Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 258 Meeting Li Xiaoyao [Three updates]

The news of Chiyue's death spread for a while and then faded away.

One year after the war, some turmoil can still be heard in the world, but it has weakened a lot. More people have returned to life, and some have begun to hunt for treasures.

When people from the extraterrestrial forces died, they left many treasures in the world for everyone to find, and many geniuses were born in the world.

On this day, a powerful man from outside the world arrived. One of them was dressed in white and looked extremely chic. He looked down at the barren world with a smile: "Is this the world of mortals? My brother Chu Yan, Born in this place?"

There is a woman beside the young man in white. She is beautiful and quietly stays with Li Xiaoyao.

"Is this the little star dust that has caused a lot of trouble recently?" the woman said softly, and Li Xiaoyao nodded with a smile: "Yes, I have never heard of Chenjian before, but since I met that guy two years ago, It's better now. In the past two years, many people from all forces died here, but they were suppressed and no one said anything. Last year, many people from the two great gods died here. It's really. interesting."

"Many people from outside the world have been coming here recently. If you want to find out what's going on, let's keep a low profile." The woman warned, and Li Xiaoyao smiled indifferently. He was still carefree and carefree, going back and forth without any distinction between inside and outside. No worries.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see one of my brothers." Li Xiaoyao said with a smile. He thought that finding Chu Yan would be a troublesome task, but he didn't expect that Chu Yan's name was so famous in the world that anyone would know him if he asked him. Then he found Chu Yan easily.

"Sealing the demon means dying in the hands of the person you mentioned?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that in this little star, there is a person who can kill the sealed demon." Li Xiaoyao nodded and smiled, and then rushed towards the mirror stone monument.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a fight on the way. The fight was very fierce. Emperors were actually fighting. Li Xiaoyao caught Li Xiaoyao's eyes and said to the woman beside him: "Let's go and see the excitement."

The woman also listened to Li Xiaoyao, and the two of them walked together towards the place of fighting. They saw two emperors' spiritual thoughts fighting, and there were two young men playing chess below.

"It's someone from the Ancient Demon Star Region." The woman said. She saw that the opponent was a giant tiger demon, and the person fighting with it was Hua Zhixu.

Hua Zhixu was pretending to be cool all the way, but he didn't expect that today in the world of mortals, he didn't pretend to understand. He actually encountered an alien from the outside. The two had a fight. The other party directly produced an emperor's tiger demon, forcing Hua Feng Also showed up.

"Who are you, sir, and why have you come to my mortal world?" Hua Feng looked coldly at the giant tiger monster.

"Hmph, in this barren land, my son has fallen in love with a woman, why don't you send her here quickly." The Tiger Demon Emperor said contemptuously in the air, and saw the young tiger demon below looking at Qiu Mengxi with greed in his eyes.

"It's ridiculous. If you say you like it, then if I like your mother, will your mother also send it to me?" Hua Zhixu said unhappily. In this world, he can still hit a wall, too. Full of fire.

Beside Qiu Mengxi, a woman came over at this moment. The woman was so stunning that she overshadowed everyone.

"What's going on?" Liu Qingcheng couldn't help but ask. The Emperor had not seen fighting in the world for a long time. Today's battle directly shocked everyone.

"So beautiful..." The tiger demon was immediately attracted to Liu Qingcheng.

Not only the tiger demon, but also Li Xiaoyao was stunned, but immediately shook his head, because he felt a chill next to him, and he laughed dryly: "Don't be angry, I just didn't expect such a stunning beauty to exist in the world."

The woman next to Li Xiaoyao nodded slightly. Liu Qingcheng was indeed beautiful, and even she was a little envious.

"Keep looking." Li Xiaoyao continued. When Liu Qingcheng learned all the reasons, he frowned slightly and looked at the other tiger demon unkindly: "Since you are from outside the world, you should abide by some of the rules of my earthly world. "

"Beauty, are you married? If not, how about following me?" When the tiger demon saw Liu Qingcheng, his attention immediately shifted.

Liu Qingcheng's jade eyes were slightly cold: "Sorry, I have a husband."

"It doesn't matter. If there is, then I will just kill him. Although you are married and I can't take you as my main wife, I can still make you my concubine and keep you to breed tiger cubs for me." "The tiger demon said indifferently. In his opinion, he is invincible in this world.

"Shameless!" Liu Qingcheng's jade face was slightly cold, but the tiger demon had already taken action at this moment, turning into a huge tiger claw and grabbing Liu Qingcheng in the void.

"How dare you!" Hua Zhixu roared and went straight to meet him. Then he turned to Liu Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, go back to the wilderness to find Chu Yan! These bastards are too arrogant!"

"Chu Yan?" Li Xiaoyao's ears were pointed, and then he looked at Liu Qingcheng with a strange expression: "Oh my God, it's unreasonable. That guy is not as handsome as me. This beauty is actually his woman?"

"The resources of the earthly world are poor. If the person you are talking about is really so outstanding, it is normal for this woman to like him." The woman on the side said.

"Xue'er, you don't know something. In the Eternal Jungle, there was a woman in blue from the Xuannv Sect who also tried their best to protect him, and the demon girl from the Ancient Demon Star Territory also took action for him later." Li Xiaoyao said. , which made the woman slightly surprised. If the Xuannv Sect was okay, she naturally knew who the witch Li Xiaoyao mentioned as the ancient demon star domain witch. She even took action for Chu Yan?

"Let's go, since you saw it, go and help." Li Xiaoyao said nonchalantly, and then he raised his hand and struck directly at the tiger monster: "Hutong, I advise you to be more honest before taking action, be careful with me Stew you into a pot of tiger meat.”

"Roar!" After being slapped by Li Xiaoyao, the tiger demon was furious and turned his head with a hint of sinisterness. When he saw Li Xiaoyao, his face changed slightly: "Li Xiaoyao? I didn't expect you to come too. Today has nothing to do with you. , I advise you to stay away.”

"Are you so arrogant? You are the only one with a spiritual mind? Do you want me to bring my father's spiritual mind to see who is more powerful, your Demon Mountain Sect, or my Li family in the Martial King Star Region?" Li Xiaoyao said disdainfully, and then he He raised his head and looked at a tiger demon emperor in the distance: "I advise you, this is not the Ancient Demon Star Territory. Since you are here, you should keep a low profile. Otherwise, if your son dies here, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Li family, you have too many things!" The Demon Emperor growled, but Li Xiaoyao stood there: "Why don't you accept it? How about I ask my father to go to the Ancient Demon Star Territory to find you before I get home?"

The Demon Emperor's face was cold. He was not afraid of Li Xiaoyao, but the Li family behind him was different, so he had no choice but to coldly snort: "This matter is not over yet."

The people from the Ancient Demon Star Territory left, and Hua Zhixu and others heaved a sigh of relief. Then Hua Feng looked at Li Xiaoyao, quite solemnly. Although this man was only an emperor, his aura was completely different from that of the mortal world.

"Thank you just now." Liu Qingcheng was the first to speak.

"Haha, sister-in-law, you are so polite. Chu Yan is my brother and I should help him." Li Xiaoyao said angrily. Everyone was stunned. Is this Li Xiaoyao actually Chu Yan's brother? Most importantly, he comes from outside.

"Xiaoyao!" Chu Yan came over quickly after receiving Liu Qingcheng's message. Unexpectedly, he saw Li Xiaoyao, with a hint of chill in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you fail to recognize good people's hearts? I'm here to help. I'm not the one who bullies my sister-in-law." Li Xiaoyao was speechless for a while, as he was misunderstood as the person who bullied his sister-in-law.

Chu Yan frowned. Only after he learned the whole story did he understand. He looked at Li Xiaoyao with a hint of apology, but Li Xiaoyao didn't care.

"Qingcheng, let me introduce to you. This is Li Xiaoyao, a friend I met by accident two years ago when I was on the road of life and death in the place of experience." Chu Yan looked at Li Xiaoyao again: "Xiaoyao, this is me wife."

"I've known it for a long time." Li Xiaoyao smiled and introduced to the woman beside him: "Xue'er, this is Chu Yan. He was a famous person in the Evergreen Jungle back then. He conquered the Evergreen Tree in one fell swoop. Chu Yan, I am not as fast as you, this one is my fiancée, Jiang Xueer, a member of the Jiang family of the Martial King Star Region, and a descendant of the Fifteenth Lord."

Chu Yan nodded politely: "Why are you here in the mortal world?"

"Haha, it's not because of you. There has been too much movement in the mortal world in the past two years. The descendants of the Fifteenth Monarch could not sit still, so they all came to the mortal world to find out. But later it was discovered that there was something in the mortal world. Seal, so they sent some of their juniors. As soon as I heard about Chenjian, I took the initiative to ask for orders. The person who attacked Qingcheng just now was a person from the Yaoshan sect, named Hutong. He and Fengyao were brothers. One year." Li Xiaoyao paused and then said: "By the way, Tiger Monster Eats Sex, they are at a disadvantage this time, you'd better be careful, there is no telling what they will do."

Chu Yan nodded, his eyes froze slightly, and he remembered today's revenge again. Yaoshanmen, it was really hard to deal with him. At first, he wanted to rob Xiaolang, but now he changed to rob Qingcheng.

"You won't invite me to drink?" Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Chu Yan, to which Chu Yan also smiled calmly: "Of course I will."

"Come on, let's go!" Li Xiaoyao said with a generous smile. The next night, Chu Yan and Li Xiaoyao got drunk. Hua Zhixu and Li Xiaoyao got along very well. Both of them are the kind of people who like to show off silently, and they love each other very much. Drinking, so they quickly became brothers.

"By the way, now that you have been crowned king in this star, why don't you leave here and go to the outside world to practice?" Li Xiaoyao asked curiously.

"Worry of retaliation."

"The Eastern Shrine and the Southern Shrine? Haha, you don't have to worry about this. I heard some rumors when I came here. Recently, a crazy woman was causing trouble in the Sifang Divine Domain. I don't know where the woman came from. Holding a one-thousand-meter heavy hammer, the two great god forces are in trouble. Let alone revenge on you, they themselves are a little overwhelmed." Li Xiaoyao laughed.

Chu Yan was shocked. He hammered a thousand meters, woman? Is it the empress?

"Do you know that woman?" Li Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment when he saw Chu Yan's expression.

"It's my sister." Chu Yan's heart warmed. He finally understood why, in one year, neither of the two great gods came back to the mortal world. It turned out to be Qin Zixuan. She did not abandon him when she left the mortal world, but went directly to the two gods. There's a big fuss in the great god's headquarters.

"In this case, it's really time to go out for a walk."

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