Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 289: Try to kill him if you dare

Xuan Shuangzi has arrived, the peak master of the seventh peak of the seven peaks, one of the seven most powerful on the surface of Tianyao Peak.

The mercenary was shocked again. Xuan Shuangzi had a great reputation in the Ancient Demon Star Territory, and now he even took action. More importantly, several phantoms soon appeared behind Xuan Shuangzi, all of whom were the seventh. Feng's deacons and disciples are extremely powerful, and they are all emperors of one side, and many of them are emperors of heaven.

Looking at the thoughts of these people, Fatty and Hua Zhixu became even more worried.

"Almost all the Seventh Peak has been mobilized!" The mercenaries below also said in shock.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" The movement in the demon forest was too great. At this time, countless strong men came from the north, and the leader was a young man, so proud.

However, when Hu Qiong saw Chu Yan's appearance, his expression became strange, and he did not dare to take a step forward. There were several great emperors beside him, all of them were emperors of the Yaoshan Sect, as well as the Tiger Emperor of the Tianhu Clan.

"Qiong'er, something is wrong with this guy, don't get close to him yet." Tiger Emperor let out a low roar, and Hu Qiong nodded. At this time, Chu Yan's aura was too powerful. He stood in the void like an immortal war god, so cold. Look at everyone at Tianyao Peak.

"You want to stop me?" Chu Yan raised his head coldly, his voice was cold, and he stared at Xuan Shuangzi and others.

Xuan Shuangzi was shocked. From this moment on, Chu Yan's body also made him feel a strong threat. He was the Po Emperor. Anyone who could threaten him must at least be above the Po Emperor, right?

After all, Xuan Shuangzi is a strong man and a famous person in the Ancient Demon Star Territory, so he regained his composure after a while: "Chu Yan, the sword mark has been retribution for what happened today, why not let it go like this? You let them two go. , I promise in my name that Tianyao Peak will never trouble you again, how about that?"

"Today, they will die!"

Chu Yan said without any emotion, and Xuan Shuangzi became unhappy. He didn't know Chu Yan's details, so his words had given Chu Yan enough face, but Chu Yan still refused to let him go, which made his voice turn cold: " Do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?”

"You are all going to die!" Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense. He strolled out and finally walked in front of Jianhen and Barbarian Niu. He raised his hand and stabbed the three-foot green peak into the void. The sword seemed to be twisted. It seemed like it had filled up the space, pointing directly at the bull's throat.

"No!" Xuan Shuangzi shouted angrily, but it was too late, everything was too late. Chu Yan waved his sword and cleanly cut off Man Niu's vitality.

Man Niu died like this. His eyes widened and he was filled with disbelief even before he died. He was actually killed by a descendant with a sword? Dead loser.

"Next, it's you!" Chu Yan turned around and looked at Jianhen. The cold voice made Jianhen tremble, and he howled: "Master, save me!"

Xuan Shuangzi was angry. Chu Yan was too arrogant and did not give any face to anyone. His spiritual thoughts turned into a huge light curtain and blasted out, piercing straight towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan waved his sword, and the blade was like thunder, cutting off Xuan Shuangzi's light barrier. Then his eyes were ferocious, he let out a wild beast's roar, and took a step forward. Everyone's eyes froze.

Chu Yan actually took the initiative to meet Xuan Shuangzi? Everyone's mouths twitched. Is Chu Yan crazy? That's Xuan Shuangzi, Po Di.

"Kill!" Chu Yan took several steps in a row. The fighting spirit in his body was completely aroused by Xuan Shuangzi. The Heaven-Destroying Sword seemed to have divine help in his hands. With a three-foot green blade, one person could be seen with one sword. No emperor on the Seventh Peak can resist the power of Chu Yan's sword.

One sword, killing an emperor... What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

Xuan Shuangzi was also angry, his old eyes flashed with a stern look, his big hand disturbed the sky, turned into a huge palm and smacked it down, and immediately hit Chu Yan's sword.


There was another loud noise in the Demon Forest of 100,000 Miles, and everyone's pupils shrank. The mountains and rivers suddenly shattered, and the cliffs and valleys below were directly shattered by a sword. However, everyone was shocked again. After the swords of Shuangzi and Chu Yan collided, the two of them were shaken and retreated, and everyone's hearts were in their throats.

"Poof!" Chu Yan slammed into the cliff valley, and most of the cliff shattered. He vomited blood continuously. However, Xuan Shuangzi in the distance was even worse, and his spiritual thoughts were directly shaken into a shadow.

"This bastard! How can he be so strong!" Xuan Shuangzi roared. He looked at Chu Yan coldly. He felt a strong threat from Chu Yan, which he had never seen before. This made him understand One reason is that he must kill Chu Yan today, otherwise there will be endless troubles, so he immediately took a step, and the thousand-meter void was turned into a step by him, and his murderous intention was strong.

"Destroy!" But who would have expected it? Chu Yan was seriously injured. He jumped up suddenly, jumped up from the cliff valley, and faced Xuan Shuangzi directly. He struck with another sword. This sword directly turned into a sword mark of three thousand meters, and the sky was cracked.

"Death!" Chu Yan roared like a wild beast. Xuan Shuangzi was shocked. The sword mark contained strong golden blood. The golden blood was like a dragon roaring, fiercely swallowing Xuan Shuangzi.

Xuan Shuangzi was horrified. Chu Yan's sword hit even him with a strong crisis. His eyes shrank, and he roared in disbelief: "Jun, Junwei? How is it possible..."

However, before Xuan Shuangzi could finish his words, he was killed on the spot by divine will and disappeared together with the shattered sky.

Everyone was shocked, including the people at Hu Qiong and Yaoshan Gate in the distance. Chu Yan killed Xuan Shuangzi's spiritual thoughts with a sword? Kill the person who broke the emperor with one sword? What exactly is this existence?

"No!!!" The next moment Jianhen let out a howl, Chu Yan slashed with a sword, and Jianhen fell on the spot. Who could have expected that Chu Yan, an emperor, would kill two emperors here today? Even Xuan Shuangzi, the master of the seventh peak of Tianyao Peak, appeared in person, but was killed by Chu Yan's sword.

Chu Yan... Everyone was terrified, and Liu Yu was trembling in the distance. He thought that if he told Manniu and Chu Yan the whereabouts of the three people, he would be greeted with endless glory, but who could have thought? Manniu died, Jianhen died, and he was about to die.


Another sword light, Chu Yan killed Liu Yu, he seemed to be a killing god, at this time no one dared to approach Chu Yan, Chu Yan killed everyone, but it was not over yet, he roared wildly, and the sword energy was waving like rain. He was like crazy, constantly releasing sword energy, and with each sword energy, a huge gully appeared on the ground. In a blink of an eye, the demon forest was like a spider web.

"Ah!!!" Chu Yan was in great pain at this time.

"Brother Chu!" The fat man shouted with red eyes. Hua Zhixu was also extremely nervous. The fat man finally didn't care about so much. He broke free from Hua Zhixu, leaped out in one step, and rushed towards Chu Yan.

"Bang! Kill!" But the next moment, Chu Yan reached out with his bare hands and grabbed the fat man's throat. The next moment his sword light was about to chop down. Hua Zhixu was shocked in the distance. If Chu Yan attacked the fat man, the fat man would die with that sword.

"Chu Yan, that's the fat man!" Hua Zhixu shouted with red eyes. The fat man was also afraid in his heart when he was caught by Chu Yan, but suddenly he showed a bright smile, which was clean and touching: "Brother Chu... Kill me, you will feel better, so kill me!"

"Shua!" However, when looking at the fat man's clean smile, the sword light suddenly froze in place, and everyone was stunned. At the most critical moment, Chu Yan stopped.

"Fatty... Let's go!" Chu Yan gradually regained some reason. At this moment, the golden blood in his body suddenly collapsed like a deflated balloon. Chu Yan's eyes went black. Then, he didn't remember anything and fell directly.

"Chu Yan!" Hua Zhixu rushed forward and hugged Chu Yan. The fat man vomited blood several times in a row. The sword power just now almost killed him, but he immediately flew towards Chu Yan.

Hua Zhixu hugged Chu Yan, but Chu Yan's breath was weak at this time, and the rise and fall of his chest was also slow. His face was pale and bloodless. In this battle, although he suppressed countless emperors and caused the entire seventh peak of Tianyao Peak to be severely damaged in his hands, but... that was not his power. He was just an emperor after all. Now his body was withered and his internal organs were broken. It was a great luck to be alive.

"No, Chu Yan's injuries are too serious. We must find a place to heal him! Otherwise, his life will be in danger." Hua Zhixu made a prompt decision.

"It seems that he has recovered." But at this moment, a teasing voice sounded from the distant sky.

"Hu Qiong..."

The fat man and Hua Zhixu's eyes shrank, and then they looked up. When they saw the people from the sky, their faces were extremely gloomy. This group of lingering guys first came to Tian Yao Peak, and now it's the Demon Mountain Gate...

But this time, what should they do?

Hu Qiong walked over, he looked at Chu Yan, and showed a cold smile: "He is really a madman. If he used this power in the eastern part of the ancient demon, I'm afraid all of us would die at that time."

"What are you going to do?" Hua Zhixu shouted in a low voice.

"I have to say, I really didn't expect you to dare to come to the ancient demon star field, but since you are here, of course I have to keep him." Hu Qiong smiled calmly, and Hua Zhixu and the fat man's faces became colder. Previously, Chu Yan was in a state of killing all directions and repelling Tian Yao Peak, but now Chu Yan definitely doesn't have that kind of power, so how can they fight Hu Qiong?

"Is Senior Jiuyou here?" Hua Zhixu tried to wake Jiuyou, but there was no response. Jiuyou seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep like Chu Yan, and there was no response.

Hua Zhixu became even more worried. His eyes turned red, and he looked coldly at Hu Qiong and the many emperors behind Hu Qiong. These people wanted Chu Yan to die, how could Chu Yan live?

"Chu Yan, you deserve to die!" Hu Qiong walked down, and with a thud, he took just one step, and the fat man and Hua Zhixu spurted blood continuously. Both of them were shocked. Is this the power of the Heavenly Monument? Invincible under the emperor, in a thought, suppressed Hua Zhixu and the fat man.

"You dare to kill him!" However, at this moment, an ancient voice suddenly sounded, and everyone in the demon forest was startled. Hu Qiong's body suddenly froze, and he only felt a murderous intent directly locked on him.

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