Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1176 Mysterious Woman

"Boom!" The terrifying sky-curtain sword descended and all struck Chu Yan.

"No..." Qingyi Jade's face turned pale for a while, not only her, but also Liu Qingcheng, Ye Xun and others. Is this the Wushuang Realm?

Just at the beginning, they killed two people, even Chu Yan died?

"Bastard!" Yun Qiutian roared. Although Chu Yan was dead, he had broken his arm. This was definitely a shame for him. In the future, he would never be able to hold a sword again.

"Kill them!" Yun Qiutian's eyes turned cold and he lowered his head to look at Liu Qingcheng and his party.

Prince Changyun frowned, and he was also frightened. Did that peerless genius die like this?

But at this time, he did not dare to be careless and winked at Marquis Donghuang. The two of them stepped forward and protected everyone with fairy light.

"Let's go!" Donghuang Hou shouted in a low voice, and he and Changyun Prince flew towards the distance very quickly.

"Ah!" Xiaolang stayed there, looking at the place where Chu Yan was killed, his eyes red. He raised his head angrily and looked at Yun Qiutian and others: "Revenge, I must take revenge!"

"Kill this evil beast first!" Yun Qiutian snorted coldly, feeling the hatred of the little wolf towards him. His terrifying eyes flashed, and he saw countless terrifying talismans falling towards the little wolf.

"Boom!" But almost at the same time, several terrifying auras descended from the sky, and a huge body was seen walking out from the end of the void passage. Among them was a Kui Niu, like a mountain, the top immortal, with one eye. As big as the sun, a terrifying demonic energy locked directly on Yun Qiutian.

"Do you want to die?" Huge Kui Niu shouted, and then he stepped hard with one foot. With a bang, a terrible force burst out and hit Yun Qiutian's body, making him pale. There was a pop and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Where were you already!" Little Wolf turned back to look at the big monsters and roared.

Kui Niu and the other big demons also felt helpless: "Young Master, there are countless sockets in the space-time channel, and we just got here."

"Now, I want you to help me kill them." Xiaolang said with red eyes and spoke directly.

Hearing this, Yun Qiutian's face changed slightly. The opponent was a top demon king. If he wanted to take action, he thought he was invincible and immediately said: "Everyone, this is the Wushuang Realm, and my brother is also in it. If you kill me, How can you monsters survive in this Wushuang Realm?"

The top Kui Niu frowned slightly, Yun Qiu, even if he was born in the demon world, had heard that it was very strong, so he knew that Yun Qiutian was right.

"Let's go." Yun Qiutian saw Kui Niu thinking and immediately said to the people behind him. Although he killed Wangfeng and Chu Yan in this battle, he suffered great losses. Although he believed that with his brother's name, these monsters The beast didn't dare to mess around, but the opponent was a group of evil beasts. Only one knows whether they would act according to common sense. If they really wanted to kill him, it wouldn't be worth dying here.

Everyone in the towering Taoist temple focused their eyes and immediately followed Yun Qiutian away.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolang felt even more hateful. He turned around and looked at Kui Niu coldly.

Feeling that look, Top Kui Niu also felt helpless. He was the strongest person in this generation of the Monster Clan, so he had to consider the Monster Clan. It was easy to kill Yun Qiutian, but it would definitely anger the Yun family. Bit, when the time comes, he will be fine, but what about the other little demons?

Since the ancient war, the demon world has been suppressed by the fairy realm. In this generation, it is difficult to find Xiaolang, and he must protect Xiaolang.


Wangfeng and Chu Yan were killed by Yun Qiutian in the Time Passage, and everyone in the world witnessed it.

Because of this, Qing Yi and others were in despair. Although there had been news of Chu Yan's death in the past, most of them were rumors. Only this time, they saw it with their own eyes, so how could they not believe it?

Some people also lamented, is this the Wushuang Realm, the burial place of geniuses? It has just begun, and someone has died.

"It's not surprising that he died. He dared to enter the Wushuang Realm in the Immortal Realm. He was extremely stupid." Someone said sarcastically.

However, Wushuang Realm is a symbol of a great era. Chu Yan's death was quickly buried, and more people were looking for the exit of the time and space passage.

As they continued to move forward, some people began to successfully walk out of the time and space channel. A top immortal discovered that the time channel itself had no exit.

The exit is in people’s hearts.

People started to leave one after another.

On this day, Yun Qiu Tian was trying his best to realize that many people around him had left the time passage, but he had never been there. Only because his arm was broken by Chu Yan made him furious, and he began to... Twisted by the undead.

"Get away!" Yun Qiutian roared crazily in his heart. At this moment, he was suffering from all kinds of pain.

"A mere undead soul wants to twist my will?" Yun Qiutian roared, his facial features distorted, and the immortal power in his body flew wildly, but it was completely useless. The undead souls directly attacked his soul, making it difficult for him to compete.

At this moment, a charming woman walked in front of him. She was dressed in white and had a graceful figure, like a graceful fairy. She walked towards Yun Qiutian very lightly with every step she took.

Yun Qiutian also felt something. He raised his head and saw a look of confusion on the woman's face.

"Burning Sky Holy Sect?" Yun Qiutian frowned. He recognized the woman's clothes. She was also from the Immortal Realm, but he couldn't figure it out. He should have no interaction with Burning Sky Holy Sect.

The woman ignored him and continued walking forward.

"What are you going to do?" Yun Qiutian was alert, but at this moment he was bound by the undead, his immortal power was blocked, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"A person who can't even resist the undead doesn't deserve to live." The woman walked in front of Yun Choutian, her voice was cold, and then she raised her slender jade hand, which turned into a blazing flaming sword, aimed at Yun Choutian's chest, and stabbed it directly.

The piercing pain surged, and Yun Choutian looked at the sword in his heart, full of disbelief.

He couldn't figure out when he had offended the people of the Burning Heaven Holy Sect.

Why did the other party want to kill him.

"Why?" Yun Choutian asked with great pain and unwillingness. He was the pride of the Yun family, and now, it happened that the Wushuang Realm was opened. In his memory, he and his brother should have become famous in all directions and unified the fairyland in the future. He even imagined that the era of two kings in the language was him and his brother.

Although he also understood that this might be his own delusion, his senior brother would definitely be able to do it. Even if he didn't become a king, he would at least be a fairy emperor and respected by people. However, at this moment, everything became false, and he was going to die.

"You shouldn't have killed him!" The woman's eyes were cold, leaving only one sentence, then she let go, leaving the flaming sword in Yunchoutian's body, turned around and left, with a faint tear in her beautiful eyes.

Looking at the back, Yunchoutian's pupils shrank. He shouldn't have killed him. Who is he? Chu Yan?

But when did Chu Yan have anything to do with the Burning Heaven Holy Sect?

The woman just now was wearing the clothes of the Holy Maiden of the Burning Heaven Holy Sect, right?

At the last moment, he would not be wrong. She was crying, but who was she crying for?

However, he didn't know all this. As the flaming sword burned, his body disintegrated bit by bit. He lowered his head and saw his body disappearing and disintegrating inch by inch. He tried desperately to stop it, but he couldn't do it at all.

Yunchoutian, dead?

This news immediately spread wildly in the Wushuang Realm, causing great fluctuations.

In the Wushuang Realm, after passing through the time channel, this was originally an extremely vast space, like an independent world.

On this day, on a mountain in this world, there was a young man sitting cross-legged, with lightning and thunder all around him, and heavy rain falling.

However, the place where the young man was was extremely quiet, as if no invasion was allowed in the place where he was, even the way of heaven had to make way for him.

Just at this time, a group of people in the distance walked on the void and stopped a thousand meters away from the mountain. Looking at the field of lightning and thunder in front of them, they couldn't help but stop, showing a trace of fear, and dared not move forward.

But their faces were extremely heavy.

"What's going on?" The young man had been sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain. This thousand-meter area was his area. When several people came, he naturally knew it.

"Master Qiu Tian... may have died." Suddenly someone spoke.

The young man was Yun Qiu. Hearing the man's words, the lightning within a thousand meters became sharper, like countless sharp swords, fighting everything.

Several elders of the Cantian Taoist Temple felt the power of lightning, and their eyes shrank. Logically speaking, they were all elders of the Cantian Taoist Temple, and their seniority was higher than Yun Qiu, but now, in front of Yun Qiu, they did not feel superior at all, but showed more respect, just because of their strength.

Yun Qiu's strength was too strong. Although he was also a top-level immortal, his combat power had reached the extreme at this level, and there were not many people who could look down on him.

According to the words of the Cantian Taoist, Yun Qiu would definitely become a generation of holy lords and become his descendants.

"Who did it?" Yun Qiu whispered, and the thunder roared. Although Yun Choutian was a little naughty and too arrogant, he understood all this, but he never said anything, just because Yun Choutian was his younger brother. Even if he did something wrong and offended some people, who would dare to kill him?

"People from the Burning Heaven Holy Sect." The Cantian Taoist Temple became serious. In fact, they were also very confused. Why would the Burning Heaven Holy Sect attack Yun Choutian?

"It is said that she is the new Saintess." Someone else added.

Yun Qiu's eyes became colder. The Saintess of Burning Heaven Holy Sect, what a big title.

"Young Master Yun, Burning Heaven Holy Sect is the upper fairyland, with the Saint Emperor in charge. What do you think about this matter... should we find a chance to explain it?" Someone advised. In terms of the status of the fairyland, Cantian Taoist Temple is not as good as Burning Heaven Holy Sect.

"Explain?" Yun Qiu's eyes turned cold and locked onto the man: "You mean, my brother died, and then you asked me not to take revenge, but to seek peace with Burning Heaven Holy Sect?"

"I..." The man and Yun Qiu looked at each other across a thousand meters, but felt his body cold, as if he was frozen. He lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

"Since it is said that a great era has arrived, then what about the Saint Emperor? Killing Qiu Tian still requires some price."

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