Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 264 Three Super Fire Marks

After Jiang Yan finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Du Meiling alone with her beautiful eyes shining with a cold light.

The fat man rolled his eyes at the side. He understood women's hearts very well: "Why, are you engaged to him?"

"Shut your stupid mouth! Be careful I eat you." Du Meiling said coldly, and the fat man was extremely depressed. Isn't this his mantra? Today is a good day, as he meets someone who can eat better than him.

The test started, and people kept coming forward to take the fire pattern test. Most people had understood about fifty points, less than one hundred points, and those who had reached one hundred and fifty points could basically reserve a position as a Lihuo student. Of course, this also depends on the advanced and intermediate levels. For example, there was a person who released one hundred and sixty-one fire patterns before, but all of them were low-level fire patterns and none of the high-level fire patterns. Therefore, a person who released two high-level fire patterns was Instant kill.

"Brother Chu, it's my turn soon. I'm making preparations. If anything goes wrong, I won't accompany you." Liu Xi said politely. Chu Yan also smiled and nodded, and then he was silently calculating in his mind.

"Boss, can you take first place?" The fat man walked up to Chu Yan at this moment and blinked hard at Chu Yan.

"Isn't it necessary?" Chu Yan said calmly, and the fat man suddenly looked embarrassed: "Yes, that's great!"

"The fat man made an agreement with Meiling. If you come first, Meiling will treat the three of us to dinner and offer to be your concubine." Hua Zhixu explained at the side. Chu Yan suddenly realized and rolled his eyes at the fat man angrily. Damn fat man, he actually made a bet with himself.

"It is not impossible to get first place, but the price of first place is too high. Although there are many people among these ten thousand people who join in the fun, there are also many people from the Fire Emblem Family. There are several fifth-level Fire Emblem Masters. "Winning the first place will inevitably lead to anger." Chu Yan shook his head and said with a slumped face: "Okay, okay."

Chu Yan deliberately lowered his voice when he said this, but he forgot that many people around him were demon cultivators with sensitive hearing, which immediately aroused strange looks from many people around him?

"Haha, you are so brazen. Meiling, your friend is really interesting to talk about." Jiang Yan burst out laughing at this time.

"Brother Jiang Yan, some people come from humble backgrounds. They may think that they are in their humble star. Just a fourth-level fire pattern master can sweep across the stars. Little do they know that the world is huge, so why should you care about such people?" Luo Yu also smiled from the side.

"The frog in the well!" Another person mocked.

Du Meiling was also speechless, wishing she could find a crack in the ground to hide: "These three arrogant guys...do they even know where this place is! Where do their confidence come from?"

At this moment, Jiang Yan looked at Chu Yan with a sneer: "Boy, I advise you to stay away from Du Meiling in the future, otherwise you will never know how big the sky is. A humble star like you will never know how you will die." Don’t even know.”

Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Jiang Yan. Fortunately, he didn't care about it. Soon Liu Xi completed the test. When he returned to Chu Yan, he felt blazing eyes. When he knew the cause and effect, he also looked at him speechlessly. Chu Yan.

"Brother Chu, I know you may be very powerful in your own star, but this is the Ancient Demon Star Territory, with hundreds of stars, and rich resources. It is incomparable to your barren land. You should keep a low profile in the future." Liu Xi A kind word of advice.

Chu Yan laughed bitterly, he was really looked down upon, but Liu Xi was doing it for his own good, so he didn't care, and then it was time for him to test.

"Release your fire pattern." The test elder of Lihuo Academy said calmly. Chu Yan also looked at this person calmly: "Senior, what are the fire patterns of the top 100 people now?"

"If all are transformed, the first one is Jiang Yan, with a total of 1,300 low-level fire patterns, nine of which are high-level fire patterns. The lowest one has 410 fire patterns."

"Four hundred and ten?" Chu Yan nodded secretly.

Looking at Chu Yan in the audience, many people were speculating on how many fire patterns this talkative guy could release.

Du Meiling was worried at the side: "I don't want to be the first...but don't be too embarrassed. You have to release more than a hundred fire patterns, otherwise this time it will be really embarrassing."

Jiang Yan sneered at the side: "How can you know how huge this ancient demon star field is when you sit in a well and look at the sky? He was born in a barren land. It is because of his humbleness that he dares to speak so brazenly."

"Haha, brother Jiang Yan, why should you care? I heard that as long as you can enter Lihuo Academy, Du Meiling will marry you as your wife. It seems that this matter is a certainty. When the time comes, remember to ask me to drink A glass of wedding wine.”

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Jiang Yan said with a proud smile, and then his eyes greedily glanced at Du Meiling. There was no love, only lust.

The fat man looked at Du Meiling again: "Your family just sold you a place in Lihuo Academy like this?"

"Don't worry about me anymore and pray that your boss won't be too embarrassed! What he said just now angered a lot of people. If he hadn't entered Lihuo Academy, be careful Jiang Yan and the others would target him."

"Don't worry, my boss will definitely be able to enter Lihuo Academy. How about you marry me? Fatty will marry you reluctantly. Isn't it just a quota? I'll ask my boss for a dozen high-level fire marks to take the exam. Go first." The fat man still said carelessly. Du Meiling was helpless. This was the first time she had seen such a shameless person. Each of these three people was a big talker.

At this time, Chu Yan had already begun the test. As he waved his hand, the fire-patterned stele lit up. Soon, there were flashes of light, and finally a very mysterious fire-patterned stele was formed.

"Three high-level fire patterns, seventeen intermediate fire patterns, and one hundred and eighty low-level fire patterns, not bad." The tester looked at Chu Yan strangely and nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing Chu Yan's fire patterns, many people were stunned. Chu Yan's fire patterns added up to more than six hundred, and he was in the top one hundred. Although the ranking was not high, it was not bad to stand out among ten thousand people.

Du Meiling was stunned for a moment, but she was a little surprised; "I didn't expect this handsome boy to have some skills."

"Are you disappointed?" Chu Yan also walked down with a smile. Du Meiling rolled her eyes at Chu Yan: "It's okay."

"It's just six hundred fire patterns, ranking behind, what's there to be proud of. Senior Brother Jiang Yan has released more than a thousand fire patterns. In terms of fire pattern comprehension, he is far behind Senior Brother Jiang Yan." At this time, a disciple of the Jiang family mocked.

"More than a thousand is indeed powerful, but the comprehension of fire patterns is mostly inherited from the family, accumulated from generation to generation. Does the real power of fire patterns lie in the number? Knowing more fire patterns can represent everything?" Chu Yan looked at Jiang Yan.

"Haha, what an idiot, the number of fire patterns can't determine everything, but it is very important in the power of fire patterns, and naturally it can represent everything." Jiang Yan said jokingly.

"That's Chu's superficial, I thought the real power of fire patterns was above carving and solving formations." Chu Yan sneered, and didn't talk nonsense with Jiang Yan, turned to look at Du Meiling and Liu Xi and said: "You have completed the test, how about I treat you to dinner?"

"Really?" Du Meiling smiled sweetly, and the fat man was speechless for a while, how could this woman eat more than him.

The test of 10,000 people finally ended, and the top 100 people were selected for practice, Jiang Yan, Luo Yu, Liu Xi, Chu Yan, and Du Meiling were among them. Among them, Jiang Yan ranked first and became the representative of the students this year.

After everyone left, another beautiful woman flew out of the fairy forest. She was quite cold and had a high status in Lihuo Academy. She asked a tester, "How is the quality of this year's students?"

"Yes, there are several with extraordinary talents. The Jiang family and the Luo family are both outstanding. The family inheritance of dozens of generations has allowed their young people to master thousands of fire patterns. If they are trained, they should be able to become a good fire pattern master." The tester said.

The woman turned the stone tablet over and looked at the fire patterns on it, but suddenly a stone tablet attracted her, making her reveal a strange look: "Which family's descendants did this fire pattern come from?"

The tester was stunned. The stone tablet was exactly the one carved by Chu Yan. He also had some impression and said, "I don't know, it's an outsider. Miss, are you interested in the fire pattern on it?"

"Old Yuan, have you carefully looked at the fire pattern on it?" The woman still said calmly. Old Yuan hesitated and stared at the fire pattern on the stone tablet. Then his eyes wrinkled.

"This is a super fire pattern...? A super fire pattern that is comparable to a thousand low-level fire patterns, and there are actually three of them?"

"Mr. Yuan, it seems that there is something wrong with your test this year. You can't even tell who is the first!" The woman said with a hint of displeasure.

"This...this..." Mr. Yuan was speechless for a while. He didn't look carefully before. After all, only fire pattern masters with extremely sophisticated academic knowledge have the opportunity to comprehend super fire patterns, so he never thought that super fire patterns would appear among the students.

But according to this calculation, the first person this year is indeed wrong. It should be Chu Yan.

"Pay attention to this person. The person who can carve three super fire patterns is definitely not an ordinary person." The woman's beautiful eyes also flashed a strange light. Super fire patterns, and three at a time. Such a person must be caught, otherwise it will definitely be a loss for his Lihuo Academy.

Chu Yan didn't know about the shock caused by Lihuo Academy. He just casually carved three high-level fire patterns from Qin Ruoming's memory, but he didn't expect it to be a super fire pattern.

Of course, if he knew, Chu Yan would definitely thank the tester, otherwise he would be the first again, which would inevitably cause trouble. Although Chu Yan is not afraid of trouble, he goes out to practice, so he should avoid trouble if he can.

In the Ancient Demon Star Domain, he has little background, no wilderness, and there are many enemies outside. Once his identity is exposed, he will inevitably be hunted down.

In the evening, Chu Yan drank with Liu Xi and Du Meiling, which made Chu Yan speechless. The consumption in the Ancient Demon Star Domain was too high. Any meal cost dozens of third-level spiritual jades. For him, a person who came out of the mortal world, it was simply a luxury.

But Chu Yan still gritted his teeth and invited him. Seeing Chu Yan bleeding made Liu Xi and Du Meiling smile happily. These two people were good and talked to Chu Yan. They were the earliest friends Chu Yan had when he came to the Ancient Demon Star Domain.

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