Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 255 The End of an Era [Three Updates]

Today, an emperor has fallen, and more than a dozen emperors have fallen. Their bones are destined to be turned into nourishment in the world, and become the secret palace and wealth for people to practice and explore in the next ten years.

Everyone believes that there is no more wild wilderness in the world, but the wild wilderness has not been destroyed. Those who died, those who were injured, and those who ran away were all red-eyed when they saw this scene. Back then, Chu Hanfeng fought in all directions alone, but today Chu Yan relied on his own Shocked everyone.

Chu Yan summoned hundreds of emperors by himself, and the presence of a great king, how terrifying is it? It was he who decided everything.

On a wooden boat in the distance, in the Northern Temple, Wangfeng looked at this scene and said coldly: "Master, you didn't expect that Chu Yan did not die, but survived."

Gu Yu's face was gloomy, and he did not expect that things would develop like this, but he finally snorted coldly, said nothing, and the wooden boat flew towards the land beyond the sky and left the mortal world.

Next, everyone in the world understood that an era was over. The time of being crowned king in the world of Scarlet Moon Valley was so short, but after that there was no one left. The world of mortals was so big that it could no longer accommodate one person from Scarlet Moon Valley.

Chi Junlin and Chi Tianyou left alive and passed through the space magic weapon, but no one knew where they went, and they never returned to the earthly world.

Those who should have fallen have fallen today. Emperor Xu turned to look at Chu Yan: "Boy, it's over. Do you need us to do anything else?"

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan looked at the endless corpses with cold eyes. Chi Junlin was not dead, which made him feel unwilling and afraid. If Chi Junlin returned to the Southern Palace, what happened today would definitely not be forgotten.

There must be a powerful king in the Southern Palace, and it is impossible for Emperor Xu and others to leave the ancient dynasty for a long time. This departure has consumed too much of their spiritual energy. Chu Yan shook his head: "No need. Senior, I have been crowned king in this world thousands of years ago. Sooner or later, I will still be able to succeed in this world. This is my promise to you."

Emperor Xu and others all had a slightly moved expression. To be honest, they looked at the barren world and even felt a little strange: "We believe in you. This road may be difficult, but if you say it, it will definitely be possible."

After saying this, Emperor Xu looked at the mirror stone tablet: "Is this the mirror world?"

"Exactly, seniors also know?" Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and Emperor Xu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Back then, Lord Zhentian had received an ancient inheritance, which was the mirror world, but at that time he had condensed five life souls and could not I have been delaying my practice. I didn’t expect it to appear today. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the master. Boy, I will form a seal to seal this mirror image, which can sort out some of your worries. "

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised. What he was most worried about was that someone would come to the Southern Shrine, or the Red Lord would return and break the mirror image. Then there would be danger in the wilderness.

"They are all your friends, so the Ancient Dynasty is open to them. You can also let them go to the Ancient Dynasty to practice. There are many secret palaces in the Ancient Dynasty, and some of our inheritance methods. Although they are not as powerful as Lord Zhentian, they are It varies from person to person. For example, the fortune-telling power of Heavenly Lord Jianming can identify talents, which is also a very good power. This is the key to the ancient dynasty, and I will give it to you." After Emperor Xu said this, he waved his hand. There was a key thrown out.

"We should go!" Emperor Xu said, Chu Yan nodded, and the hundreds of emperors finally disappeared and left the world together.

However, the moment they left, a storm surged in the world, leaving only a desolate land. Everyone was shocked. The three major forces and more than a dozen emperors had fallen countless people today.

Just like his son Gusu City, Gusuyu's body was buried in the dust. Zai Qiu also died, and four emperors fell from the Southern Palace. Emperor Haotian and Yan Wentian both died.

This was something no one expected. This time the counterattack came too fast, as if everything was just a breather. This time Zhao was even more frightened than a year ago. A year ago, Chu Hanfeng did not kill the people in the world and gave them a chance, but Chu Yan did not. Chu Yan knew very well that raising tigers was a danger, so on this day , all perished in the world.

Emperor Qiu of the Divine Weapon Guild survived, and King Mi also survived, but at this time they were both suppressed by Emperor Ren.

Emperor Qiu's cultivation was ruined and he could only exist as a mortal. For Qiu Mengxi's sake, he dragged his old body away in pain. After leaving, no one knew where he went.

King Mi stood there, suppressed by Emperor Ren, and looked at Chu Yan, suddenly showing a bitter smile. All this happened too fast. As Lin Daoyan said, he was the most miserable in Yangu. They were like grass on the wall.

"I remember ten years ago, when I was growing up in Moyan Valley, you were a kind uncle in my eyes. A year ago, you made a mistake, but my father gave you a chance, but why did you betray me again? "

King Mi smiled desolately, with a tear flowing from his old eyes: "It's useless to talk more. This is my own choice."

"Chu Yan, let my father go... He is Mi'er's father after all. You know Mi'er's feelings for you. Do you really want her to hate you?" Mi Tong growled from the side.

Chu Yan sighed and looked at King Mi: "Abandon your cultivation and become an ordinary person. From today on, there will be no Moyan Valley and no Moyan Sect in the world. Let's disband."

King Mi's eyes were painful, but he knew that this was a gift from Chu Yan. He finally nodded feebly. Mi Tong looked at King Mi from the side and felt uncomfortable in his heart. Who can be blamed for all this?

Everyone was sure that Barbarian Wilderness would be defeated, but who would have thought that if Barbarian Wilderness was not defeated, who would be able to withstand the revenge of such a terrifying young man who had grown up in three years and turned the sky into a bright moon?

Everything is over. Chu Yan is much more decisive than Chu Hanfeng. He will not leave any chance for any force, because he dare not joke with the people of the wilderness.

The world looked at the young man in the sky. He was dressed in white. Today, Chu Yan's name was engraved in everyone's mind. Chu Yan, a young king of a generation, is still the master of the world and the king of the wilderness.

Who said that the wilderness was defeated? Now, the wilderness remains the same!

All the past is like smoke. In the end, no one can shake the wilderness. The Blood Destruction Valley failed, and the Red Moon Valley still cannot do it now.

The last mirror stone tablet in the world is there. At this time, Chu Yan waved his sword and engraved a line of words on the mirror stone tablet.

"The throne of the world belongs to the wilderness!"

A Haotian Tower stands in the distant Tianshan Sect, turning the thousands of miles of Tianshan into flat land.

A mirror stone tablet represents a new era. From now on, the wilderness is here!

"It's over..." Some people in the world said that for some reason, someone in the world was crying. The sound of crying became more and more, and many people were crying. The crying sound spread farther. It was a cry of joy. Everyone felt that it was not easy for this young man.

Along the way, he had spent too much effort. He once said that the wilderness remained the same. He once said that I was here, you were here, and the wilderness was here.

This young man protected the wilderness and the world.

But it seemed that all this was not over yet. Thousands of strong men were killed by Emperor Xu and others, but the news was still being passed on. Many places had not received the news, and some places were even waiting for good news that would never come.

On this day, Chu Yan and Emperor Ren were flying in the world. Their goal was very clear. They directly crossed the distance of more than 100,000 miles in the world and rushed towards the direction of Haotian Valley.

In Haotian Valley, Emperor Haotian left. Luo Tianyi was in charge of everything here. Luo Tianyi calculated the time in his heart. When he felt the breath of the emperor approaching, an excited smile appeared on his old face.

"Elder Yi, an emperor is approaching!" said an elder of Haotian Valley. Luo Tianyi stood up immediately: "Haha, don't worry, the valley master is back, everything is finally over. Pass the order, the wilderness has been destroyed, from today, my Haotian Valley will become one of the four valleys in the world, the four transcendent overlords!"

"Also pass the order, prepare to attack Baicaotang and Tiandao Sect, and the world will be our world in the future!"

The eyes of all the elders in Haotian Valley lit up, and so did many disciples. One of the four kings of the world, then their cultivation resources will be hundreds of times more than now, and the future is unlimited.

But unfortunately, when Luo Tianyi flew out of Haotian Valley, his old eyes wrinkled, and the whole person was not good, because he saw not Emperor Haotian, but Chu Yan and Emperor Ren.

"Yes, it's you?" Luo Tianyi's old face sank.

"Are you disappointed to see us?" Chu Yan sneered, Emperor Ren was behind him, and in an instant, the emperor's power enveloped the entire Haotian Valley.

Luo Tianyi couldn't believe it. He suppressed his shock and said, "Where is the Valley Master? Why is it you, not our Valley Master?"

"He is dead. But don't worry, I will send you to see him soon. I once said that one day, I will point my sword at Haotian Valley and make your valley tremble. Today is the time to fulfill the promise."

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Luo Tianyi was horrified, but it was useless. Chu Yan's hand finally fell slowly, his eyes were so indifferent: "Luo Tianyi, I joined your Haotian Sect in the past, but your Haotian Sect broke its promise and joined forces with Chiyue Valley to kill me but failed. Today is the time to pay for all this. Luo Tianyi, your death is coming!"

"Kill! From today on, there will be no more Haotian and no more Chiyue under the sky!" Chu Yan's resolute voice fell, and Emperor Ren took action. After Emperor Ren, it was Huafeng, Yao Lao, and several emperors of the wilderness. They will sweep this place today.

"No!!!" Luo Tianyi was horrified, but he still died. It was just a thought, and he would never survive.

All the elders and disciples of Haotian Valley were horrified. They were all killed, and only a few survived.

At this time, in Yanmeng, Lin Yuyan stood there, her eyes were red. In three years, the young man had become famous. He destroyed Haotian Valley with a thought. Zhou Qin and Yu Ruoxi all watched Chu Yan grow up. Unfortunately, now they are no longer people of the same world.

From today, everything is over. After the demise of Haotian Valley, the Glacier Valley was swept one after another. The winner is the king. The change of an era has come to an end today.

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