Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 256 I am the Savage King

With the demise of Red Moon Valley, Haotian Valley, and Glacier Valley, Chu Yan followed Emperor Ren in the mortal world. The two figures were one in front and one behind, Chu Yan in front and Emperor Ren in the back, giving people a sense of respect.

Next, the mortal world fell into a long period of restlessness. Chu Yan and Emperor Ren descended on several major sects one after another. All forces that participated in the siege of the wilderness could not exist. As Chu Yan said, from today on, there will be no more Red Moon and Haotian under the sky, only the wilderness, and the wilderness will remain the same.

All the people in the world were shocked. The mortal world seemed to be shrouded in the majesty of the wilderness. In the mortal world for thousands of years, the wilderness has never been as brilliant as it is now.

Chu Yan is not Chu Hanfeng, because he is not as transcendent as Chu Hanfeng. He has the absolute strength to destroy all directions by himself and can be proud of the galaxy. Therefore, Chu Yan understood the principle of raising a tiger to bring trouble. With his current strength, even a venerable was enough to kill him, so he was still far behind. In order to prevent Manhuang from falling into trouble, he killed all dangers in the cradle.

Of course, the destruction of the Red Moon Valley this time also told the world a truth: the way of heaven is impermanent, the way of the world is ruthless, and nothing in this world is absolute.

When this battle started, who could have expected that Manhuang would win in such a huge gap? Of course, the world did not cause too much dissatisfaction with what Chu Yan did, but rather a recognition. The Red Moon Valley was also unjust. Chi Junlin was incompetent and unrighteous. He called himself the King of the World for half a year, committed thousands of murders, and killed many innocent people. This was also their retribution.

Regarding the forces outside the sky, the two major forces of the Eastern God and the Southern God also suffered heavy losses this time, but this has always been a hurdle in Chu Yan's heart.

This time, Chu Yan also witnessed the power of the Great Lord. The Great Lord can make the will of heaven follow his will and be equal to heaven. There is an essential difference between him and the Emperor. No matter whether it is the Emperor of Heaven or the Emperor of Destruction, they are all fragile in front of the Great Lord. Just like this time, the Lord of Jianming suppressed ten Emperors in this battle.

So it is not difficult for Chu Yan to think that if the outer forces send a great Lord to the mortal world, the mortal world will be destroyed and turned into ashes. This is definitely not what Chu Yan wants to see. After all, Emperor Xu and others cannot stay outside the ancient dynasty all year round.

"Young Master, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. There is a seal outside the mortal world, and the Lord can't enter the mortal world." Emperor Ren saw Chu Yan's worry and said.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "The seal is temporary. There is nothing eternal in this world. We still have to become stronger ourselves."

Emperor Ren nodded in approval, and the next two were the finishing work. Chu Yan was not good at this kind of thing, so he simply didn't care about it and gave it to Emperor Ren, Yao Lao and others to do.

Regarding ASEAN, because the empress left, Chu Yan didn't know where she went. There was no way, he could only take ASEAN back to the wilderness and hand it over to Qiu Yu for management.

Now Qiu Yu has a title in the world, called the ASEAN Yuhuang. Although he is just an emperor, no one in the world dares to look down on him, just because he is Chu Yan's friend, and once a person becomes famous, some past events will be dug up and then spread wildly.

Soon, the news about Qiu Yu formed a beautiful story in the world. Everyone knew Qiu Yu. He had been ups and downs for ten years, traveled most of the country for Chu Yan, took in countless orphans and orphans, gave up his own practice time to train them into an army, just for one day, when Chu Yan waved the flag, people from all directions responded.


The wilderness finally won, and in three years, it said goodbye to an era.

This day was recorded by the world, and everyone knew that at this time every year in the future, people in the world would pay homage to him from all directions, and then think of today's scene together. Chu Yan, the young king of the world, the successor of the wilderness, is also known as the new generation of the wilderness king.

To be on the safe side, the wilderness is now located in the mirror image. At the beginning, the mirror image old man gave the mirror image of the world to Chu Yan. This mirror image is the same size as the world and is completely controlled by Chu Yan.

The ancient dynasty is also open to the wilderness. Chu Yan is not a selfish person. He also hopes that the world will become stronger, so the wilderness is no longer just a representative like before, and it is Chu Hanfeng's one-man show. Today, the wilderness has begun to recruit disciples from outside. ASEAN and Tiandao Sect are all included in the wilderness. The wilderness has also begun to build various university halls, martial arts halls, and fire pattern halls to train the younger generations.

On this day, the world was boiling. Countless young people rushed to the wilderness with passion, just because today was the day for the wilderness to recruit students from outside.

There was a person in the northwest, wearing a white dress and smiling, and there were seven or eight young people following him. This group of people rushed to the wilderness. There was also a woman next to the white clothes. Her eyes were full of love and she looked at the young man in white.

"Brother Hu, do you think Bai Yu is telling the truth? What is the Wilderness now? Not everyone can climb up to it." Someone whispered.

At this time, the young man named Lin Hu snorted coldly: "Believe him once. If he doesn't know the Wilderness King, I will make him look bad tomorrow."

The woman next to the white-clothed man looked at Shao Baiyu and whispered: "Bai Yu, why don't we not go?"

"Why not?" The young man in white smiled. It was none other than Shao Baiyu from the White Tiger Gang. When Tongtian City was destroyed, he was rescued and later wandered alone in the world. Today, the Wilderness King, he decided to go to Chu Yan.

"I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid that I'm just bragging?" Shao Baiyu smiled faintly. Compared with a few years ago, he was more peaceful and less crazy.

"Bai Yu, I heard you say that you know the King of Wilderness, so I asked my sister to accompany you. If you don't know him, you should stay away from my sister in the future. My sister is very talented and will definitely marry a genius-level person in the future. ." Lin Hu snorted coldly.

Shao Baiyu's partner heard this and hurriedly whispered: "Bai Yu, don't listen to my brother's nonsense. I will not marry you unless you are in this life. Even if you don't know the King of Wilderness, I will still marry you. No big deal, the world is big, I will follow you That’s wandering!”

"Silly girl, how could I let you wander?" It was getting closer and closer, Shao Baiyu had a hint of expectation, and finally the huge mirrored stone door appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Who is here!" But when Shao Baiyu and others came here, they were immediately stopped by guards outside the mirror.

"Seniors and juniors Shao Baiyu, a member of the White Tiger Gang in Tongtian City, and Chu Yan are brothers. I came here to visit specifically today. By the way, I heard that Manhuang is recruiting people, and I want to join Manhuang." Shao Baiyu suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Hearing Shao Baiyu's words, the people around him burst into laughter, causing Shao Baiyu to frown slightly. He couldn't figure out why. He looked at the person behind a celebrity in the inner circle, and the person immediately restrained his dry laughter: "Haha, Brother, don’t be angry. I’m not laughing at you. The main thing is... your words are indeed a bit ridiculous. Look at your left side."

The man raised his hand and pointed to the left side. Shao Baiyu looked around and saw hundreds of people lining up there. The man continued: "These people are all Chu Yan's brothers... Haha, people like you come here every day." There are too many people recognizing relatives here.”

"This is really popular. The abandoned child of the wild days is now sought after by so many people." Shao Baiyu laughed bitterly, but he was happy for Chu Yan in his heart. He was not the kind of jealous person, and then There was no surprise. He turned around and walked towards the hundreds of people, waiting for the announcement.

Lin Hu felt a little unhappy at this moment. He came here to build relationships, but the result was obviously different from what he thought.

"Shao Baiyu, hum, it seems that you are lying to us. There are so many brothers of King Chu, and you are not much more. King Chu may have seen you, but he has forgotten you a long time ago. Lin Yan, let's go! Follow my brother Let's go, you will still have a chance to become a genius in the future." Lin Hu said in disappointment, turned around and grabbed Lin Yan's hand.

"Brother, I won't leave!" Lin Yan struggled, but Lin Hu was very strong.

At this moment, a young man strolled over, accompanied by a fat man, Fan Ye, Qian Dong and others. Although Chu Yan has now become the king of the wilderness, he does not care about the trivial matters in the wilderness, but he likes to travel around.

In the past three years, he has been busy practicing. He has not been to many places and has not recorded the scenery along the way. Therefore, Chu Yan is quite happy these days, traveling around the mountains and rivers with Fatty and others to relax more.

Chu Yan's sharp eyes immediately noticed Shao Baiyu. He showed a smile and then strolled towards Shao Baiyu.

"Wow, he is so handsome, he looks like a yuppie!"

"The women around him are all so beautiful. That woman... seems to be a fairy." More people noticed this and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chu Yan held Liu Qingcheng's hand all the way. Both of them were too outstanding. He strolled up to Lin Hu and Lin Yan: "Brother, what's going on?"

Lin Hu was already angry, but when he saw Chu Yan's aura, his voice became a little weaker: "It has nothing to do with you, it's my own family matter."

Shao Baiyu also saw Chu Yan, and he was pleasantly surprised, but Chu Yan immediately glanced at him. Shao Baiyu was also a show-off king back then, so he immediately understood what Chu Yan meant and smiled slightly at the side without saying anything.

"I'm really sorry. It's a family matter for me to find this girl. Do you know who she is?" Chu Yan pointed at Lin Yan. This move made Lin Hu stunned for a moment and sneered: "She is my sister. , do you need to tell me this?”

"No, no, that's your family's identity. Do you know what her identity is in my family?" Chu Yan smiled faintly. Lin Hu was already angry, but just as he was about to speak, several invisible forces suppressed him. , leaving him speechless, he looked at Fatty, Fan Ye, Qian Dong and others in horror. Are these people all emperors? How can it be?

Lin Hu was shocked, his throat was rolling.

Aren't they as young as themselves? No, he is younger than himself.

"She is my sister-in-law. How about this? Is this title scary enough?"

"Haha, is this kid crazy?" Fatty and the others controlled their power so well that no one except Lin Hu could feel it. They looked at Chu Yan, his sister-in-law, ridiculously? Is this title scary? of course not.

"Your sister-in-law, are you very powerful? Is this also a title?"

"Sister-in-law certainly doesn't count, but the focus is on me." Chu Yan smiled mysteriously, but the next moment his words shocked everyone.

"I am the Savage King!"

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