Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 263 Lihuo Academy

"Is there an academy that specializes in cultivating fire patterns?" Chu Yan secretly sighed at the formality of the Ancient Demon Star Territory. Although there are thousands of sects in the world, there is no clear distinction between fire patterns and vitality, and they don't know how to test the students' talents. Even many disciples with extremely talented fire pattern have been buried.

But not here. Every school will carefully select its disciples to maximize their talents.

"I want to give it a try. Do you two want to go together?" Chu Yan turned to look at Fatty and Hua Zhixu. Hua Zhixu rolled his eyes: "I definitely won't go. My father asked me to practice fire pattern at the beginning. I was intimidated. There is no temptation, I haven’t practiced, and now I have finally escaped from his clutches, will I go to a fire pattern academy to practice? "

"I won't go either. The fire patterns are too profound. I'm suitable for simple and violent things, such as eating." Fatty said casually from the side.

"Well, you can wait for me, or you can go check out some other places." Chu Yan nodded.

"Okay!" Fatty and Hua Zhixu left, leaving Chu Yan alone in Lihuo Academy.

Chu Yan casually chatted with the people around him and understood the background of Lihuo Academy.

Lihuo Academy is one of the three major academies in the Ancient Demon Star. It is mainly responsible for cultivating fire patterns. There are many fire pattern masters who have come out from here, many of which are sixth-level fire patterns, and even several seventh-level fire pattern masters. In Ancient Demon Star, The domain's prestige is great.

Yaoshanmen and Tianyaofeng come to Lihuo Academy every year to recruit inner-court disciples, but Lihuo Academy is very special. They do not participate in external disputes. It is a relatively peaceful place and specializes in fire patterns.

"Students who want to sign up this year, step forward. I am your host: Liu Jiyu. Then come with me to test your talent." At this time, a young man said calmly. He was very arrogant and had the feeling that one person is superior to the rest of the world.

"Brother Chu, are you ready to give it a try? Do you know about fire patterns?" Liu Xi said from the side, and Chu Yan also smiled politely: "I know a little bit, I want to get lucky."

"Since this is the best, let's go together. But don't have too much hope. It is said that the quality of the schools recruited by Lihuo Academy this year is very high, and many people from the Fire Pattern Family will come here. But for practice It's okay." Liu Xi smiled and Chu Yan didn't care. He could understand this kind of contempt. After all, he came from an unknown family. As long as Liu Xi didn't have bad intentions, it would be fine.

"So many people?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment as he followed Liu Jiyu to an artistic fairy forest. He originally thought there were only a few hundred people in his group, but when he arrived, he discovered that there were almost ten thousand people.

"This is normal. Once you become a disciple of Lihuo Academy, it is a very proud thing in the Ancient Demon Star Territory. And don't look at the crowd. In fact, many people here are just here to join in the fun and know nothing about fire patterns."

"Then what are they doing here?" Chu Yan frowned. You must know that the assessment requires the delivery of spiritual jades. Ten third-level spiritual jades are equivalent to a thousand first-level spiritual jades. It's okay to pass the assessment. I'll give it back to you. If you don't pass it, it won't be returned.

"Don't you understand this? Among these ten thousand people, there will definitely be one hundred potential Lihuo Academy disciples, and these one hundred people will be the potential fire pattern masters in the future. If you make one or two friends today, you will be successful in their studies tomorrow. In the future, it will definitely be a good thing to have the help of a sixth-level fire pattern master." Liu Xi said with a smile.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that he had not expected this. Liu Xi continued: "A fire pattern master, especially a high-level fire pattern master, is very noble. He can refine pills, magic weapons, and most importantly, , and formation depiction. Many forces are willing to recruit them at a high price."

Liu Jiyu led a group of people into the Immortal Forest, and then said a few words to several managers of Lihuo Academy before retreating.

At this time, another steward came out. He was quite old. He looked to be at least thirty or forty years old. He should be older in real life. He smiled kindly and said, "I'm glad you all came to Lihuo." Academy, next everyone will hand in the spirit jade, and then conduct a fire pattern talent test. According to the rules of previous years, the first 100 people will be prepared. We will start after a stick of incense. "

"It's so straightforward. You can earn tens of thousands of level 3 spiritual jade by just recruiting students." Chu Yan said with envy. This is definitely a huge amount of wealth in this world.

Disciples from all sides were eager to give it a try, and Liu Xi was also looking forward to it. Chu Yan, on the other hand, was not prepared at all. He just waited here, leaving Liu Xi speechless for a while: "Brother, ten pieces of third-level spiritual jade may not be much, but it is still a lot." It’s quite a fortune, why don’t you prepare it? If you don’t understand, you might as well practice with the third-level spiritual jade.”

"Ready." Chu Yan said with a smile. In fact, Chu Yan felt that he was pretty good about fire patterns. He didn't dare to say too much about fire patterns, but he definitely knew a lot. And the ninth-level fire pattern is considered super high-end in the six-region galaxy, right? He still has a lot of them in his mind.

"Tsk, tsk, cats and dogs really dare to come here this year." At this moment, an unkind voice suddenly sounded, and one of them sneered at Liu Xi.

Liu Xi frowned, stared at this person and said, "Luo Yu, it's not certain who will win this year."

The man named Luo Yu was also disdainful. He looked at Chu Yan and said, "Boy, I would like to advise you. If you want to be a horse boy, you'd better choose the right person. You won't learn much from being a member of a lonely family. How about that?" Come with me? How about I accept you as my fire pattern apprentice?"

Chu Yan was speechless for a while, and Liu Xi even said unkindly: "Luo Yu, mind your mouth, Brother Chu is my brother, what the hell."

"Brother? Haha, Liu Xi, it seems that I overestimated you. You really make friends with all kinds of people." Luo Yu looked at Chu Yan, his eyes flashing with greed: "Human, sizzle, it should taste good. It's been a long time since I tasted the taste of humans."

"No quarrels are allowed in Lihuo Academy." Liu Jiyu scolded in the distance, and Luo Yu grinned without taking it seriously: "It doesn't matter, time is running out anyway, Liu Xi, don't forget what will happen in half a year."

After Luo Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Chu Yan speechless. He didn't know what was going on, but was humiliated by Luo Yu.

"Brother Chu, I'm sorry. My Liu family and Luo Yu's family are enemies. The two families have always been at odds. The Luo family has risen to a higher level in the past two years. He is targeting you because of me."

"It doesn't matter. We are brothers." Chu Yan smiled and waved his hand: "By the way, is Luo Yu's fire pattern talent very high?"

Liu Xi struggled for a while and sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, the Luo family is indeed a master of fire patterns. Luo Yu is a fire pattern genius cultivated by the Luo family in recent years. It is said that he broke through the fifth level of fire patterns at the end of the year. He is a very young fifth-level fire pattern master."

"Fifth level?" Chu Yan was secretly surprised. This ancient demon star field is different. Luo Yu is about the same age as him. He will not be more than 25 years old at most, but he is already a fifth-level fire pattern master. If he is in the mortal world, he should be at least over 40 years old, right?

"Luo Yu's father is even more powerful. He is a fifth-level peak fire pattern master and is very famous in the ancient demon star field." Liu Xi smiled bitterly. There is one thing he didn't say. It is also because of Luo Yu's father that his Liu family has been suppressed.

"The test has begun!" someone suddenly said, and Chu Yan nodded. At this time, everyone looked up and saw a huge stone tablet emerging in the fairy forest. There were flame patterns on the stone tablet, a total of 361, but all of these flame patterns were blank.

"Next is the fire pattern test. Fire patterns are very important for talent. Everyone, come forward and release the fire patterns you know. When you release one, the fire pattern on the stone tablet will light up. Each fire pattern is divided into three levels: high, medium, and low. One high-level fire pattern is equal to ten medium-level fire patterns, and one medium-level fire pattern is equal to one low-level fire pattern. It depends on your understanding." The tester said.

Everyone began to be eager to try.

At this time, Fatty and Hua Zhixu also came to the fairy forest. The two did not sign up, but they paid close attention to Chu Yan.

"Hey, I didn't expect you guys to come too?" A crisp voice sounded, and the two turned their heads to see that the beautiful snake they met earlier also came here. The fat man was startled when he saw you and her, and shrank his neck, causing Hua Zhixu to laugh.

"Don't worry, you are too greasy. I will eat that handsome boy even if I eat him." The beautiful snake chuckled and pointed at Chu Yan.

"What's wrong with being fat? Be careful not to bite your teeth when eating him." The fat man rolled his eyes.

"But your friend is interesting. He actually signed up for Lihuo Academy. How is his talent for fire patterns?" The beautiful snake laughed.

"Should... take first place." The fat man smiled confidently. Others don't know Chu Yan, but he knows Chu Yan's fire pattern power very well. He is the son of the King of Dust Pills. How can his fire pattern attainment be bad?

The beautiful woman rolled her eyes. These three guys are really unruly. More than 10,000 people tested, and took first place? How easy is it? What's more, he is a person from Xiaoxingchen.

"Beauty, my name is Fu Tao, how about making friends!" The fat man smiled, and the beautiful snake rolled her eyes, but did not refuse: "My name is Du Meiling."

"Hua Zhixu!" Hua Zhixu also took the initiative to introduce.

"Beauty, how about a bet? If my brother Chu comes first, you will treat me to a meal?" The fat man looked at Du Meiling with a lecherous look.

"Aren't you afraid that I will eat you?" Du Meiling smiled unhappily: "Don't even mention treating you to a meal, if he gets first, I will be your concubine."

"It's a deal." The fat man grinned, and then he looked at Chu Yan excitedly.

"You are so shameless!" At this time, a bad voice suddenly sounded, and another young man came over from a distance: "Meiling, the people you are making friends with now are really getting worse and worse."

"Jiang Yan, what does it have to do with you who I make friends with!" Du Meiling said coldly with a cold eye.

"Not now, but soon." Jiang Yan licked his cracked lips: "Don't forget the agreement between our two tribes."

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