Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1173: Strong slap in the face

"Wangfeng!" Chu Yan opened his mouth to stop him. Wangfeng turned around and looked at Chu Yan. He felt unhappy, but he still snorted coldly and said nothing.

Chu Yan took the initiative to look up at Han Feiyu and said with a calm smile: "You are right, everything is hypothetical. Maybe I will surpass you in the future, but now, your realm is indeed higher than mine."

After hearing this, Chu Yan showed an interesting look. Has Chu Yan given up?

Han Feiyu's face also softened, and he smiled: "The younger generations should learn lessons, so that they can live longer in the fairyland."

"But..." But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly smiled meaningfully: "Who do you think you are? You are so high-level that you deserve to be here to dictate? Are you a third-level Immortal Lord, are you great? In that case, my senior brother Immortal Emperor Realm, if you scold you, should you still thank my senior brother for teaching you? If so, I don’t mind letting my senior brother scold you.”

"You..." Han Feiyu's smile suddenly froze, the muscles on his face twitched, and a flash of fire flashed in his eyes.

"It's useless for you to look at me. Don't you think you are very talented? In that case, you have understood several consciousnesses, you might as well let me see." Chu Yan said indifferently. In front of the Wushuang Realm, he didn't want to cause trouble. After all, Han Feiyu was right in saying that his own level was too low.

In the Wushuang world, most people are from the older generation who became famous earlier than him and have practiced for more years. They have at least practiced for three hundred years like Han Feiyu. People like him who have practiced for a hundred years almost do not exist.

Therefore, he didn't want to cause trouble and attract too much attention, but now that Han Feiyu jumped out and humiliated Xiaolang, he couldn't bear it.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Han Feiyu's eyes became colder and he smiled: "You want to see my consciousness? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it after seeing it."

"Who can't speak arrogantly? I don't think you dare?" Wangfeng said sarcastically.

The people in Ziling Mountain all looked interesting. Han Feiyu was considered a talented disciple in Ziling Mountain. His level was not high, but his understanding of consciousness was extraordinary, even better than some of their senior brothers. Now there was actually a junior in the Immortal Realm. Don't know whether to live or die, and want to see his consciousness?

If you see it, won’t you feel inferior? How will I continue to practice in the future?

"Well, I didn't want to attract too much attention at first, but since you have this request, I will satisfy you so that you can know that you are really nothing in this world of immortals." Han Feiyu smiled lightly, even though he jumped, Flying towards the time gate high in the sky.

As soon as he entered the time gate, many eyes focused on him.

In the Immortal Realm, Han Feiyu's reputation is not small. Although he is only the third level of Immortal Master, it is almost impossible to obtain the name of Unparalleled in the Wushuang Realm this time, but this does not affect his extraordinary performance.

Now that you step through the door of time, you will naturally be taken seriously.

"It's not bad that I have the opportunity to witness the consciousness of a true genius in the Immortal Realm today." Many powerful men in the distance said with a smile.

Everyone on Ziling Mountain looked expectant. The Purple Saint Emperor was also there, looking at the Time Gate with a smile. Han Feiyu was a good disciple of his, not the best, but he was quite satisfied.

"The so-called consciousness is to integrate the way of heaven and seize the power of the sky for your own use. Unfortunately, you are only an immortal, so I am afraid you are not able to understand this level. Today I will show you my type of consciousness." Han Feiyu He smiled proudly, then waved his hand, and five ripples immediately appeared in front of the time gate, four of which were gold, brown, purple, and gray respectively, proving that they were color consciousness.

"There are five consciousnesses as soon as he takes action, and four of them are color consciousness. Han Feiyu is really extraordinary." In the distance, many geniuses showed a hint of shock.

"It is indeed rare. The most important thing is that now he is only the fourth level of Immortal Lord. As the realm breaks through, mortal consciousness may also have color."

Five consciousnesses bloomed, and the ripples of the Gate of Time gradually dispersed, putting a radiant gown on Han Feiyu's shoulders.

Obviously, with these five consciousnesses alone, Han Feiyu has obtained the qualification to enter the unparalleled world.

"When I was in the Immortal Realm, I concentrated on consciousness and realized that there are five kinds of awareness. Except for the first one, the other four are all color consciousness. These are the five kinds. Now that I have reached the Immortal Realm, I will spend more time on it. On top of integrating the way of heaven, I don't have much understanding of consciousness, but I also understand the three kinds of color consciousness." After Han Feiyu said this, he waved his hand, and there were three more rays of light, each one more brilliant, like a star. The light dispelled the darkness and moved many important figures.

"These three color consciousnesses are stronger than the previous four."

"Now do you understand the gap between me and you?" Seven kinds of consciousness bloomed, Han Feiyu smiled confidently, looking down from a high altitude, full of contempt, it felt as if Chu Yan was not worthy to compare with him. Same.

"It's over?" Looking at the eight consciousnesses and seven color consciousnesses, Chu Yan was not too moved, but spoke very calmly.

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then someone laughed even more jokingly: "Is this kid an idiot? With eight consciousnesses, even some top immortals can only do this."

"From the beginning, you boasted of being an experienced person, and your words were full of teachings, but in fact, you were showing off yourself and humiliating my friend. I thought you would be so great, but in the end, did you only understand eight kinds of consciousness? "Chu Yan said calmly and calmly.

"What a shameless statement!" After hearing this, everyone in Ziling Mountain looked ridiculous: "You are only in the realm of immortality, how can you make unreasonable judgments?"

"Can you comprehend more than Junior Brother Han?" A powerful Immortal Venerable whispered in the distance.

"He is a third-level Immortal Venerable, and I am only an Immortal. He practiced for three hundred years, and I only practiced for a hundred years." Chu Yan spoke slowly, which surprised everyone, but they were speechless, because what Chu Yan said was the truth.

"Hehe, in the end, you still use the time of practice as an excuse? In this case, even if you don't comprehend one consciousness, you can indeed say that you are stronger than Junior Brother Han, after all, you only practiced for a hundred years. However, even if you really practiced for three hundred years, you can comprehend eight consciousnesses?"

"Why do you need another two hundred years?" Chu Yan shook his head coldly: "I tell you, he practiced for three hundred years, and I only practiced for a hundred years. It's not an excuse. I just want to tell you that his practice of three hundred years is nothing. My practice of a hundred years is enough."

After speaking, Chu Yan stepped out and walked towards the gate of time and space alone. He stood there quietly, and saw a ripple of light, suppressing his body.

Chu Yan walked onto the stage, and the soul-destroying space became quiet and focused.

Including the Zilingshan disciples who had just questioned Chu Yan, although they did not think Chu Yan would be stronger than Han Feiyu, they also understood that an immortal who could kill Zi Shengyang ten years ago and practiced for another ten years was definitely not weak.

Moreover, many people in the Immortal Realm knew that Chu Yan had realized the consciousness of color many years ago, but they did not know how much he had improved in the past ten years.

Han Feiyu stepped aside and looked at him seriously. He always believed that he was the prodigy of this generation and would sooner or later become a figure like his two senior brothers.

"Buzz!" As the ripples penetrated into his body, Chu Yan's body trembled slightly, and then he closed his eyes, and various colors of light began to flash on his body, and then rushed out of his body like the sun, moon and stars.

Each of those rays of light was filled with terrible willpower, forming a unique domain. In some places, thousands of swords flew together, crossing the sky, and in some places, thunder and lightning destroyed everything. There were also thousands of trees growing, with infinite vitality, and the surging rivers merged into the sea. In the blink of an eye, seven kinds of color consciousness were formed.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart trembled wildly.

In terms of color, Chu Yan was no weaker than Han Feiyu.

"Buzz!" But the next moment, Chu Yan waved his hand again, and thousands of demons appeared above his head, turning into a domain of hell, which was full of countless demons.

"Eight kinds..."

"Just like Han Feiyu, eight kinds of consciousness, the key is that his eight consciousnesses are all color consciousness." Someone trembled.

In the distance, the Purple Sun Saint Emperor sitting on the dragon sedan also opened his eyes in vain, and his killing intent was deeper than ever. In the past ten years, Chu Yan's progress was more terrible than he imagined.

Immortal realm, eight kinds of color consciousness, which means that once Chu Yan enters the realm of immortal, no one in the same realm can defeat him, even if he is one or two realms higher than him, he has no advantage.

Han Feiyu's face became even more stiff. Yes, from the beginning, he was teaching in a tone, why? Isn't it because he is stronger?

If Chu Yan's talent is not as good as his, then everything he said is reasonable, a wise saying from the strong to the weak.

But now, Chu Yan has shown a better consciousness talent, so everything he said before sounds more like a joke.

"From the beginning to the end, you are arrogant and look down on me. I thought you were so great." Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, and he waved his arm, and a new consciousness field bloomed above the sky.

Everyone was shocked. Nine kinds, how many consciousnesses did Chu Yan comprehend?

Dragon Alliance and others, Emperor Huaqing, all showed fiery eyes at this moment.

Just based on everything Chu Yan showed today, it is enough to explain some problems.

"Into the Wushuang Realm, no matter what, you must protect him." Emperor Qingfeng told the Changyun Prince.

Similarly, the eyes of the people in the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Supreme Military Hall became fierce. The Cantian Taoist said grimly: "In the Wushuang Realm, kill this boy at all costs."

After releasing nine kinds of consciousness, Chu Yan did not continue. There were too many people present today. If it were not for Han Feiyu, he would not even release nine kinds. Now that he has won, there is no need to attract attention.

"I really don't know where people like you get the sense of superiority." Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, and then he jumped into the air and stood with Xiaolang. Only Han Feiyu was left, his face as pale as snow.

Logically speaking, he showed eight kinds of consciousness, which should be a genius, but because of the comparison with Chu Yan, he looked a little ridiculous.

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