Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 280: Coming to Kill

"Finally exposed your true nature?" Chu Yan sneered while standing on the high platform. He knew that today's matter would not end well. Since that was the case, why should he be afraid of failure?

"I am a new ancient demon and I don't want to cause trouble, but you have provoked me. Since that is the case, come today and fight!" Chu Yan no longer forbears, holding the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand, standing proudly.

"What an arrogant son, coming from a despicable star, dares to come to my ancient demon star field and be rampant. Since that is the case, we must kill you today." At this moment, Liu Jingtian's father walked out, and then he looked at an elder of the Luo family not far away and said, "Brother Luo, how about we two join forces to kill this boy together?"

"That should be the case!" Luo Chang said fiercely. He is Luo Wuya's brother, a genuine Venerable-level strongman. Two people from his Luo family died in Chu Yan's hands one after another, and they must take revenge.

"Senior Jiang, I'll leave Old Chen to you." Luo Chang said again. They were all venerables. If Chen Jingtian intervened, it would be difficult for them to kill Chu Yan today.

"Yes!" The ancestor of the Jiang family nodded and restrained Chen Jingtian.

"Chu Yan!" Chen Nishang shouted worriedly. Old Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Miss, you can't go forward. Chu Yan's talent today is too amazing. The Luo family and the Liu family will never leave such a trouble. Now that Old Chen is restrained, if you go up, I'm afraid that the Luo family and the Liu family will hurt you too."

"I told him to win the first place! I should bear this result with him!" Chen Nishang said coldly, breaking away from Old Yuan and running towards Chu Yan.

"Don't come over!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted. Chen Nishang's delicate body trembled slightly. Chu Yan said seriously: "Don't come over. Don't worry. If they want to make trouble today, I will accompany them. I won't die."


"No buts." Chu Yan directly rejected Chen Nishang. Standing alone on the high platform, he looked coldly at the people of the two major families of Luo and Liu, among whom there were many Venerable-level strongmen: "Luo family, you indulge Luo Tianya and Luo Yu to make trouble and bully men and women. Today I will kill them and retribution will not be missed. Liu family, you sell your daughters for glory in order to survive. Today, if the heaven does not accept you, I will accept you!"

"You should save your life first!" Luo Chang snorted coldly. He had already reached the strength of Tianzun. His arm turned into a huge palm and covered Chu Yan.

"Haotian Tower, stand!" Chu Yan waved his hand. At this time, a Haotian Tower was erected. Then everyone was shocked. The moment the Haotian Tower was sacrificed, the ancestor of the Luo family was shocked back a step.

"Divine object?" The ancestor of the Luo family showed a look of horror.

"It's the iron tower from that day!" The eyes of the Jiang family ancestor flashed with a gleam of light. Chu Yan used this iron tower to block his palm in the dark forest that day, which shows that the iron tower has amazing defense. He immediately said: "Luo family, Liu family, I want this iron tower, take it for me!" The faces of the Luo family and the Liu family changed. The ancestor of the Jiang family was smart. Who didn't know that this iron tower was extraordinary at this time? But there was no way, who let him be an emperor? They had to obey. "Okay!" The Luo family and the Liu family agreed, and the two families rushed to the high platform, which could be said to have forced Chu Yan into a desperate situation. "The Jiang family, the Luo family, and the Liu family are known as the three great families in the eastern part of the ancient demon family, but now they have joined forces to kill a descendant of mine. It's really glorious."

"Stop talking nonsense. You killed someone from my Luo family. How can I let you go?"

"It's ridiculous. I killed him in the competition. Everything was within the rules. But you, if I, Chu Yan, don't die today, I will personally wipe out the land of your three clans, the Jiang family, the Luo family, and the Liu family!"

Chu Yan made a bold statement, and then his eyes turned and fell on Jiang Yan. A hint of murderous intent suddenly went out coldly: "And now, Jiang family old dog, do you still remember what I said?"

"Boy, you dare!" Feeling Chu Yan's gaze, the old ancestor of the Jiang family condensed his eyes.

"Old bastard of the Jiang family, I've said before, if you dare to interfere today, I will make Jiang Yan bleed five steps away and kill him on the high platform. Since you don't listen, then Jiang Yan will die!" Chu Yan's mind moved, and the high platform suddenly roared. One after another, fire pattern arrays emerged, including the Great Killing Array, the Great Nirvana Array, and various arrays. Among them, there was a cloud roc, which turned into a spear and stabbed towards Jiang Yan's chest.

"No!!!" Jiang Yan was terrified. He had never felt death so close to him.

"Boy, do you dare to kill him? My Jiang family is not comparable to the Luo family." The ancestor of the Jiang family narrowed his eyes, but at this moment he was still calm. He never believed that Chu Yan dared to kill his Jiang family.

"You overestimate your Jiang family." Chu Yan smiled strangely. Seeing that smile, the ancestor of the Jiang family felt depressed and had an ominous premonition.

Chu Yan didn't dare to kill the Jiang family? He has killed many people from the Fifteen Great Lords, so why would he be afraid of a peripheral family that relies on the Heavenly Demon Peak?

"Originally, our hatred has not reached the point of killing you, but all this is thanks to your old dog. If you want to hate, then hate him!"

"Die!" Chu Yan said coldly, and the spear pierced Jiang Yan's chest. At that moment, Jiang Yan's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that he was dead. He considered himself a genius and even thought about his future. He thought he should have an unlimited future, like his brother Jiang Fan, to become a Heavenly Monument, but today, his future completely ended on this high platform.

The ancestor of the Jiang family was completely angry. He wanted to stop it, but Chu Yan had already laid out infinite fire patterns on the high platform. He wanted to kill Jiang Yan like slaughtering a dog.

Everyone was like this, including Chen Jingtian and Gu Mu, whose faces also changed slightly. Although Chu Yan had killed the descendants of the Luo family before, the situation had not yet reached the point where it could not be controlled. But now, Chu Yan had killed the Jiang family, so the meaning was different. Once the Jiang family members died, it would inevitably be related to the one in the Jiang family, the one who had the Heavenly Monument of the Heavenly Demon Peak, Jiang Fan!

"Chu Yan, I want your life!" The ancestor of the Jiang family condensed his eyes slightly, and the killing intent appeared. The imperial power was finally released, and the wind and clouds surged.

The ancestor of the Jiang family also had the blood of the sword. His sword intent was alive, as if the swords of all the sword holders below were trembling and kneeling.

"Jiang family old dog, Jiang Yu is under my feet. If you dare to touch him, I will kill Jiang Yu!" At this time, a loud voice sounded from the Yuanqi battle stage not far away, and everyone in Li Ge was shocked.

Because the previous fire pattern competition was too amazing, many people ignored the vitality competition in the distance. At this time, there was a person standing on the vitality stage. He was proud of the world, wearing a flowing green shirt, holding a long halberd, and stepping on a person. It was Jiang Yu of the Jiang family.

On the stage, Hua Zhixu stood alone, proud of the heroes, and he was invincible under the respect.

"Liu family, retribution is not missed, Liu Jingtian's life, I took it away today!" Hua Zhixu said coldly, and the next moment the long halberd had transformed into a long dragon and pierced into Liu Jingtian's throat in full view of everyone.

"No!!!" Liu Jingtian's father roared, but it was useless. Liu Jingtian died, nailed to death on the stage by Hua Zhixu's long halberd, but is it all over?

No, Hua Zhixu drew back the long halberd, and then he continued to attack, and all the Liu family members and Luo family members on the stage were slaughtered one after another.

That's right, it was a massacre, a massacre without any chance of fighting back. Hua Zhixu's eyes were red, and he was like a Shura walking out of hell. No one from the Liu family, the Luo family, or the younger generation survived, and they were all killed on the battlefield.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" Many elders of the Luo family growled.

Hua Zhixu smiled casually. He carried his long halberd on his back, his blue shirt was stained with blood. He looked coldly at the Luo and Liu families: "Come and fight. There are rules on this battlefield. The Venerable cannot go on stage. You can send any emperor you want!"

"Jiang, Luo, and Liu, are you known as the three major families in the east? There are countless geniuses and evildoers everywhere, but today I, Hua, am alone and I have flattened their emperors. How ridiculous, don't you accept it? Under the Venerable, come and fight, I, Hua, will take them all!"

"And you, Jiang family old dog, although Jiang Yan is dead, but now Jiang Yu is under my feet. If you don't want to kill another descendant of your Jiang family for a dead person, just watch from the side. If you dare to interfere, Jiang Yu will die on the battlefield. I mean what I say!" Hua Zhixu looked coldly at the ancestor of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family, the Luo family, and the Liu family were all extremely gloomy. Today, the three major families suffered huge losses. The Luo family lost Luo Yu and Luo Tianya, and the Jiang family lost Jiang Yan. The Liu family lost Liu Jingtian, who were all the pride of their families.

No one expected that things would develop like this. With the help of two despicable people from the stars, the three major families in the east were hit hard today.

"Boy, do you know the price of threatening me?" The ancestor of the Jiang family said with extreme forbearance. Hua Zhixu heard it, smiled evilly, and stabbed Jiang Yu's hand with the long halberd in his hand.

"Ah!!!" Jiang Yu wailed, and the ancestor of the Jiang family's eyes immediately turned red, as if he was about to spurt blood.

"I'll cut off one of his arms first. If you keep talking nonsense, I'll destroy his dantian and ruin his cultivation." Hua Zhixu's fearless sneer made everyone shudder. At this time, no one doubted that if the ancestor of the Jiang family took action again, Hua Zhixu would really destroy Jiang Yu.

Who could have expected that an emperor would be restrained by an emperor, but dared not to make a move.

In the stands, everyone was shocked. Chu Yan was shocking enough, and now Hua Zhixu appeared. These two people were just like crazy people, not talking to the people of the three major families at all.

"The combat power of these two people is amazing. Although they are only the eighth level of emperors, they have wiped out the people of the three major families. They are all extraordinary sons."

"I really didn't expect that Hua Zhixu would appear after Chu Yan. No matter what happened today, the losses of these three families are huge. Even if Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu were really killed, people were lost. An emperor took action, but failed to save Jiang Yan!" Everyone sneered.

The ancestor of the Jiang family was angry, but he didn't dare to take action for a while. He couldn't gamble with Jiang Yu's life.

"The next step is up to you!" Hua Zhixu looked at Chu Yan. At this moment, everyone was slightly shocked. It turned out that Chu Yan had expected that the ancestor of the Jiang family would take action today?

Hua Zhixu went to the Yuanqi Battle Stage to contain the Jiang Family Patriarch?

At this moment, everyone came to their senses. This was a conspiracy... From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan and Hua Zhixu were not here to participate in the competition. They were... here to kill people!


Chu Yan nodded. Everything was still in the plan. Then he turned and looked at Chen Jingtian: "Senior Chen, today I dare to borrow something from Lihuo Academy!"

Everyone was stunned. Chu Yan wanted to borrow something from Lihuo Academy? What was it?

"The eternal divine object, the Fire Pattern Mirror, return to its place!"

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