Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 290 Survived [Three Updates]

A voice sounded indifferently, but with a hint of arrogance.

Hu Qiong's body stiffened. He was shrouded by the threat of death, so he dared not take another step forward. You know, he is a Tianbei, an invincible existence under the emperor. Only the emperor can make him feel this kind of oppression with just a breath, and it is a high-level emperor.

The faces of the demon mountain gate and Hu Di and others in the distance were even uglier. There was such a master around, but they didn't notice it?

"You dare to kill him!" The voice sounded again, neither light nor heavy. Hu Qiong's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to act rashly. At this time, he looked at the distance of the demon forest, and saw an old man in cloth standing quietly in the air. He wore a bamboo hat, so people couldn't see his face, but his breath was extremely powerful.

"Tiger Emperor, if you dare to take another step forward, I don't mind letting the Demon Mountain Gate lose a Heavenly Monument Master and killing him in this demon forest." The old man's voice sounded again. The faces of Tiger Emperor and the people of the Demon Mountain Gate in the distance froze. They really wanted to step forward and save Hu Qiong first.

"Who are you?" Tiger Emperor looked coldly at Youlin.

"Don't you have a guess in your heart? What you guessed is it." The old man said calmly. Tiger Emperor's eyes condensed slightly, revealing a trace of fear: "You are not from the power of the three great monarchs, and you have this kind of power. It's you! What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I have received a favor from someone, and today I come to repay the favor and save her son's life. You all retreat." The old man said calmly. He wanted to save Chu Yan in the hands of countless emperors, but he said it so calmly.

Hu Qiong's face suddenly changed, and he let out a low roar: "You dare to go against the Demon Mountain Gate?"

"Little tiger cub, don't threaten me with the Demon Mountain Gate. Although I dare not kill you, if I want to hide, no one in your Demon Mountain Gate can find me." The old man said casually. His cloth clothes looked ordinary, but no one dared to underestimate such an old man at this time.

"Do you really think that you can save people from us alone?" The Tiger Emperor roared again, and the power of the Emperor of Heaven was not weak at all.

"If you want to kill him, I can't stop you, but I promise that if you dare to do it, Hu Qiong will die before him!" The old man's figure suddenly changed, walking in the dark forest like a ghost. In a few breaths, he appeared in front of Hu Qiong out of thin air.

"You dare to kill him! My Demon Mountain Gate will not let you go. When the Great Lord takes action, there will be no place for you to survive in the six domains and galaxies." The face of the elder of the Demon Mountain Gate changed drastically.

"Don't scare me, I said, if you dare to kill Chu Yan, the Heavenly Monument of the Demon Mountain Gate will fall today! I will do what I say." The old man was full of momentum, and for a moment, the eyes of the Demon Mountain Gate and the Tiger Emperor were ferocious, but they did not dare to act rashly. Hu Qiong was a Heavenly Monument, the most promising disciple of the Demon Mountain Gate, and they would never take the risk to gamble with Hu Qiong's life.

"Let him go, we won't pursue what happened today!" The Tiger Emperor roared, and the old man smiled calmly, then he waved his arm, and Hu Qiong was immediately shocked out. The Tiger Emperor's eyes were very fast, and he caught Hu Qiong in one step.

"Father, kill him!" Hu Qiong said decisively regardless of his injuries. Chu Yan's performance today was too terrible. The power that could inexplicably kill the emperor, and the ability to control the divine objects, all of this made Hu Qiong feel a sense of crisis.

The Tiger Emperor's eyes also flashed fiercely. He handed Hu Qiong to an elder of the demon mountain gate, and then his body shot out, rushing straight to Chu Yan, opening his bloody mouth, turning into a huge tiger mouth to swallow him, and his fangs were like sharp swords.

"Hmph! You don't follow the rules!" However, the next moment the old man snorted coldly, and only a scream was heard in the distance.

"Ah!" Hu Qiong hugged his head in pain and vomited blood directly.

"Qiong'er!" The Tiger Emperor was immediately shocked. His body just stopped in one step, but there was a strong chill in his eyes.

"If you dare to move forward again, Hu Qiong will fall!" The old man snorted unhappily, but he did not really kill Hu Qiong. The reason was very simple. It was easy for him to kill Hu Qiong, but it was easier for the other party to kill Chu Yan. He kept Hu Qiong to restrain the other party.

The corner of the Tiger Emperor's mouth twitched, but after hesitating again and again, he did not dare to chase him out. He could only watch the old man in plain clothes take Chu Yan away and leave this 100,000-mile demon forest.

"Asshole!" When the old man in plain clothes left completely, the Tiger Emperor suppressed the curse in his heart. He failed to kill Chu Yan this time, and he didn't know when he would kill him next time. The most important thing was that there was a strange power in Chu Yan's body that could kill Xuan Shuangzi without any chance to fight back. What if he waited until Chu Yan recovered and then used that power?

The Tiger Emperor didn't dare to imagine that if Chu Yan used that power to attack his Tianhu clan, who in his Tianhu clan could stop him.

I'm afraid Chu Yan alone could wipe out his entire Tianhu clan, right?

"Tiger Emperor, who is that person?" An elder from the Demon Mountain Gate came walking over. He was also an emperor, so he knew more about the terrifying power of the old man before, which was definitely not inferior to the broken emperor.

"Humph, a guy like Chu Yan, who came from a humble star, but he became famous too early and hasn't appeared for almost half a century. I thought he had fallen, but I didn't expect him to come to my ancient demon star field." The Tiger Emperor said unhappily.

"Little Xingchen, this strength... could it be?" The elder of the Demon Mountain Gate narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, Tiandao Patriarch." Tiger Emperor gave the elder of Monster Mountain Gate a clear answer, which made the old man of Monster Mountain Gate twitch his mouth. Tiandao Patriarch, this name is very famous in the Six Realms Star River, and many people know him. He became famous tens of millions of years ago, but he did not join any forces and has been walking in the Six Realms Star River.

"He is actually related to Chu Yan..."

The Tiger Emperor nodded: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Elders, please go back to the Demon Mountain Gate first. I also want to go back to the Tianhu Clan."

This time, the Patriarch of Tiandao suddenly took action and prevented the Tiger Emperor and others from killing Chu Yan. It also made Yaoshanmen and others realize a problem. It seems that it is not that easy to kill Chu Yan, and Chu Yan's background is not simple either. .

Therefore, the Tiger Emperor also needs to go back and explain to the old monster of the Tianhu clan who has never left the mountain. Hu Qiong is also injured and needs to rest for some time.


Chu Yan and the other three were saved. The Patriarch of Tiandao took the three of them to a dense forest. Although Fatty and Hua Zhixu had seen the Divine Thought of the Patriarch of Tiandao in the Tiandao Sect, they had no appearance, so they did not recognize it. , just hugged his fists gratefully.

"Thank you, senior, for saving us today!"

"It doesn't matter!" The Patriarch of Tiandao looked at the sighs of the three people, and then he turned his eyes and fell on Chu Yan. Sensing the gaze of the Patriarch of Tiandao, Hua Zhixu hurriedly said: "Senior, Chu Yan had an explosion in his body earlier. He received a very terrifying force. Now that the force has dissipated, he has also been seriously injured. I beg you to take action again to save his life!"

The Patriarch of Tiandao did not speak. With a thought, he formed a ray of light that shrouded Chu Yan's body and kept spying on his body. When he saw the tragic situation inside Chu Yan's body, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"This kid is really messing around!" The Patriarch of Tiandao couldn't help but cursed. Chu Yan's body was too miserable. All his internal organs were broken, his meridians were broken, and his limbs were all intact. They all turned into powder. If it weren't for the vitality still burning in Chu Yan's body, he would be a dead man now.

"How can the body of an emperor withstand the power of that bloodline? Oh, what a sin." The ancestor of Tiandao sighed again, and then he looked at Hua Zhixu: "You two stand back a thousand meters and wait. I will pick him up in three days and take him away!"

Fatty and Hua Zhixu hesitated, but when they thought that the Tiandao Ancestor had rescued them, they were relieved and retreated a thousand meters away to wait.

Three days passed quickly before Fatty and Hua Zhixu came back. Then they were stunned. They saw the Tiandao Ancestor's breath was weak, and he accidentally exposed an arm. It was horribly withered, as if all the blood in his body was gone. It looked like it had dried up, and he looked completely different from what he had been in three days.

If the old man three days ago was a transcendent and powerful man, the old man today is like a critically ill old man, with white hair and hunched waist, forming a very strong gap.

"Senior, you..." Hua Zhixu said in surprise, and the Patriarch of Tiandao waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I'll recover in a few days. His injury has been repaired, but I don't know how long it will take for him to wake up. I'm leaving, and he When you wake up, don’t tell him that I’ve been here, and if he forgets everything before, don’t tell him anything.”

"But senior, will the power in his body previously..."

"He can't use it anymore." The Patriarch of Tiandao smiled bitterly. For three days, he healed Chu Yan's wounds and looked inside Chu Yan's body. However, just like this, he became more and more puzzled. There are four layers of seals, and it is impossible to unblock them. Why can Chu Yan burn that bloodline?

In any case, Fatty and Hua Zhixu breathed a sigh of relief. This time, Chu Yan's strangeness was too terrifying. Once the power came out, he was completely invincible. Fatty even thought that there was no Maharaja at that time, otherwise he could still Let Chu Yan try to see if he can kill a king character for fun.

If the Tiandao Patriarch knew what Fatty was thinking, he would probably be furious to death, and he might even slap Fatty to death. Encourage Chu Yan to kill a great king? Is the Maharaja so easy to kill? Chu Yan accidentally opened his bloodline this time, killed two emperors, and almost died after destroying the spiritual thoughts of several emperors. If he confronts the emperor, with Chu Yan's physical body, he is afraid that he will suffer backlash. Even if the gods descend to earth at that time, There's nothing we can do about it.

The Patriarch of Tiandao finally left, and just as he said, he cured Chu Yan's injuries and reconnected the bones, but Chu Yan was still in a coma and never woke up.

Chu Yan was not awake, and Fatty and Hua Zhixu did not dare to leave the demon forest. They also knew that the major forces were looking for Chu Yan. Now there were too many people who wanted to kill them and they could be seen everywhere, so they had to be careful. They could not move even an inch. .

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Fatty and Hua Zhixu never left Chu Yan. They changed their location every three days, taking turns carrying Chu Yan on their backs and taking care of Chu Yan, tirelessly. This kind of relationship was rare in the world.

However, at this time, the eastern part of the ancient demon is not at peace either, and a shocking event is being secretly planned.

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