Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 282: Kill Chen Tong with one palm [Three more chapters]

"Chu Yan, promise Senior Gu Mu!" Chen Nishang said. In her opinion, Chu Yan is in a desperate situation now. Even Lihuo Academy can't protect him, but as long as he can join the Demon Mountain Gate, the meaning will be different. At that time, even the three major families will not dare to do anything to Chu Yan.

"Thank you for your kindness, seniors, but I can't enter the Heavenly Demon Peak and the Demon Mountain Gate!" Chu Yan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and clasped his fists to the two elders.

Chu Yan knew that his current situation was not good, but he knew even more clearly why he joined the Heavenly Demon Peak and the Demon Mountain Gate. He had enemies in both forces, and their status was not low.

Tian Yao Peak had Jiang Fan. This time he had an enemy with the Jiang family. Not to mention the Demon Mountain Gate, Hu Qiong had said long ago that if he came to the Ancient Demon Star Region, Hu Qiong would definitely kill him. These are two Tianbei masters. If he joins the two major forces, isn't it a trap for him? Besides, his current situation is not good, but it is not a dead end. After all, Jiuyou hasn't made a move yet.

"Rejected?" Chu Yan's action shocked everyone. Although Chu Yan refused once before, it was completely different from now. Now the ancestors of the three tribes wanted to kill him. How could he survive if he refused the two major forces?

The elders of Tian Yao Peak changed their expressions immediately, and their faces were cold. Who is he? What kind of force is Tian Yao Peak? In the past, many people begged to join it, but today, the people he took the initiative to invite were rejected.

"Don't know what's good for you!" Next to Man Niu, a young man finally spoke lightly: "With your background, you are despicable. Joining Tian Yao Peak is my master's gift to you. But you don't know what's good for you and refuse to join? Do you really think that you have won this competition and shown extraordinary talent, so you are the best in the world? How can you know the strength of my Tian Yao Peak?"

"It's Jiang Fan! He really came! This Man Niu is Jiang Fan's master?" People talked about it.

"Brother, why bother talking to such a person? This boy is despicable. He thinks that he is a real person of the Heavenly Monument just because the Demon Mountain Gate praised him a few times. How can a person of the swallow know the ambition of the swan? In addition, he has offended many enemies and caused trouble everywhere. In my opinion, he is not worthy of joining our Heavenly Demon Peak." Another disciple flattered.

"You are trying to win me over, so I should have the right to refuse, right? But now that I have refused, you are hurting me with your words. I am a little glad that I did not join such a force." Chu Yan laughed when he heard what Jiang Fan and others said. It was you who invited me, not me who wanted to join. Now if I don't join the Heavenly Demon Peak, I will be a swallow, and if I join, I will be a swan? How ridiculous?

"Hmph, you are just showing off your eloquence, Miss Nishang. You should stay away from this kind of villain." Chen Tong also spoke at this time, looking at Chu Yan and said lightly: "You are the eighth level emperor, although your combat power is good, it is limited to a small force. How can you know that the people in my Tianyao Peak are powerful. I, Chen Tong, am a generation of evildoers, also the eighth level emperor, but you are enough to be killed by a palm in front of me."

"Chen Tong, you are also qualified to say this? Do you still remember two years ago?" Chu Yan suddenly sneered.

"Two years ago?" Chen Tong frowned in a daze, and then he fell into a long contemplation. After that, his eyes shrank, and he looked at Chu Yan as if he remembered something: "It's you? Do we really know each other?"

"Chen Tong, do you know him?" Elder Manniu asked lightly on the side.

Chen Tong's face was extremely gloomy. He remembered everything. Two years ago, in the Eternal Hundred Forests, the man from the mortal world, who controlled the Eternal Evergreen Tree alone, killed the sealed monsters, and expelled the descendants of the fifteen great monarchs. That man was also called Chu Yan.

"I saw him in the Eternal Hundred Forests that year. He was just a despicable person from the stars. He entered by chance, but was chased by people from all forces. There is nothing to mention." Chen Tong did not tell the truth because it was too embarrassing.

"Chen Tong, aren't you ashamed to say this? In the Eternal Hundred Forests that year, you were at the peak of the king, and I was only at the sixth level of the king, but you fled like a stray dog. If you didn't run away, you would have been dead now. You still have the face to be arrogant here." Chu Yan laughed contemptuously, and everyone was shocked. Two years ago, Chen Tong was almost killed by this Chu Yan? Really?

Chen Tong is also a person who is focused on training at Tian Yao Peak, right? This should be true, but looking at Chen Tong's face, many people actually believed it a little.

"Didn't you boast that you could kill me with one palm? If so, then get out and show the world how strong the people of your Tianyao Peak are and how weak I, a humble person, am!" At this time, Chu Yan turned the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand and pointed it directly at Chen Tong, revealing a playful smile.

The world was even more shocked when they heard Chu Yan's words. Chu Yan actually wanted to challenge Chen Tong? A disciple of Tianyao Peak?

"Is this guy crazy? Tianyao Peak, the descendant of the Great Lord, he actually wants to challenge?"

Chen Nishang was already very anxious and stamped her feet in anger. She warned Chu Yan several times not to cause trouble, but it was useless. Chu Yan still did it today. Now not only the Jiang family, but also the people of Tianyao Peak have been offended.

However, what is even more surprising is that Chen Tong has not taken a step forward. Chen Tong is actually afraid of fighting?

"Why, you don't dare? It seems that the disciple of Tianyao Peak is just a coward who can speak arrogantly." Chu Yan sneered. Chen Tong's eyes were slightly cold at this time, but a trace of fear rose in his heart. The reason was the same. The scene of the Wan Gu Bai Jungle that year was still lingering in his mind. At that time, Chu Yan was only a sixth-level king, but he could sweep away countless ninth-level kings. Now that the two of them are at the same level, he is really scared.

Everyone looked at Chen Tong sadly. If Chu Yan's realm was higher, it would be fine. The two of them were at the same level. The most important thing was that Chen Tong had humiliated him with words before, but now he didn't dare to fight?

"Get out!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted, and the Sun-Destroying Sword turned into a rainbow and lifted into the sky.

"Chen Tong, go and fight. It doesn't matter if you lose. I, the people of Tianyao Peak, can be killed but not humiliated. I will protect you for the sake of the division." At this moment, Man Niu said unhappily. Today, things have come to this. Chen Tong must fight. , he represents the face of Tianyao Peak.

Chen Tong's face changed slightly, but he looked at the old man, but he didn't dare to refute. He had no choice but to stand up, but he also had a trace of luck in his heart. He had practiced at Tianyao Peak for another two years, and although he had achieved a breakthrough Not fast, but extremely powerful.

Chu Yan could instantly kill the ninth level emperor, and he, Chen Tong, could do the same, so he took out a divine weapon halberd and pointed it directly at Chu Yan's chest: "Since you want to be humiliated today, I will grant it to you and let you know, Heavenly Demon The majesty of the peak is inviolable!”

"Kill!" Chen Tong strode out, and the halberd immediately turned into countless phantoms and flew away. The most important thing is that these looked like phantoms, but each one seemed real and had independent consciousness. After flying out, Chu Yan was surrounded from all directions. In it, it was like a thousand arrows shooting out.

Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked at the halberd phantom, and he suddenly showed a sneer.

"Ding Dong!"

There was a sudden sound on the high platform, and Chu Yan actually put down his sword at this moment. Everyone was startled: "He put down his sword? Is he going to fight Chen Tong with his bare hands? How is this possible!"

Chen Tong's eyes were even more ferocious and ridiculous. The next moment he thrust his halberd down, as if he had already seen red flowers blooming on Jiang Chuyan's chest.

"Whoosh!" However, everyone was shocked the next moment. Chu Yan strolled out. He was as fast as a ghost. He walked among countless phantom halberds, none of which could hurt him. Then he rushed towards Chen Tong. Before.

Chen Tong's eyes were filled with fear. He seemed to see a giant approaching him. The fierce blood energy was overwhelming. Four bloodlines of power suppressed him, making his body tremble. He was unable to resist at all. His vitality shattered in his chest. Crack, that giant hand could cover the sky and the sun, and it mercilessly moved towards him and sealed it,

In just an instant, Chen Tong was knocked down by a palm with a bang, and the ground cracked and a big pit opened. His face was pale, he was vomiting blood continuously, and no one knew how many ribs were broken in his chest.

Instant kill, Chen Tong was instantly killed by Chu Yan with a palm?

Everyone gulped and spat. Chu Yan's fighting power at this moment was too terrifying. What happened to the four power bloodlines just now? Counting these four, Chu Yan's bloodline is more than four.

"Boom!" Chu Yan fell down and put his foot on Chen Tong's chest. Being stepped on by Chu Yan, Chen Tong felt extremely painful and heartbroken. Today, the genius of his generation was killed with one move in front of everyone.

"You said so many arrogant words and threatened to slap me to death, but I didn't expect you to be such a waste."

In this battle, Chen Tong was half right and ended with just one palm. However, the other half was wrong. It was Chu Yan who suppressed Chen Tong with one palm.

"Chu Yan, let him go!" Jiang Fan immediately spoke, looking at Chu Yan with cold eyes: "This battle is over. Let him go now. I won't hold you accountable. Otherwise, I will let you go to heaven and earth." There is a way to escape!”

"Let go?" Chu Yan smiled, and then his words shocked everyone: "Who do you think you are?"

Everyone's throats rolled down. Did Chu Yan still dare to kill Chen Tong? He has offended the Jiang family, Luo family, and Liu family to death, but even so, they are different from Tianyao Peak.

If it was just the Jiang family that fell into the Liu family, he might still have a chance, but Tianyao Peak is a powerful force. If Chen Tong is killed, Chu Yan will definitely die today! He will be hunted by the great king's forces.

"Chu Yan, let him go, maybe things can turn around today!" Chen Jingtian stood up slowly at the side. He liked Chu Yan very much, so he didn't want anything to happen to Chu Yan.

However, even he was unable to protect Chu Yan after irritating Tian Yaofeng.

"Chu Yan, you'd better listen to Mr. Chen. There are some people you can't touch!" Jiang Fan was still arrogant, and he didn't even look at Chu Yan once, completely overlooking him: "You are really talented. You are also strong in combat, but you are still like an ant in front of me. I don’t want to take action, lest the world say I cheated on you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you!”

"How arrogant." Chu Yan sneered. Then he looked at Chen Jingtian and bowed. Everyone was slightly startled. What did he mean?

"Mr. Chen, thank you for taking care of Lihuo Academy for the past four months, but today... I can't help but obey!" After Chu Yan said this, murderous intent filled his eyes, and everyone's expressions changed with shock.

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