Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 293 Low-level Mu Xingchen [Three updates]

The corner of Liu Feng's mouth froze immediately. This woman seemed to have never listened to his words, which made him say unkindly: "Girl, it seems you are here to cause trouble?"

Qing Yi thought about it again and seemed to understand the meaning of Liu Xi's words: "Do you mean that I am not allowed to take him away?"

The corner of Liu Feng's mouth twitched. This woman was beautiful, but extremely cold, giving people a feeling of being unapproachable. Especially the arrogance originating from her bones, as if she was always overlooking all living beings, which made him extremely unhappy.

"It seems that I was too polite to you before. In this case, I will take you back to the Liu family!" Liu Feng said with evil desire, and then he took action, the bloody long knife turned into blood and moved towards the woman approaching.

"I didn't want to kill someone!" the woman in green sighed, and then a wave of confusion flashed in her beautiful eyes. The next moment, she strolled out and walked towards Hua Zhixu, as if ignoring Liu Feng.

"Arrogant!" Liu Feng showed a look of displeasure, and his hand merged with the blood knife, turning his five fingers into blades, and he grabbed the woman's shoulder with all his strength.

"Bang!" However, the next moment, Liu Feng was shocked. He only felt a cold light blooming in front of his eyes, causing the aura in his body to move wildly. He was immediately shaken out by a huge force, spurting blood continuously.

"Young Master!" The elders of the Liu family were all shocked. They knew Liu Feng's strength. He was a level 2 Venerable, and he was a monster. Ordinary strong men of Level 3 Venerable were unable to fight with him, but today Liu Feng actually showed up. Being knocked away by a woman?

"Get her!" Liu Feng was furious. He had never experienced such humiliation before, and he immediately roared.

"If you are approaching me, I will really kill you." Qing Yi said coldly, as if he was embarrassed, which made the corners of the Liu family's mouth twitch. This woman looked down on them too much, didn't she? They are all venerables, and there are also some heavenly beings. There are more than a dozen of them, and the woman actually said that she wants to kill them?

"Arrogant son, suffer death!" All the elders of the Liu family jumped out.

Seeing the elders of the Liu family approaching her, the woman looked embarrassed and pursed her lips, as if asking these people why they didn't listen to her persuasion, but she still took action, her palms slightly raised, her demonic aura overwhelming.

Bang bang bang... bang!

More than a dozen figures flew out in an instant and hit the ground hard. A mouthful of blood spurted out from all of them, and no one showed a look of fear on their faces.

Liu Feng gasped in the distance, and Hua Zhixu was stunned. What kind of existence was this woman? More than a dozen venerables, as well as the powerful Tianzun, were all defeated without even touching this woman's body?

"Why don't you listen to me?" the woman said aggrievedly, which immediately caused the elder Liu family to vomit out another mouthful of blood. This woman was so angry that she wouldn't pay for it with her life.

"You, come with me!" The woman pointed at Hua Zhixu with her little hand, and the corners of Hua Zhixu's mouth suddenly twitched. Who is this woman? Why take him away? But he didn't dare to resist, so he had to follow the woman obediently.

"Are you injured?" The woman was very fast, but Hua Zhixu was covered in blood and naturally couldn't catch up. However, Hua Zhixu was speechless. I have more than a hundred stab wounds all over my body. Can't you see?

"Meow meow!" Qing Yi shouted softly.

"Meow!" Meow let out a long roar, and then the dense forest trembled. Countless monsters surrendered, and Meow transformed into a huge monster and soared into the sky.

Qingyi brought Hua Zhixu onto Miaomiao's back, and then left all the way. As for the little wolf, he still blinked lazily and fell asleep directly, ignoring Hua Zhixu. He wanted Hua Zhixu to know that he The puppy next to him is the wolf cub. I'm afraid he must give him a good beating.

The Liu family suffered heavy losses this time. Fatty and Hua Zhixu were rescued one after another, and Chu Yan was not found. Liu was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Qing Yi was too strong, and the Lord Tian could only kill him with one thought. Suffer this loss.

The Liu family failed again, and because of this, something that the Jiang family had been plotting among the ancient demons was put on the agenda.


Chu Yan in the dense forest had been practicing with luck, and in a blink of an eye, three more people passed by. He didn't know the situation of Fatty and Hua Zhixu, but the three of them had the same spiritual thoughts, so he knew that they were not dead, and they were not dead. Being abolished made him feel relieved.

"Go faster! Go faster!" Chu Yan practiced crazily, and the heat in his body caused the forces around him to constantly collide.

"Sister, there is a person here! Come and take a look!" At this moment, there was suddenly a soft chant, and Chu Yan, who was practicing in the tree hole, immediately became vigilant, and weak vitality circled in his palm.

At this moment, a girl suddenly appeared. The girl was thirteen or fourteen years old. Her facial features were very exquisite, giving people the impression of a beautiful woman.

Behind the girl was a woman who was almost the same age as Chu Yan and quite beautiful. She looked a bit like this girl. When she saw Chu Yan, she frowned and said, "Sir, there is something in the demon forest here. Monsters are everywhere, why are you here alone?"

Seeing that the two women didn't have any bad intentions towards him, Chu Yan relaxed his vigilance and said, "I passed by accidentally and got a little injured, so I'm here to nurse myself back to health."

"In this case, we sisters will not disturb the young master." The woman also said vigilantly, and then took the girl's hand and said: "Xiao Wan, let's go, we will be in trouble if we don't leave this dense forest before dark! "

"Sister, it's so pitiful for him to be here alone. How about we take him home." The girl named Xiaowan pulled the woman again.

The woman frowned. They were originally from the Yu family in the ancient demon center. Her name was Yu Sha and the girl was Yu Wan'er. This time they entered the dense forest for family cooperation. Now they met Chu Yan. It would definitely be inappropriate to take Chu Yan back. Moreover, they did not know Chu Yan's identity. If the other party was a bad guy, she would be fine, but Xiao Wan was still young and would inevitably be in danger.

"Sister!" Yu Wan'er said again, puffing up her cheeks and looking very cute.

"Forget it, I'll listen to you, but this won't happen again." Yu Sha said sweetly, loving Yu Wan'er very much. Then she looked at Chu Yan: "Sir, since you need to recuperate, why don't you go back to the mansion with me? Although I am not from a famous family, there are always some healing items at home, which may be able to help you."

Chu Yan hesitated. He had indeed spent a long time in the dense forest, and the whereabouts of Fatty and Hua Zhixu were unknown. He should leave here and find out the news.

There is also the eastern part of the Ancient Demon. I have been away for so long, and it is hard to say whether Tianyao Peak and Yaoshanmen will embarrass Lihuo Academy, so Chu Yan smiled and nodded: "Then I will trouble you, young lady."

Yu Sha smiled and said nothing, but her vigilance did not retreat at all. She also made up her mind that if Chu Yan dared to do something bad to them on the way, she would immediately kill him.

Chu Yan could feel Yu Sha's precautions against him, as well as Yu Sha's level 5 king strength, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Although his strength has not been fully restored now, the destination of his vitality has been determined. Next, he just needs to slowly return his vitality to his dantian. As a level 5 king, if he fights with all his strength, he doesn't care.

The three of them traveled together, and on the way Chu Yan learned about the so-called Yu family from Yu Sha. It is a small family on a star called Mu in the middle of the Ancient Demon, and it survives under the protection of a star master.

There are billions of stars in the vast universe. There are thousands of stars in the Six Domains Galaxy alone. Of course, there are also differences between stars. For example, the Emperor Star in the Emperor Star Domain is the richest star and prosperous.

Of course, there are also some low-level stars with low martial arts style. Mu Xingchen is a low-level star, which is what everyone in the eastern part of the ancient monster said. The resources here are poor and the vitality is weak, which makes the road of martial arts extremely difficult.

Here the king is the king, and the emperor is the peak existence. If there is an emperor in any family, it is a top existence, and it is a proud thing in a star.

Soon the three left the demon forest and came to Muxing through a teleportation array. The reason why this place is called Muxing is because the owner of this star is surnamed Mu and founded the Mu family, which is the largest family in the star.

"Come with me. Yu's house is ahead." Chu Yan behaved well along the way. Although he often looked at Yu Sha and Yu Wan'er, he always responded with appreciation and no blasphemy, which made Yu Sha's attitude towards Chu Yan much better.

"Miss is back!" Some guards outside the Yu family said respectfully. Yu Sha smiled very friendly: "Well, where is my grandfather? Is he in the house?"

"Yes, the second master said that the young lady can go directly to him when she comes back." The guard nodded, and Yu Sha stopped talking nonsense and took Chu Yan directly to an ancient house in the Yu mansion.

"Back?" There was an old man in his seventies in the ancient house. He smiled very dotingly when he saw Yu Sha.

"I'm back! Grandpa, I brought someone back. He said he was injured. Can you help heal him?" Yu Sha said coquettishly. The old man rubbed Yu Sha's head with a wry smile and said, "You, can Grandpa say no?"

"I knew Grandpa is the best. Chu Yan, come here!" Yu Sha smiled happily, and then she called Chu Yan over: "Grandpa, this is the one I told you about, Chu Yan. Chu Yan, this is my grandpa. He is a real emperor. He is a super strong man in Muxing. With him helping you heal, your injuries will definitely recover."

"Junior greets senior!" Chu Yan glanced at the old man. The strength of the third level emperor can only be called the human emperor. Moreover, the meridians in his body are blocked. I am afraid that it will be difficult to break through to the earth emperor in this life.

This moment also made Chu Yan sigh inwardly at the gap between the stars. He thought that the six domains of the galaxy were all prosperous places, but he never expected that there was such a person as Muxing.

In the eastern part of the Ancient Demon Realm, on the star where the Lihuo Academy is located, emperors can be seen everywhere, but here, the emperor is the king of the sky, dominating the star. As for the venerable, I am afraid it does not exist at all, right? Not to mention the emperor.

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