Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 257: Death of Red Moon

"Haha, brat, are you kidding me? Barbarian King, are you the one?" There was a burst of laughter in front of the mirror monument, and everyone looked at Chu Yan ridiculously. This joke was too big.

However, there was only one person who was breaking out in cold sweat at this moment, and that was Lin Hu. He knew the current situation better than anyone else. So many young emperors were all ordered by the genius, and they all respected Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled and did not explain. He was still very respectful to Lin Yan. Shao Baiyu was older than him. Back then, when the Haotian Sect, the White Tiger Gang fought for him, and later they were destroyed, so Chu Yan I have always felt guilty.

"Sister-in-law, let's go." Chu Yan said to Lin Yan, then he winked at Shao Baiyu, and the group of people walked towards the entrance to the wilderness.

Looking at the group of them, the people around them were still sneering, as if they were all waiting for the scene where Chu Yan would be slapped to death by the wild guard.

Unfortunately, they did not see such a scene. Instead, they saw a scene where all the guards bowed their hands to Chu Yan with respect, opened the entrance to the wilderness, and declared, "Young Master."

At this moment, everyone's world view collapsed. One person rubbed his eyes vigorously and swallowed: "Who did I see just now? The young master of the wilderness, the young Wang Chuyan? Oh my god, I didn't catch him. A chance?”

"What a sin! Is he really Chu Yan?"

"Damn it, I never imagined that beside him is Liu Qingcheng, the most beautiful woman in Wan Zong." More people commented, and some nymphomaniac women screamed, they They all said: "So handsome... ruined, my whole life is ruined."

"What are you destroying? No one wants it, I want you."

"Isn't this nonsense? I met the Young Master of the Wilderness. He is so handsome and powerful. How can I find a man in the future? Just you? A hundred of you are not even half as good as the Young Master of the Wilderness!" Entrance to the Wilderness The place was boiling, and those who claimed to be Chu Yan's brothers immediately swarmed over. Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was also embarrassed. He didn't even remember that he knew so many people.

Lin Hu stayed outside alone. When all the power was lifted from him, he froze.

What did you just miss? An opportunity to reach the pinnacle of life. If he had believed in Shao Baiyu, he could have climbed to the wilderness, but now it was all destroyed by him alone.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. The only thing that makes him happy is that Lin Yan has entered the wilderness. He only hopes that Lin Yan can remember him well, otherwise he will offend the king of the wilderness and he may not even know how he died.

Shao Baiyu's incident was just a small episode after the end of the mortal world, and the days after that gradually became much calmer.

On this day, another person in the mortal world received an additional title, and that was Hua Zhixu.

Nowadays, Hua Zhixu's name is like thunder in the world, and even vaguely means to surpass Chu Yan. Of course, it is not a good name, but a bad reputation.

The King of Pretenders in the World: Hua Zhixu, originally he was just using Baicaotang to show off, but now he just uses Wilderness to show off all the way. If he doesn’t accept it, he will do it. If he can’t do it, he will sign up. If he can’t do it, he will come back to beg Chu Yan. Now when everyone sees Hua Zhixu, they turn around and run away, no matter who they are.

Chu Yan was really impressed by Hua Zhixu. He couldn't laugh or cry every time, but he also helped him every time. After all, there are some kindnesses that will be unforgettable in a lifetime.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed since the battle in the mortal world. During these six months, Chu Yan appeared less and less, and his name was gradually forgotten by people, but there are always people who will hear some good stories in the mortal world. .

On this day, a man and a woman flew past Tianyong City in the outer circle, which shocked many people. Many people raised their heads and looked. The man was as evil as a demon, and the woman was as charming as a painting. They were so beautiful.

In the past six months, many people in the mortal world have seen these two people. Wherever they passed, they were covered in red makeup and left a good reputation.

These two people were Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng. In the past six months, Chu Yan had basically given up practicing and spent all his time with Liu Qingcheng. In addition, he cultivated his character. Now his character is more calm and faded. A bit ups and downs.

Of course, Chu Yan had another purpose for doing this. Just as Lu Xueting said back then, the marriage between Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng was too trivial and no one could confirm it. So in the past six months, Chu Yan took Liu Qingcheng with him. The red makeup filled the sky, telling the world that she, Liu Qingcheng, was his Chu Yan's woman.

"Qingcheng, we are almost at Tianyong City ahead. After traveling for half a year, let's go home and have a look." Chu Yan naturally held Liu Qingcheng's little hand, and Liu Qingcheng also smiled sweetly: "I will listen to you."

"When did you become so obedient?" Chu Yan looked at Liu Qingcheng evilly.

"Do you not like it?"

"No... I just think that you were so fierce back then, but now you're really a little uncomfortable with it."

"When you go home tonight, you continue to sleep on the floor." Liu Qingcheng rolled her eyes at Chu Yan. Chu Yan was immediately embarrassed, and then smiled bitterly. The two of them have now finally become a fairy couple, telling the world that their emotion.

"Back then... I was sorry." Liu Qingcheng whispered softly: "At that time... I didn't know it was you. I always remember a little boy in my heart."

"Haha, wife, you are not a pedophile, are you?" Chu Yan started to lose his temper again, but immediately there was a pain in his waist. Liu Qingcheng squeezed hard with his little hand, making him apologize quickly: "It hurts. It hurts! But now that we know it, isn’t it just right?”

"No, I just feel that what I did was a little too much, and I feel guilty."

"It's fine if you feel guilty. If you feel guilty, then use your whole life to make up for me." Chu Yan said with a smile. Liu Qingcheng rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, and then said a little sadly: "If you had said it earlier, I would have been very happy at the wedding, and it wouldn't have been like a nightmare."

"Qingcheng, I owe you, and one day in the future, I will make it up to you." Chu Yan was slightly moved, and he rubbed Liu Qingcheng.

"Use your whole life to make up for me." Liu Qingcheng smiled like Chu Yan, just a smile, the country is so beautiful, Chu Yan was obsessed, Chu Yan couldn't help it, and couldn't help but hug Liu Qingcheng's waist. He looked at Liu Qingcheng, and their lips were kissed, so lingering.

Looking at the pair of immortal lovers in the sky, I don't know how many people envy them.

"Qingcheng, take father and others to the wilderness." Chu Yan hesitated and said to Liu Qingcheng. Although the world is now the king of the wilderness, Chu Yan still feels uneasy. Only in the mirror can he be safe.

"I'll listen to you!" Liu Qingcheng nodded her head in a petite manner. In the blink of an eye, another month passed. Chu Yan received Liu Tianfeng and others into the mirror image. During this month, Chu Yan has been with his family.

Everything in the world seems to have become particularly peaceful. The opening of the wilderness has also attracted a large number of fresh blood. Chu Yan handed all these things over to Luo Feng and Mu Ye.

Mu Ye finally got what he wanted. He said that Chu Yan must be busy practicing for his whole life. He is willing to take care of the sect for Chu Yan. Now Mu Ye is the vice president of the Wilderness Foreign Academy, and Luo Feng is the dean.

Chu Yan simply left it alone. He didn't care. He ate, drank, played, and traveled every day. Hua Zhixu continued his pretentious journey. Fatty, he ate all the way. He almost broke the wilderness. But according to the fat man, the food he gave him was actually an investment. He didn't eat in vain. When he became good at eating, he could help Chu Yan fight.

But it must be said that this devouring blood is really powerful. It devours everything and turns it into vitality, which makes the fat man's cultivation level rise straight up, and it is no weaker than Qiu Yu and others.

On this day, Chu Yan selected some good people in the wilderness and brought them to the ancient dynasty together. In the ancient dynasty, they practiced the secret method and passed it on. Everything seemed to be developing in a good direction.

Of course, everyone knew that the calmer it was, the closer it would be for Chu Yan to leave. What the world could bring to Chu Yan was far from enough. Here he had no pressure. Although his cultivation was not falling behind, it was not as direct as venturing out. Moreover, the world was vast, and he also hoped to go to the outside world to see it.

The six-domain galaxy, the four-sided divine domain is just one of them, and there is a bigger world outside.

On this day, in a world outside the world, there was an embarrassed figure running away. This person was none other than Chi Yue.

He had been on the run for half a year since the war ended. During this period, he had been waiting for Chi Junlin to pick him up, but he didn't wait for him. Instead, he was hunted by countless people. Now there is no place for him in the world.

Suddenly, Chi Yue paused and was blocked by a man wearing a bamboo hat.

"Who are you?" Chi Yue looked at the man vigilantly. The man was wearing a white robe with a half-circle blood moon on it. There was a huge word "kill" on the blood moon, which made Chi Yue feel cold in his heart: "Are you a barbarian?"

The man in white didn't say anything. He just took off the bamboo hat and threw it aside. When Chi Yue saw the man's appearance, he was slightly startled. He had seen this man before. This man was also a dark horse in the Wanzong Feast, but later gave up the finals.

"What are you going to do?"

"It seems that you have forgotten that my name is Bai Ting, Changlong Country, Bai Family, Bai Ting!" Bai Ting said lightly, his eyes full of hatred. Three years ago, Chi Yue used the Bai Family to destroy the Bai Family overnight, making Bai Ting live in hatred for three years. During these three years, the only thing he wanted was revenge.

After the war, Bai Ting searched for Chi Yue for half a year, and finally today, he got what he wanted.

"Bai Family, Bai Ting?" Chi Yue murmured, and then his eyes shrank. He remembered, everything, but it was too late. A long spear pierced Chi Yue's chest. Chi Yue today is no longer the same as before. He was seriously injured by Chu Yan and his cultivation was greatly damaged. This shot was fatal enough.

Chi Yue died. Bai Ting looked at Chi Yue's body, closed his eyes, and a line of tears flowed down. In three years, he took revenge. The next moment he put on his hat and left.

Not long after, Chi Yue's body was found, causing a temporary sensation in the world. But when Chu Yan and others rushed there, they did not see Bai Ting. Everyone was surprised, but Chu Yan smiled. In his heart, he vaguely knew who killed Chi Yue.

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