Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 283: The crisis escalates

I'm sorry, but I can't obey your order? This meaning is very clear. Does Chu Yan really want to disobey Tian Yaofeng and kill Chen Tong on the high platform?

But what is Chen Tong's identity? Tian Yaofeng's emperor-level monster, a potential Tianbei cultivator. If Chen Tong dies today, Tian Yaofeng will definitely not let Chu Yan go.

Chen Jingtian sighed, looking at Chu Yan's resolute look, he said helplessly: "Chu Yan, I won't persuade you, but have you really thought it through? If you let Chen Tong go, I can at least save you with my life today, but if you kill him, I can't do anything today."

"I've thought it through! Thank you for the care of Mr. Chen and Lihuo Academy. Warriors should follow their hearts, soar the world, and take pleasure in revenge. I, Chu Yan, may be in danger if I kill Chen Tong today, but if I don't kill him, I will be ashamed of my heart." Chu Yan said resolutely.

At this time, everyone secretly admired Chu Yan. This Chu Yan was pretty good. In order to pursue his hatred, he would not hesitate to offend Tian Yao Peak.

"Chen Tong, you were also the one who harmed Xiao Lang in the Wan Gu Bai Jungle in the past. Today, you will die." Chu Yan's voice was serious, and the Sun-Destroying Sword was raised. Everyone's eyes suddenly condensed.

"He really wants to kill Chen Tong!"

"Chu Yan, no!" Chen Nishang cried red in the distance. Chen Tong's death today will definitely be a disaster for Chu Yan. No one can reverse this ending, not even her grandfather Chen Jingtian. Tian Yao Peak will definitely kill Chu Yan and make him have no way to go to heaven or to the earth.

"Evil son, do you know what you are doing?" Manniu was angry. When he asked Chen Tong to join the battle just now, he said that he would save Chen Tong's life, but today Chu Yan wanted to kill Chen Tong, which was also a slap in his face.

For many years, Manniu had not seen such a rampant son. He dared to treat Tianyao Peak as if it did not exist and disobeyed at will. The murderous intent in his eyes was strong.

"Die!" Chu Yan was not moved at all. The Sun-Destroying Sword stabbed down mercilessly, piercing Chen Tong's chest and nailing him to the high platform. The blood flowed into a river on the high platform.

Chen Tong died. He didn't dare to believe it until his death. Just because of his words, he lost his life today.

Everyone's eyes were fixed. Seeing Chen Tong's death, countless people twitched their mouths. He really did it. Today, as he said, if you provoke him, he will kill you, no matter who you are or what your background is, it's the same, even if you are Chen Tong from Tianyao Peak.

"He, he really did it..." Everyone was speechless. Chen Tong was not a person of Luoyu, Liu Jingtian, or Jiang Yan. He represented a great monarch force and a six-domain overlord.

"No!!!" Chen Nishang's eyes turned red, her body softened, she sat down weakly and cried out loudly. Although the person who died was Chen Tong, and it had nothing to do with her, she knew that killing Chen Tong would be a disaster for Chu Yan.

Of course, Chu Yan also understood the price of killing a disciple of Tian Yao Peak. This was different from the Wan Gu Bai Jun Lin and Chen Jian. Tian Yao Peak, the descendant of the fifteen great lords, had a super background, much stronger than the Eastern Altar, and the other party would definitely not let him go.

But he had to do this today. He was the King of Chen Jian, the son of Chu Hanfeng. Back then, Chu Hanfeng dared to fight alone in all directions, which frightened countless hegemons in the six domains of the galaxy. If he didn't dare to kill even one Chen Tong today, he believed that his martial arts journey would stop here. Then, how could he revive Chen Jian? How to find Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruoming in the most distant place above the galaxy? This was not what he wanted.

As soon as Chen Tong died, Manniu was furious. Jiang Fan and many disciples of Tianyao Peak were the same. Their eyes flashed with murderous intent, and there was an imperial aura covering them.

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Manniu roared, and he walked out. There was a strong wind below. When he waved his withered hand, countless sharp swords immediately floated out and covered Chu Yan's eight directions.

Everyone's eyes were filled with horror. Is it coming? Manniu took action.

"Manniu, you dare!" Gu Mu suddenly took a step forward, and there was also an imperial aura. Countless defensive fire patterns appeared around him, covering Chu Yan. He actually stood directly behind Chu Yan.

"Gu Mu, are you going to represent the Demon Mountain Sect and be the enemy of Tian Yao Peak?"

"Stop putting the blame on me. I am not fighting on behalf of the Demon Mountain Sect today, but on my own behalf. What? You want to fight? I will accompany you, but you should think clearly, Manniu. Do you think that your emperor's skills can be killed by my fire pattern?" Gu Mu rolled his eyes at Manniu, with a bit of disrespect for his age. He carved with one hand, and saw countless fire pattern arrays carved on the sky and the ground.

Seeing this scene, many people were amazed. Without the help of any medium, the fire pattern was carved in the void?

Chu Yan's eyes were full of brilliance behind him. He had seen this skill once in the ancient trial ground in the dust, and he also understood a little bit, but it was far from being as exquisite and casual as Gu Mu's carving.

"Gu Mu, you old bastard! He killed my disciples of Tian Yao Peak. If you protect him, you will be the enemy of Tian Yao Peak!"

"Do you think I'm blind? Chen Tong brought disgrace upon himself. If Chu Yan was not as strong as him, would he show mercy?" Gu Mu said disdainfully. Everyone knew the answer in their hearts. Of course not. Chen Tong had murderous intent when he attacked, but he was not as capable as Chu Yan and was killed on the spot by Chu Yan. This was also his fate.

"Little Gu Mu, my Heavenly Demon Peak and your Demon Mountain Sect are originally from the same sect, and they are allies in the Six Domains of the Galaxy. For the sake of the Demon Mountain Sect, please step back and don't cause trouble for yourself." Suddenly, a voice sounded in the sky. Everyone was startled by the rolling sound. Even Gu Mu was slightly moved. Another emperor? And the strength is still higher than that of a bull.

"Senior Feng Chen! You can't kill this boy." Gu Mu clenched his fist and said seriously to the void.

There was a figure in the distant void. As soon as his old eyes glanced at Chu Yan, Chu Yan trembled violently. Just a thought, and he felt that he was completely seen through and had no defense.

"Eighth level emperor, the second level of the three major bloodlines, easily kills the strong man at the ninth level of the emperor. This kind of combat power is really rare. I didn't expect it to come from an inferior star. I just don't know your soul. What grade of life soul is it, are you interested in showing it to me?" Feng Chen said lightly, and everyone was shocked. Indeed, after fighting for so long, Chu Yan has not released his life soul.

"My life soul is a killing skill. It is used to kill people, not for others to appreciate." Chu Yan said coldly, but he was speechless for a while. What is this Feng Chen? It is just a third-level emperor. That’s it, are you treating yourself like a monkey? If you want to see your soul, you have to show it to him?

"Haha, what a killing skill. In that case, I won't watch it. But boy, you have a good talent, why don't you join me in the Heavenly Demon Peak? By joining the Heavenly Demon Peak, you could have obtained higher resources for training. How about this? , you killed a disciple of my Tianyao Peak, then you can make up for your fault by joining my Tianyao Peak. As for today's revenge, just apologize to the Jiang family, Luo family, and Liu family, and forget it, how about it?" Feng Chen Feng Qingyun? He said calmly, as if he didn't care about Chen Tong's death.

Man Niu's expression suddenly changed, Feng Chen actually wanted to accept Chu Yan? In that case, when will his revenge be avenged?

"Senior has also seen how Tianyao Peak bullies others and invites me to join. I don't even have the right to refuse. If you refuse, you will be killed. Why should I join?" Chu Yan said coldly.

He will never enter Tianyao Peak today, not for anything else, but just so that one day, when he kills Jiang Fan, Man Niu, and these people today, he will be justified!

"You're so presumptuous!" Man Niu growled, his expression gloomy to the extreme. Now that Feng Chen also appeared, when had he, Tianyao Peak, ever been humiliated like this?

"After the Great Lord of Tianyao Peak, you will have the opportunity to become a Sky Monument Master and reach a higher realm if you enter Tianyao Peak."

"What the seniors said may be true for others, but it is not true for me." Chu Yan looked at Feng Chen in the distance and said with a bit of arrogance.

"What's wrong?"

"I am originally a person from a despicable star. Today, I entered Tianyao Peak. I can kill Chen Tong, the so-called emperor monster in Tianyao Peak, with one palm. In the past, I could kill Jiang Fan when I reached the level of venerable. At that time, I can kill all directions and defeat the emperor of your Heavenly Demon Peak, so what’s the use of me entering your Heavenly Demon Peak?”

Chu Yan's voice resounded, plain yet frivolous, shocking the world, but it was not unreasonable. Today, the emperor is at the eighth level. I slap Chen Tong to death with one palm. In the past, when I was the emperor, I could kill Jiang Fan and defeat all your emperors. What’s the use of entering your Heavenly Demon Peak?

An hour ago, they would have laughed at Chu Yan's overestimation of his abilities, but now, is he really overestimating his abilities?

"Hmph!" Feng Chen's eyes were cold, but he didn't say much. Instead, a force suddenly came down on Chu Yan. Chu Yan only felt the tiger's body tremble, being pressed down by a big mountain, and his vitality formed like chains. Want to completely suppress Chu Yan.

"In that case, you have to pay the price for Chen Tong's death. Since you can control several divine objects, I will take you back to Tianyao Peak today for a good interrogation."

"Boom!" Chu Yan's body trembled violently, and the soles of his feet fell directly into the ground. The ground shattered. He felt that he was bearing a weight of ten thousand kilograms and almost fell to his knees.

"Chu Yan!" Chen Nichang was shocked.

"Old bastard!" The fat man was even more angry from a distance. He wanted to throw away his bamboo hat and rush out, but was stopped by Du Meiling. The other party was Tianyao Peak. What was the use of the fat man going there?

Gu Mu's eyes were unwilling to give in. Chu Yan was the most talented person he had seen in many years. He said hurriedly: "Chu Yan, please promise me to join the Yaoshan Sect! If you join the Yaoshan Sect, I will find someone to stand up for you. Today, No one can hurt you. I know you must have a reason, but please agree first and don’t show off!”

Chu Yan vomited blood continuously, but at this time he still smiled palely and shook his head. He could not agree. For him, a promise was worth a thousand dollars. If he agreed to Gu Mu, he would become a disciple of Yaoshan Sect, but he did not want to be a disciple of Yaoshan Sect.

"Elder Gu, you don't need to accept him today, I will kill him on the high platform now!" At this moment, a sharp voice came from the distant starry sky, followed by a powerful aura, which made everyone raise their eyes.

"It's the Heavenly Monument Bearer, Hu Qiong!"

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