Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1159 Another peerless genius [3rd update]

Feeling Luan Xiong's gaze, Qing Yang frowned: "What are you going to do?"

"I heard that not long ago, you killed a lot of Chen clan immortals?" Luan Xiong ignored Qing Yang, and his sharp eyes pierced Chu Yan.


"Me too." Luan Xiong said to himself: "It's just that I am different from you. Most of the people you killed in Brokeback City were just peripheral disciples of the Chen clan, and there was a fluke. But I was on the battlefield, taking the heads of enemy generals among ten thousand people. Every one of the people I killed was a general who had made great achievements in the Chen clan, and there were many Chen clan souls who died under my sword, if not a thousand, there were at least eight hundred."

"What do you want to say?" Chu Yan frowned, and finally raised his head.

"In this case, do you think that the commander of the ten thousand army is suitable for you, or am I more suitable?" Luan Xiong's sarcastic smile became stronger, and finally entered the topic. The lingering immortal light was born in his body, destroying everything, and turned into a blood-destroying light that enveloped Chu Yan.

"It was the Sword Master who personally appointed Senior Chu as the commander of the 10,000-man army!" Qing Yang said unhappily.

"So what if the Sword Master appointed you? Maybe the Sword Master made a mistake for a moment, maybe? But you came out of nowhere and want to surpass us, you are not worthy, just resign yourself." After Luan Xiong finished speaking, a flash of blood flashed on the sword in his hand and pointed at Chu Yan.

"What if I don't?" Chu Yan was still calm, as if everything was not so important to him.

"Then today, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave here." Luan Xiong smiled, arrogant, and the light of blood destruction was beating wildly in the air, making a rustling sound.

Looking up at the blood-colored storm, Chu Yan sighed. He came out of nowhere and became the commander of the 10,000-man army. It was normal for the other party to be dissatisfied, so he was too lazy to care and said to Qing Yang: "Let's go."

Qing Yang was stunned for a moment, glared at Luan Xiong, and then followed Chu Yan's pace.

But seeing this scene, everyone was slightly startled. Many of the people present were captains of a thousand men, and they had the opportunity to be promoted to commanders of ten thousand men. So although it was Luan Xiong who walked out, they were also angry in their hearts, but they didn't want Luan Xiong to be so direct.

"You are looking for death!" Luan Xiong's eyes flashed with anger, and he took a step forward, and the blood-colored storm was about to kill him.


But almost at the same time, Chu Yan turned around and waved his hand, and saw a token flying into the sky, and then it turned into a silver Ten Thousand Swords Formation, spinning wildly, and directly destroyed the blood light.

"It's the handwritten order of the Sword Master!" Someone recognized the token and said that the handwritten orders in the military camp were different from ordinary ones, and generally had the power of criminal law.

Just like the one in Chu Yan's hand, it could be activated with the power of immortality and could bring out the full force of the Sword Master, but this kind of handwritten order meant killing. Generally, in the military camp, it would only be activated against those criminals who committed serious crimes, but at this moment, Chu Yan actually used it on Luan Xiong.

Seeing the handwritten order, Luan Xiong stopped for a moment, his eyes were red with anger: "Is that all you have?"

"You said that you misjudged me when I appointed you as the Sword Master? In your heart, is there still the existence of the Sword Master? This time, I won't bother with you. If you dare to be rude again, don't blame me." Chu Yan said coldly, and then turned and left.

"You don't deserve the title of the commander of the 10,000-man army!" Luan Xiong looked at Chu Yan's back and said angrily, but Chu Yan ignored him.


Everyone was speechless. Although Luan Xiong's challenge was a bit rude in their eyes, the commander of the 10,000-man army should be high above. No matter what challenge he faced, he should take strong action and suppress it. Only such a person is worthy of this status, not like Chu Yan, who used handwritten orders to suppress others when someone challenged him.

This is a bit too much.

After Chu Yan left, someone looked at Zixuan and sneered: "Zixuan, it seems that the person you found is not very good. He dares not fight and is as timid as a mouse. However, he was appointed as the commander of 10,000 troops by Jian Zun. This process is really intriguing."

After hearing this person's words, someone immediately flashed a gleam of light. Does this mean that Chu Yan is bribing?

In addition, there is only this possibility, right?

Otherwise, why didn't he dare to fight when Luan Xiong invited him to fight?

"Shut up!"

Zixuan scolded, but also frowned slightly, obviously not very satisfied with Chu Yan's performance.

Chu Yan avoided the battle, not only others, but also his master was criticized.


After leaving, Chu Yan didn't care about other people's comments, but was light and unhappy.

Chu Yan had saved him in Brokeback City. He was so brave at that time that he killed all the members of the Chen clan, even immortals. In his heart, Qing Yang had long regarded Chu Yan as a brother and a senior figure, and respected him very much.

But just now, he was ridiculed by Luan Xiong, and he couldn't accept it.

"Senior, you obviously have unparalleled combat power. Why didn't you accept Luan Xiong's challenge just now?" Qing Yang didn't think that Chu Yan, who dared to kill even the Chen clan, was afraid of Luan Xiong.

"Why do you want to fight?" Chu Yan asked with a smile.

"Didn't they want to fight?"

"If they want to fight, you fight, and doesn't it make you look low-status?" Chu Yan smiled casually: "People of my generation practice, and the swords in our hands are for justice and family, not for fighting. Besides, even if I fight and beat Luan Xiong, there won't be a second Luan Xiong, right?"

"Everyone on the battlefield has survived on the edge of a knife all year round, and has their own pride. Whatever they think, it's up to them." Chu Yan shook his head, and after hearing this, he stood in awe.

He found that the longer he was in contact with Chu Yan, the deeper his unique charm became. No matter who he faced, he could be calm and composed. He was very different from the immortals he had seen in the past who were self-righteous and domineering as long as they had a little strength.

In the next few days, Chu Yan stayed in the camp to practice. Now he was at the top level of immortals. It was also a very critical moment. The next step was to become an immortal master.

Only when he reached the level of immortal master could he have a place in the immortal realm. He would not be looked down upon and bullied wherever he went like before.

In the camp, the commander of the 10,000-man army had a separate courtyard. On this day, Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the room to feel the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After a long time, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"

Chu Yan sighed after calming down. He had fought with countless immortal masters and felt the power of the Changyun King. Just now, he tried to use the realm of immortals to deduce the power of immortal masters and integrate the power of consciousness into heaven and earth. Unfortunately, he failed.

"I clearly have thirteen kinds of color consciousness, but I still can't integrate consciousness into the world like a true immortal. It seems that there are some essential differences between immortals and immortals, except for the strength of consciousness."

When you reach the level of immortal, you will merge with the sky and become a part of this world, and you can also control the world, but immortals can't do that.

Even if Chu Yan can kill the immortal with the realm of immortal, it still won't work.

"You still need to work hard." Shaking his head, Chu Yan went into seclusion again. Since this method doesn't work, he will try another way. In addition, there are secret methods such as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda and the Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic, which are now waiting for him to study.

This time he went to the God's Palace and was one step closer to what his parents did. Therefore, he felt the endless power from the masked man, so he needed to become stronger, until one day, he defeated him and entered the God's Palace.


In the central part of the fairyland, the Chen clan, the Chen clan today, has merged the three sword emperors of the Sword God Mountain, and has the alliance of the Cantian Taoist Temple. It is much stronger than before.

On this day, there was a huge fighting platform on the top of the Chen clan. Around the platform, there were complicated fairy pattern barriers that kept flashing, which could resist all attacks below the level of the fairy emperor.

There were two figures on the platform, with a sharp contrast. One of them was a handsome young man, a top fairy. Opposite him was a first-level fairy. Just looking at the realm, the result of this battle was self-evident, but at this time, many people gathered and were looking at this battle. Even the emperor Chen himself came in person.

This battle has too much meaning.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the young man jumped into the air. Around him, countless ancient characters flew, and finally gathered in his palm, with a trace of destructive power, which made thousands of stars dim, and rushed towards the fairy master.

The fairy master shouted angrily, and behind him was the light of the sun and the moon, the yin and yang poles, which turned into a series of light and shadows that collided with the ancient characters, but then, his power was completely shattered, and those ancient characters seemed indestructible, and formed a huge sky curtain that fell.

"Puff!" Hit by the ancient character sky curtain, the Immortal Venerable strongman spat out a mouthful of blood, his body flipped out on the spot, and with a bang, he hit the Immortal Pattern Array Road, and then stopped.

Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts condensed: "Young Master Huangsheng is so strong!"

"Immortal Defeat Venerable... My Chen clan has also produced such a top-level peerless genius!" Next to Emperor Chen, an old man with his waist bent excitedly said, Immortal Defeat Venerable, looking at the Immortal Realm, will definitely cause a sensation, just like Chu Yan back then, and now, their Chen clan also has one.

Looking at the battle stage, Emperor Chen nodded approvingly, he really didn't make a mistake. Huangsheng, although not the highest realm among his descendants, must be the most talented, and did not disappoint him.

"During the battle, Young Master Huangsheng was not affected by it, but devoted himself to cultivation. Now, decades have passed. Although he missed many relics in the fairyland, his own realm has reached a leap. Even Chu Yan may not be better than Young Master Huangsheng, right?" Someone laughed and said, "My Chen clan has a successor."

"Congratulations to Emperor Chen!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Chen!" Immediately, a loud voice rang out in the Chen clan.

"Father Emperor." After defeating an immortal, Chen Huangsheng walked down from the battle stage without showing any pride.

"How do you feel?"

"Not bad, easier than expected."

"Now that you have comprehended the four consciousnesses and have the Immortal King's Law of the Holy Mountain, your future achievements will definitely be higher than mine, but don't neglect it." Emperor Chen nodded. Although the Holy King's Law was taken away by Chu Yan at the beginning, he had already left a copy and passed it to Chen Huangsheng.

"I know. After all, he has achieved this more than ten years ago. Next, I will work harder and one day, I will wash away the shame." Chen Huangsheng's eyes burned with a hint of fighting spirit. The battle at the Demon Mountain that year was an absolute shame for him, and it was also because of that battle that he became what he is today.

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