Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 287 Chu Yan's Strangeness

Chu Yan roared, and he woke up in shock. His forehead was covered with sweat, and the fourth blood in his body was like a dragon and a tiger, roaring wildly.

"Brother Chu!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu were startled when they heard Chu Yan's roar outside the cliff valley, and immediately jumped into the cave. When they saw Chu Yan, their eyes were shocked. They saw that Chu Yan was covered with golden light, and even the color of his pupils changed, turning into gold.

"What's going on? Is it the previous injury?" Fatty was speechless for a while. Chu Yan was too weird at this time, with golden light all over his body, and the power of these golden lights was extremely terrifying.

"It shouldn't be. Even if he was injured, he must have recovered in this month. I fought with him, and I couldn't beat him even with 70% of his strength. I don't believe he was injured." Hua Zhixu shook his head seriously.

Fatty wanted to take a step forward, but suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his body. He only felt that the devouring blood in his body was roaring, or to be more precise, fear, so that Fatty didn't move forward.

"I can't get close to him... My bloodline is afraid of him." The fat man swallowed his saliva. Since he got the Devouring Bloodline, it has always been a top-level bloodline, much stronger than ordinary people, and can even devour other people's bloodlines, but now the Devouring Bloodline is afraid of Chu Yan? Not even daring to go forward?

"I'll go and see." Hua Zhixu was a little serious. His four bloodlines were ordinary bloodlines, not involving inheritance, so he was a little weaker in this kind of resistance.

"Chu Yan!" Hua Zhixu walked to Chu Yan and called a few times, but Chu Yan didn't respond. The golden light was even stronger, which made him a little worried. He stretched out his hand and slapped Chu Yan's shoulder.

"Bang!" But in an instant, Hua Zhixu's eyes widened. When his palm just touched Chu Yan, he was like being hit by thunder. His body was suddenly shaken away and hit the cliff next to him and vomited blood continuously.

"Puff!" Hua Zhixu's eyes were horrified, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.

"Zhixu!" The fat man was shocked. He hurried forward to support Hua Zhixu. He saw that there was still a trace of golden power in Hua Zhixu's body, which immediately attacked the fat man and almost swallowed up the fat man's devouring power.

"The Way of Swallowing Heaven!" The fat man hurriedly used the inherited magical power, and then swallowed up the remaining trace of golden light and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the two were confused afterwards. The current situation was too strange. If Chu Yan's chest was not vaguely up and down, he would be completely like a dead person, breathing very low, and most importantly, the surrounding golden light made it impossible for the two to get close.

"Jiuyou!" Hua Zhixu wanted to call out Jiuyou to ask, but Jiuyou seemed to be shrouded by Chu Yan's golden light. No matter how many times he called, Jiuyou Bird did not respond, which made his face darker. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

The two were worried that Chu Yan must not get into trouble. After four years of relationship, Chu Yan and they had already become a family. Brothers, they left the mortal world to follow Chu Yan. If Chu Yan got into trouble, they didn't even dare to think about it.

"It's over, it's over. Brother Chu is going to die. How can I explain to Sister Qingcheng?" The fat man sat on the ground, feeling sad.

Hua Zhixu looked at the fat man helplessly, his eyes were also solemn. He was born in Baicaotang and heard Hua Feng talk about many symptoms, but he had never encountered Chu Yan's kind. And the golden light was too terrible. It was simply a kind of pathology. To be precise, it was a kind of madness. It was completely crazy. The power of the golden light was not divided by level or realm, and no one could get close.

"Fatty, guard this place, I'll go find someone to help!" Hua Zhixu gritted his teeth, turned around and flew out of the cave, but he was at a loss after leaving. Who did he know in the ancient demon star domain? Who could he ask for help?

Hua Zhixu didn't know, so he could only pray to the mercenaries here, but the mercenaries here had never seen such a situation, and they were all powerless.

But if someone looked at the sky carefully, they might find something strange. Now the dense forest was covered with dark clouds, as if there was a thundercloud covering it, and there was a natural phenomenon.

There were actually several figures appearing here above the clouds. One of them was lying lazily on the thundercloud, holding a wine gourd in his hand. He shook it and there was no wine. He couldn't help but sighed in disappointment, but just a sigh caused a violent hurricane to rise in the dense forest.

Next to the lazy wine fairy, there was also a one-armed sword fairy. If Chu Yan saw them, he would definitely find that these two people were the wine fairy and sword fairy he saw in his dream, but Chu Yan couldn't imagine that this sword fairy actually broke an arm. He could cut the sky with one sword, but today, he was actually broken by someone?

"It shouldn't be, he is just an emperor, but opening the five-story Xuantian Tower, will the seal be unlocked?" The wine fairy asked curiously.

"In any case, cut off this galaxy first. If his bloodline is really unsealed, even a very subtle perception will be noticed by that group of people. When that happens, it will be really troublesome." The sword fairy said on the side, and then he waved his hand, and there was a sky-stealing sword light, which actually covered the entire galaxy, directly cutting off all the places where this galaxy might be connected to the outside world.

If someone saw this scene, they would be shocked. He did not seal it, but directly cut off all the exits of the six-domain galaxy with one knife.

"It's still early, it's still early. This little guy still has a long time to grow up, but since it's okay, let's disperse. I promised the heroine in the past that I couldn't help him, and I have made an exception twice." The wine fairy stood up, and then he left with a thought, and before he left, another river in the monster forest was sucked dry and turned into a glass of wine for the wine fairy.

Fatty and Hua Zhixu didn't know anything about the horizon, and they were busy at this time.

"Brother Chu, please don't let anything happen to you." The fat man sighed for a while, anxious. However, on this day, Chu Yan's golden light was even more powerful, covering the cave and making it impossible for anyone to approach.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and Chu Yan had been in this golden light-enclosed state. Fortunately, he was still alive after a month passed, which made Fatty and Hua Zhixu breathe a sigh of relief, and the two took turns guarding the cave.

On this day, a group of strong men suddenly appeared outside the demon forest. The leader was an old man. Following the old man was a middle-aged man. However, although he was middle-aged, he was even more arrogant, which made the old man look at him. This man was also quite polite.

"Man Niu, you said that Chu Yan has several divine objects in his hands? Are you serious? Did you lie to us?" the middle-aged man questioned.

"Senior Jianhen, it's definitely true. I asked around recently and found out that he is also the controller of the Eternal Evergreen Tree. The artifacts on his body are small, with only a Haotian Tower and the Sun-Destroying Sword, but what is truly powerful is his ability to If we can obtain the control of the divine objects, the divine objects of these six regions of the galaxy will not be controlled by us in the future." Man Niu said respectfully, praising the middle-aged senior.

It's not that Man Niu wants to grovel like this, but he has no choice. Although this middle-aged man is young, he is very talented. He is the real top talent of Tianyao Peak. He was granted the title of emperor at the age of forty, so he has always maintained his forty-year-old appearance. Now He even has the strength of the Emperor of Heaven.

This middle-aged man is a deacon on the seven peaks of Tianyao Peak. Only entering the seven peaks of Tianyao Peak is the real entry point. Even Barbarian Niu can only be regarded as a peripheral.

"Control over the divine objects? This is interesting. In this case, we will avenge your disciples, but all the divine objects are ours, no problem." Jianhen said lightly.

Man Niu cursed in his heart, but still nodded with a smile: "Of course."

"Okay, I don't want to waste time, you can lead the way." Jianhen said casually.

"Is the news accurate?" The old man lowered his head and asked coldly. There was a young mercenary below. If the fat man was here, he would be extremely angry, because this fat man is Liu Yu.

Liu Yu said excitedly: "Senior Manniu, it's accurate. The person you want is in this demon forest. The person named Chu Yan has also encountered some troubles, and he doesn't know whether to live or die now."

Man Niu's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He must kill Chu Yan. In the past, in the ancient demon east, not only did he lose his face, but he also killed one of his disciples, which made him embarrassed. So he has been searching for Chu Yan's whereabouts for the past two months, but no matter what, Chu Yan left the ancient demon. The Demon Queen of the East seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, making it easy for him to find her.

Now there was finally news, so he rushed over immediately. Worried about Jiuyou's intervention, he also specially called for the sword mark of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Lead the way!" Manniu shouted, and the mercenary hurriedly led the way for the two of them, heading towards the cliff where Chu Yan was.

"You can really hide in such a place where birds don't poop." Manniu looked at this cliff and sneered. Then his eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately felt a strong aura fluctuating. It was the current Chu rock.

"Senior Jianhen, this is it." Manniu said in a low voice, Jianhen nodded, and then he raised his eyes and looked into the cave a thousand meters away: "Haha, such strong bloodline fluctuations, it seems that this kid has another chance. Yes, yes, I want this bloodline too!”

At this time, the wind was howling, and Man Niu and Jian Hen descended directly into the valley. When they saw the scene in the valley, everyone's eyes froze.

"Haha, Chu Yan, and you two little bastards are really good at hiding. It's easy to find the trouble!" Man Niu sneered.

"Old man, the bull!" The fat man was guarding the door. When he saw the bull and the sword mark, he let out a low roar.

Whoosh! The next moment, Hua Zhixu strolled out and blocked the entrance of the cave. The two of them looked at Man Niu and Jian Hen, their eyes gloomy to the extreme. The fat man cursed anxiously: "Damn it! Why did it happen at this time?"

"How did they find this place?" Hua Zhixu also looked unhappy. The power of the emperor is inviolable. Now that there are two great emperors here, they have no taboos at all. Moreover, Chu Yan is still in this state. There are too many divine objects and Nine Nether Birds to help.

"Liu Yu!" Fatty's eyes were sharp. The moment he saw Liu Yu, he was filled with rage and murderous intent. He was betrayed by a mercenary once again.

"Little fat man, don't blame me. Who made your lives so valuable? Now that Senior Manniu has killed you, I can enter Tianyao Peak and become a disciple under the seven peaks." Liu Yu said excitedly without any guilt.

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