Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 288 Crazy Chu Yan

"Asshole!" The fat man glared at Liu Yu with red eyes, and he was full of murderous intent, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Now Chu Yan was in an abnormal state, and there were two emperors descending here, one of whom was a genuine emperor. He was really panicked and didn't know what to do.

Hua Zhixu was also anxious, his eyes were red, and the scene in front of him was even more unsolvable than the eastern part of the ancient monster.

Two emperors suddenly descended in the monster forest, and they were from the Heavenly Monster Peak. Even the mercenaries around were shocked. They looked at Chu Yan and the other two strangely, and a touch of surprise rose in their hearts.

"The Heavenly Monster Peak actually sent two emperors to deal with them? What is the background of these three people?"

"Chu Yan? Chu Yan?" A mercenary muttered to himself for a few times, and then his eyes rose with horror: "It's him..."

"Do you know him?" Everyone was curious.

"Two months ago, there was an earthquake in the eastern part of the ancient demon land. A man summoned a divine object, which was invincible under the Venerable. He even killed a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Peak with one palm. In the end, even Hu Qiong and Jiang Fan took action, but he still escaped. That man was also called Chu Yan!" The mercenary whispered, and everyone's throat rolled. One after another, shocking news came into their ears. What kind of monster are they dealing with these days?

"Chu Yan, wake up quickly, now is not the time to pretend to sleep!" Hua Zhixu prayed in his heart. Now he has no other way. If Chu Yan wakes up, he can still summon Jiuyou for help, at least there is a glimmer of hope, but now Jiuyou is also shrouded by Chu Yan's golden light, and he can't wake up at all.

Manniu looked at Chu Yan and the other two coldly, his eyes full of ferocity: "I've said it before, you won't live too long. The scenery of this demon forest is nice, so let's use it as your burial place!"

"Manniu, you deal with these two people. That kid's bloodline is powerful, I'll go plunder it." Jianhen walked out without any nonsense. He ignored Fatty and Hua Zhixu directly, raised his palm in the air, and suddenly a sword light swept across the sky. The sword light came from nowhere, and Jianhen didn't hold a sword in his hand, but Jianhen was like thunder, leaving a huge gully on the cliff.

"Old dog, you dare!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu were furious. The two rushed to the cave like crazy, but there was nothing they could do. Jianhen just waved his hand, and the two of them were surrounded by shocking sword energy, causing them to vomit blood continuously.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities!" Jianhen snorted coldly, and pressed his palm downwards into the air. Suddenly, mountains descended like huge mountains, suppressing Fatty and Hua Zhixu.

"Puff!!!" Hua Zhixu knelt on the ground with a thud, and a trace of powerlessness rose in his eyes. The emperor was too strong, and the emperor's power was even more inviolable. He was just an emperor now. Even though he had broken through to the ninth level of the emperor in the past month, he was still as weak as an ant in front of the emperor.

"Boy, I want your power!" Jianhen's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. The control method of the divine object, plus this super-strong bloodline, even he was tempted. These things were enough for him to make another breakthrough, and it was very likely that he would become the master of the seven peaks of Tianyao Peak.

"No!!!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu wailed outside the cave, but they could not stand up at all. The power of the emperor was too strong.

"Chu Yan, wake up! Please, wake up!" Hua Zhixu's eyes were red, and the fat man was also desperate. They had been brothers for four years and had experienced many life and death situations, but they had never felt as helpless as today.

"Brother Chu!!!" The fat man howled. In the fat man's memory, Chu Yan was always the one who created miracles. No matter how difficult it was, as long as Chu Yan was there, he would be able to turn the tide.

"It's useless for you to shout to the sky. I will definitely take him away today!" At this time, Jian Hen had floated in front of Chu Yan. He stretched out his palm and grabbed Chu Yan's shoulder.

"Bang!" But the next moment, everyone's eyes condensed and froze.

Jian Hen's eyes also condensed slightly. The moment his palm touched Chu Yan, he saw the golden light in Chu Yan's body like a dragon and a tiger, suddenly roaring and shaking out violently.

"What a strange force!" Jianhen took a step back with a quick reaction, but it was too late. The golden light seemed to treat Jianhen as prey. No matter how far Jianhen retreated, the golden light kept chasing him like a dragon's roar.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene. A golden light in Chu Yan's body actually forced a Heavenly Emperor to dodge?

Hua Zhixu and the fat man were also shocked. The golden light continued to roar, and turned into a dragon flying in the sky above the nine heavens. The dragon roared, deafening, and the birds and beasts in the monster forest were immediately scared away.

After a while, the golden light became even more terrifying, turning into a huge dragon-slaying sword, slashing straight at Jianhen fiercely.

"Sword Qi defense!" Jianhen was terrified. He was fast, and the golden light was even faster. In the end, he had no other choice. He condensed his hands, and a sword Qi shield immediately formed in front of him.

"Bang!" However, just as the sword energy shield was formed, the golden light shattered it directly, turning into a deafening sound, and then the golden light turned into tens of thousands of sword energy and shot out, forming a terrible sword energy storm, directly covering Jianhen.


Jianhen screamed in pain. When the sword energy gradually dissipated, Jianhen was in a very bad state. His green shirt was pierced with thousands of holes and blood stains. Although he was still alive, his injuries were extremely serious. All his internal organs were pierced and his whole body was trembling.

"Senior Jianhen!" Manniu was shocked in the distance. This scene was too shocking. Although Chu Yan had good talent, he was only an emperor after all, right? He actually injured Tiandi so badly?

The fat man and Chu Yan were also stunned. They were both desperate just now, but this reversal was too fast, completely unexpected, and definitely a surprise.

Although Jian Hen was not dead, his eyes were full of fear. What happened just now? Even he couldn't figure it out. He just touched Chu Yan, but the blood in Chu Yan's body was like an ancient beast, mastering the great killing of heaven and earth, enough to kill everything, and ruthlessly killing him. If it weren't for his quick reaction, he had no doubt that he would be a dead man now.

"Man Niu, what a good thing you did... I won't do it anymore, this kid is too scary." Jian Hen swallowed his saliva in fear, and now he just wanted to leave here.

Man Niu's heart was extremely gloomy. He thought that if he found Jian Hen this time, even if Chu Yan had the help of the emperor demon, he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that even Jian Hen couldn't do anything to Chu Yan.

"None of you can leave!" However, a low roar suddenly sounded at this time, and everyone followed the sound, and then their eyes froze.

Chu Yan woke up and slowly stood up from the cave. However, Chu Yan was very strange at this moment. Even his pupils were golden. He had no emotion at all. There was only ruthless killing in his eyes.

"Kill!" Chu Yan roared. Fatty and Hua Zhixu were shocked. Just a breath of air immediately pushed them back.

"Brother Chu!" Fatty wanted to go forward, but was immediately stopped by Hua Zhixu. Hua Zhixu looked at Chu Yan with a serious look in his eyes: "Chu Yan is not right. Don't go over. He seems to have lost his mind!"

"Kill!" Chu Yan repeated again. He stared at Manniu and Jianhen.

Whoosh! He took a step forward and shot out like a sword shuttle. Ten thousand meters away, in a flash, he rushed directly in front of Manniu and Jianhen. At this time, his long hair was flying and golden light was shrouded. He was like a demon. There was no emotion. There was only the thought of killing in his eyes.

Manniu and Jianhen were shocked, and suddenly felt like they were being locked. Jianhen thought of the terrifying golden light just now, and his throat rolled: "Run!"

"Can you run away?" Chu Yan said coldly, the golden light was still there, he waved his palm, and the Heaven-Slashing Sword descended, snap, the clouds broke, and the sky was cut off by Chu Yan's sword?

"How is it possible? Bastard, what realm is this kid in now?" Jianhen and Manniu were terrified.

The same goes for Fatty and Hua Zhixu, a thought to cut the sky? Even the emperor can't do it, right? Could it be that Chu Yan is now breaking the emperor realm?

"Kill!" Chu Yan roared, and he took another step forward. He stood in the air a thousand meters high, but when he took a step forward, a huge footprint was left on the ground, and he walked towards Jianhen and Manniu step by step.

His pace was extremely slow, but the more so, the more frightened Manniu and Jianhen were. The two could not escape at all. Chu Yan's strength was like a mountain, suppressing the two to death.

"No!!" Jianhen wailed. At this moment, he didn't even have the courage to fight Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, what are you going to do?" Manniu wailed: "I am the elder of Tianyao Peak! You can't kill me!"

"You deserve to die!" Chu Yan was like a god of war, judging like a judge. Manniu was panicked. In front of Chu Yan, how could he still have the dignity of an emperor? He trembled with fear and didn't even have the courage to hold a sword.

In the huge demon forest, everyone looked up at the scene in the sky and was shocked, as if they were hit by a huge hammer on their hearts. This scene was too weird. Two emperors were suppressed by an emperor, and it was unreasonable.

Chu Yan is now like a demon. His realm cannot be seen at all. His aura is still that of an emperor, but the golden light around him seems to be omnipotent.

"Too weird, too weird!"

"Is this kid still a human... How can he become so strong?"

Everyone was shocked. Fatty and Hua Zhixu's faces were not good either. Although Chu Yan suppressed the two emperors, they could all see that Chu Yan was different. He seemed to have become a different person. His eyes were shining with golden light, like a killing machine, without any emotion.

"No! Chu Yan, you can't kill me! I am from the Seven Peaks. If you kill me, Tian Yao Peak will definitely hunt you down to the sky and the ground." Jian Hen screamed in fear. He wanted to retreat, but Chu Yan's strength was too strong and he suppressed him tightly.

"Asshole!" Jian Hen roared. The next moment he didn't dare to hesitate. He immediately crushed a token. The next moment, a more terrifying aura rose around him and turned into an ancient figure.

"Evil boy, how dare you!" As the breath came out, the demon forest trembled, and the sky became darker. The old man stood coldly in the void, looking down on Chu Yan.

"The master of the seventh peak: Xuan Shuangzi, breaking the emperor realm!"

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