Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 286: Three Hundred Years in the Shrine

In the early morning, the morning dew was just beginning to condense. There was a wisp of moisture in the mountain stream. Everything in autumn always seemed a little lazy, so everything had not yet awakened. However, in this dense forest, a crackling explosion suddenly sounded. Looking through the dense forest, there were two figures as fast as lightning, jumping up and colliding with each other, being repelled, and then jumping up.

"Continue!" A young man holding a long halberd suddenly landed, and then he exerted force with his feet, leaving a deep footprint on the ground, and his body shot out like an arrow through the clouds, meeting the sword light of a young man in white in the air.

"Boom!" The sword light collided with the long halberd, and there was another burst of lightning and fire. In a blink of an eye, after three hundred moves, the young man holding the long halberd shouted happily, and then stepped back to continue practicing.

"Let me do it!" There was a simple and honest fat man not far away. After eating the roasted beast into a skeleton, he wiped his greasy mouth and stood up. He took a step forward and opened his mouth wide. He immediately wanted to devour, as if a huge sky-swallowing beast was going to eat the young man in white, making a whistling sound.

"The way to swallow the sky!" The fat man roared, and half of the clouds in the sky were eaten by the fat man. The young man walked up with a sword, and then he kicked out, kicking the fat man mercilessly. The fat man fell to the ground fiercely, looking at the big footprint on his chest, his mouth twitched: "No more fighting, no more fighting, Brother Chu, you are too bullying, you are an eighth-level emperor, can't you let me go a little?"

The three people in the dense forest are Chu Yan and his three companions. This is a month after the three came to this demon forest. For a month, the three of them practiced wholeheartedly, competed every day, hunted monsters and roasted them for food when hungry, and fell asleep directly on the ground when tired. For a month, the three of them practiced like crazy, competed with high intensity, practiced every sword move, long halberd, and swallowing method thousands or even tens of thousands of times, just to perfect a move, even if it was a little unsatisfactory, they would continue to practice.

"These three crazy people are here again." There are often some mercenaries and family teams passing by here. Whenever they see Chu Yan and the other two's crazy practice methods, they will stop to appreciate them and then laugh.

"You say, how much force does the guy with the long halberd have when he attacks with a halberd?" A mercenary laughed with interest.

"It's hard to say, but it will not be less than 5,000 kilograms. I saw it with my own eyes yesterday. This guy pierced a hole in the stone wall of the cliff valley with a halberd." Another person spoke up.

"Fatty, you must have been abused, haha, come here and have something to eat." Some mercenaries called out to Fatty and threw the food they brought to him.

"Thank you, Brother Yu!" Fatty was not polite either. In a month, he had a good relationship with some nearby mercenaries and ate and drank with them.

"Little Fatty, where are you three from? You are either crazy or demons if you practice like this. You are really persistent."

"Haha, of course, my brother Chu wants to be the king of heaven and earth, so I, your little brother, can't be left behind." Fatty laughed. The man chatting with him was named Liu Yu, a mercenary.

"Come on." Liu Yu smiled encouragingly.

Seeing that Fatty had gone to eat, Chu Yan smiled faintly and also walked down from the air. Then he turned around and entered a cave again, which was the big hole that Hua Zhixu had stabbed in the cliff valley with a halberd before.

Chu Yan had Hua Zhixu pierce this big hole for him, so that he could practice. Although this dense forest is secluded, people often pass by it, so it is not as quiet as a cave.

After arriving in the cave, Chu Yan sat cross-legged and began to look inside his body. In a month, the three of them had made great progress. Just like Chu Yan's body tonight, it seemed as if there was a flame burning, like a torch, which would not go out and would last forever.

Chu Yan felt a flame in his body, and he began to gather his energy with his big hands, and then a sword technique emerged in his mind.

"Although I have mastered the nine inheritances of Zhen Tianjun, there are not many that are suitable for me. In addition to the ghost steps, there is the Seven Killings Sword Technique. This sword technique is weird. One step kills one. The fusion of the seven kills can kill all over the world. It's just a pity that this sword technique has too high requirements. It must be done in one go, and there can be no slackness in the middle. With my current strength, it is okay to send out six swords in a row, but it is difficult to do the seventh sword." Chu Yan released another sword technique in the cave, but it was still the light of six swords. The seventh sword could not be swung, which made him sigh.

"It seems that it is still a long way to practice the seventh sword of this sword technique. Let's break through first." Chu Yan shook his head, and then he fell silent again.

A month has made him realize the truth more deeply. With the experience and experience of the battle in Lihuo Academy, he has a stronger grasp now, and has mastered some forces to the extreme. However, he is not satisfied. He feels that although his strength is strong now, it is not real strength, not perfect strength.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and his soul appeared in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. Now he has mastered many of the divine objects in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, but he has not been able to determine the true meaning of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Law. Then there is the Xuantian Remnant, his other Dharma body. The power of the second Dharma body is already very strong, and it can be exchanged with him at any time to release a pure power attack, but it is still not enough to release the Dharma body.

"What is force? What is the extreme of force? The way of the world is all powerful, but it is all relative. Softness can overcome hardness, and hardness can overcome softness." Chu Yan continued to explore, and at this time, he suddenly found a strange vortex on the first floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

Chu Yan was slightly surprised. He had already thoroughly studied the first floor of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. There were records of eight thousand divine objects in the first floor, as well as several techniques, magical powers, and the first chapter of the Xuantian Fragment Chapter. But he had never seen this mark.

"This location is where the Xuantian Broken Chapter was before?" Chu Yan was surprised when he found the Xuantian Broken Chapter, and he actually opened the true secret of the first floor of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

"Extreme power!?" Chu Yan was surprised, and then he stared at the mark. The mark was composed of black and white, showing an S shape, with two points on the left and right, like an eye of the formation, one point reaching the sky.

Chu Yan is no stranger to this mark. It is a Tai Chi diagram. Chu Yan has known about the Tai Chi mark for a long time, but he always thought that it was used by some people who spied on the secrets of heaven to see the secrets of heaven. He did not know that it was related to practice, so he went into it carefully. Then I felt a strong sense of yin and yang.

"The world is so big, where is Tai Chi?" Another voice as gentle as water sounded in Chu Yan's body. Chu Yan woke up. It was Qin Ruomeng's voice, which was his mother's guidance.

"It has been known since ancient times that Tai Chi has two rites. What are two rites? One yin and one yang are two rites. The foundation of Tai Chi is nothing but yin and yang, and what are yin and yang?"

Chu Yan was shocked. Tai Chi gave birth to Liang Yi. He knew that he also understood the origin of yin and yang, but now Qin Ruomeng's voice asked, what is yin and yang?

"The ways of the world are all yin and yang, men are yang, women are yin, the sky is yang, the earth is yin, the mountain peaks are yang, and the sea is yin. And the ultimate strength is nothing more than Tai Chi. The so-called Tai Chi, using softness to overcome hardness, is Miao Yu , True Tai Chi can overcome hardness with softness, and even break softness! Only by combining hardness and softness can one achieve the ultimate strength!" Qin Ruomeng's voice sounded again, and Chu Yan was in shock for a long time.

Are the ways of heaven and earth all Yin and Yang? Extreme strength, combining hardness and softness?

Chu Yan kept thinking in his mind. This state was very strange. He didn't know how long it took. Finally, after a long time, he fell into a long dream.

"Is this the dream again?"

He has been to this dreamland before. Is it the palace where Qin Ruomeng lives? The Great Wine Immortal and the Sword Immortal are both here, and Qin Ruomeng is the king.

Within the palace, it seems that the sky is surrendering. This palace seems to be built on the nine heavens. It is like a dream, and it wants to make all living beings surrender forever. The shrine is at the end of the sky, and there is a staircase going down. Chu Yan thought that with his current strength, this ladder alone might take him ten years or a hundred years to reach the shrine.

There is a woman on the horizon. She is as beautiful as a fairy scroll, and her delicate face is as familiar to Chu Yan. She is Qin Ruomeng. It's just that Qin Ruomeng in the palace is not the gentle and virtuous person in Chu Yan's memory, but the one who controls the great slaughter of heaven and earth. Everyone calls her honorable. She is like the god of all living beings, and one person's word can rule the world. Law, the world surrenders.

"Mother..." Chu Yan couldn't help but murmured as he looked at Qin Ruomeng.

Deep in the palace, there is a huge ancient stele, with the inscription Qin Zun Shrine on top.

Qin Ruomeng is the master of this shrine. No one is her opponent. There are many people who want to kill her. On this day, there are countless transcendent beings on the horizon of the shrine, and those people are all destroyed with a single thought. The people of heaven are above the great king, and everyone is like a god.

They wanted to kill the palace, but Qin Ruomeng was wearing a colorful phoenix, fighting with the gods, and setting rules by himself, which filled the sky with fear and disappeared without a trace.

After this battle, another hundred years passed, and the shrine remained motionless, as if it were an inviolable sacred existence.

During these hundred years, there were countless people who wanted to kill Qin Ruomeng, but all failed. Until one day, a man holding a halberd came here to challenge him. He fought with Qin Ruomeng for three hundred years. In the beginning, the two of them had a crazy fight, and then the man became Qin Ruomeng's sparring partner, silently accompanying each other every day. For three hundred years, their relationship changed from hatred to kindness, and then to love. , became a good story.

Chu Yan could tell that the man was Chu Hanfeng, and he was extremely shocked. In this dream, Chu Hanfeng was like a god of war in the sky. He could kill gods and demons crying when he came out alone. Qin Ruomeng controlled the fire in the world. Wen, a woman became a teacher for hundreds of generations, and one word became the law of the world. For three hundred years, the two fell in love in the palace of the gods, and were envied by everyone in the world.

Chu Yan watched every detail of the past three hundred years with his own eyes, and the corners of his eyes became moist without realizing it: "It turns out that my parents...were both such powerful people in the past. , the killing gods and demons cry. Am I their child?"

Chu Yan said excitedly. He wanted to continue reading. He wanted to see who suppressed Qin Ruomeng and Chu Hanfeng when they were so powerful, and why did they come to the mortal world?

But when Chu Yan wanted to continue watching, he had no chance. When he woke up from his dream, the fourth bloodline in his body was like a golden dragon roaring, constantly impacting the limbs and bones in his body, making him endure a hundred times more. pain.


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