Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1157 Invincible Posture

As he spoke, the man showed a look of pain, and Chu Yan pondered on the side. Indeed, this is the world of cultivation, where martial arts is the most important thing. Without strength, and in troubled times, one's fate will inevitably drift like ups and downs, and one's life In the hands of others.

"Today, a senior can take action, letting me know that there are still righteous people in this world. But if the senior kills a disciple of the Chen clan, the Chen clan will definitely not give up. It's better to leave as soon as possible." The young man said again, the Chen clan is now in Broken Back The power of the city is too great. Although Chu Yan is strong, there is only one person, how can he compete with it.

"No, I don't care about the Chen clan." Chu Yan smiled calmly and asked, "Is there a Dragon League camp recently?"

"There is one thing, but the situation is not very good." The young man responded.

"Why do you say that?"

"Although Brokeback City is the center of the central region, according to the terrain, it is more biased toward the Chen clan. The support from the Dragon Alliance is not enough. It has been suppressed recently. Just today, there was another collision. It should be almost impossible to hold on." The young man said truthfully. , in Brokeback City, the Dragon Alliance disciples did not have an advantage. The two sides collided several times and were all defeated.

Chu Yan's eyes froze slightly and he said, "Maybe you can take me there?"

"Okay!" The young man was stunned for a moment, and then he was unambiguous. Chu Yan saved his life and agreed directly.

"Come up." Chu Yan offered the divine weapon wooden boat and motioned for the young man to come up. Brokeback City is not big, but it is not small either. The Brokeback Mountains are endless. The young man is just a king, and his speed is too slow.

The young man also knew this very well, so he jumped onto the canoe and pointed in a direction. But just as the canoe was about to start running, a low roar suddenly erupted from the sky in the distance, and he saw ancient characters descending one after another, with overwhelming murderous intent. Destroy everything, and you can feel the intimidation of the ancient characters from a thousand meters away.


Someone said in shock, and then looked at Chu Yan angrily: "It's a powerful immortal from the Chen clan. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I'm afraid this guy will be in trouble this time."

"who is it?"

Along with the arrival of the ancient characters, several figures stepped forward from the billowing sky. They were all immortals. Next to them, there was a saint, who was the disciple who had just been scolded by Chu Yan. He looked at Chu Yan evilly: "The Immortal, he is the one who killed my disciples of the Chen Clan, and the people around him also dared to speak out and humiliate my Chen Clan."

Hearing the words of the disciple of the Chen clan, the young man's face darkened and he shouted in a low voice: "It's because the Chen clan is tyrannical and tyrannical that seniors take action!"

"No matter what, those who kill our Chen clan will be punished. If you dare to humiliate the Chen clan, you will also die." The immortal powerful man of the Chen clan said coldly. On the wooden boat, the young man immediately despaired. He was an immortal. If you want to kill him, how can he survive?

But at this moment, Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the saint of the Chen clan who spoke: "I told you to go away, but you still dare to come back. In this case, you don't have to leave."


The next moment, Chu Yan raised his hand and held it through the void a thousand meters away. He saw a demonic arm reaching out from the sky, crushing the space and attacking the saint of the Chen clan. The saint was frightened, but the demon The arm was so strong that it didn't even give him a chance to escape. With a bang, his body was crushed.

At the moment of death, his eyes were wide open and full of disbelief.

This ending was far different from what he thought.

He had found a powerful person in the immortal position. Shouldn't he kill him forcefully and let Chu Yan perish in regret?

But why is he the one who dies?

"No!" The saint screamed, but it was too late. Under the power of the demon arm, all his limbs and bones were shattered, turned into flying smoke, and died directly.

"Presumptuous!" The powerful immortals of the Chen Clan were also angry. Today they came, but this guy actually dared to take action and kill the disciples of the Chen Clan. Are you crazy?

"you wanna die!"

A powerful Immortal from the Chen Clan roared angrily, ancient characters circling around, as if the power from the beginning of time immemorial made the void space become absurd and lonely, destroying everything, crushing Chu Yan through the air.

Several immortals took action together. For some saints, it was a doomsday disaster. Looking up at the wooden boat where Chu Yan was, he sighed in his heart. Under such an attack, he would definitely die.

Some people lamented that it was not easy for someone to take action for Brokeback City, but would they be killed by the Chen Clan soon?

"Boom!" The terrifying power destroyed everything, and the light was so dazzling that everyone closed their eyes, unable to look directly at it, and all looked sideways.

After that, the light was endless, as if no life was allowed to exist in it.

Glancing down, the Chen Clan's immortal warrior snorted coldly. He also believed that Chu Yan was dead. He turned around and said coldly: "In Brokeback City, I, the Chen Clan, are the kings. Anyone who dares to touch the majesty of the Chen Clan will be punished." No mercy, no mercy!”


However, at this moment, a trace of dark power suddenly appeared within the burning light. Then, an invisible vortex appeared out of thin air, swallowing everything. In the blink of an eye, it swallowed up all the light.

The light disappeared, and everyone saw that the divine weapon wooden boat was intact. Chu Yan and the young man were still standing there, as if nothing had happened.

"This..." Everyone's hearts trembled slightly. Under such a killing, Chu Yan actually survived?

The expressions of the powerful immortals of the Chen Clan also turned gloomy. They were all top immortals, and the attack just now used the ancient secrets of the Chen Clan, but they failed to kill Chu Yan?

"Are you scratching my itch?" Chu Yan smiled coldly.

The eyes of the Chen Clan's powerful immortal became cold when he saw someone stepping out and shouted in a low voice: "Let's do it together and kill him!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, Wanfa bloomed in the stars, very dazzling, and immediately turned into a killing storm, falling with Chu Yan as the center.

As soon as Chu Yan raised his hand, a layer of golden light shield appeared around him, flashing ripples, and Wanfa hit the golden shield with a violent explosion.

Immediately, everyone was stunned. Each of the destructive attacks containing immortal power did not even break through Chu Yan's defense?

The heart of the young man beside Chu Yan was trembling wildly. He originally thought that Chu Yan was just an immortal cultivator, but now it seems that how powerful he is?

"Chen Clan, are you such a waste?"

All methods were shattered. Looking at the powerful immortals of the Chen clan, they were no longer calm. They all realized that Chu Yan was not simple.

"In that case, then you will all be buried here today." Chu Yan's arrogant shout was like the words of the gods, concluding everything. He raised his hand, and cracks appeared in the sky, and then crossed the sky. A river of swords of stars emerges, capable of cutting off the sky, destroying the earth, and shattering stars.

The expressions of the immortals of the Chen Clan changed with shock, and they all showed a trace of fear. Then someone reacted very quickly, using the body-protecting immortal light, and turned around to escape, but under the sword river, it was too late, and with the clanking sound in the sword river, it was too late. , the sword curtain came, directly covering several people, and with a pop, the bodies of several immortals were cut off.


The sky was suddenly filled with screams, until finally, the last immortal of the Chen clan was killed under the ruthless sword light, turned into powder, and disappeared into nothingness.

"This..." The Brokeback City people looked up and saw that scene, and their hearts trembled wildly. That was an immortal. Just like that, he was killed with a sword?

Before, a saint from the Chen clan was killed after unleashing wild words. Later, he found an immortal, but the result was the same. He was killed with a sword. Who was this person?

The young man who was with Chu Yan was the most shocked.

"Ah...!" In the distance, saints from the Chen clan roared one after another. Among the many immortals who died, some of their elders and teachers were killed. They must avenge this.

"Who are you, your Excellency? Are you not afraid of revenge at all for killing me, a strong man from the Chen clan, so unscrupulously?" A disciple of the Chen clan roared.

"From today on, I will protect you from Brokeback City. People from the Chen clan can stay here, but it is best to abide by some rules. Anyone who dares to dominate the world and bully men and women, no matter where they come from, will be punished if I know it. Kill them." After destroying many immortals of the Chen clan, Chu Yan was arrogant and arrogant. Then he looked at the saints of the Chen clan and said, "Now, you can go back and report."

The disciples of the Chen clan all turned red-eyed and turned to leave. This matter was too big and they could no longer make the decision.

"Let's go too." Looking at the young man, Chu Yan said, and the divine weapon wooden boat started to move, leaving a ray of starry light that rushed into the sky.

Looking at the back, the people in Brokeback City were stunned. Someone whispered: "Who is he? Do any of you know?"

"I've never heard of him. From the look of him, he seems to be still very young, but his combat power is as strong as the genius of the top power. He is too strong."

"The times...are indeed changing. In troubled times, brilliant figures will be born. Unfortunately, we are only witnesses of an era after all, but we can't change anything." There are also talented people who sigh. In Brokeback City, they all have troubles. His small fame is far from enough compared to that kind of person.

"He seems to have gone to the Dragon Alliance station. It is said that a handsome man from the Chen clan is coming soon, but I don't know who will be stronger when they meet."

"Are you talking about Chen Huangsheng?" Upon hearing that person's words, someone immediately flashed a light. In the past ten years, Chen Huangsheng's name has been very loud in the central area.

"Probably, Chen Huangsheng is stronger. It is said that Chen Huangsheng has been practicing in seclusion for the past few decades. He has never participated in the Shenglong Pavilion or many fairyland relics. He only came out of seclusion not long ago. When he came out, he was already a top immortal. It’s time to understand the color consciousness.”

There was a discussion left in Brokeback City.

Chu Yan didn't know what everyone was discussing later, and he rushed to the Dragon Alliance camp under the guidance of the young man with the help of the divine weapon wooden boat, as fast as lightning.

Chu Yan has a strong sense of belonging to the Dragon Alliance. The most important thing is that over the years, the Dragon Alliance has been paying for him, but he rarely does anything for the Dragon Alliance. Of course, this is also related to his low level, but It's different now. He has reached the top immortal position and already has a certain amount of power in the immortal realm. Besides, there is a Saint Emperor standing behind him. Now that he has returned, it is time to do something in return for the Dragon Alliance.

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