Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 279 Three Families Attack Together [Three Updates]

"Bang!" The next moment, Chu Yan released his sword art, which immediately added strength, speed, and sword intent bloodline to it, shocking everyone. The purple gold cicada wing magic weapon in Jiang Yan's hand broke on the spot.

Jiang Yan was stunned. He originally thought that he would come forward in the name of the Jiang family to save Luo Tianya today and do a favor to the Luo family. More importantly, he also wanted Chu Yan to die so that the Luo family could cooperate, but he did not expect that Chu Yan would not give him any face at all. With a wave of his sword, he destroyed his life-saving magic weapon.

"Chu Yan, you are going too far. I am a descendant of the Jiang family, and my brother Jiang Fan is the holder of the Heavenly Monument. Do you really want to be an enemy of my Jiang family?"

"If you provoke me, I will kill you, no matter what your background is or who you are!" Chu Yan growled, and he took a step forward. He did not want to kill Jiang Yan. Chen Nishang specifically told him, but today, Luo Tianya must die. If Jiang Yan insisted on stopping him, he did not mind killing Jiang Yan together.

The Jiang family ancestor's face darkened. It was his order to let Jiang Yan protect Luo Tianya, but today Chu Yan didn't buy it at all.

"This lunatic!" Chen Nishang said worriedly from behind. She told Chu Yan not to provoke the Jiang family, but Chu Yan still didn't listen.

"Get lost!"

Chu Yan blasted a palm, and Jiang Yan's face changed immediately. He blocked it hastily, and then he snorted coldly: "Chu Yan, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Don't forget, I am the number one in this Lihuo Academy. If I carve a fire pattern, it will be enough to kill you."

"You? Number one?" Chu Yan looked at Chu Yan contemptuously, and Chen Nishang also shook her head in a funny way from a distance. Jiang Yan was just asking for trouble at this time.

"Swish!" Chu Yan waved his hand at this time, and everyone's eyes were stunned. On the high platform, half of the space flickered, and it was suddenly covered with nearly a thousand fire patterns, dyeing half of the sky red.

"One thousand four hundred?" Chu Yan's eyes became colder. He waved his hand again, and half of the sky appeared again, and there were nearly a thousand fire patterns.

"Gurgle..." Jiang Yan was shocked. He looked at the sky blankly. There were nearly two thousand fire patterns. The most important thing was that many of them were high-level fire patterns. How could such terrible fire patterns come from one person?

"Is it difficult to comprehend fire patterns?"

"Boom!" Chu Yan stepped on the ground, and the next moment countless fire patterns were raised on the ground. Any one of them was a high-level fire pattern. One step at a time, he approached Jiang Yan like a crushing force. When he walked in front of Jiang Yan, Jiang Yan's face was already green. There were more than ten high-level fire patterns under Chu Yan's feet, which was stronger than the one thousand four hundred he tested.

"You, are you qualified to say this to me?" Chu Yan said contemptuously. At this time, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Chu Yan used a formation method with one step and waved his hand to half the sky. In the blink of an eye, there were thousands of fire pattern formations. Can Jiang Yan do this? No, Jiang Yan definitely can't do it. Not to mention Jiang Yan, even some old-school fire pattern masters can't do it.

"Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, how can you know the vastness of this ancient demon star field? You were born in a barren land, which is your humbleness, but you dare to speak so arrogantly."

Chu Yan said word by word: "Jiang Yan, do you still remember this? I just started to walk the ancient demon, and I didn't want to compete with you, but you kept pressing me and said that I was a lowly star. Then I am curious today, what if you were born in a big family? Fire pattern comprehension? Is it difficult? Can you beat me?"

"This, this is impossible! You must have had an adventure in the past few months, otherwise you can't beat me!" Jiang Yan said unconvinced, he didn't believe this was true, he was the first.

"Old Yuan, take out the three fire patterns released by Chu Yan on the day of the assessment and let them see!" Chen Nishang snorted coldly on the side, and Old Yuan laughed bitterly. His eldest lady actually joined in the fun today.

"Okay!" Old Yuan agreed, and three super fire patterns rose into the air.

"Jiang Yan, the three fire patterns released by Chu Yan during the assessment are super fire patterns. I told him long ago that I would help him prove his reputation, but he doesn't care about a false reputation. Instead, it gives you the capital to be arrogant. How ridiculous. If you don't know, you Jiang Yan is the number one fire pattern in the east. Chu Yan just doesn't care about you." Chen Nishang sneered.

Jiang Yan was shocked. At this moment, he was slapped hard in the face.

The people in the audience were in an uproar. It turned out that Chu Yan was the number one this year. It was only because of some misunderstandings that Jiang Yan sat in this position. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yan sat in Chu Yan's position, but he was so arrogant and humiliated Chu Yan. How ridiculous?

"Get out!" Chu Yan scolded again. His hand fell down, and Jiang Yan was immediately repelled by Chu Yan's palm. After falling to the ground, his eyes were directly empty. At this moment, his dignity was trampled on.

"You've brought disgrace upon yourself!" Du Meiling snorted coldly. At this time, many people's mouths twitched. Du Meiling's father Du Tao's eyes kept turning. He had long known that Chu Yan's attainments in fire patterns were extraordinary, but he had not expected it to be so terrible.

"Meiling, if Chu Yan escapes today, you must maintain a relationship with him, even if you give him your body and become his lover." Du Tao transmitted a voice.

"Disgusting!" Du Meiling glanced at her father viciously. The Du family and the Liu family were the same. When the family fell into decline, they sold their daughters for glory.

"Luo Tianya, retribution is not bad. Today, I will take your life!" Chu Yan walked out, and the Sun-Destroying Sword was merciless. At this moment, it was cut out in the void.

"Die!" Luo Tianya was killed by Chu Yan with a sword. This little man who was said to be from a despicable star and born in a barren land in the past, today, killed Luo Tianya with a sword.

The Luo family was desperate, but at this moment they could not do anything. Don't forget that Luo Tianya violated the rules first, and Gu Mu was still standing by.

Of course there is another family, the Liu family.

"This is all your fault!!" The ancestor of the Liu family was furious. If there was no one, he would have vomited blood. Today, Chu Yan's name is so powerful, but such a fire pattern genius was abandoned by his Liu family?

They had countless opportunities to make friends, but they didn't cherish them, just for Luo Yu. Now Luo Yu is dead, Luo Tianya is also dead, what is his Liu family? A joke.

Liu Jingtian's father was trembling even more. If he knew this day would come, he would definitely not do this, but unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. Who could have expected that Chu Yan, a small figure from an alien star, would be famous today.

At this time, Chu Yan pointed a sword at the Liu family, his eyes like ice: "Liu family, the next one is you!"

"Boy, you did a good job!" Gu Mu suddenly laughed at this time, and the faces of the Luo family were even more livid, but with Gu Mu here, who can kill him?

At this time, the result of this competition has been decided. The first person today is none other than Chu Yan, and there is no second voice.

"Meiling, if you want to marry me now, you can. Fatty will accept you." Fatty smiled brilliantly. Luo Tianya died, and the knot in his heart was finally untied.

"If I want to marry, I will marry Chu Yan. What does it have to do with you? Be careful, I will eat you in one bite." Du Meiling rolled her eyes, and her smile had already blossomed into a flower on her cheek.

At this moment, people from the Demon Mountain Gate, Tianyao Peak, and the three major demon mountains were looking at Chu Yan and began to think about it.

"It turned out to be him!" Qingyun frowned slightly at this time, and Duanhen said to the side: "Junior Sister Qingyun knows him?"

Qingyun smiled bitterly, know him? I guess so. But Qingyun could never have thought that in less than half a year, a young man from a barren place she had been to actually came to the ancient demon star field and became famous in one battle.

"This boy, my Demon Mountain Gate can fight for him." An elder of the Demon Mountain Gate said lightly.

"We can fight for this boy at Tianyao Peak." An elder of Tianyao Peak also said that Chu Yan's performance today was very strong. If it was just the fire pattern talent at the beginning, they would still hesitate. After all, they are a martial arts force and have high requirements for combat power, but Chu Yan's performance later was enough to become a strong man.

"Chu Yan, Chu Yan... This name is so familiar." Chen Tong stared at Chu Yan, muttering non-stop, then he looked at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Chu Yan, have you and I met somewhere?"

Chu Yan's voice sank. If he was recognized by Chen Tong, he would be in trouble. The most important thing is that when the time comes, the demon mountain gate will also know that Feng Yao died at his hands, and he will directly become the target of public criticism.

"I come from a barren land outside the ancient demon. This is my first time to the ancient demon. Brother Chen, have you been outside the ancient demon? If you have been, we may have met."

Chen Tong was silent and shook his head. He really had never left the ancient demon star field.

"But I didn't tell you my last name is Chen."

Chu Yan's heart sank, and cold sweat came out of his palms, but at this time Chen Nishang walked forward and smiled: "The name of Mr. Chen is unknown to the ancient demons. This is my fault. When I saw Mr. Chen coming here yesterday, I said a few words of admiration to Chu Yan."

"It turned out to be Miss Nishang. Miss, you are joking. You have the talent of a fairy, and you are the granddaughter of Old Chen. If you want to say admiration, I admire you even more." Chen Tong nodded, and then she no longer doubted.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Nishang gratefully. Chen Nishang did not speak, and acted very calmly, but she was shocked in her heart. Chu Yan knew Chen Tong, so there were some clues. She only hoped that there was no grudge, but unfortunately, her hope would soon be shattered.

At this time, the competition was over, and the fire pattern under the high platform dissipated. The eyes of the Luo family and the Liu family were all condensed. Today, they must kill Chu Yan. If Chu Yan does not die, once he grows up, then they will really be punished.

"Liu family, let's join forces and kill this boy together! Otherwise, our Luo and Liu families will be destroyed." The Luo family spoke.

"Okay!" Suddenly, a magnificent momentum surged, and countless great powers rushed to the high platform. Seeing this scene, everyone frowned slightly. Did the Luo family and the Liu family still take action? They didn't want to see Chu Yan grow up.

"Grandpa!" Chen Nishang groaned with worry.

"Luo family, Liu family, do you think I am air?" Chen Jingtian's arrogance finally burned, turning into a huge force and descending. The faces of the Luo family and the Liu family changed slightly. When Chen Jingtian took action, even they had to be extremely cautious, because Chen Jingtian was... an emperor.

"Old Chen, I'm afraid you can't intervene in today's affairs. This boy seriously injured my Jiang family's descendants. I will take his arm today!" The ancestor of the Jiang family walked up and waved his hand to cut off Chen Jingtian's power.

"Old Jiang, let's join forces!"

"Chu Yan! This place today is where you will be buried!"

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