Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 17 Not a biological child

"What...what's going on?"

"How do I know? But it seems that these two people are quite harmonious." Many people commented in the conference hall.

Liu Mu smiled faintly: "It's nothing, I just want to test his determination to marry Qingcheng. If he had just chosen to hide, or if he chose to regret the marriage because his life was threatened, then I might really kill him , I would never let Qingcheng marry him even if I had to lose everything, but he didn't, which proves that he really wanted him to marry Qingcheng. "

After hearing Liu Mu's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Liu Tianfeng still said with a straight face: "Liu Mu, don't do this kind of thing again in the future. If it hurts Chu Yan, even if it is the pride of your Liu family, I will not Let you go."

"Don't worry, uncle. As long as he doesn't do anything to disgrace Qingcheng, I will never hurt him in the future."

Liu Mu turned to look at Qingcheng again and said with a smile: "Qingcheng, I also want to congratulate you. You have found someone you care about."

"The person I care about?" Liu Qingcheng frowned slightly.

"Yes, in fact, his life just now was not only in his own hands, but also in your hands. If you had not chosen to stop him just now, but had seen him dying and showed a little bit of joy, then I would not have hesitated. Kill him, after all, I don’t want you to marry someone who will make you miserable, and I won’t let you be used as a bargaining chip for the Liu family to protect themselves.”

Liu Mu paused at this point: "But it seems that although you don't want to admit it with your mouth, you have begun to gradually accept him in your heart."

"Have I already accepted him in my heart?"

Liu Qingcheng's eyes became complicated. How could this be possible?

But he was in danger just now, and he was really worried. He didn't want him to die. Could it be that... what Brother Liumu said was true?

Liu Qingcheng didn't dare to go further and thought more deeply. She warned herself that it must be because he saved her yesterday, so she didn't want him to die.

"Anyway, I don't care what you think. I agree to this marriage. If anyone has any objections, please come to me, Liu Mu, in the future."

Liu Mu looked around very domineeringly, and snorted coldly at the foreigners and some people who had been thinking about Liu Qingcheng and wanted to make a fool of themselves at the wedding: "But don't blame me, Liu Mu, for saying ugly things in front of you. You can do it." , but don’t let me find out, otherwise I won’t be the first to spare him.”

This made some juniors who really had the idea of ​​ruining the wedding lower their heads.

"Hehe, thank you Brother Liumu. I thought you would be the most difficult to deal with at first, but I didn't expect you to be quite loyal, right?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Don't laugh. Although I approve of you, if one day you hurt Qingcheng, or let her get hurt because of you, no matter what your background is, I will kill you myself."

"If I can't protect Qingcheng, I will come to see you." Chu Yan said seriously.

"That's pretty much it." Liu Mu nodded with satisfaction, and the weird atmosphere in the conference hall dissipated.

"Nephew Chu Yan, Liu Mu also loves Qingcheng, so don't take it to heart."

Liu Tianfeng smiled bitterly and said that he really didn't know what Liu Mu was doing, otherwise he would have stopped him, because he had also heard about the Qin family being driven out of Tianyong City overnight, which made him even more sure of Chu Yan's plan. background.

"Uncle, don't worry, Chu Yan will not harm the Liu family, otherwise I will think that I have misjudged the person." Liu Mu said with a smile.

Chu Yan curled his lips, but he did have some good impressions of Liu Mu. From him, Chu Yan felt an uninhibited affinity.


Because the wedding was coming soon, all the discussions in the conference hall were about wedding arrangements. And Chu Yan knew nothing about these, so listening to Liu Tianfeng and many elders' non-stop discussions was like a group of crows chirping in Chu Yan's ears... In the second half, he listened directly. fell asleep and passed by.

"Ah?" Liu Qingcheng pushed Chu Yan hard, and he sat up smartly.

But after a while, Chu Yan's eyelids started to fight again. He really felt that this was a kind of torture, even worse than when he detoxified Liu Qingcheng. Why didn't he improve the Yuan-Storing Pill when he had such a good time? ?

The more Chu Yan thought about it, the angrier he became, and finally he quietly slipped out of the conference hall while no one was paying attention.

In fact, he sneaked out, that is, in front of everyone's eyes, but Liu Tianfeng didn't stop him.

After leaving the conference hall, Chu Yan suddenly became energetic. He felt as if all his sleepiness was gone and he looked refreshed.

"Tomorrow is the wedding. Time is tight, so we must hurry up."

Chu Yan returned to the room, closed the door tightly, and then looked at the Yuan Accumulating Pill on the table and began to study it alone.

"The quality of this Yuan Accumulating Pill is too poor. It is very difficult to modify it into a Star Breaking Pill."

Chu Yan was speechless for a while. At this time, he really wanted to catch the owner who refined this Yuan Accumulating Pill and beat him up. He obviously used the best herbs, but he refined such a nondescript thing. The most hateful thing is, How dare you take it out? Isn't it embarrassing?

"Bao'er, take the cards in my hand, go to the accounting room to get some money, and then go buy some herbs for me."

"Okay, Master."

Bao'er took Chu Yan's hand card and a line of herbs written by Chu Yan. However, when he saw these herbs, Bao'er couldn't help but gasped: "Star grass? Elderberry? Brother, aren't these all useless grass?" What are you doing buying so much waste grass?”

"If I tell you to buy it, just go and buy it. Why are there so many?"

Chu Yan smiled evilly, useless grass? How could it be possible? This is the most precious herb in the world, but it can only be used in the hands of an alchemist. In this small Tianyong City, no one knows these treasures.

Baoer nodded aggrievedly, and soon collected all the herbs that Chu Yan wanted, and placed them on the table one by one in an orderly manner.

Smelling the simple medicinal fragrance, Chu Yan couldn't help but reveal a absent-minded smile. It's been many years since I smelled this kind of fragrance.

Chu Yan still vaguely remembers that when he was with his mother since he was a child, he lived with these herbs every day. Every day, he wanted to vomit when he smelled the dry smell of herbs, but now when he smelled it again, he actually felt a trace of simple fragrance.

"Now we can start refining the elixir." Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he thought he was gifted in medicine and was very proficient in herbs and elixirs, in the final analysis, this was his first time refining the elixir. He had only secretly watched Qin Ruoming make the elixir from the side, so it was still quite difficult to try it himself.

However, Chu Yan seemed to have expected it, and specially asked Baoer to prepare three pieces of the same herbs, and then he started to work.

"According to the order of mother's refining the elixir, the impurities in the herbs must be removed first, and then the essence must be extracted. I'll try it first."

Chu Yan started to work. As for the elixir furnace, he always carried with him the elixir furnace used by Qin Mengyao at the time. It was a palm-sized cauldron furnace with four corners, a golden dragon entwined on the top, and a Qin character engraved in the center.

This was also the only thing Qin Mengyao left for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan began to close his eyes, and the vitality flew out from between his five fingers, forming small fluorescent light spots. These small light spots were very happy. Then Chu Yan followed his memory and imitated Qin Mengyao's movements at the time.

Sensing the five elements, sensing the avenue, let the vitality transform in the five elements and become fire!

Chu Yan pushed out his palm violently, and suddenly a group of scarlet flames jumped out of his palm.

As soon as the flames came out, the high temperature illuminated the room. Chu Yan was also shocked, but then he showed ecstasy: "The first step is successful! I have condensed the fire of the pill. I am really a genius!"

When the fire of the pill appeared, Chu Yan spread his palms, and then these flames jumped into the fire mouth of the pill furnace like a little fire man.

The four walls of the pill furnace are empty, and the flames can be stored inside to ensure the temperature in the furnace is consistent, and the extracted herbs will be more pure.

When the flames completely preheated the pill furnace, Chu Yan nodded and began to throw the herbs into the pill furnace. The next step is to let the high temperature of the flames drive away impurities, extract the essence, and finally condense the pill. Chu Yan thought about this and couldn't help showing a proud smile.

This alchemy, it seems not as difficult as I thought?


But just as Chu Yan was thinking, the temperature in the furnace suddenly changed, Chu Yan's face suddenly became embarrassed, the flames suddenly slipped out of his hand, and began to be out of his control, raging, and madly devouring the furnace.


Not long after, there was a loud noise in the room, and Chu Yan's body was also shaken out, hitting the wall hard, and spitting out several mouthfuls of blood.

When he came to his senses, the room was also full of smoke, and the black smoke covered most of the room. He rushed forward to check the furnace, but unfortunately... when he opened the lid of the furnace, there was nothing inside except a pile of waste residue that was destroyed by quenching.

"How could this happen?"

Chu Yan's face was gloomy, he couldn't figure it out, he had been doing it according to his mother's previous method, why did it turn out like this?

Chu Yan didn't believe it and continued to try, but the result was not satisfactory. Not long after, there was another "boom" explosion in the room, and the herbs in the furnace turned into ash again, leaving nothing. The most important thing was that Chu Yan was exhausted after two consecutive refinings. His vitality was depleted, and he sat on the bed a little stupidly.

"Mom... I'm not your biological child, am I?"

Chu Yan was confused. He even began to question his identity. His mother was the world's number one alchemist. He couldn't make pills. Was he kidding?

"No, I have to try again!"

Chu Yan got up again, but this time he didn't dare to refine the herbs directly, because there was only the last one left of the three herbs. If it was destroyed, everything would be over, so he started practicing from controlling the fire. The reason for the furnace explosion was generally due to unstable flames, so as long as he could control the flames well, the rest would not be a problem.

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