Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 292 The mysterious woman in green

"Venerable? Fatty, take Chu Yan away first!" Hua Zhixu took a deep breath, and felt the pressure of a Venerable from Liu Feng.

"Leave? Can you get away?" Liu Feng sneered, and then he said to the elders next to him: "Don't worry, just watch here."

"It's the eldest young master!" Several elders of the Liu family nodded, with contempt in their eyes. Liu Feng, the real prodigy of the Liu family, although not as good as Jiang Fan of the Jiang family, is also the pride of the Liu family, and is definitely not something that Liu Jingtian can look down on.

The next moment, Liu Feng walked out, and the power of the Venerable turned into a huge hand, ruthlessly grabbing Hua Zhixu in the void.

"Kill!" Hua Zhixu was also angry, holding a long halberd, he stepped angrily and went straight to Liu Feng. The current situation is extremely unfavorable to the three brothers. Chu Yan's vitality is dissipated, and Fatty is only the eighth level of the emperor, but his combat power is a little higher, he must stop this Liu Feng.

However, there is a big difference between the Venerable and the Emperor, and it is a great realm. Even if Hua Zhixu can achieve an invincible realm below the Venerable, he is still too weak in front of the real Great Venerable.

"Unbreakable!" Liu Feng snorted disdainfully, and his divine power continued. His big hand condensed slightly at this time. It was his three souls. The Venerable could condense another soul. The Liu Feng in front of him had three souls.

His third soul was a bloodthirsty sword, which could drink blood. Drinking his own blood would make the sword stronger, and drinking the blood of others could take away the enemy's vitality. The blade of the sword seemed to have a bloodthirsty demon, constantly turning into blood light and whistling out.

"Brother Chu, let Senior Jiuyou help!" The fat man roared, but Chu Yan shook his head with a heavy face.

"Jiuyou...seems to be asleep too."

Since the last time he was abnormal, Jiuyou seemed to have disappeared. He also tried to call Jiuyou, but to no avail. It seemed that he was suppressed by some force and there was no movement.

"You go first! If you stay here, everyone will die!" Hua Zhixu roared again. At this time, the fat man's eyes condensed slightly. He also knew that Hua Zhixu could not hold him back for too long. He made up his mind and carried Chu Yan on his back.

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red. The three brothers were new to the ancient demons and did not want to cause trouble, but now they have fallen into a desperate situation many times. He looked at Liu Feng coldly: "Liu family, if you dare to hurt him, I will flatten the Liu family one day."

"Want to leave?" Liu Feng's eyes condensed slightly, but the next moment, Hua Zhixu roared and stabbed the long halberd in the air. He was not afraid of being seriously injured by the blood knife, but he still wanted to force Liu Feng back.

The fat man's eyes were red. He finally left with Chu Yan on his back. The two of them ran all the way. The faces of several elders of the Liu family changed slightly and they walked out immediately. Fortunately, the fat man was fast, the eighth level of the emperor, and he also practiced the ghost step. Even some people who had just entered the Venerable could not catch up with him.

He ran wildly in the monster forest with Chu Yan, but he still couldn't get rid of the elders of the Liu family. In desperation, he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Chu, you hide here, I will lead them away!"

Chu Yan felt cold in his heart. This was the first time he felt this kind of powerlessness, like a burden.

The fat man seemed to see Chu Yan's thoughts and grinned, "Brother Chu, don't think too much. You have been taking care of us for the past four years. You have never thought that we are a burden. Brothers, don't talk about these things. Don't worry, I will be fine, Xiao Huazi will be fine too, we will wait for you to recover your strength!"

"If you can't win, surrender first, I will save you!" Chu Yan roared.

The fat man nodded, then hid Chu Yan behind an ancient pine tree, stepped out, and ran quickly into the distance.

Looking at Chu Yan's back, Chu Yan roared, his heart ached, but he had no choice. He also understood that he was useless now, so he could only hurry to recover his strength.

"Power! Power! The ultimate power, yin and yang determine life and death!" Chu Yan's eyes were red, and his skin was bleeding at this time. He began to devote himself to practice, day and night, and comprehend the yin and yang.

"Come on, Liu family dogs, chase your grandfather!" The fat man then sneered and ran deeper into the dense forest.

Many elders of the Liu family chased after him, but although the fat man was fast, the emperor's vitality consumption was not as magnificent as the venerable. The distance had begun to be gradually shortened. The fat man was panting, and finally in an open space, the fat man could no longer run, and he stopped with a big laugh.

However, when the elders of the Liu family chased here, they found that Chu Yan was gone. Their faces became ferocious: "Fatty, where is Chu Yan?"

"Liu family dogs, you will never know where my brother Chu is!" The fat man laughed wildly, and then he was relieved. Chu Yan was fine, so he was satisfied and pretended to be ready to be slaughtered.

"Hmph, don't tell? We will have a thousand ways to make you tell it!" The elders of the Liu family said unkindly, and one of them ordered: "First break his limbs, then destroy his practice, and see if he will tell it!"

"Well!" The elders of the Liu family stepped forward, and one of them turned into a spear, stabbed a shot in the air, and directly pierced one of the fat man's legs, causing the fat man to howl.

"Tell it or not!"

"Kill me, I won't tell it!" The fat man clenched his fists, and his nails sank into his palms, but he still maintained a proud smile. As long as Chu Yan didn't die, he would always be the nightmare of the Liu family.

"Continue!" The elders of the Liu family ordered.

"Boom!" However, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly howled in the dense forest, and then a strange young man strolled out. He transformed into a roc, and the roc wings behind him vibrated hard, causing the strong wind to move, causing the Liu family to Several elders' expressions darkened, and they were immediately shaken back a few steps.

"Who are you?" Elder Liu's family roared when he saw this young man.

"Three breaths, get out, or die!" The monster boy said coldly. The face of the Liu family members darkened. They felt strong pressure from the monster boy. That pressure came from the blood of the same family. Monster, this young man is even more demonic, like a demon god.

"Today's revenge has been recorded by my Liu family, and I will get it back someday!" The Liu family elders roared, but they finally retreated. They didn't know the identity of this monster boy, so they didn't dare to take action rashly.

The Liu family retreated, and the fat man was also stunned. His life was so good, and someone would come to save him at this time? But when he raised his head, the strange young man had already left, turned into a roc in the clouds, sang a long song, and disappeared without a trace.

"Shit! Save people to the end, send Buddha to the west! Can't you heal the fat man before you leave?" The fat man was speechless for a while, but he was relieved immediately. Although he was injured, it was better than falling into the hands of the Liu family Better in hand.

"The Dapeng in the clouds does have a bit of a resemblance to that guy from Yaotong, but that's not right. Yaotong has already become a god? Fatty, am I not a genius? Why can he practice faster than me?" Fatty thought to himself, poof He sat down on the ground and wanted to heal his injuries first, and then he had to go find Chu Yan.


At this time, on the other side, Hua Zhixu also grinned when he saw Fatty and Chu Yan leaving. He smiled brightly, and then when he looked at Liu Feng, there was no fear in his eyes, but instead he was filled with the intention of fighting.

"Come on! Kill!" Hua Zhixu no longer had any scruples. The halberd in his hand danced rapidly, like a long dragon waving its tail, and struck Liu Feng.

After hundreds of confrontations, Hua Zhixu was seriously injured. He was covered in hundreds of terrifying cuts and was trembling, but he still used his spear to support himself and prevent himself from falling.

"You are so persistent." Liu Feng looked at Hua Zhixu coldly, and Hua Zhixu laughed mockingly: "Liu family, you will perish. When Chu Yan grows up, he will wipe out your entire Liu family sooner or later."

"Don't worry, he won't survive that time. Many elders of my Liu family are going to hunt them down. Do you think they can survive?" Liu Feng is not in a hurry to take action against Hua Zhixu, but is waiting for the Liu family to The elder brought Fatty and Chu Yan back.

To be honest, he was quite afraid of Chu Yan's threat. The person he really wanted to kill during this trip was Chu Yan. After all, he was a dual sixth-grade life soul and a peak fifth-level fire pattern master. It was too scary to grow up. Yaoshanmen and Tianyao Peak had invited him at the same time. If he were alive and joined a certain force, the Liu family would be in catastrophe.

However, after a while, several elders of the Liu family returned. Their faces were very ugly and drooped, which made Liu Feng's heart sink.

"Where are the people?" Liu Feng roared in a low voice. Several elders of the Liu family twitched their mouths. One of the elders said helplessly: "They were rescued!"

"A bunch of trash!" Liu Feng immediately became angry, while Hua Zhixu laughed excitedly at the side: "Liu family, are you afraid now? If Chu Yan doesn't die, the Liu family will never be safe!"

Liu Feng's face was gloomy, but after a moment his eyes filled with murderous intent: "No matter what, you will die today!"

Liu Fengtan grabbed the bloody sword and walked towards Hua Zhixu. Hua Zhixu's eyes narrowed and he felt a strong sense of death at this moment.

"Bang!" But at this moment, Liu Feng's face changed in shock, and a blast of cold air came from in front of him, causing him to retreat hurriedly, and then he saw that the area ten meters in front of him was blocked by ice.

"Who is causing trouble!" Liu Feng roared, and a woman in green walked out of the forest. Her jade face was cold and she could not see too many emotions.

When the woman walked out, Liu Feng and Hua Zhixu were both shocked. She was so beautiful and a peerless beauty. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't even believe that there could be such a stunningly beautiful woman in the world.

Liu Feng's eyes flashed with lust at this moment, and his previous anger was a little weaker: "Girl, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you here? You were here just now." The woman in green said softly, followed by a rabbit-eared cat demon. There was a furry puppy on the cat demon, lying lazily on it, and then it When the dog saw Hua Zhixu, his eyes lit up and he stood up from the cat demon.

The woman in Tsing Yi glanced at Hua Zhixu and pouted, as if she wanted to say something, but didn't know how to ask. In the end, she simply didn't say anything and turned around to leave.

Seeing this inexplicable scene, Liu Feng frowned and couldn't help but look unhappy: "Girl, my Liu family is doing business here, and you suddenly stopped me. Don't you even know how to apologize now?"

"Qing Yi, that person is Chu Yan's friend." Xiaolang said lazily. Qing Yi's footsteps suddenly stopped. Liu Feng smiled when he saw this, and gradually became arrogant. He thought the woman heard him say that the Liu family is talented. It would be like this, and he was still thinking about how to take the woman as his own.

"I want to take him away, okay?" However, Qing Yi turned around, pointed at Hua Zhixu and said without much emotion.

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