Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1175: Battle Cloud and Chou Tian

"Bang!" Along with the loud explosion of thousands of sword lights, Wangfeng's body turned into countless fragments and disappeared, being destroyed by the sword lights.

This sword came so fast that everyone's hearts hurt, and they had no time to react.

Chu Yan's eyes turned red instantly. The sword didn't feel like it was stabbing Wangfeng, but more like it was stabbing into his heart. Thousands of arrows pierced his heart, causing extreme pain.

In his mind, he could still vaguely see Wangfeng's last clean smile and the way he opened his hands.

"Senior brother, my name is Wangfeng!"

"Senior brother, I admire you so much. I will definitely work hard to practice in the future."

"My biggest dream in Wangfeng's life is to be able to travel the world together with my senior brother. I will work hard for this!"

The familiar voice was still vaguely in my ears, and no matter what time, there was always a clean smiling face, but with the fall of the sword, everything disappeared.

Ye Xun and Wangfeng were Chu Yan's best brothers. They had practiced together since the mortal world. How many times had Wangfeng fought for him until his whole body bled? But just now, a sword fell and he disappeared? he died?

"Wangfeng!!!" Chu Yan roared, raised his head sharply, and looked at the people in the towering Taoist temple, his eyes were red, like wild beasts.

Ye Xun was also there. He was extremely angry and his body was trembling. Along the way, the three brothers had experienced too much, and the terrifying fairy light in their bodies was lingering and blooming.

Being locked by several eyes, the people in the towering Taoist temple were very calm. Yun Qiutian stood with a smile and didn't think anything was wrong.

The one controlled by the undead deserves to be executed. What makes him regretful is that the person controlled by the undead is not Chu Yan. Otherwise, he would have killed Chu Yan with that sword just now. Now he wants to take action. Prince Changyun and others Definitely not watching.

"You shouldn't kill him!" Chu Yan raised his head and let out a low roar.

"There is nothing wrong with it. In the way of time, there are evil undead. This son has a weak will and is controlled by the undead. Even if I don't kill him, he will sooner or later turn into a murderous demon." The man from the towering Taoist temple said easily. , Wangfeng is not the first person on this road to be controlled by the dead soul.

Chu Yan didn't respond and stood up. His soul was also hurt, but now, it didn't matter. He stood up and walked towards Yun Qiutian.

Seeing this scene, Yun Qiutian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Boy, although the saint told me that I must kill you in the Wushuang Realm, but now in the road of time, you are not controlled by the dead souls, so I can temporarily save your life. , if you continue to persist in your stubbornness, don’t blame me.”

"Boy Chu!" Marquis Changyun frowned. There were many top immortals in the towering Taoist temple. If they took action, they might not have an advantage.

"I said, you shouldn't kill him!" Chu Yan repeated, his voice was extremely cold, and with a buzz, there was a terrifying sword light burning in his body.

Yun Qiutian's eyes narrowed and he smiled sarcastically: "You'd better think it over carefully. I won't kill you just because the way of time is weird now. If you keep one more person, you will have more chances to pass."

"Whoosh!" Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot and flew out fiercely. As soon as it entered the air, he directly launched the evil sword. The opponent was an intermediate immortal. For him, it was still a lot of pressure. Although he had understood a lot This kind of consciousness, but because he has not merged with the Immortal Lord, his consciousness cannot integrate with the way of heaven. It is barely possible to collide with the Junior Immortal Lord, but it is absolutely impossible for him to win the Intermediate Immortal Lord on his own.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this, Yun Qiutian smiled sarcastically. He didn't want to kill Chu Yan now, but he didn't want to kill Chu Yan, but he didn't mind fulfilling his wish.

"Destroy!" The sword in Yun Qiutian's hand flipped around, leaving sword shadows in the void. Those sword shadows were like heavy rain, floating left and right, clanking, buzzing, and penetrating directly, swallowing Chu Yan directly. .

"Chu Yan!" Everyone said worriedly. Prince Changyun frowned and took a step forward. But almost at the same time, the Immortal Lord from the Towering Taoist Temple also stepped out. The terrifying pressure of the Immortal Lord collided with Prince Changyun. .

The shadows of the swords in the sky turned into the shadows of dragons and phoenixes, crossing each other and destroying everything.

Chu Yan fell into it and felt like his whole body was being torn apart.

But he let out a low cry, suddenly stretched out a hand, grabbed the sharp edge of the evil sword, and swiped hard, and bright red blood flowed on the blade.

"Buzz!" The evil sword drank blood and his ears rang, as if a sleeping dragon had awakened. The terrifying sword intent roared continuously. At this moment, Yun Qiutian's sword shadow became ethereal, trembling constantly, and he did not dare to face the enemy. Chu Yan approaches.

"What a powerful sword!" Yun Qiutian stared at the evil sword with a hint of greed. He is from the Yun family of the towering Taoist temple. There are countless magic weapons. However, the magic weapons are all dead and have no spirit. As the level increases, , they will be gradually eliminated, otherwise keeping them will only constrain themselves.

But he discovered that Chu Yan's evil sword was different in that it had a sword spirit. This meant that this sword could improve and grow with the strength of the user.

"Today, you will die, and I want this sword too!" Yun Qiutian said contemptuously.

"Let's see if you have that ability." Chu Yan roared, and the evil sword drank blood, staining the sky red. Wangfeng's death made him almost crazy. He held the sword in both hands, and the terrifying sword energy kept slashing down.

Yun Qiutian also cultivated the sword and used the technique of talisman to carve the shadow of the sword into the talisman. When the talisman exploded, all kinds of magic were formed.

Many people leaped over from a distance, and they all showed interesting expressions when they saw this scene.

"An immortal is fighting against an intermediate immortal. He doesn't know whether to live or die." Han Feiyu also arrived and said coldly when he saw the collision between Chu Yan and Yun Qiutian.

"Han Feiyu, you are so shameless." Below, Yuqiong Xian'er raised her head slightly and said sarcastically: "Outside the Wushuang world, you ridiculed Mr. Chu, but you were humiliated, and now you dare to come forward."

"It's ridiculous. The power of the Immortal Realm is related to how much consciousness is comprehended? I have entered the Immortal Realm long ago and integrated the way of heaven with all my heart. Naturally, I will not waste time on consciousness comprehension. He has been staying in the Immortal Realm for more than ten years, concentrating on It’s normal for his consciousness to be stronger than mine, but there are so many Taoisms in the world. The more he comprehends his consciousness, the more he will be distracted. How powerful can he be at the Immortal Realm?” Han Feiyu said coldly.

"Thank you for saying such shameless words." Yu Qiong Xian'er snorted coldly. Outside the Wushuang Realm, the person who tested his consciousness was Han Feiyu. He lost, but he could still say such words?

"If he doesn't die in this battle, when he enters the Immortal realm, I will tell him that the power of the Immortal realm has nothing to do with consciousness, and let him understand what a genius is." Han Feiyu said coldly.

In the sky above, Chu Yan burned evil swords and bombed wildly. Yun Qiutian was not in a hurry. All kinds of terrible attacks came. Every time he struck, there was a terrible heavenly attack. He repeatedly fought against Chu Yan not just by one person, but by the entire world. The sky is like a sky.

"As expected of a descendant of the Yun family, Yun Qiutian's fusion of heaven and earth has reached the level of perfection." Someone praised.

Consciousness understanding and integration with the way of heaven are the two foundations of the Immortal Lord. Whether the Immortal Lord is strong or not has several major connections with these two points.

This is what Yun Qiutian is like now. His power is even stronger and has completely reached a limit.

"Whoosh!" At this moment, another terrifying sword light struck in the void, destroying everything. The sword light was extremely ethereal and looming, as if it was fused with the sky and kept pressing down.

"Yun's Sky Curtain Sword!" Someone else's heart trembled wildly.

"So strong. I'm afraid Chu Yan can't stop this sword."

"The immortal position is the immortal position after all, stupid." Han Feiyu said sarcastically.

Feeling the pressure of the sword shadow, Chu Yan raised his head fiercely. He also felt the terrifying light of the sword, but then he stepped on the sole of his foot, and a pair of golden wings bloomed behind him. Instead of avoiding, he actually stepped forward and actively attacked.

"Is he looking for death?"

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and Chu Yan felt a huge tremor all over his body. The sword light penetrated into his body, as if it was going to tear his whole body apart, making his will weak. There were still undead invading around him, but At this moment, he raised his head sharply, his eyes burning with scarlet flames.

"Kill the Immortal with one thought!" The next moment, Chu Yan roared, draining all the immortal power from his body and integrating it into the evil sword. With a bang, the evil sword expanded infinitely in his hand, and then formed a thousand-foot sword shadow. Break the sky and thrust straight out.

"Are you crazy?" Yun Qiutian's face also changed in surprise. He obviously did not expect that Chu Yan not only did not dodge under the Tianmu Sword, but actually took the initiative to strike.

He could feel that this sword contained all of Chu Yan's immortal power, so what else could he mean to resist his Tianmu Sword?

However, facing Yi Nian Zhu Xian, Yun Qiutian did not dare to be careless. He could feel that there was an aura of fear in the sword that made even him feel fear.

"Asshole, how can you unleash such a terrifying attack?" Yun Qiutian couldn't figure it out, but he quickly retreated. A large number of talismans floated around him, burned up, and turned into golden light to protect himself. But Zhu Xian was too strong with just one thought. , destroying everything, with a bang, the talisman defense shattered, and penetrated between his eyebrows.

Yun Qiutian's face changed in shock, and his body quickly turned sideways. The next moment, with a bang, the sword light struck him. Although he escaped the fatal injury at the last moment, the sword light still struck him, and with a click, his There was a heartbreaking pain in his right hand. The sword light penetrated from his shoulder and one of his arms flew directly into the air.

"Ah..." Yun Qiutian screamed, stopped behind him, and covered the wound with one hand. He was a sword cultivator, but at this time, his sword-holding hand was cut off.

Seeing this scene, countless people felt chilled. An immortal struck with all his strength and cut off one of Yun Qiutian's hands.

But immediately, everyone became indifferent. Chu Yan's last blow with all his strength was indeed terrifying, but after this blow, how could he resist the Tianmu Sword Jue.

His cold eyes passed through the sky, and he saw that Yun Qiutian was not dead, but only had one of his arms cut off. Chu Yan was unwilling to accept it, but the sword just now hollowed out all his strength. He laughed at himself, but in the end, he still couldn't change. What, he didn't resist, and let the Heavenly Curtain Sword destroy him.

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