Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 265: Piano Sounds from a Distance

The night is slightly cooler, and the Ancient Demon Starfield at night is more beautiful than the earthly world.

Chu Yan and his party were drinking heavily in the restaurant. They were all wine lovers, so they naturally drank without talking nonsense. Hua Zhixu is a typical example. He loves wine. Of course, he doesn't drink with everyone. He only drinks with people he likes, such as Liu Xi, and the two of them get along very well.

Some people say that wine is a kind of passion. Those who are willing to drink and those who understand wine must also be teachable.

"Good guys, you three are really good at drinking. It's your last drink. You must report to Lihuo Academy tomorrow. You can't be late." Liu Xi was speechless for a while. He always thought that he could drink well, but today he and Chu Yan suffered a big loss.

"Okay." Chu Yan smiled and nodded.

"Where did you three come from? You must all have a lot of stories, right?" Du Meiling clapped her chin at the side and looked at Chu Yan and the others curiously.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly, "Are there many stories?" There are really a lot of them. Four years of ups and downs turned into one day of mourning. The last battle in the world that day was tragic and heroic, but Chu Yan smiled and did not explain anything.

"Brother Chu, you are new to the Ancient Demon Star Territory, why don't you go to my Liu Mansion at night?"

"That's fine. You three can go to the Liu Mansion. The Liu Mansion is very big. It's no problem if you three have more mouths to talk to. If I were a man, I would let you live in my family." Du Meiling couldn't help but have a look in her beautiful eyes. There was a flash of sadness.

"Then I'll bother Brother Liu." Chu Yan said politely. He also hoped to learn about the Ancient Demon Star Territory as soon as possible. In one day, Chu Yan also briefly learned about it. Lihuo Academy is in the east of the Ancient Demon Star Territory. In the east, there are one college and five families at the top. The first college naturally refers to Lihuo College, and the five families refer to the Jiang family, the Liu family, the Du family, the Luo family, and the Huo family. Among them, the Jiang family is first, the Luo family is second, and the Huo family is third. The Liu family and the Du family are now a little lonely.

Therefore, it is also convenient for Chu Yan to understand some of the situation in the Ancient Demon Star Territory in the Liu family.

After the banquet was over, Chu Yan and the three of them followed Liu Xi back to Liu Mansion. Liu Mansion is very large, with more than a hundred guest rooms.

"Brother Chu, the strength of the Liu Mansion is not simple. There are many emperors among the younger generation." The fat man chirped at the side.

Chu Yan nodded. It was indeed true. There were many emperors under the age of thirty in the Liu family, and Liu Xi's current strength was at the fifth level of an emperor. You know, this kind of strength is definitely at the level of genius in the mortal world, but it is not outstanding in the ancient demon star field.

"Haha, Liu Xi is back? What, did you pass the assessment of Lihuo Academy this year?" As soon as Liu Xi and the four returned to Liu Mansion, a young man walked towards them. He was slightly older, a year older than Liu Xi. The two-year-old looked like he directly stopped Liu Xi and the other four from the front.

"Liu Jingtian, a good dog doesn't block the road!" Liu Xi immediately became unkind when he saw the young man's face.

The young man named Liu Jingtian was also angry and said with a faint smile: "Brother Liu Xi, how can you say that I am your brother? Why do you talk like this?"

"Brother? Are you worthy?"

"Humph, don't get excited. There's no point in talking nonsense to me. I'm just here to tell you that today the elders have decided to remove your grandfather from his elder position at a meeting. Soon your sister Liu Qing will marry Luo Yu. When When the time comes, the Liu family will become a family with the Luo family. You'd better stop resisting and do your sister's job. Being able to marry the Luo family is a gift to Liu Qing."

"My sister will never marry Luo Yu!" Liu Xi roared.

"It's useless if you don't agree. This is a rule. Hum, I advise you to be more sensible. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Now the Luo family is prosperous. It is a blessing for my Liu family to be able to be in their relationship." Liu Jingtian said, Then he glanced at Chu Yan and the others: "You three are Liu Xi's friends, right? Get out, you are not welcome in Liu Mansion."

"Liu Jingtian, you have gone too far! The three of them are the guests I invited!" Liu Jingtian said coldly: "And let me tell you, this Brother Chu is now also a student of Lihuo Academy. He has passed the sixth grade in this year's assessment. With more than a hundred fire patterns, you can't afford the consequences of angering a future fire pattern master."

"What about the students of Lihuo Academy? More than six hundred? The future fire pattern master? Ridiculous, I have already seen the list of this year's assessment. He should be the Chu Yan from the despicable star, right? Only sixty-seven "Jiang Yan has tested 1,400 tests this time and Luo Yu has tested 1,300 tests. When it comes to fire pattern masters, it's Jiang Yan and Luo Yu, who is he?"

Liu Jingtian said disdainfully, and then he looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, I can't stop you if you want to stay, but I want to advise you, it's not easy for you to escape from the despicable stars, and it's not easy to practice, so don't get yourself into trouble. This is a critical moment for our Liu family, you'd better obey."

After saying that, Liu Jingtian turned and left. Chu Yan and the other three were speechless for a while, while the fat man laughed bitterly at the side: "Brother Chu...do we have the word country bumpkin written on our faces? Why are we looked down upon everywhere?"

Chu Yan ignored the fat man and looked at Liu Xi: "Does it make it difficult for you for us to live here? Otherwise, we can go out and live in a restaurant."

Liu Xi sighed: "I'm sorry, it's me who has caused trouble to you. It's okay, you can just stay in the Liu Mansion. After all, I can be considered a direct descendant of the Liu family, and I still have the right to entertain three people."

"Do you need help? If you need help, you can tell me." Chu Yan hesitated and asked.

Liu Xi was stunned for a moment, feeling a little moved in his heart, but he still shook his head and sighed: "No. You can't control this matter. You just came from Xiaoxingchen, and you have been living in Liu Mansion for the past six months. You will leave after half a year." "

Chu Yan nodded. Since Liu Xi didn't say anything, he naturally wouldn't ask any more questions.

Chu Yan and the other two temporarily stayed in Liu Mansion. At night, there was a piano sound playing in Liu Mansion. The music was beautiful and a little desolate, echoing in a bamboo forest.

Chu Yan frowned. He followed the music of the piano and saw a beautiful woman in a bamboo forest. The woman seemed to exist in a painting, her beauty was otherworldly.

"What a moving piano sound!" Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh to himself. At this moment, the piano music suddenly stopped, and a soft female voice came from the distance: "Young Master stayed up late at night, hiding outside the bamboo forest to spy on the little girl. Is there something wrong with her? Not in compliance with the rules?”

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. He could guarantee that the woman in his position would never be able to see him. But the woman discovered him. Can she identify the direction by the sound of the piano?

"Girl, atonement. I was just moved by the beautiful music of the piano late at night. I was curious and thought of coming here to find out. I didn't mean to offend the girl." Now that he was discovered, Chu Yan walked out directly.

"Young Master, are you concerned about something far away?" The woman wore a snow-white dress and raised her head. She was very beautiful, especially her clear jade eyes, which were as pure and penetrating as jade in the water.

"Exactly. How did the girl find out?" Chu Yan nodded with a wry smile, but he was concerned about the distance. In the mortal world, Liu Qingcheng and his parents.

"The sound of the piano is played for people from afar. Only those who care about distant places will be attracted. It seems that the young master is this kind of person." The woman smiled softly: "Little girl: Liu Qing, the young master is …”

"Liu Qing?" Chu Yan suddenly realized that this woman was Liu Xi's sister. He responded with a smile: "Chu Yan, from far away."

"I really hope to see the beautiful scenery in the distance, but it's a pity that I don't have this chance." Liu Qing smiled, and Chu Yan frowned: "The girl is still so young, why do you say there is no chance?"

"Sir, you'd better go to bed early. I hope you'll be forgiven for disturbing you tonight because of the music!" Liu Qing's delicate body trembled, and she suddenly put away her guqin.

Liu Qing left, leaving Chu Yan to sigh helplessly. At this time, Liu Xi suddenly appeared beside him, looking at the woman's back with pain: "Qing'er originally had a peerless talent, but unfortunately, his parents lost him early. , since her parents died, she gave up her practice and devoted herself to playing the piano, missing people far away here every day. What’s terrible is that my brother is unable to protect her when her parents are away!”

"You are in the middle of the Liu family. Do you want to marry Liu Qing in exchange for family honor?" Chu Yan glanced sideways at Liu Xi, who nodded with a wry smile: "It seems you have guessed it."

"The Luo family has been prospering in the past few years, and Luo Yu's father Luo Tianya is even more famous. He is a top five fire pattern master and is very famous in the eastern part of the Ancient Demon Star Territory. If it is just a marriage, that's it, but this father and son are greedy for beauty. But after all, Luo Tianya was old and had to take his reputation into consideration, so he had no choice but to take wives and concubines as Luo Yu. However, all the women who married into the Luo family were humiliated by the father and son and were treated as slaves. , the one who disobeyed directly took away the soul, became a fake dead, and continued to play!"

"Now, is Luojia targeting Liu Qing?" Chu Yan asked.

"Well! In fact, this is not the most hateful thing. Since her parents passed away, Qing'er has never left the Liu Mansion, so no one outside the outside world knows about her. But not long ago, some people appeared in the Liu Mansion and wanted to cling to the Luo family, so Liu Jingtian and his father So, he actually took the initiative to tell Liu Qing to Luo Jia." Liu Xi roared.

"It's sad enough for a family to sell their daughters for glory and survive." Chu Yan finally understood all this.

"Why is the time set six months later?"

"There will be a fire pattern competition between the two families in half a year. By then, if I can win, I will still have a chance to reject this marriage." Liu Xi said seriously: "So I must work hard... Even if I know it is impossible, I Luo Yu will definitely be defeated.”

Chu Yan nodded and patted Liu Xi on the shoulder: "Practice hard and you will be able to do it."

"Is it really possible...!" Liu Xi laughed bitterly. Luo Yu was second in Lihuo Academy this time. There were 1,300 fire patterns, but he only barely made it into the top 100. Is it really possible to defeat Luo Yu? ?

Chu Yan didn't say anything. After all, this matter was the Liu family's business, so he was not in a hurry to take care of it. But if Liu Xi opened his mouth, he thought he would be able to help. He also hoped that he would be able to do that with the beautiful sound of the piano. pure.

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