingtian looked at several elders on the side, and his heart was very painful. These people were once his confidants, but they betrayed him overnight, and that was why he lost his power.

"Just a person who knows the times! Today, if Chu Yan shows up, it would be best, and everyone will be happy. If he doesn't show up, someone will have to take responsibility for him." The ancestor of the Jiang family said coldly.

"Jiang Wuyi, you are an emperor after all, and you became famous early. Chu Yan was seen by everyone here. He killed everyone in the competition, which was within the rules. It's the descendants of your three families who are not as skilled as others, but now they do such a despicable thing!" Chen Jingtian roared, and everyone felt bitter. Yes, what was Chu Yan's fault? But in front of strength, who would follow the rules?

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