Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1174: Soulless Road [3rd update]

After the Wushuang Realm was opened, Chu Yan and Han Feiyu were just a small episode. Afterwards, no one paid attention to them.

There were also people who continued to step out and challenge the Wushuang Realm. Some people failed the first time, adjusted their state, and successfully entered the second time.

As the number of challengers increased, more and more people entered the Wushuang Realm, and there were many outstanding people among them.

For example, Gongsun Mu, his entry into the Wushuang Realm was not as sensational as the others. On the contrary, he was frighteningly calm. He just stepped into the time gate like that, which made everyone feel a little shocked.

"As expected of the strongest genius of this generation of Gongsun family, he has completely integrated his consciousness with himself, so there is no need to actively release it. The consciousness is in his heart and he directly enters the Wushuang Realm."

"The one from Ziling Mountain has also entered." A ray of light flashed, and a young man stepped out of Ziling Mountain. Like Gongsun Mu, he did not cause any ripples. For people like them, the Wushuang Realm seemed to have no obstacles at all and they could enter at will.

"It seems that there are quite a few strong people in the Wushuang Realm this time." At this time, Wang Feng also passed the test. He only gained one consciousness, the consciousness of the devil, but his consciousness was so pure that even the Supreme Demon Emperor praised him.

Then came Ye Xun, Qingyi, Liu Qingcheng, and Yuqiong Xian'er. They passed one by one. Among them, Qingyi's consciousness was the strongest, the consciousness of wood, and could transform into the Eternal Green Peak, which was extremely powerful.

Ye Xun comprehended two kinds of consciousness, one of which was the spatial consciousness that he was best at, and the other was the consciousness of the gun, which complemented each other.

Yuqiong Xian'er was more special. She had the consciousness of ten thousand soldiers. There were many people who comprehended consciousness with weapons, such as Chu Yan, who had the consciousness of the sword and comprehended the sword's intention and sword's heart, and Ye Xun's consciousness of the gun.

But hers was the consciousness of ten thousand soldiers. Within her consciousness, she could control all the magic weapons. There was also a consciousness of the fairy pattern.

"As expected of a descendant of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion, it is rumored that the first generation Pavilion Master of Yuqiong Xian Pavilion was famous in the Xianyu Realm for her Xianwen. Every generation of her descendants must practice Xianwen." Someone exclaimed, the first Xian Pavilion in the Xianyu Realm is not in vain.

Liu Qingcheng's ice consciousness also caused some uproar. First, ice consciousness is extremely rare. Second, the method practiced by Tianhua Xiandi is not ice magic, and Lei Ting Xiandi is not either. People can't help but be curious about where Liu Qingcheng's consciousness comes from.

"That ancient clan seems to be famous for ice magic, right?" Zilingshan Zidi frowned and thought to himself.

In addition, Chen Le was embarrassed. He failed. Although he also comprehended consciousness, it was only a common consciousness and was repelled by the strong light of Wushuang Realm.

This made Chen Le speechless, and the faces of many elders of Xuantian Sect turned black. If it were normal, it would not be shameful for an immortal to fail to enter the Wushuang Realm. The key point is that this year is special. Chu Yan and his group are all immortals, and they all succeeded, only Chen Le failed.

"It's over, Brother Chu, it seems that this Lele can't accompany you to the Wushuang Realm." Chen Le said frustratedly.

"Lele, practice well and wait for us to come back." Chu Yan comforted him. The Wushuang Realm has its own rules. Chen Le is not good enough, and he has no choice.

"Let's go." A top immortal of the Dragon Alliance spoke. So far, the assessment has basically ended. Among millions of people, only 10,000 people are finally qualified to enter the Wushuang Realm. This probability is embarrassing.

Chu Yan nodded. He passed the test, so it's time to go.

Han Feiyu never entered. He looked up at Chu Yan, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. Although he didn't think that Chu Yan's consciousness was more than his, he was stronger than him, but the scene just now had been lingering in his heart, like a curse.

"Fei Yu, the amount of consciousness you have comprehended doesn't mean anything. When you enter the Wushuang Realm, you will have more opportunities to show off, and there are also ruins of heaven and earth. When the time comes, as long as you take action, the world will understand that he is not worthy of being compared with you." A senior brother from Ziling Mountain advised. Han Fei Yu did not respond, but jumped into the air and flew into the path of time and space.


After entering the gate of time, it was not as everyone thought, directly coming to the Wushuang Realm, but on the contrary, it came to a deep blue time channel.

This channel seemed to have no end. The most important thing was that there was no distinction between the sun, the moon, and time here, which made it easy for people to get lost in it.

It was okay at the beginning. After all, except for Chu Yan and his group, all the people who entered the Wushuang Realm were immortals. After practicing to this point, their hearts were extremely strong.

But as they moved forward, their patience was limited and gradually worn away, and their hearts gradually became impetuous.

Finally, on this day, some people started to go crazy. The first one was a Tianjiao of Tianyun Holy Country. He lost his mind in this endless passage and turned around to kill the people around him, including some other people of Tianyun Holy Country.

In addition to him, many people went crazy.

Some people became bloodthirsty demons, and some people who were greedy for beauty began to attack women crazily, plundering them by force, and practicing evil methods.

But all the crazy people have one characteristic, that is, their temperaments have changed drastically, as if they have lost their memories, and they are completely different.

On this day, Wangfeng's face began to be abnormal, sometimes gloomy, sometimes pale, and his facial features were slightly distorted.

"Wangfeng!" Seeing Wangfeng's appearance, Chu Yan frowned, stepped forward, and pressed Wangfeng's shoulders, but the next moment, Wangfeng suddenly had a terrifying breath burst out of his body, like a fierce demon, revealing a pair of hideous fangs, and roared at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan reacted very quickly and took a step back, but in the next second, Wang Feng lay dormant and pounced on him like a ghost, with the nails on both hands extending infinitely like a demonic beast.

"What's going on?" Seeing Wang Feng's strangeness, Ye Xun also frowned.

"There is a residual soul in this time channel." Chu Yan stared at Wang Feng and suddenly thought of someone, Leng Yaoming.

At the beginning, Leng Yaoming parasitized a person in the form of a residual soul, causing him to lose his mind, just like Wang Feng's current state.

"Wang Feng, calm down, don't let others erode your will." Chu Yan shouted again, and then he waved his hands continuously, carving a formation in the void, trying to imprison Wang Feng in it and prevent him from losing himself.

"Master, senior brother, kill me!" Wang Feng's face was distorted, as if countless faces were changing, each one was different, some were extremely violent, some were in tears, extremely sad, and there were also evil people, who could only barely say a word when they turned back to their own appearance.

Chu Yan's eyes were as cold as ice. He had roughly guessed that this time channel should be a closed world that made the dead souls unable to leave. The souls that invaded Wang Feng's body at the moment were probably the souls of the strong dead who fell in the last Wushuang Realm.

Their souls were trapped here for generations, unable to transcend, and their lives were worse than death.

Now they came in, and these dead souls wanted to take over the body.

"Everyone be careful and protect your soul." After Chu Yan figured it out, he first shouted to everyone.

At this moment, the air became violent. It seemed that because of Chu Yan's words, those originally scattered dead souls gathered together and suddenly turned into a terrible force, which was extremely ethereal, but real. The next moment, the force flashed wildly and bombarded Chu Yan.

In just a moment, Chu Yan felt his soul tremble, as if it was torn apart by ten thousand blades, and suffered a heart-piercing pain.

"Chu Yan!"

"Fool!" Everyone said anxiously, but just as they were about to step forward, countless dead souls swept up the wind and attacked them strongly.

"Don't go forward!" The powerful men such as Changyun Wanghou frowned. They were top-level immortals with stronger minds, so they would not be invaded for the time being, but they could do nothing to those dead souls.

Chu Yan's face turned pale when his soul was attacked, but he sealed himself in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and he could maintain himself for a while, so as not to be controlled by the dead souls.

"You seniors died here, and I feel sorry for you, but even if you take over the body, you can't survive. Why is that?" Chu Yan whispered to the void.

However, there was no response, and those dead souls were still raging wildly.

"Looking for the wind, control yourself." Chu Yan transmitted again, anxious, is this the Wushuang Realm? It's too terrible. Just this first time channel alone makes them unable to deal with it.

"Hmph, he can't even deal with a group of dead souls. What's the point of living for such a person?" Just at this moment, a cold shout suddenly came, and a silver light suddenly broke through the sky from the sky, and turned into a sword light of ten thousand feet, breaking through all illusions and stabbing towards Wangfeng.

"No!" Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's heart was extremely cold. He dragged his injured body and leaped out in one step. He stretched out his hand, sacrificed the evil sword, and chopped down the sword light of ten thousand feet.

"Bang!" The two sword beams collided, and Chu Yan felt his palm numb for a while, and his body flew out with a thud, spitting out blood.

The person who made the move was an intermediate immortal, who was much higher than Chu Yan after all. Even with the blessing of the evil sword, it was difficult to defeat him.

Chu Yan fell to the ground and looked up suddenly. He saw that the sword light of ten thousand feet was still continuing outside the void, tearing through all time like it would never stop, and piercing towards Wangfeng.

"Boom!" The sword light descended in full view of the crowd. Everyone saw with their own eyes that the sword tore Wang Feng's body into pieces, and all the black ghosts disappeared. Finally, Wang Feng regained his refreshing face, with a red blood stain at the corner of his mouth.

He stood there, looking at Chu Yan from a distance, grinning. He opened his arms, as if he wanted to hug Chu Yan again, but he didn't give him a chance. His body disintegrated under the sword light until it finally disappeared without a trace.

"No!" Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared like a beast.

Qingyi, Liu Qingcheng, Yuqiong Xian'er and other women were all shocked, covering their mouths with slender jade hands, in disbelief and despair.

Changyun Wanghou and others were also angry. They looked up and looked into the distance, and saw a group of figures walking in the air, wearing white Taoist robes, all disciples of the Cantian Taoist Temple.

"Can the Cantian Taoist Temple kill people so wantonly?"

"Killing a person controlled by a ghost is also a way to get rid of harm to the people." The clean-looking young man in the lead smiled calmly. This man, Yun Choutian, is also a genius of the Yun family and the younger brother of Yun Qiu.

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