Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1156 Today’s Central Fairyland [Three Updates]

Feeling those sword lights, Zhishangyun shouted coldly, and his huge demon claws stretched out. With a bang, the Demon Palace trembled slightly.

"Unbreakable!" Zhishangyun laughed sarcastically, but the next moment his eyes focused, and he saw that in the ruins, sword shadows were everywhere, and with a bang, they shot through, and then they were ruthless and endless, like a sword rain, directly covering him.

"Roar——" Under the endless swords of Zhuxian, Zhishangyun roared, and then his demon body exploded, like a demon god, frantically resisting those sword lights.

It must be said that although Zhishangyun is only the first level of the Immortal Venerable, he can deduce the color consciousness. He is very powerful, and he is several levels stronger than Zi Shengyang. The dark fist shadows of the sky killed everything, and the sound of bangs rang out, and the swords of Zhuxian were shattered.


The last sword was destroyed, and Zhishang Yun showed a fierce look, ready to continue, but the next moment, his body froze, because when all the sword lights ended, he saw a white figure flying towards him, passing through the void, and then a sword gradually solidified in front of him, and finally stopped at his throat.

He had no doubt that as long as the sword moved forward an inch, he would die.

"Young Master Yun, you lost." Chu Yan said coldly with a silver sword in his hand.

Zhishang Yun's face was extremely gloomy. He was in the realm of immortals, but he lost?

Moreover, he was made a marquis by a sword.

As long as Chu Yan wanted, he could take his life at any time.

This made his self-esteem disappear, and he felt extremely ashamed.

"Now, are you satisfied?"

"Do you know now why it was him and not you?"

The devilish thoughts of the Supreme Demon Emperor were in the sky, coldly speaking. His words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, completely overwhelming Supreme Cloud. He spat out a mouthful of blood and was seriously injured by a fire in his heart.

"I am not as good as you..." Supreme Cloud lowered his head, and his whole body was in a state of loss of soul. Where was the arrogance and arrogance before? He turned and left.

Looking at the back of Supreme Cloud, Chu Yan also sighed. He didn't want to do this, but the other party forced him.

"Demon Emperor, I'm sorry." Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"What does it have to do with you? He is a great immortal, but he forced you to take action. He thought he was so great. It's good that he lost this time. He can learn a lesson after he is defeated." The Supreme Demon Emperor shook his head and said that he asked Chu Yan to take action today, just to tell Supreme Cloud that there are people outside people and there are heavens outside heavens.

But to be honest, Supreme Cloud's defeat was so thorough that it was still beyond his expectations.

"Keep practicing. Tell me when you want to return to Zhongzhou." The Supreme Demon Emperor instructed again. Chu Yan nodded and left.

Then, a few days later, the defeat of Supreme Yun caused a great response in the Demon Palace, especially those who witnessed Chu Yan's surrender that day.

Originally, this battle could have been avoided. Chu Yan had been admitting defeat, but Supreme Yun disagreed and insisted on fighting. In the end, he lost. How ironic?

Of course, Chu Yan was helpless about this matter, so he was ready to leave early and go back to Zhongzhou.

Then, after a few days of reorganization, Chu Yan was ready to leave, bid farewell to the Supreme Demon Emperor, and prepared to leave.


The fairyland is endless. Above a sea of ​​clouds, there is a wooden boat, speeding fast.

On the wooden boat, there was a figure in white, lying lazily on it. It was Chu Yan. The space wooden boat under him was a gift from the Demon Emperor. It could be used as a means of transportation. It was comparable to the speed of a primary immortal emperor. Even if it crossed the void space, it would not be disturbed.

Now, he has been away from the Supreme Demon Palace for several months. He was holding a wine gourd in his hand, and he was very comfortable.

On the way, he passed through many immortal realms and stopped there. When he met a villain, he would do good deeds. Now there is only one piece of void space left from the middle of the immortal realm. Thinking that he can go back soon, he is in a good mood.

The middle of the immortal realm has undergone great changes in the past ten years. The Dragon Alliance has become independent and destroyed the Sword God Mountain, which has reduced the top power in the middle of the immortal realm.

In addition, the Tianhua Immortal Palace also officially announced that it had reached an alliance with the Dragon Alliance. With the relocated Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion, the Holy Dragon Mountain and the Dragon Alliance are originally one, so it goes without saying that this force is gradually growing.

The Chen clan has also expanded rapidly in the past two years. On the day when the Sword God Mountain was destroyed, three sword emperors escaped and joined the Chen clan. In addition, they were helped by the strong men from the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Supreme Military Hall, so they were also very strong.

So the current central part has become a world divided into two parts.

There is a city in the middle of the fairyland. This city is called: Brokenback City. Its name is the same as its origin. This life is built on a mountain range, located in the center of the middle of the fairyland. It is continuous and separates the fairyland from it.

Because it is located in the center of the middle of the fairyland, it has become the main battlefield for the collision between the two sides.

In Brokenback City, the two forces have been exchanging fire continuously, which has reached the level of fairy war. There are many fairy-level strong men here.

On this day, in Brokenback City, there was a family who was fleeing very quickly. They were originally the indigenous residents of Brokenback City, but not long ago, the garrison of the Cantian Taoist Temple and the Chen clan came and forcibly occupied this place. Not only that, they also asked each clan to offer women, which made them furious.

Seeing what happened to this family, many people felt sympathy, but they dared not say much.

"Asshole, the two sides are fighting and must not disrupt the order of the fairyland. Don't you care about them?" But at this moment, a young man suddenly came over with anger in his eyes.

"Hush!" Someone nearby heard the young man's words and hurriedly lowered his voice: "Little brother, keep your voice down. They are all big shots of the Chen clan, and there are also people from the Taoist Temple. If you mess with them, you will die."

"It's deplorable that the top powers are fighting against each other and want ordinary people like us to suffer. It's completely unreasonable." But the young man did not listen to the advice. Instead, he continued. Not long ago, his family was also unfairly killed by the Chen clan. His sister was taken to a military camp and her life and death are still uncertain.

At this moment, a gaze suddenly fell on the young man, showing a ridiculous look. Then he took a loud step forward, and there was endless pressure, and the terrifying holy will was shattered towards the young man.

The young man was just a king. Feeling the destructive power, he showed despair. The people around him sighed and said, don't talk nonsense.

There was a young man in white walking on the street. It was Chu Yan. He was coming from the opposite direction, passing through Brokeback City, which was the land of Dragon Alliance Royal Command, so he wanted to take a break for a while.

Unexpectedly, he saw this scene, which made him frown and buzz. With just one glance, the saint of the Chen clan froze, and felt as if he was locked by an eye of death. His body trembled wildly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. .

"Who is the senior?" the Chen clan disciples asked in horror.

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately is inhumane and should be punished."

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, and in the void, thunder and storms had condensed, turning into thousands of immortal-killing thunder swords.

Falling into the swordsmanship, the Chen Clan disciple's heart suddenly became cold. Just looking at it made him tremble all over. He could feel that the other party was actually an immortal. He let out a low cry: "You can't kill me. I am a Chen Clan disciple." disciple."

"Chen clan?"

Chu Yan smiled coldly, and then he slapped it with one hand from the air. With a bang, he saw that the Chen clan disciple's body was twisted, was slapped into the ground, and was shattered on the spot.


Countless people were extremely shocked when they saw this scene. First, they were surprised by Chu Yan's power. Brokeback City was not a big city and there were very few immortals. Most of them were in the realm of sages.

Second, he was shocked that Chu Yan dared to kill the disciples of the Chen clan. You must know that the Broken Bei City is now occupied by the Chen clan, and there are even powerful immortals among them.

Seeing their companions being slapped to death, the faces of the other disciples of the Chen Clan suddenly turned gloomy, and they looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Your Excellency, don't you consider the consequences of killing my disciple of the Chen Clan?"

"Consequences? Humph, he's not qualified to let me think about the consequences. Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of here!" Chu Yan shouted loudly, and his immortal thoughts exploded into violent force, making the faces of the disciples of the Chen clan even more gloomy. .

Chu Yan is too strong and cannot be resisted by them.

"Although your Excellency is strong, our Chen clan is the number one force in the central part of the country today. You can't just let it go if you kill people from my Chen clan." Another disciple of the Chen clan whispered.

"Aren't you going? Then stay." Chu Yan said indifferently, and then he pressed his big hand. For a moment, the space was distorted, as if a huge magic arm protruded from the sky, and there was a loud rumbling sound. Bang, the Chen clan disciple who spoke was immediately beaten to death.

"You are so presumptuous!" This time, the Chen clan was completely jealous. A bloodline heir led by him glared at Chu Yan and said in an extremely cold voice: "Now that our Chen clan occupies the central part and is the top power, you kill people like this, aren't you afraid of retaliation?" ?"

"The Chen clan is cruel and cruel here and has committed great evils. If I kill you, I will also kill you. Who dares to take revenge?" Chu Yan said with a smile, "Chen clan?" We have long been sworn enemies.

"Now, everyone get out! From today on, I will kill anyone I see from the Chen clan." Chu Yan scolded again, with no concealment of murderous intention towards the Chen clan in his eyes, which made the Chen clan's expressions even colder. A top power, even a saint, must be respected wherever he goes. It has been a long time since he was humiliated like this.

Two people died in a row, and the Chen clan also understood that the person in front of him was probably not simple, and did not care about the identity of the Chen clan at all, so he could only endure it for now and wait until he went back to find the powerful immortal.

"Wait!" The Chen clan disciple threatened, turned around and ran away.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at the family that was destroyed by the Chen clan. There were some women and children inside, crying sadly.

"This year, the Chen clan has been dominating the world. They are no longer the first family. Not long ago, all my clan members... were also killed. My sister was even captured and taken to the Chen clan's military camp." The young man from before clenched his fists and whispered.

"Is there no one in charge here?" Chu Yan asked, and the young man laughed at himself: "Today, the Chen clan has gathered the support of three sword emperors and towering Taoist temples to compete with the Dragon Alliance. How to manage it? Who should be in charge?"

"Where's the Dragon Alliance?"

"The world is too big, and Brokeback City is just a small place. When the world is in chaos, how can the Dragon Alliance take care of them all? It's a pity that in this troubled world, we monks are so humble that even our families can't revenge."

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