Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 291 Chu Yan is useless?

There was a faint fragrance in the dense forest in the early morning. Near a river, there was a fat man walking with a sleeping young man on his back. Behind the fat man there was another young man. The young man was holding a halberd and walking steadily, following him all the way.

The three of them look young, but now they are extremely embarrassed. It is Chu Yan and the three of them. After three months of living in the dense forest, the three of them now have hair like hay, and their clothes are ragged and dirty, like Like a wild man in the mountains.

"Stop me." Hua Zhixu sped up from behind.

"Well!" The fat man nodded while breathing heavily, and after putting Chu Yan down, he couldn't help but said: "It's been more than a month, why hasn't Brother Chu woke up yet?"

Hua Zhixu also sighed. Chu Yan is very strange now. He has long since recovered from his injuries and is full of vitality, but he is still awake. It feels like he has no soul and only has a body. As for his soul, it seems that he has been It's like it's sealed somewhere in the body.

Time is like a fleeting moment, slipping through the fingers inadvertently. Now more than a month has passed. In this month, Fatty has made another breakthrough, reaching the eighth level of the emperor. Hua Zhixu has also officially entered the peak of the emperor. One step away from being able to step into the ranks of the venerable, the strongest existence under the emperor.

The Venerable is different from the three dusts, kings, and emperors. Because it is difficult to become an emperor, the Venerable is an intermediate force whether in the mortal world or in the six realms of the galaxy. There are many people with outstanding talents who become Venerable at the age of thirty, but He could not be crowned emperor for hundreds of thousands of years, which brought an end to martial arts cultivation.

This is also the reason why the emperor's power is inviolable under the emperor. The emperor is a transcendent realm, a qualitative change, and the venerable is still at the level of vitality after all.

On this day, Chu Yan finally woke up and opened his eyes in pain. There was still a faint golden light flashing in his eyes, but it was only fleeting. Then he felt severe pain all over his body, as if every joint was not his own. The same thing, the mouth is hot.

"Water!" Chu Yan groaned.

"Brother Chu!" The fat man immediately ran over in surprise, helped Chu Yan up and gave him a sip of spring water.

"You're finally awake!" Hua Zhixu also showed a bright smile, finally relieved of his worries.

"What's going on? Where is this?" Chu Yan calmed down a lot. He felt very heavy all over and asked as he looked at the unfamiliar environment around him.

"Have you really forgotten?" Fatty and Hua Zhixu were speechless for a while. Chu Yan was so shocked that he wept ghosts and gods this time. An emperor killed two great masters and destroyed Xuan Shuangzi's spiritual thoughts, but Chu Yan Yan himself didn’t remember anything at all?

Chu Yan looked confused. His memory was still stuck in a dream in the palace. In the dream, he witnessed the changes in the palace for three hundred years, as well as the transcendent grace of Qin Ruomeng and Chu Hanfeng. He had the courage to cry for the power of the law in the world and the gods and demons killed in one battle, but as for what happened after that, he had no memory at all.

Hua Zhixu remembered the words of Patriarch Tiandao and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, you were in a coma before. Fatty and I had a conflict with someone, so we took you away. You have been in coma for a month and a half, but you are still awake. You will not wake up again." , we are all ready to throw you into this dense forest."

"I slept for so long?" Chu Yan was slightly surprised. One and a half months was definitely not a short time for him, especially at this juncture, there were too many people in the Ancient Demon Star Territory who wanted to kill him.

"Look at your body, are you feeling any discomfort?" Hua Zhixu asked from the side.

Chu Yan nodded, and then he sat up cross-legged, trying to move his vitality, but then his eyes froze, and his whole body froze, because he found that there was no vitality in his body, let alone luck, even if it was Even if you want to mobilize your breath, you can't do it.

This sudden change made Chu Yan's face change with shock. The last time he had this feeling was when he first entered the Liu family to propose marriage... His life body was one star, one layer of mortal dust, and his mortal body. But at that time, he still had at least one The basics, but now it is different. He is not even on the first level of the mortal world, he can only be said to be a mortal.

As for now, it is definitely a huge disaster for him to become a mortal. After all, there was an old demon accompanying him at the beginning, and he was a wild man, which was enough to scare some people away, but now he is in the ancient demon , for him to become a mortal would be to plunge himself into a place of eternal doom. No one from the Jiang family, Yaoshan Gate, or Tianyao Peak would let him go.

"Father...Mom, you two have killed your son...I see you have shown your love for three hundred years, but your son has turned into a waste. Are you kidding me?" Chu Yan looked bitter.

"What's wrong? Looking at you like this, it doesn't look like you're injured." Hua Zhixu asked curiously from the side.

"There are no injuries. It's just that the cultivation has been ruined and turned into a mortal." Chu Yan said lightly. The next moment, Hua Zhixu and Fatty were suddenly shocked. Chu Yan turned into a mortal?

"Don't be kidding me!"

"Dear me, would I joke about something like this?" Chu Yan was also speechless for a while, and Hua Zhixu frowned fiercely. Then he took a step forward, his vitality turned into Gang Jin and enveloped him, and he looked at Chu Yan inwardly. , the next moment his eyes were horrified, and he saw that Chu Yan's Dantian was empty, with no vitality, and the whole person was like an ordinary mortal.

"Are you really useless?" Hua Zhixu said seriously.

"You are so useless! My vitality has just disappeared. It's not like my vitality has been cut off. I can still repair it again." Chu Yan sighed. What Chu Yan said was right. His current situation is different from that of a useless person. It's different. Generally, being crippled means that the Dantian is broken and the vitality is broken, and you will never be able to step into the martial arts. But this is not the case. His body is intact, but the vitality has disappeared, so he can still practice.

However, in Hua Zhixu's opinion, Chu Yan is now useless. The people in the Ancient Demon Star Domain who want to kill him can line up in a long street. Now he has become a mortal and has to practice again? Who will give him this opportunity?

But seeing that Chu Yan was still calm, Hua Zhixu sighed. He also knew that Chu Yan was not the kind of person who would show everything on his face. He must be in more pain now, so he didn't say much: "Then you can practice again, I will protect you."

"I don't think I need to practice again." Chu Yan hesitated and said, "My vitality doesn't seem to have disappeared. I feel that they are still in my body, but they seem to be hidden somewhere. If I can find them, I should be able to restore my strength."

"Really?" Hua Zhixu said excitedly, and Chu Yan nodded uncertainly. His current body is too special. He doesn't know what he has experienced before, but the emperor will never disperse his vitality for no reason. There must be some reasons.

"Then try it yourself." Hua Zhixu sighed. This was the only way now. Chu Yan must not be abandoned. He was the backbone of their group. Fortunately, Hua Zhixu was now invincible. As long as he didn't meet the Venerable, he could protect Chu Yan.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed. During this half month, Chu Yan had been meditating in the dark forest and looking inside his body. He came to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower several times, trying to find some reasons and the scattered vitality.

In the end, there was no way. Chu Yan's soul walked and came directly to the door of the sixth floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. He stood here, took a deep breath, and wanted to try to step into it.

"Maybe the sixth floor can find some reasons?" Chu Yan thought, and he slowly put his hand on the stone door. Unfortunately, the next moment there was a strong repulsive force that shook him back, and it was accompanied by a majestic voice.

"Here, you can't enter yet!" The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower sounded like thunder.

"My vitality is scattered, I must enter it and find a way!" Chu Yan roared.

"The Extreme of Strength, it seems that you don't really understand it! The world is nothing but yin and yang, the combination of yin and yang, the merging of hardness and softness, and then there is the world, men and women, yin and yang. You understand the morality, disperse the vitality, and you will return to the origin!" The voice of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower continued to resound.

Chu Yan frowned, is it yin and yang again? The Extreme of Strength?

Chu Yan looked at the sixth floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. He knew that he would definitely not be able to step on it now, so he simply gave up. The vitality returned to the Extreme of Strength on the first floor, ready to thoroughly study this so-called Extreme of Strength.

He also wanted to peek at what happened to Qin Ruoming and Chu Hanfeng back then. Qin Ruoming was the master of a divine palace and the god of all living things. Why was he forced to hide in the mortal world in the end? More than a decade ago, who could take Qin Ruoming away? Who was it, and who was his real enemy.

But unfortunately, Chu Yan had no gains, and he could not feel the fourth bloodline in his body, so he had to give up in the end.

Chu Yan has been trying to understand Yin and Yang. What is Yin and Yang? Everything in the world has two sides, that is, there must be one Yin and one Yang. He kept trying to understand the secrets of heaven. Finally, half a month later, Chu Yan opened his eyes and there was a gleam of light.

"One Yin and one Yang, I understand! Destruction and then establishment, no destruction, no establishment! Is this Yin and Yang?" Chu Yan was very surprised. He understood that his vitality was not disintegrated, but turned into Yin and Yang in his body. Now he just needs to return these vitality to his body.

"Have you found a way?" Hua Zhixu walked over in surprise.

"Well! I should be able to recover in half a month!" Chu Yan said confidently. This time he could not only recover his vitality, but he felt that there was still a force in his body pushing him. He might be able to make another breakthrough, or even become a master in one step.

Hua Zhixu breathed a sigh of relief. At first, Chu Yan was useless, and he was still very worried, but since Chu Yan said he could recover, everything was not a problem.

"You may not be able to wait for half a month!" However, at this time, a sinister voice came from the dense forest. Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu's eyes narrowed slightly, and they saw several figures walking in the distance, with a huge word "Liu" in front of them.

"Liu family!" Hua Zhixu's eyes narrowed, and he saw that the leader was a young man from the Liu family. He looked at Hua Zhixu coldly: "Let me introduce myself, the eldest son of the Liu family: Liu Feng. You killed that waste Liu Jingtian? In this case, I should thank you, because there is one less person to compete with me for the inheritance, but he is a member of my Liu family after all. Since you killed him, you should pay for his life!"

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