Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 19 I am a waste and I am proud

There was a commotion in the hall of the Liu family. Everyone was talking among themselves, and then they looked sideways to see who dared to cause trouble here.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After several loud noises, the guards of the Liu family were thrown in like garbage, and all fell to the ground, wailing continuously.

Seeing these guards, everyone in the hall took a breath of cold air and became a mess.

These guards were all seriously injured by a move. Although they did not die, they would most likely be disabled for life. This made everyone sigh secretly, and the person who did it was very cruel.

As the last guard was thrown in, a beautiful woman stepped in. She appeared directly on the hall of the Liu family. Her skin was whiter than snow, and she was petite and lovely, especially her big eyes, like a pool of clear water.

Seeing the woman, Liu Tianfeng frowned, but when he saw the guard beside the woman, he immediately became serious. The guard made him feel a strong threat. Even he did not dare to guarantee that he could win. This made Liu Tianfeng realize that the woman's identity was not bad and she definitely had a complicated background.

"So strong!" Ye Tao thought in his heart.

"This girl, I wonder where my Liu family offended you? If so, then I apologize to you on behalf of the Liu family, but today is a big day for my Liu family, you see..."

"Okay Liu Tianfeng, I'm not here to find you, and it has nothing to do with your Liu family, don't talk nonsense to me."

Who knew that the woman didn't give Liu Tianfeng a chance to finish his words, and suddenly smiled sweetly, looking at Chu Yan: "My target is him!"

Chu Yan was also stunned, but before he could think about it, he immediately felt a fiery gaze falling on him, very hot, he turned around in a hurry, and saw Liu Qingcheng's beautiful eyes with a hint of anger, as if he could kill himself at any time.

"..." Chu Yan felt bitter in his heart. This had nothing to do with him.

Liu Tianfeng said awkwardly: "Miss, do you have anything to do with my uncle?"

"Uncle? Who allowed him to be your uncle?"

The woman spoke, very unruly, and then she looked at Liu Qingcheng: "This woman also wants to match my brother Chu Yan? I don't agree with this marriage, Liu Tianfeng, now you can order the marriage to be cancelled."

"Cancel the marriage?"

Swish! The Liu Mansion became lively all of a sudden, and many distinguished guests who came and went were talking about it. There were surprises and surprises, and of course, more of them were adding insult to injury.

If the Liu family's marriage was blocked today, then the Liu family would not have Chu Yan. In the future, this piece of fat meat would be available to anyone who wanted to take a bite?

Many people began to speculate about the identity of this woman. This woman was very domineering, especially the guard beside her. His strength was probably above the Dust-moving Realm, and he was the most arrogant person in the whole place. Would someone who could have such a guard have a simple identity?

But no matter what this woman is like, many people know that this time it is interesting. If the Liu family wants to complete this wedding smoothly, it may be quite difficult.

"Miss... This marriage was arranged by our Liu family's ancestors eighteen years ago. The marriage must not be broken."

"What, Liu Tianfeng, you dare to disobey even the words of this princess?"

The woman's jade face suddenly changed, and then her eyes flashed a trace of coldness as she looked at the guards on the side.

"Asan, take out the handwritten order from my father to this princess."


Hearing this address, everyone in the Liu Mansion frowned, and Liu Tianfeng's old face also sank suddenly. The identity of this woman is self-evident.

In Changlong Country today, isn't there only one princess who is about the same age as Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng?

Su Muyan?

Asan took out a dragon and phoenix handwritten order on the side: "Liu Tianfeng, listen to the order."

This is the handwritten order of the royal family of Changlong Country. Liu Tianfeng immediately knelt down and raised his hands.

"Liu Tianfeng is here!"

"By the will of Heaven, Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng's marriage will be cancelled today. Chu Yan will be adopted by the Liu family and will marry Princess Su Muyan on a chosen date. In view of the great contributions of the Liu family to Changlong Country over the years, after the marriage, the Liu family will be royal relatives. The Liu Mansion will be renamed the Southwest Prince Mansion today!"


Liu Tianfeng and everyone in the Liu Mansion were shocked, especially those who wanted to see Chu Yan and the Liu family suffer a loss. The corners of their mouths twitched. How could this be a cause of trouble? It was to announce the good news to the Liu family?

Southwest Prince Mansion? That means that the Liu family will be members of the royal family in the future. Who dares to touch the Liu family? And a group of rich young masters who originally coveted Liu Qingcheng were even more frustrated. They thought someone would cause trouble and come to snatch Liu Qingcheng, but there was someone who caused trouble and snatched the marriage, but the one the other party snatched was actually Chu Yan? And it was the most favored little princess of Changlong Country, Su Muyan?

Liu Qingcheng also looked at Chu Yan strangely, with an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Is this marriage over?

I don't have to marry him anymore? Logically, I should be happy. Isn't this what I have always dreamed of?

But... why do I feel a little disappointed?

At this time, some people in the Liu Mansion showed a mocking look. Although the Liu family was named the Southwest Palace, everyone with a discerning eye knew that the Liu family was humiliated this time. The son-in-law who had passed the door was now forcibly taken away by the Changlong Kingdom. The most important thing is that many people present knew Chu Yan's identity. This was a huge fortune, a treasure that was more important than the Southwest Palace, but now it was taken away by the royal family.

"Liu Tianfeng, why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you quickly accept the order?" Asan said coldly.

Liu Tianfeng suddenly became much older, but he did not raise his hand for a long time. This marriage cannot be ruined.

Although the Southwest Palace has a great reputation and is protected by the royal family, Liu Tianfeng knows that the Changlong Kingdom cannot protect the Liu family. Once this marriage is ruined, the Liu family will surely perish.

"Ahem, that...no, I said...do you want to discuss this matter with me as the client? You want me to marry...uh, no, it's marriage. I will marry whoever you want me to marry. , Why, do you think I have good genes and you want to compare me to Alexandre Dumas? "

But at this moment, Chu Yan smiled lightly.

Everyone then looked at Chu Yan and seemed to remember that all of this was caused by Chu Yan.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Yan, with a hint of sadness in her almond-shaped eyes: "You should be very proud now, right? The princess has a distinguished status and is beautiful, but she still wants to marry you, unlike me..."

But before Liu Qingcheng finished speaking, Chu Yan suddenly grinned and took Liu Qingcheng's hand.

"Honey, what are you talking about? Do you think I've been calling you my wife all these days for nothing?"

Liu Qingcheng frowned lightly, and a strange look flashed in her almond-shaped eyes. She couldn't tell how she felt about Chu Yan, but she knew that she was still a little touched and happy now.

"Good boy, I'm still waiting to enter the bridal chamber with you. How can I regret my marriage? Leave the rest to me."

Chu Yan took a step forward with a smile, and then he looked at Su Muyan with a little embarrassment... Damn, who is this woman? Do I know you? Are you going to marry me?

"Father, please stand up. You are now my Chu Yan's father. I, Chu Yan, will kneel to heaven and earth and my parents all my life. But my Chu Yan's father, even heaven and earth are not worthy of letting you kneel." Chu Yan willed Liu Tianfeng Help him up.


"Father, don't worry, leave the rest to me."

Chu Yan gave Liu Tianfeng a calm look, and Liu Tianfeng was relieved. However, this time, he was not sure, because he didn't know whether Chu Yan could really keep this marriage, or, Will Chu Yan be willing to keep this marriage? After all, the other party is Su Muyan, the most favored little princess of Changlong Kingdom, and her appearance is no worse than Liu Qingcheng.

"Brother Chu Yan..." When Su Muyan saw Chu Yan, she put aside her previous arrogance and immediately became like a little girl, and was about to come up and hug Chu Yan.

"Stop!" Chu Yan hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop Su Muyan: "No...girl, do we know each other?"

"You don't know me, but I know you." Su Muyan said shyly: "Brother Chu Yan may not remember that eighteen years ago, when Aunt Ruomeng took you to the imperial city, we were still playing together But, at that time, I swore in my heart that I would definitely marry you."


Chu Yan was stunned, and suddenly remembered a little girl. At that time, she always wore a pair of braids, and she would pester him to play with her every day... Unexpectedly, eighteen years later, she would become so slim.

"Oh it's you."

"It's me, brother Chu Yan. I have already told my father that I will never marry except you in this life, so you must marry me." Su Muyan said.

"No, no, girl, look, you are so beautiful, there must be a lot of men in the world who like you, so why don't you change your sex, okay?" Chu Yan sighed.


Su Muyan suddenly became very serious: "I like brother Chu Yan, so I must marry you. Today I will take you back to the imperial city, and tomorrow I will ask my father to preside over it for us, and then we will get married. "

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, why did he meet someone more impatient than himself?

Liu Tianfeng was also worried. He was really worried that Chu Yan would regret his marriage because of Su Muyan.

But Chu Yan suddenly sighed: "I'm not a girl, marriage is a big deal, that... that, it's just a child's play, don't you think? Let me tell you, you don't understand me, I am a very bad person, I On the first level of the mortal realm, with a star in my life, I was born a top-notch waste. Let me tell you, I have never seen anyone worse than me in this life. Moreover, I don’t have the ambition to make progress. Yes, I have the ambition to make progress. , I am a waste and I am proud. Sincerely, if you marry me, you will definitely regret it, and your father will also regret it. Just let me go!"


Everyone was speechless for a while, and everyone was shocked. To be honest, they had never seen someone humiliate themselves to death just to regret their marriage.

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