Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 18 A belated farce

Chu Yan felt the flames calmly, thinking carefully about how Qin Ruomeng made alchemy for him every time, and then operated step by step.

This time, Chu Yan was not as irritable as before. Instead, his heart was as calm as still water. In the blink of an eye, he felt that the scenes around him had changed. It was like ten years ago, when he was still following Qin Ruomeng. What sounded in my ears was that familiar and gentle voice.

"Xiao Yan, alchemy pays attention to the temperature. In addition to the temperature, the most important thing is to give the elixir life. You have to use your own vitality to realize it. Only in this way will the elixir be intimate with you. Only in this way will they not will reject you, you can make them listen to you, obey you, and call you king."

"When that happens, you will be the Alchemy King in this world, and you can refine all the elixirs in this world at your will."

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red and he clenched his fists.

"Mother - I will never let you down. Since I am your son, I am determined to be the Alchemy King."

Chu Yan's mind moved, and Yuan Qi lifted up the herbs on the table and sent them into the alchemy furnace. The flames roared, strong but not strong. The herbs were extracted bit by bit, and the air began to be filled with a strong fragrance of elixirs.

Chu Yan sniffed the simple fragrance of elixir, and his eyes lit up. This was the smell. The herbal medicine extracted by Qin Ruomeng was like this. It was the purest taste of the herbal medicine itself, not the ash smell that he had just refined.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, keep your mind as calm as water."

Chu Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to control the flames and the intensity of the fire.

After all the herbs were extracted into pure elements, Chu Yan put a twisted Yuan Accumulating Pill on the table into the pill furnace and continued to refine it.


A night of silence, the east is white.

Today is destined to be a special day, so when the first red light rises from the other side of the horizon in the morning, Tianyong City is boiling with people and traffic on the streets, all heading in the direction of the Liu family.

Firecrackers were crackling in the Liu family early in the morning. It could be said that all the prominent people in Tianyong City, including some foreigners, and important personnel outside Tianyong City gathered together.

Although the Liu family is declining day by day, it is still the master of the Changlong Kingdom. Some families also hope to make good friends with the Liu family through this visit. Of course, a large number of people come here for Chu Yan.

Many people want to see who this uncle Liu is who made the Qin family disappear overnight.

"Do you know Chu Yan's background?"

"I don't know, but I heard he is very powerful. He has only been in Tianyong City for three days, and he has continuously embarrassed the Qin family and the Ye family."

"Eighteen years ago, it was Chu Yan's mother who saved the Liu family, right? Over the years, the Liu family has fallen into decline, and the family has no talent. Many people have been coveting this piece of fat meat for a long time, but because of that woman's words back then, If you say that, the Liu family will not be destroyed for eighteen years."

"Then this person should have a good background. He is probably from the royal family. He will act according to the opportunity. It is best to make good friends with him."

At this moment, two very mysterious people appeared in the crowd. Both of them were wrapped in red robes, and their faces were covered by gauze. However, it was not difficult to tell from their figures that they were two smaller women.

"Master, with our sect's background, we shouldn't need to make friends with the Liu family, right? Why do you have to come all the way this time?" A shorter Qianying standing behind asked curiously.

"As ordered by my master, just follow me."

The little girl who was following behind me said nothing.

Because many important people came, Liu Tianfeng came out to greet them in person, but when he saw these two beautiful figures, he frowned slightly.

This red robe is no secret in the Changlong Kingdom. It is a very representative place, that is, the Tianshan Sect.

The Tianshan Sect has been established in the Changlong Kingdom for thousands of years and has always been a presence comparable to the royal family. However, Liu Tianfeng couldn't figure it out. Although he had served as a general in the Changlong Kingdom for many years, he had never interacted with the Tianshan Sect. Marrying his daughter today, There was no invitation sent to the Tianshan Sect. How could the Tianshan Sect send anyone here?

"Are you two elders from the Tianshan Sect?" However, since the other party is from the Tianshan Sect, Liu Tianfeng will not neglect him.

"Master Liu, I'm from the Tianshan Sect, Lu Xueting. I learned that the Liu family is getting married today, so the sect leader specially asked me to come and congratulate her." Lu Xueting said with cupped hands.

"And me, and me, my name is Qiu Mengxue." The little girl following Lu Xueting smiled.

"My little girl is lucky to have the congratulations of the Tianshan Sect. Please come quickly."

Liu Tianfeng responded quickly and respectfully, making way for the two of them, and greeted Zhao Wu and Zhao Liu.

"You two, please entertain these two immortals."

When the two entered the Liu Mansion, Tu Zhao said beside Liu Tianfeng: "Master, have you invited the Tianshan Sect?"

Liu Tianfeng shook his head: "It's not me, I'm afraid they are also here for Yan'er. I don't know many of them today, but they are all prominent figures in the empire. These old foxes used to have taller faces than the sky and were arrogant. "Hen, you have never been so polite to my Liu family, but I am here today just to make good friends with Yan'er."

Tutor Zhao nodded. If the Tianshan Sect can be moved in the small Tianyong City, Chu Yan is probably the only one, right?

Although Tu Zhao still didn't know Chu Yan's identity, judging from the fact that the Qin family was forced to leave Tianyong City, Chu Yan's identity was probably higher than that of the royal family, and he might actually be a descendant of a certain Immortal Sect.

After entertaining all the guests, the wedding officially begins.

Although Chu Yan was his adopted son-in-law, out of respect for Chu Yan, Chu Yan stayed at the Liu Mansion early in the morning, while Liu Qingcheng came from another house of the Liu family in a sedan chair. From then on, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Liu family had a deep affection for Chu Yan. of attention.

Today, Liu Qingcheng is extremely beautiful. She wears light makeup, no makeup, her hair is tied up high, with a golden phoenix crown on top. She shines proudly, and the pleats and glitter make people obsessed with her. She is paired with a bright red dress with embedded gold edges. When the curtain of the sedan chair was gently lifted by the bridesmaid, it was like a colorful phoenix descending, just like her name, alluring and independent.

"What a beautiful bride."

When Liu Qingcheng stepped down from the sedan chair, all the men couldn't help but suffocate. Although her appearance had not yet been revealed, her beauty was beyond ordinary.

Accompanied by the two bridesmaids, Liu Qingcheng came to the high hall. Chu Yan was already waiting in the high hall. When he saw Liu Qingcheng, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile.

Mom, did you see it? My child will fulfill your wish today and marry Qingcheng. Although you are not around, don't worry, I will take your daughter-in-law to rescue you soon.

"Sister, I'll leave the young lady to you." The two bridesmaids smiled and handed Liu Qingcheng to Chu Yan.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Chu Yan took Liu Qingcheng's little hand and looked at Liu Qingcheng's exquisite and impeccable facial features: "Honey, you are so beautiful today."

Hearing Chu Yan call him wife again, Liu Qingcheng couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, but she had already acquiesced to the title.

The next step was to go to the church to get married. Liu Tianfeng and the elders of the Liu family were sitting in the high hall. He was full of smiles when he looked at the two newlyweds standing in front of him.

"Yan'er, from today on, you are part of my Liu family. If anyone bullies you in the future, you can tell Uncle Liu."

"Uncle, after today, it's time for Chu Yan to change his name to your father." Liu Mu said with a smile.

Liu Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, then he patted his head and laughed: "Yes, yes, you see, I am so happy that I am confused. Haha, Yan'er, I will be your father from now on. I don't have any great skills, but in this long dragon If there is any trouble in the country, I will help you make the decision!”

Chu Yan felt warm in his heart. He glanced at Liu Qingcheng and said with a smile: "Honey, did you hear me? From now on, my father will make the decision for me. If you dare to bully me, I will file a complaint with my father!"

Being teased by Chu Yan in public made Liu Qingcheng's delicate little face blush slightly, and she glared at Chu Yan fiercely.

"Haha, Lao Liu, let's carry out the ceremony. We are all waiting to drink this wedding wine." Ye Tao smiled at this time.

Liu Tianfeng nodded, and the rest of the process was handed over to the emcee. The emcee stood in the center of the hall and shouted loudly to the two newcomers.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Liu Qingcheng and Chu Yan then turned towards the door of the Gaotang, knelt down to each other, kowtowed, and paid homage to Heaven and Earth.

"Two thanks to Gaotang!"

The two of them turned around again, facing Liu Tianfeng, and many elders of the Liu family kowtowed.

What is surprising is that the whole process went surprisingly smoothly, which disappointed many people who thought that there would be such a thing as bride snatching.

Many young masters in Tianyong City also sighed deeply, knowing that the goddess in their hearts was about to become someone else's wife.

But no one dared to say anything. The reason was very simple. It was because Liu Mu had been by his side from beginning to end, and the sharp sword blade in his hand was even brighter, as if to tell everyone that if anyone was blind, he would dare to do it. If he causes trouble at this time, he will definitely chop the opponent immediately.

"Couple greetings!"

Now there is only this last process left. If no one makes trouble at this time, then it will be sent to the bridal chamber. At that time, even if you want to make trouble, it will be too late, right?

Therefore, many disciples in Tianyong City are ready to take action, hoping that someone will stand up and stop this wedding at this time.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng had turned around and looked at each other. At this time, Chu Yan rarely put down his previous unruliness: "Wife, from today on, you are my wife, Chu Yan. Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of you." Yes, you are on the outside and I am on the inside.”


After hearing Chu Yan's words, many people cursed in their hearts. However, Chu Yan seemed to be very helpful and smiled proudly at the disciples as if he was extremely angry.

Finally, the most critical moment came. The two newlyweds bowed to each other in full view of the public and paid their last respects as husband and wife. However, at the same time, there was a commotion outside the Liu Family Mansion, which was regarded as a belated farce.

"Girl, you can't go in!!"

"Stop her, quickly! Stop her for me!"

"Hmph, let's see who dares. I don't believe it today. I can't even enter a small Liu family? Ah San, whoever dares to take a step forward will break his legs for me!"

After a commotion, a savage voice came from outside the high hall. Everyone could not help but frown at this moment, and then many disciples who were looking forward to the wedding being ruined became excited.

Is someone finally coming forward?

"what happened?"

Liu Tianfeng's old face sank. Today is a great day for him to marry his daughter. Who is so blind and dares to come here to cause trouble?

Liu Mu also drew the sword from his waist at this time.

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