Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1177 Wushuang Mansion [Three Updates]

Wushuang Realm, a very dark place.

When the Sky Curtain Sword descended, Chu Yan thought he was dead. He was sorry that he failed to kill Yun Chou Tian.

Fortunately, he still had a true self outside, so he did not perish.

However, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the chaotic land around him, and his heart beat wildly.

"I am not dead?" Chu Yan murmured alone. He was sure that he was still his original body, and this was not the underworld, because he found that all his power was still there, including the evil sword lying on the ground beside him.

Realizing this, Chu Yan was very surprised, and then he looked up suddenly, only to see a huge mansion floating above this space.

There was a golden plaque above the mansion, with three words engraved on it, Wushuang Mansion.

"Wushuang Mansion?" Chu Yan's body trembled slightly. According to the understanding of the people in the fairyland, Wushuang Realm is a secret realm born from the power of heaven and earth.

But now, Chu Yan saw a mansion here, which was not logical.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan had a bold idea, that is, the so-called Wushuang Realm was not created by heaven and earth, but was created by humans. Once in the fairyland, someone created the Wushuang Realm.

But if this is true, how strong would that person be?

You know, the size of the Wushuang Realm is countless times larger than an ordinary fairyland. Such a huge world was created by one person?

"Boy, come in!" Just at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from the mansion and fell into Chu Yan's ears.

Chu Yan's eyes condensed. There really is someone, so is what he guessed true?

Thinking of this, he did not dare to be careless. He jumped into the air and flew into the Wushuang Mansion. As soon as he entered the Wushuang Mansion, he found that the space of this mansion was even larger than he imagined, and in the mansion, not only was he alone, but it was full of people.

"Brother!" At this moment, an excited shout suddenly came from a distance. Chu Yan turned his head and saw Wang Feng's clean smile, trying to wave at him.

"Wang Feng!" Chu Yan was surprised: "What happened?"

"I don't know either. I thought I was dead at that time. Who knew that I would wake up here. Later, a voice sent me here. Brother, why are you here too?" Wang Feng asked. Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and then described everything that happened after Wang Feng's death.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Wang Feng's heart became more nervous and full of guilt.

"Don't blame you. Even without you, I and Cantian Taoist Temple are deadly enemies." Chu Yan smiled and shook his head, then looked at the Wushuang Mansion and said: "This Wushuang Mansion seems to be part of the Wushuang Realm, but the entrance is slightly special. Only those who died in the time channel can reach here."

"It should be. I just asked a few people, and they were all people who died in the time channel."

"It seems that the time channel is not as simple as we thought." Chu Yan nodded. It seems that there are two major entrances to the Wushuang Realm, one is a conventional breakthrough, and the other is here.

At this moment, a figure suddenly stepped into the Wushuang Mansion. Chu Yan and Wang Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, and a terrible cold light flashed across them.

"Yun Chou Tian!"

Like Chu Yan and the others, Yun Chou Tian also came to Wushuang Mansion after his death, and one of his broken arms was also restored, which further proved what Chu Yan thought.

In fact, they in the time channel were not the real bodies at all, but just a thought. They should have encountered an illusion when they passed through the time gate of Wushuang Realm. Everything that happened was fake.

But there were countless of them, even top-level immortals, but no one could solve the illusion. It can be imagined how powerful the person who cast the illusion was.

There was only one thing Chu Yan couldn't figure out, who killed Yun Chou Tian.

Yun Chou Tian also saw the two people, and his murderous intent bloomed without concealment. He thought he was dead, but now he is still alive, but even so, the sword that day was a shame, all thanks to Chu Yan.

"If the sky doesn't die, then meeting here will be your death!" Yunchoutian shouted coldly, and many people around him showed interesting expressions. Yunchoutian was also killed, and he had a grudge with these two people in the immortal realm.

Chu Yan frowned and became alert. He didn't die in the time channel, but he couldn't guarantee that he would really die after dying here.

"You'd better not mess around, otherwise, I will launch a sword, and you will not die, but you will still have an arm cut off!"

"Do you think that trick will work on me the second time?" Yunchoutian smiled sarcastically. Last time, he underestimated the enemy and was cut off his arm, but now he has seen that trick. If he fights again, will he lose as an intermediate immortal?

"Interesting." A young man next to him also laughed. This person is a genius of the Tianyun Holy Country. He was killed by a joint attack because of his murderous nature. His name is Wang Nie, and he is in the intermediate immortal realm.

Seeing Yunchoutian take a step forward, Chu Yan's face darkened. With a wave of his hand, the evil sword glowed with demonic light. Wangfeng also took out the magic gun and prepared to fight.

"You are not dead, do you want to die now?" At this moment, a shocking voice suddenly came from the mansion, which made everyone look serious.

Yunchoutian's talisman also stiffened. Looking up, he saw a figure floating in the sky above the clouds. It was very ethereal and gave people an unreal feeling.

But everyone understood that this person should be the owner of Wushuang Mansion.

"Senior, he wants to kill me." Chu Yan spoke at the first time. Yunchoutian's face darkened and glared at Chu Yan, but when he wanted to speak, he found that a cold gaze was locked on him, making him dare not say more.

"Hmph, I'll give you a chance to live. It seems that you don't realize the value of life. In this case, if you want to die, I'll grant you your wish." The ethereal shadow snorted coldly, and then he waved his hand, and suddenly a piece of azure space appeared in Wushuang Mansion.

"This door is to return to Wushuang Realm. Now, you can form a team by yourself, two people in a group, and only one group can get out alive." The voice sounded again, and everyone's eyes changed. Some people flashed a gleam, and some people became gloomy.

A big fight? Only one group can get out alive?

Chu Yan's face also sank suddenly. If the realm was equal, he would naturally have absolute confidence and was not afraid. But now, there are both intermediate and top immortals in Wushuang Mansion. For him, this battle has no chance of winning.

Yunchoutian looked at Chu Yan and showed a cold light. As for his own realm, he didn't care. There was also a top immortal from Cantian Taoist Temple here. When they formed a team, he had an absolute advantage.

"Haha, what a great Wushuang Mansion, but it's just a fraud!" Chu Yan suddenly cursed, and everyone was stunned.

The Misty Shadow also lowered his head and looked at Chu Yan: "What did you say?"

"I said the so-called Wushuang Mansion is just a name." Chu Yan repeated again, and said loudly: "Since the senior has gathered all of us together, so that only one group of people can go out alive, but in the end, the realms here are different. I am only in the realm of immortals, and they are all immortals. There is no fairness at all. How can we fight? In this case, why don't you just say whoever you want to leave alive, then let them leave? Such a ceremony seems even more hypocritical."

"You question me?" The Misty Shadow frowned and said unhappily.

"I am below this level, and people have little say. How dare I question the senior? It's just ridiculous. People in the world regard Wushuang Realm as a fair place. We come here to train, but I didn't expect that the owner of Wushuang Realm is such a ridiculous person." Chu Yan continued, and he was very nervous. He could feel an extremely good aura from the ethereal person, which might reach a terrible level. If the other party gets angry, he might be able to slap him to death with a slap.

Chu Yan's guess was right. The ethereal person was indeed angry, but suddenly laughed again.

"You are only in the Immortal Realm, and Wushuang Realm is not open to you. The fact that you can come in proves that you have good talent. However, do you think that if you are at the same level as them, you can win?" The voice of the ethereal person sounded like thunder.

"Yes!" Chu Yan looked at the ethereal shadow and said proudly.

"Haha, you are so arrogant. In this case, I will give you a chance. In the next battle, I will suppress all of their realms and reduce them to the immortal status." After the ethereal man finished speaking, the faces of the people in Wushuang Mansion sank, especially those who were in a high realm. They originally had an absolute advantage, but once their realm was suppressed, it would be negligible.

Chu Yan was also surprised. His previous words were used to deliberately provoke, but he didn't expect it to work.

"I agree to your request, but if you win this battle, I will let you go. If you fail, there are still many friends of yours in Wushuang Realm, right? They will all die." The ethereal man snorted coldly. Dare to question yourself, then fine, I will give you this opportunity, but similarly, if you fail, you will also have to bear the price.

Chu Yan's eyes shrank, revealing a hint of anger. The other party actually tied up the lives of the rest of the people with this battle.

But Chu Yan was not allowed to refute at all. The ethereal man waved his hand, and the whole mansion sank, and the terrible rule power was born.

Chu Yan himself was a top-level immortal, so he didn't feel much, but the faces of those immortal masters were gloomy. They only felt as if someone had planted a huge lock in their bodies, sealing most of their power and pressing their realm back to the realm of immortals.

"He made this request. If you want to blame someone, blame him. Next, unless there are two people left, you will be trapped here forever." The ethereal voice repeated it again, and his figure became more and more dull and gradually disappeared.

However, when Chu Yan heard the last sentence, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: Bastard, and then he didn't have time to think about it, and saw that many eyes were all looking at him.

Especially those powerful people who were at the top level of immortals, one of them took a step and walked towards Chu Yan. Seeing this scene, Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and became alert.

Although everyone was suppressed to the immortal realm, Chu Yan understood that this battle was different from usual ones. Except for him and Wang Feng, the rest of the immortals were not ordinary ones. They were immortals with immortal consciousness and mastery of the way of heaven. They were even stronger than some of the primary immortals he had defeated in the past.

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