Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 281 Two major monarch forces want to recruit disciples

Chu Yan roared, and the next moment the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in his Dantian lit up, and the Haotian Tower and the Sun-Destroying Sword all resonated together.


"Boom!" Before everyone came back to their senses, they heard a loud noise from the direction of Lihuo Academy, attracting the attention of everyone. The next moment, a flame flew from Lihuo Academy into the sky, like a long rainbow shooting at the sun, surrendering to Chu Yan.

"What is that?" Everyone concentrated and calmed down, and the next moment the stone platform trembled, and a huge fire mirror fell out of thin air behind Chu Yan.

"Is it the Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror of Lihuo Academy? Chu Yan, you actually summoned this fire mirror?" Everyone's eyes were burning, including the elders of Lihuo Academy, who stood up together. The Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror was passed down from generation to generation in Lihuo Academy, but today, it was summoned by an outsider like Chu Yan?

Seeing the people of the Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror, Luo Chang and Liu Jingtian's father also condensed their eyes slightly, and immediately stopped and did not dare to step forward rashly.

"Luo Family, Liu Family, retribution is coming. Today is the day of your death. Fire Pattern Mirror, destroy!" Chu Yan showed a grim smile.

During the assessment yesterday, Chu Yan unexpectedly discovered that this Fire Pattern Bronze Mirror was one of the ten thousand ancient divine objects. It was ranked similar to the Haotian Tower in the fourth floor of the Haotian Tower. This is why Chu Yan was able to control the Fire Mirror and almost killed Luo Tianya yesterday.

"Damn it, this kid is weird. He can actually summon the Fire Pattern Mirror! Retreat first!" The Luo family and the Liu family were panicked and retreated wildly.

"You want to retreat now? It's too late." Chu Yan spoke coldly. He raised his hands. At this moment, thousands of fire patterns rose into the air in the Fire Mirror, turning into a huge formation that covered a thousand meters.

Everything in the Fire Mirror was under Chu Yan's control.

"No!!" Luo Chang and Liu Jingtian's father raised their heads and looked at the ruthless Fire Pattern coming. They were all terrified.

"Asshole, the one thousand and one fire patterns in this fire mirror are actually the top level six fire patterns, which can kill the Heavenly Venerable in seconds and cannot be resisted by non-emperors!"

"Chu Yan, you can't kill us... If you kill us, my Luo family and Liu family will hunt you down in the six regions!"

"That's for the future, but now, you have to die first!" Chu Yan was unmoved. No matter what the result is today, he must kill Liu Jingtian's father and the people of the Luo family. No matter how high the price is, he will bear it!

The fire mirror suddenly turned into a ruthless flame and blasted out. The Luo family, the Liu family, and everyone controlled by Chu Yan were ants. The ruthless flames fell like a rain of fire.

Seeing this scene, countless people trembled in their hearts. The fire pattern bronze mirror was operated by Chu Yan, and together with the Haotian Tower and the Sun-Destroying Sword, the three divine objects resonated.

"Chu Yan, let them go. Now that Luo Tianya is dead, my Luo family will never pursue you again!" In the distance, countless elders of the Luo family stood up in shock.

"Too late! The moment they stepped onto the platform, they were destined to be dead." Chu Yan said contemptuously. The next moment, all the people of the Luo family who were in the fire mirror formation were destroyed. The ruthless flames burned half a foot, and countless people of the Luo family turned into corpses.

"No!!!" In the distance, the elders of the Luo family roared in pain.

But there was no way, they were also venerables, and they didn't dare to step forward at this moment. The power of the fire mirror was too strong.

"Liu Xi, plead for me! We are a family!" Witnessing the demise of countless people in the Luo family, Liu Jingtian's father was terrified. He looked at Liu Xi not far away, as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Liu Xi's eyes were cold: "A family, you forced Liu Qing to death? A family, my parents and grandfather spent their entire lives for the Liu family, but you destroyed them. Even if they died, they were not given a spirit tablet. Are you worthy of begging me now?"

"It's useless for you to beg anyone today."

Chu Yan was indifferent. He was just starting out as an ancient demon this time. He wanted to practice in a low-key manner, endure, and grow slowly. However, the world was unfair, so he stopped enduring. Now, these people should be destroyed!

"It's over! This time, the Luo family and the Liu family suffered a great loss!" Everyone murmured. Who could have thought of it? The Luo family and the Liu family, the two major families in the eastern part of the ancient demon, just because of a teenager, nearly a hundred venerables were injured today?

Seeing this scene, everyone was amazed. Chen Jingtian also stroked his beard and smiled. The way of heaven is unpredictable. Who could have expected what happened today?

Gu Mu's old eyes flashed with brilliance. Chu Yan's performance today was too amazing.

The fat man hid in the crowd wearing a bamboo hat. This was what Chu Yan had told him long ago. He looked at the bodies of the Luo family and the Liu family in the distance with red eyes. The hatred was finally repaid, but the beauty had long disappeared. He only hoped that Liu Qing's spirit in heaven could rest in peace.

"Now that you have killed someone, should you let Jiang Yu go?" The ancestor of the Jiang family snorted coldly in the distance. He did not expect such a big fuss, but he was more concerned about Jiang Yu's life now.

Chu Yan glanced at the ancestor of the Jiang family and did not speak. He would definitely not let anyone go. Letting someone go now would be a dead end for him. He did not think that this fire mirror could resist the attack of the emperor.

"If you don't let someone go, I will kill you!" The ancestor of the Jiang family said with a gloomy face.

"Jiang Wuyi, I don't need you. I will kill this kid now!" An old man in his seventies walked out from the direction of the Luo family.

"Is it the ancestor of the Luo family!? The Supreme Heavenly Master! Rumor has it that he is infinitely close to the emperor." Everyone rolled their throats.

"Old Monster Luo, count me in!" Another withered shadow flew out from the direction of the Liu family, the ancestor of the Liu family!

"Break it for me!" The ancestor of the Luo family was furious, and turned into a palm and slammed towards Chu Yan at this time.


As the palm fell, there was a crack on the fire pattern array, and a crack appeared directly. The peak of the ninth level of Tianzun was still too strong, even the sixth level fire pattern array could not resist it.

"Poof!" Chu Yan controlled the fire pattern, and the fire pattern became one with him, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Chu, Chu Yan!!!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu's expressions changed with shock. Although they had a plan, what happened now went beyond their plans.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats. Although Chu Yan had killed countless nobles of the Luo family and the Liu family, the two families had hundreds of years of ancient demon heritage, plus the Jiang family.

Three families and three ancestors took action together. How can Chu Yan break this deadlock now?

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... If I had known this, I would never have let you take first place!" Chen Nichang kept murmuring as she watched Chu Yan vomit blood, his pale eyes red.

"Silly girl, how can I blame you? Without you, I would have taken first place today! I don't want to bear it anymore." Chu Yan grinned, and soon his eyes turned red. Half-step emperor... The fire-patterned mirror still couldn't stop it. Come down?

"Jiuyou... are you sure?" At this moment, Chu Yan had no other choice. Although he had the magic weapon to kill an emperor, he could only kill one person at most, but there were three people in front of him who wanted his life.

"At present, none of these people are my opponents, but I am only responsible for saving your life, and will not help you kill people." Jiuyou said in a lazy voice. She usually did not communicate with Chu Yan, but Chu Yan asked her , she will answer.

"That's enough!" Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly raised his head, and looked at the ancestors of the three families coldly: "The ancestors of the Jiang family, the Luo family, and the Liu family all took action together. I will remember this grudge! If I don't die today, sooner or later One day, I will defeat all three of you!"

"It's funny, how can you not die!"

The ancestor of the Luo family snorted coldly, and turned into a palm and struck Chu Yan again. This palm was so powerful that it was like thunder breaking through the sky. It turned into a wild dragon and soared out, as if it had the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. Covering the stars.

Everyone's eyes narrowed slightly, yes, how could Chu Yan not die after this palm fell?

"Let your hatred wait for now!" However, at this moment, a majestic voice came from the distant air. Everyone looked up and saw an old man from Tianyao Peak stepping out, and then he held a sword in his hand. The void bursts out.

"Bang!" Just a thought, I saw the sword light shaking the sky, descending from the sky, and the thunderous palm light was destroyed, directly destroyed.

Ancestor Luojia's face changed in shock, Tianyao Peak actually intervened? This was something he definitely didn't expect.

But there was no other way. The opponent was Tianyao Peak and the power of the Great Lord. They could only endure it and retreat for the time being.

"Chu Yan, you won first place in today's competition, are you interested in joining me at Tianyao Peak?" The ancestor of Tianyao Peak killed the Luo family ancestor with a sword and a palm, and then said calmly.

Tianyao Peak actually extended an invitation to Chu Yan?

Chu Yan was also quite surprised. He had been prepared for Jiuyou to take action: "This junior has made many enemies now. The Luo family, Liu family, and Jiang family want to kill me and then quickly. Aren't seniors afraid of getting into trouble because of this? "

"If you join my Heavenly Demon Peak, you will be my disciple of the Heavenly Demon Peak. What happened today will be nothing. They don't dare to do anything to you." The old man from the Tianyao Peak said with a confident smile.

The faces of the three families were gloomy. The old man's words were undoubtedly saying that as long as Chu Yan joined Tianyao Peak, their revenge would not be avenged.

"Senior Man Niu... This son has a sworn hatred against my Jiang family by killing a descendant of my Jiang family. We cannot accept it." The ancestor of the Jiang family said unwillingly.

"Wu Yi, I know how you feel, but you have also seen that your descendants are not as skilled as others. No one is to blame." The elder of Tianyao Peak said calmly. Jiang Wuyi's face became darker, but he finally lowered his head.

At least compared to the Luo family and the Liu family, the Jiang family is doing well now.

"Man Niu, if Chu Yan joins the forces today, he must also join our Demon Mountain Sect. When will it be your turn to join the Demon Mountain Sect!"

At this time, Gu Mu also spoke, and then he looked at Chu Yan, his eyes full of expectation and said: "Chu Yan, as long as you are willing, I will give you the token now, and you will be my Yaoshan sect disciple. Who will you be today?" If you dare to touch you, I will destroy anyone, and I will personally accept you as a disciple, train you as a monster, and help you fight for the Heavenly Monument and become the master of the Heavenly Monument in three years."

Everyone was shocked. If they were just accepting disciples, everyone would be able to accept it. After all, the talent Chu Yan showed today was extraordinary and he was indeed qualified to join the two great monarchs.

But the meaning of being trained as a monster and helping him compete for the Heavenly Monument is different.

Among the billions of sentient beings in the six realms of the galaxy, there are only sixteen heavenly monuments. That is a right and a symbol of an era. How difficult is it to seize the heavenly monument? Gu Mu actually gave Chu Yan such a high evaluation.

More importantly, once Chu Yan joins the Yaoshan Sect, he will transform into a noble and be worshiped by everyone in the Ancient Yao Star Territory.

Even the Jiang family, Luo family, and Liu family can only look up to him.

There is hatred in the hearts of the three families. Even the Jiang family can only watch at this moment. Although Jiang Fan is in Tianyao Peak, it does not mean that the Jiang family can influence the opinions of Tianyao Peak.

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