Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1158: Commander of the Ten Thousand Army

With the magic wooden boat as a means of transportation, Chu Yan and his companions arrived at the Dragon Alliance camp at a very fast speed.

"Senior, we are here." After the last battle, the young man had more respect for Chu Yan and bowed.

Chu Yan looked down. In Brokeback City, the Dragon Alliance camp was not large, but it was also magnificent. Rows of buildings stood in rows, and strong men kept flying around. There were guards on all sides.

This camp was considered to be the weaker of the Dragon Alliance, because Brokeback City was not the main battlefield, but there were still 100,000 troops, including more than 1,000 immortal masters, all of which were controlled by a junior sword master of the Holy Dragon Alliance Sword Alliance. The Chen clan was the same, and there was also a junior immortal master sitting in charge.

"Senior, are you from the Dragon Alliance?" The young man asked curiously. After all, in Brokeback City, the situation of the Dragon Alliance was not good. On the contrary, the Chen clan was a little stronger. If Chu Yan was just a casual cultivator and wanted to join a battlefield to earn resources, the Chen clan would obviously have more advantages than the Dragon Alliance.

"I guess so, Qing Yang, I'm going to enter, what are your plans next?" On the way, Chu Yan learned the name of the young man, a native of Brokeback City, whose family was killed by the Chen clan, and a younger sister who was captured by the Chen clan and whose life and death are unknown.

"I have no relatives and no friends, only my younger sister is left and I don't know whether she is alive or dead. Although my realm is limited, I am also passionate. Can the senior help me to join the Dragon Alliance?"

"This is a military camp, and the war may start at any time. You are only in the Jun realm, have you thought it through?"

"Although my realm is low, the Chen clan is unrighteous. If I can kill one or two Chen clan disciples on the battlefield and do justice for the heaven, I will have no regrets in my life." Qing Yang said seriously.

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded, and then he waved his hand to put away the magic weapon wooden boat, and the two of them fell down and walked towards the Dragon Alliance camp.

In the camp, someone immediately saw Chu Yan and showed a touch of surprise.

"Stop." A guard immediately stepped forward to stop him. Chu Yan directly revealed the aura of a top-level immortal, which made many guards serious. The main immortal in this battlefield, the top immortal, is already a super strong.

"Who are you?" A guard asked seriously.

"What's going on?" Another strong man came from a distance, led by a handsome young man, who showed a hint of interest when he saw Chu Yan.

Not long ago, he was in Brokeback City. When Chu Yan killed the immortal of the Chen clan, he was beside him.

"Captain Zixuan, this person's origin is unknown, and he suddenly came to our Dragon Alliance camp." The guards showed respect when they saw the young man and retreated one after another.

The young man named Zixuan served as the captain of a thousand people in this camp. He also had the combat power of a top-level immortal and had a good status. He smiled and walked forward: "I know this person. Not long ago, he killed several immortals of the Chen clan in Brokeback City."

"Hiss——" Everyone took a breath of cold air. The Chen clan is stronger in this generation. This young man in front of them actually killed several immortals of the Chen clan?

"I saw you in Brokeback City and felt that you were righteous. What's your name?" Zixuan said with the intention of making friends.

"Chu Shanshi." Chu Yan used a pseudonym. The word Chu Yan had a great influence in the fairyland. Besides, he came here without showing off.

"So it's Brother Shanshi. Now you have offended the Chen clan in Brokeback City. I'm afraid it's not easy. If you don't mind, why don't you join our Dragon Alliance?" Zixuan invited. He had seen Chu Yan's combat power. Although he didn't know how deep it was, on this battlefield, having one more fairy would definitely be beneficial.

"I have the same idea. Brother, join me, too, okay?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

"Of course, what's your name, brother?"

"Qing Yang!"

"Okay, Brother Qing Yang, join my army in the future." Zixuan laughed heartily: "Come on, make arrangements for Brother Shan Shi and Brother Shan Shi."

Qing Yang was pleasantly surprised. Of course, he also understood that he was blessed by Chu Yan. Otherwise, with his monarch realm, he would not even be qualified to participate in the Dragon Alliance's conscription.

"Brother Shan Shi, there will be a banquet tonight. There will be many people participating. Why not go together?" Zixuan was very enthusiastic about Chu Yan, and Chu Yan nodded. He also wanted to understand the situation of this camp, so he agreed directly.

That night, many immortals came to the banquet, including some top immortals, all of whom served as captains of thousands of people. After listening to Zixuan's story about Chu Yan's experience, he praised Chu Yan.

"Brother Shan Shi is courageous. He directly killed several immortals of the Chen clan. It's enough to relieve his anger."

"Haha, I don't know how strong Brother Shan Shi is. If there is a chance, I would like to learn from him." There are also some people who are eager to try.

"There is a chance." Chu Yan refused. The first level of the immortal realm did not put any pressure on him. He was confident that no one in the immortal realm could beat him.

Fortunately, everyone was straightforward and did not embarrass Chu Yan. They just said a few more words of modesty to Chu Yan.

"Brother Zixuan, is the Sword Master in the camp?" Chu Yan asked. Zixuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter, Brother Chu, do you want to find the Sword Master for something?"

"It's true that there are some small things. I want Brother Zixuan to help introduce me." Chu Yan nodded and Zixuan smiled brightly, "That's no problem. Originally, the immortals joined, and they should be brought to meet the Sword Master, but today's banquet delayed it. Tomorrow, I will take you to meet the Sword Master."


Chu Yan nodded with a smile, and the banquet continued.


The next day, in the center of the camp, the temple.

In the hall, there are many precious swords hanging. In the center, there is a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged, feeling the sword spirit between heaven and earth.

Opposite the middle-aged man, Chu Yan was wearing white clothes and standing there quietly. He had been here for a while, but he saw that Sword Master was practicing and did not disturb him.

"I heard from Zixuan that you defeated several immortals of the Chen clan in Brokeback City yesterday. Is that true?" After a long time, the Sword Master slowly stood up, his eyes as sharp as his sword, as if he wanted to see through Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan stood there calmly, and those sword lights could not get close to his body.

"Senior, there is no need to test me. If I don't want to, you can't see through me."

Chu Yan smiled calmly, but at this time, the Sword Master's eyes became more focused. He had a feeling that even he couldn't see through Chu Yan. He hadn't felt this situation for a long time in the immortal realm.

"You should not be an ordinary person, right?"

"My name is Chu Yan." This time, Chu Yan did not hide it and said it directly, and saw the Sword Master's eyes focused, and a blazing light flashed.

"The Dragon Alliance has a young disciple, also called Chu Yan, who should be practicing in the Supreme Demon Palace now." The Sword Master said in a deep voice.

"I left the Supreme Demon Palace several months ago and returned to the central region yesterday." Chu Yan said calmly. After admitting it, he saw the Sword Master stand up and show a touch of respect.

"Hello, Young Master Chu!" Sword Master bowed slightly. Although he was a Sword Master, he knew very well that in terms of status, he was far inferior to Chu Yan.

"Senior, this is not allowed." Chu Yan hurriedly used his spiritual light and helped the other party up: "I happened to pass by here and learned that my Dragon Alliance was suppressed. Can you tell me the details?"

"To reply to Young Master Chu, it is true. The Broken Back City lineage is closer to the Chen clan, and it is easier to support. There are three immortal masters guarding it. There is only me in the Dragon Alliance." Sword Master sighed and directly admitted that he was inferior.

"On the way here, I heard that there will be a battle soon. What is the specific method of fighting?"

"Each side will send ten immortals to represent one side to decide the winner. The winner must cede Broken Back City and withdraw permanently."

"Just ten people to decide the ownership of a city?" Chu Yan was a little surprised.

"Well, of course, if you don't accept it, you can directly start a fairy war, but that will have too many consequences, so no one on both sides is willing to do so unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Do you have any candidates for the ten seniors?" Chu Yan asked with sudden realization, and Jian Zun nodded: "Indeed, there are some candidates, all of whom are top-level immortals, and some are recruited from the outside world."

"Count me in for this battle." Chu Yan smiled. Since he was here, he had to contribute.

"If Young Master Chu can fight, our Dragon Alliance will win this battle." Jian Zun said in surprise. He has heard a lot of legends about Chu Yan. An immortal can kill a venerable. With such a person fighting, how can he not win?

"By the way, Young Master Chu, although you have joined the camp, it is better not to expose yourself. Now the Chen clan and the Cantian Taoist Temple have joined forces and are full of murderous intentions towards you. Once exposed, they will inevitably do some crazy things." Jian Zun hesitated and added another sentence. Chu Yan nodded. This was also his own idea.

"Well, I will explain now. I will appoint you as the commander of 10,000 troops. It will be reasonable for you to go to war."

"I will follow your arrangement." Chu Yan said with a smile, and then ended the conversation with Jian Zun.

A few days later, Jian Zun directly announced that Chu Yan was appointed as the commander of 10,000 troops, which caused quite a stir in the camp.

"Senior, you are really not an ordinary person. You just joined the camp and became the commander of 10,000 troops." Qing Yang congratulated him after learning about it.

"Lucky." Chu Yan said lightly. He didn't care about the identity of the commander. He just wanted a title to participate in the war.

Zixuan was also in the crowd in the distance, as were many captains of the thousand-man army who attended the banquet that night. One of them looked at Zixuan and smiled sarcastically: "Zixuan, you introduced this person, right? Now, he is already the commander of the ten thousand-man army, which is higher than you."

"Sword Master appointed Brother Shanshi as the commander of the ten thousand-man army, of course, he has his reasons." Zixuan said calmly, but he didn't care. He was different from the others. He was a disciple of Sword Master, so he didn't care about his status that much. But many other captains of the thousand-man army were recruited casual cultivators.

"You are generous, but I don't accept that you just airdropped a captain of ten thousand people." A man next to him snorted coldly, then stood up and walked towards Chu Yan.

"It's Luan Xiong."

In the crowd, many people's eyes flashed. Luan Xiong, the first prodigy of the original Brokeback City generation, the top immortal realm, is now the captain of the thousand-man army like Zixuan, and is one of the candidates for the commander of the ten thousand-man army. But now, Chu Yan airdropped, directly depriving him of his opportunity.

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